[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:17 pm

Mark puts her hand over her chin and thinks taping once again back into Mings memories. "Well, I could try to phase through to the exit, but I don't think I could bring you with me" she says before looking back at the mech girl who keeps dodging her question. "But I still want to know whats going on outside. Is there a fight breaking out, what?!" demands Mark.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:35 am

Zoey wrote:Mark puts her hand over her chin and thinks taping once again back into Mings memories. "Well, I could try to phase through to the exit, but I don't think I could bring you with me" she says before looking back at the mech girl who keeps dodging her question. "But I still want to know whats going on outside. Is there a fight breaking out, what?!" demands Mark.

Mimi was getting visuals via satellite over what was going on and was able to keep an eye on Kat that way. Still was only making her nervous as Kat was trying to do what she could to help. Mimi was at the moment wishing Kat would stop trying to be a hero. Her dread was growing as it seems like visuals were slowly disappearing.

"Well please try to phase use though with me or at least phase the door when we get to it," said Mimi as Mecha Musume. She then began to hold on tightly with against Ming's body hoping that will work. "There is a disaster happening that I need to get to. Please do it. It is very important."

The two were coming close to a door.
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Re: [SRP] No More Heroes–Issue 3: Hopeful despair.

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:57 pm

(Been busy in RL blah blah I'll try to get a post for everyone tonight. though is Miku-chan around? Putting her character on afk status for now)
Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
AFK – character skipped.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
(eh there’s still really nothing for me to do here, if you want me to intercede with a NPC I could but honestly forcing the issue is rather redundant but guess I might as well since your responding overly slow given how urgent the other situation is)
Quick post – just then the power came back on or that’s what it seemed like as whatever it was had tripped the labs security systems as barrier walls came down nigh instantly as the lights turned red in alert status. From the sides of the room came the hissing of gas, Mimi would be able to tell it was a variation of knock out gas, though on mutants it had a 2ndary effect to make them would likely make them brain dead horny though admittedly from what Mimi knew that was standard for the mutants with natural resistant in case the knockout portion didn’t work.

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
She would find sitting next to him to be mind numbing as the more she resisted the more her body would demand it until it became hard to breath or even think. If past experience told her anything it was that if she stayed with him it would be inevitable what would happen as her began to feel her nipples getting hard at just the thought. As she sat there pondering she finally got a break as someone finally cut through on the mic with fairly simple orders ‘head to the docks with the package’ before it cut out again. Her increasing muddled thoughts were interrupted by what she thought was a skimpily dressed little girl calling her from within the forest, it felt so surreal though it probably didn’t help that the girl was giving out sparkles.
Plot choice - pretty much you either do the orders and the dirty or disobey orders and hedge bets on the glowing thingy.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime

As the black cloaked figure approached he snickered in an audibly raspy voice that felt like it could flay their flesh off just from listening to it, as he came closer and closer the it was as if they were listening to death approaching “More and more join this little circus but how utterly pointless it’ll be in the end.” He said as one step after another he slowly menaced forwards. If Zilla’s hologram did anything he gave no indication as under the hood of his cloak there was simply blackness like the outfit itself it made it nearly impossible to tell.
With a sudden lunge his arm pierced the hologram his movement clearly superhuman as his speed was almost a blur in one moment he was walking the next the hologram was run through. As Zilla fired her rounds, almost as if in slow motion she could see his mouth for a moment lip reading “Just kidding” as the arm that pierce the hologram instantly split apart in to a trio of giant scythe like blades the light of the moon and the flames of the fires reflecting upon them as if they were welt by the grim reaper himself the bullets were instantly smashed apart in mid flight.
Straightening up the he spoke up “Are parlor tricks all the newest sentinel unit can offer? I was hoping that you would show a interesting weapon how disappointing but I guess that’s government work for you.” he said mockingly as he rushed towards Horo and the others more or less ignoring her.
Inside Hime’s systems a 2ndary function activated upon that programs mention ‘sentinel’ as she suddenly had a overwhelming urge not to stop the villain or save the girl, but rather put down the rogue mutant. As her true function came to light she would find her human brain fighting against the systems demand that she exterminate Horo.

