Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Vomica wrote:
Ryan grimances slightly, and mutters "...yuck. ...hopefully I can scrub this stuff off later..." And then the sound of a rampaging train draws louder! Great! The man quickly scrambles once more! ...trying to get as much distance as he can. Leaping to another mushroom if he can. It's not like he can take shelter. The vortex is devouring the mushrooms!
Roggamer22 wrote:Lee acks and pulls his hand out of the water, looking at it. "Huh... Guess I should have expected that... Felt kind of... odd, though... Then again, upwards water so I shouldn't be surprised..." He looked up. "...One way to find out what's up there!" He dove into the upwards current, holding his breath and shutting his eyes.
Marky wrote:Drew blinks in a bit of confusion as he passes by the holes in the wall. "Huh..." He says, falling down past them, before bouncing up once again. Deciding to react this time, he tries his best to grab on to one and pull himself in when he reaches the apex of his bounce.
Ickle Harri-chan wrote:Hannah leans over and peers down into the deep pit, squinting at what she thought she saw. Wriggling her long legs over the edge of the opening, she sat and called downwards. "Hey... do you know what's going on here?".
Zilla wrote:Frightened Lily is swimming her heart out, trying to get away from the rushing sound of water cascading over a cliff. In her desperation, she momentarily forgets her lessons, and seems to be moving in a way she hadn't really done before. It seems to work quite well, and she keeps at it, swishing her legs in time with each other instead of splitting and kicking like usual. She gets into a rhythm, and the water seems to flow past her more fluidly, with less drag than she's used to.
Now, why didn't I go out for the swim team? she thinks. She glides along smoothly, heading away from the waterfall, and her concerns float away... Maybe she should get her bearings once again? She didn't really have any plans, and she didn't know where this river headed, in either direction, and she's only headed back toward where she woke up... How did she even get here?
*Ryan sinks in even deeper this time, almost to his waist. The goop is really, really itchy by this point, but there's only one more mushroom to jump to before he can reach the ground!*
Windyuki wrote:Keith Reilly wakes up. When did he wake up and how? Perhaps it has been a thousand years since he went to sleep. Certainly he did not go to sleep in this place, so why assume he went to sleep in this time. Regardless, he can hear the sound of a thousand ticking clocks. As he opens his bleary eyes, Keith Reley can see that he is surrounded by a thousand manic clocks. Each is sprinting around on a pair of legs, though not all the legs are the same. They seem to be fighting each other.
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