Applied Metaphysical Engineering

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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:33 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra peers at the man for a few moments, "...perhaps it would be better if I were to forward a list of your offerings to my employer? I'm sure that a meeting between herself and you, or another from your company, would prove ever more fruitful then an exchange between yourself and I. ...I, despite my abilities, am only granted so much authority and duties at the moment." He then glances at the woman, "...and how may I help you m'lady?"

The woman nods, and rises to her feet, adjusting her uniform a bit. "I am here on the behalf of the CTC," she explains. "We're collecting information on local businesses, particularly those performing advanced research. We're curious as to the various specialities and fields of study that each organization participates in, in order to determine which may be the most helpful to work with in the future on joint research and development projects. Would you be willing to provide us with any information regarding this?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:41 am

She blinks, even shrinking back a little, the unblinking stare sending a tiny shiver down her back, causing her to forget about her objective temporarily... Until she finally shakes herself clear... Handing over the small stack of paper with both her hands, she dips her head slightly- "Hi, my name is Miccah... I'm here for... huh?" She perks her ears at the woman's statement... Somehow... something about the prospect of Og-ra even having a kid amuses her greatly... until her brain fully comprehends the sentence, causing a slight twitche to creep up her face- "I am not... Og-ra's kid... I am here... to apply for a job..." She half-twitches as she says, unsure if she should be offended, or burst into laughter... or even both.

The woman swings the door the rest of the way open, and gives a friendly smile. There is nothing maternal about it... all professional. Perhaps working with Merah does alter one's ways of handling folks. She says, "...why didn't you say so? You won't believe how many actual kids we have come in here trying to do research for a class project." She pulls out a smaller chair, one that might better suit Miccah, then takes a seat behind her own desk. The woman peers over it, "...okay. What can you tell me about yourself... ...Miccah?"

*The man nods his head.* Of course. I understand. *He opens his traveling case and takes out a small data pad.* On this is a list of the various good and services we could provide to your company. Please see to it that whoever makes the decisions about such things gets a chance to look it over. It also contains our contact number should they decide to do business with us. *Closing up his case.* On that ground I shall leave for now. Good day to you my good man. *He hands over the data pad and turns to leave.*

Og-ra gives a bow, "...I will gladly do that my good sir. And if you wish... you can contact my employer directly at any time you or your associates wish. I'm sure she will be glad to have you."

A rather pained expression washed over Elliot's face as Merah asked the inevitable question, and she winced at the mental jolt it caused. "I wike being a good wittle girl and pwaying wid doth", she answered, looking deeply ashamed of how annoyingly hard to understand she'd become. The diaper crinkled as she squirmed and hid her face against Merah's shoulder when the little girl tugged on her dress.

Merah just rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Elliot. I'm in the middle of my lab. The main equipment here is me. do you think I new that the random little girl was one of my friends, hmm?" She beeps the girl's nose, "...I know something is up. And I don't care if you won't, or can't, tell me. I will figure it out. ...and if you didn't do this willingly... whoever did it is going to be joining you." The teenager hugs the girl tightly once more, " one deserves this."

The woman nods, and rises to her feet, adjusting her uniform a bit. "I am here on the behalf of the CTC," she explains. "We're collecting information on local businesses, particularly those performing advanced research. We're curious as to the various specialities and fields of study that each organization participates in, in order to determine which may be the most helpful to work with in the future on joint research and development projects. Would you be willing to provide us with any information regarding this?"

Og-ra blinks at the woman, "You're from the CTC?" He gives a moment of pause, as if he has mixed feelings about that. The beast of a man finally replies, "Officially we're registered at a firm researching and developing technologies to detect, contain, and manipulate extra-natural forces." He adds, " actuality we house the personal lab of an off worlder doing research here." He pauses, glances around making sure everyone else is out of ear shot, and leans towards the woman "...and personally I feel that this place is nothing more then the play are of a little girl who lost more then just her mature body after being exposed to the Red color..."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:39 pm

Elliot smiled brightly as Merah referred to her as one of her friends, and wrinkled her nose when it was beeped. Her arms reached up around the girl, returning her hug. Just then, the toddler started to get heavier in Merah's arms, and within seconds she'd have to set her down. Elliot was growing! The clothing was not however, being stretched around the body, before popping and splitting in several places. Not only was Elliot growing, but shifting back into a male. The diaper popped open, and he moved his hands to cover everything up as the dress burst around him, once more a teenage male, with bright red cheeks.

"Uh... don't suppose you have any spare clothes?".
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:35 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra blinks at the woman, "You're from the CTC?" He gives a moment of pause, as if he has mixed feelings about that. The beast of a man finally replies, "Officially we're registered at a firm researching and developing technologies to detect, contain, and manipulate extra-natural forces." He adds, " actuality we house the personal lab of an off worlder doing research here." He pauses, glances around making sure everyone else is out of ear shot, and leans towards the woman "...and personally I feel that this place is nothing more then the play are of a little girl who lost more then just her mature body after being exposed to the Red color..."