On the other end while Zilla and the man in black fought and Job’s approached closer and closer, apparently whatever he held also gave him super hearing as he overhear what Lulu had said. The trio could feel fear caress there bodies as his voice echoed to them. “So you know of what is going on. I guess I’ll have to extract it from you.” He spoke in a calm tone, his face however looked as if the flesh had disappeared leaving just the bone, the eyes digging into their soul as if it were going to devour her, the fear entering their entire body with a crippling weight.
This was cut short as the voice from earlier returned, this time dim as if distant however it echoed not only in Lulu’s head but in horo’s and cat’s as well. “Quickly she must fin….e key… your ….y hope rests in the m……. lif…” the voice fading in and out just as quickly as it had come. It was however enough to lift the weight of the fear as they could see villains closing in on both sides.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:10 am

What? AI??? Hime thought. Why did they install these subroutines in me!?

Hime realized some automated protocols were trying to seize control of her body. All based on one root word...

She could feel her systems engaging in subroutines, setting up autonomous loops, and essentially removing her from the body's decision process. She was almost ready for it. Almost.

Her head swiveled slightly and locked on to Horo's form. She could trace the command as it jumped memory registers and journeyed into her processor. Another command manifested, telling her to lock her weapons on the lupine creature. She hastily issued a lockout procedure, trying to seal up any pathways that command could take. She was effectively trying to quarantine her own system, but it was tricky. The command slipped by, and all her targeting software was trained on the wolf.

No! This is MY body, I get to designate the priorities! Hime cried.

The next command to be executed was weapon deploying. Hime stalled it with an empty Do-While statement while she set up some recursive calls to empty functions. It didn't take long for her redundancy checker to drop her out of her endless loop, and her arm pointed directly at Horo, a series of ionic pulse emitters popping out of her smooth metal skin.

Okay, don't panic! Hime said, as she felt that final command drifting toward her processor. She willed her arm to move, she willed her locks to drop, she willed her weapons to disarm. She couldn't concentrate on the programming, she was too wrapped up in instinct, her own reflexes fighting against her...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:19 am

Mark was very hesitant at the request. She knew whats happened before and that Ming herself wasn't that adept at using it, much less Mark. She mumbled to herself before the power went on and she noticed the gas starting. If this wasn't an indication to hurry, who knows what else i'd be. Mark quickly grabbed Mecha Musume's hand. "Ok, I'll try!..." she said closing her eyes trying her best to concentrate trying to make both herself and Mecha Musume intangible to cross the walls and head outside. She groaned and gripped tightly as she both tapped into Ming's memories and powers for this feat.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:53 am

Mimi began to up her speed. She just got a reading that the power just came on and that the defense system had just activated. She could tell by the sensor that this gas was made to make mutants like herself act ditzy. Mimi knew that but her 'Mecha Musume' armor should be able to filter out the gas but she still had to worry about Ming.

It was only a matter of time and they are literally going to hit a wall. Either they will phase though it or Mimi was going to pound into it. There was no stopping now because becoming a ditz isn't an option.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:11 am

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
quick post -
They succeed though Mimi has trouble controlling her speed as no soon then they exit outside does she hit mach as all the non reinforced windows shatter. The pair finds themselves very quick thousands of feet off the ground as they can see the fires and explosions of the battle in the not too far distance.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:53 am

Horo eyed the black cloaked man carefully as the robot girl fought against him. She blinked as the various clones appeared about the cloaked man as was taken aback a moment by the sudden appearance of other robots that look just like the first one until she noticed that they had no scent and so in essence were not really there. As this was occuring, Horo was slowly backing away from the man, trying to keep enough distance from him that should he attack her or try to get to Cat, the young girl currently perched on her back, then she would have a chance to react. As she moved backwards, one of her hind legs bumped into the body of one of the black dressed soldiers she had been fighting with a few moments ago. She wasn't able to tell if this soldier was alive or dead, though she had no delibrately being trying to kill them, she was a massive creature at the moment and accidental trampling or over exhertion of jaw pressure could have killed on of them. Stepping over the body before bending down and gripping it in her jaw for a moment, before her eyes went back to the scene of the girl robot battling the strange cloaked man. Confident as she was in talking on the soldiers before, they had just be human, well armed but still human. She was not so confident about fighting these others who were displaying powers abnormal even compared to what she had witnessed already, which made things feel right out of her league. This was confirmed moments later when the cloaked man seemed to easily defend himself against the robots attack, her eyes flicking back and forth as she followed the flashing lights of the scythe blades. The words he spoke next meant little enough to Horo but she was able to tell it was some form of taunt towards the cyborg girl. The next moment she watched the scythe armed man rushing towards her, causing her back legs to tense up for a moment as she prepared to move.

As Horo prepared to act and attempt to escape, a sense of fear ran throughout her entire lupine body as she heard the voice of the man from the stage before, who had battled the machines in such a one-sided fight. She wasn't too sure of the meaning of his words, but the intent was clear enough, that he meant harm to them. Horo flinched at the sensation of fear, all the animal instincts going wild, urging her to try and move, to escape but the fear caused by the approaching man was crippling, the only movement she managed was that her jaws would clamp tighter onto the body she had picked up. A moment later, her long ears would twitch and stand up at the sound of another voice, though this one seemed to be inside her head, she did not understand the meaning of these words either, but they did seem to be more friendly than those of the others around her. She could feel the fear drain from her body as the voice in her head seemed to fade and control of all four of her limbs returned to her properly. She wasn't able to warn Cat properly about what she was going to do, all she could manage was a muffled growl, as her front legs began to tense up as well. Her first action was to toss her head to one side quickly, releasing her jaws from the body that she had picked up before, hurling it in the direction of the oncoming man in the black cloak, before bounding forward after the thrown body. She didn't imagine even a the dead weight of a flying human body would stop the scythe armed man but it might break his concentration for long enough for her to get around him. As the body flew in his direction, Horo would approach up quickly behind it, Not able to check on Cat, just hoping the girl was holding on, As she drew close to the flying body and the cloaked man, she would veer away to oneside, so she would rush past him, gaining speed as she ran. As she continued the mad dash away from the scene, she noticed from one corner of her eyes that the cybernetic girl, who had tried to help Cat seemed now to be pointing a weapon in their direction. This confused Horo for a moment but did not slow her down. She wanted away from here and away from these fearsome individuals.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:13 am

Mark looks extremely shocked at the surroundings. It was like she was in the middle of a war, but more pressing was the fact that she and Mecha were very high up. Trying to keep her composure and power in check she tries to lower herself with Mecha to ground level.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:47 am

Mimi was very surprise at how easy it was to hit mach speed. Still Mimi looked down at the ground below and could see that things looked like a battlefield. She knew that she would have to speed up in order to find Kat. This was going have to be a quick in and out type of mission.

"I am going to head to the middle of that mess and try to drop you off close by. I need to look for somebody," said Mecha Musume to Ming as she flew towards the general direction where Kat was. She was trying to get a good reading of what was happening.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:54 pm

A shiver ran down Cat's spine as she heard the voice, and turned her head just slightly, blue eyes widening behind her glasses at the sight of the man with what seemed to be just a skinless skull for a face. She already ached, and now she felt her muscles seizing up from the fear that wrapped around her, suffocating her. Not for the first time, she felt herself actually coming close to wetting herself, until another voice spoke inside her head. The message was unclear, but the tone offered hope. There was little time to think however as the giant wolf lunged forward and broke into a run, with Cat just about able to get a firm grasp in time to avoid falling off. Everything became a blur now, but there was more confusion as she thought amongst it all she saw the robo-girl now aiming weapons in their direction. Wrapping both arms around Horo's neck, she leaned down against the wolf's back as they raced towards the man in the cloak, her own heart pounding away inside her chest. Wriggling onto her knees, she lifted her head to watch as the distance between them and the figure grew smaller and smaller, and just as Horo swerved to one side, she flung herself off the wolf's back, and threw her arms out, trying to wrap them around the neck of the cloak figure and drag him off his feet with her momentum....
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:44 am

"Hey, the flying surprised me too. Gah, bullets!" Lulu had to shoot back up into the air a little ways to dodge the mounting attack on the wolf and, once she was up there, the weird voice emerged in her thoughts again. "The key to... wait what? Could you say that again, there was like some psychic static or something." Lulu hovers, hoping to get a response from the voice.

Seeing as none was forthcoming, and that the wolf was off and running, Lulu jetted forward, keeping pace with the creature. "Why didn't she want to fly out of here,down there is super dangerous. Oh no, don't tell me..." she sighs as Cat goes flying through the air toward the guy who looked to be trying to kidnap her. "Oh no you don't. For freedom and metal!" she cries as she swoops down, aiming to intercept Cat's trajectory, scoop her up and sail back into the air. And hopefully deliver a kick to the head of the cloaked figure, for good measure.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:17 pm

Neither choice seemed promising at the moment... but as her breasts heave and nipples harden... she knew what would happen if she stayed. Opening the door, she rushes out of the cab while she still can... Her heels clacking on the pavement as she heads towards the surreal calling.

If it turned out to be nothing... she could always come back. The DA wasn't going anywhere... she just hoped she didn't come across a man. Disobeying her body took about all the willpower she had left.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:34 pm

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Ming and Mimi would find out the hard way that moving at mach speeds with someone increasing your weight is not such a smart idea as the pair plummeted towards the grounds just as fast as they had risen into the air. Mimi’s system not properly compensating for the sudden weight change, thankfully there wasn’t much in the way between them and the expo other then forest and roads as the pair crashed into the forest nearby. While the inertia dampeners dulled the majority of the impact as it still rattled their teeth, creating 20 foot wide impact crater… The pair’s impact however just missing what looked like a half naked bunny girl by barely a foot before something squirted all over them.
Stella was losing her mind both literally and figuratively as she struggled against her urges once again as she left the car running towards what seemed like a dream… though it reached out to her as if telling her something that she had long forgotten. As she struggled rushing into the wooded area the increasing lust and haziness muddling her mind as the milk gathered in bosom, her rack steadily increasing in size until it had to be KK. Like a will o wisp the vision of the girl flittered in the air pointing her along through the woods before suddenly giving her a command to stop, the girl seemingly speaking ‘Go with them’ before disappearing. Before she could wonder what it was talking about she was knocked flat on her ass as something large crashed into the ground in front of her. That was all she needed though as she found herself unable to hold it anymore as the milk spurt forth drenching the arriving pair.

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As Hime’s put every part of her will into trying to stall and disarm the protocols, she would only really look on as the locking mechanism clicked on for verification of the target, as red target bars entered her eyes her will only delaying the inevitable. Even as Horo began her run it maintained its lock meaning whatever it was preparing to fire it was seeking…
As she struggled she would stumble onto another subsection of back door data files programmed into her though this was even more unpleasant then the current kill mutant and override protocols used on her earlier. It was a wipe switch, still apparently the 2 previous protocols conflicting activation had apparently lent access to it. Still the clock was ticking down as she could feel the energy gathering in her outstretched arm preparing to fire something whatever it was it was powerful as her body was sparing no expense on energy expenditures.
Plot choice - I’m letting you choose your actions here and they will heavily effect the remainder of the rp.
A) Activate the wipe option.
B) Give in and fire.
Both has it’s up’s and downs but I’m not going to state what they are, you can ask/pm if you really must know before choosing. There is no middle road for it.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:20 am

Hime gasps as she finds a killswitch protocol... They really hooked into her deeply. Jeez, where is her freaking MISSION CONTROL?! She hadn't gone without orders for so long before! Why is it down to her now?

But at the matter at hand... was she really ready to sacrifice herself for this mutant wolf thing? Even for this girl... Who even knows why she caught her eye... or why everyone seemed so intently focused on her.

And then there was this skull jackass to add to matters. It wasn't bad enough to be rendered powerless by some creep in black, there had to be another freak messing with things too.

Hime shouted expletive after expletive, her mind whirring like mad, zipping through all the things that had just happened to her, in reverse. Mr. Black-cloak wresting control of her own body away from her; being knocked impossibly far away; risking herself to save that scared, innocent little girl; decimating the black-ops shock troops; the man with the cube; the plane crash; seeing her panic-stricken family; that strange girl who had taken her place; the time when she had been locked out during the Expo...


The lightbulb in her head flicked on. She'd had this happen to her before, she shouldn't be surprised one bit at this. That kill switch... it might not erase her after all! She wasn't software, she was a human brain.

If this WAS to be her last moment, at least she would have a say in the matter. She was not an autonomous killing machine. She was Sandra Yen. That old name meant something to her...

She executed the wipe command, as her mind continued spinning.

Strangely... all she could think about was Nobert.

Even if he was just a technophile... even if she was just a fetish for him... he was the closest thing to a real friend she had. Everyone else saw her simply as a tool for destruction and power. Even if he was a perv... he had emotions for her. And now she may be on the brink of death... and he was the only thing she could think of.
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