The woman smiles slightly at Og-ra's initial reaction, wondering just what his feelings are. As he continues to explain, however, she quirks an eyebrow, and then frowns. "I see... that is very interesting." She adjusts her uniform slightly. "Do you feel that this individual may pose a risk to the populace?" she asks softly. "The Red color is known to induce certain psychological as well as physiological changes. There are some tentative treatment measures, though."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:26 am

Elliot smiled brightly as Merah referred to her as one of her friends, and wrinkled her nose when it was beeped. Her arms reached up around the girl, returning her hug. Just then, the toddler started to get heavier in Merah's arms, and within seconds she'd have to set her down. Elliot was growing! The clothing was not however, being stretched around the body, before popping and splitting in several places. Not only was Elliot growing, but shifting back into a male. The diaper popped open, and he moved his hands to cover everything up as the dress burst around him, once more a teenage male, with bright red cheeks.

"Uh... don't suppose you have any spare clothes?".

She giggles down at the girl as she scruncies her nose up. Then Elliot starts to... feel denser. No. Bigger. Merah goes wide eyed, "...what in the...?" But the young teenager knows that something is up... ...she sets Elliot down. And the girl grows back up into a man soon enough. After it is all said and done...

...Merah merps at Elliot! "Y-you're naked! A-and! ...oh! Y-you're a boy again... a-and..." She quickly darts her head away, and says in an extremely flustered manner "...t-there are spare lab coats and scrubs in the wardrobe over there..." She points towards the entrance to the lab, where there appears to be the said furniture. It's more of a closet built into the wall... but regardless. If Elliot goes over there, he'll just find a rack full of various mundane hospital looking clothing -- something should fit him at least.

The woman smiles slightly at Og-ra's initial reaction, wondering just what his feelings are. As he continues to explain, however, she quirks an eyebrow, and then frowns. "I see... that is very interesting." She adjusts her uniform slightly. "Do you feel that this individual may pose a risk to the populace?" she asks softly. "The Red color is known to induce certain psychological as well as physiological changes. There are some tentative treatment measures, though."

Og-ra raises both of his eyebrows, "Yes. I'm relatively aware of the affects..." He adds, "But to be honest it's not my area of expertise, so I don't know the specifics." He then shakes his head, "...if Merah were a threat... ...I'm pretty sure it'd be obvious." He tilts his head down and thinks, "...most she'd likely do is try to help to much. Bite off more then she can chew." After a moment he takes his monocle out, and buffs it on his handkerchief, then adds in a casual tone that might seem off for him "And what exactly are the specific changes it I might ask?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:48 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra raises both of his eyebrows, "Yes. I'm relatively aware of the affects..." He adds, "But to be honest it's not my area of expertise, so I don't know the specifics." He then shakes his head, "...if Merah were a threat... ...I'm pretty sure it'd be obvious." He tilts his head down and thinks, "...most she'd likely do is try to help to much. Bite off more then she can chew." After a moment he takes his monocle out, and buffs it on his handkerchief, then adds in a casual tone that might seem off for him "And what exactly are the specific changes it I might ask?"

The uniformed woman nods. "I will admit, our knowledge of the full effects of color energies is limited. While we formerly had a clinic for the examination and treatment of such, it was destroyed. Academy City is beginning to conduct fresh research in those areas, but we are unfortunately lagging behind other agencies. That is one of the reasons why we are investigating to see what other organizations may be more knowledgeable and willing to assist." She shrugs. "As for the specific changes we've noted to occur with individuals affected by the 'red' energy... well, according to the Muffinville Codex it is associated with 'cuteness', typically through physiological regression. The victim is usually induced to behave in a 'cuter' fashion, suggesting that psychological changes occur as well. Since children may tend to act with a reduced sense of ethics or morality, such behaviors may occur as well, particularly a reduced sense of inhibitions. Of course, apparently this energy also influences the victim's coordination, reflexes, and rationality, inhibiting their ability to actually be effective with whatever they carry out, as apparently clumsiness is somewhat 'cute'. However, this can be dangerous in its own regards, and the standards of what this world considers 'safe' may not necessarily be those of the populace at large..."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:55 pm

After wandering over to the wardrobe, Elliot returns moments later, still red-faced, but now covered up by a lab coat. "Thanks... but I think I should probably head home and find something to wear", he said, sweeping back his long blonde hair. "Why don't you come over when you're done here? I thought we could... talk and stuff", he offered.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:21 am

The uniformed woman nods. "I will admit, our knowledge of the full effects of color energies is limited. While we formerly had a clinic for the examination and treatment of such, it was destroyed. Academy City is beginning to conduct fresh research in those areas, but we are unfortunately lagging behind other agencies. That is one of the reasons why we are investigating to see what other organizations may be more knowledgeable and willing to assist." She shrugs. "As for the specific changes we've noted to occur with individuals affected by the 'red' energy... well, according to the Muffinville Codex it is associated with 'cuteness', typically through physiological regression. The victim is usually induced to behave in a 'cuter' fashion, suggesting that psychological changes occur as well. Since children may tend to act with a reduced sense of ethics or morality, such behaviors may occur as well, particularly a reduced sense of inhibitions. Of course, apparently this energy also influences the victim's coordination, reflexes, and rationality, inhibiting their ability to actually be effective with whatever they carry out, as apparently clumsiness is somewhat 'cute'. However, this can be dangerous in its own regards, and the standards of what this world considers 'safe' may not necessarily be those of the populace at large..."

Og-ra folds his arms over his chest as the woman gives her explanation. The man's indifferent face slowly grins, then eventually finishes in the form of a slight smirk. He lowers his stance a bit so it's easier to look her in the eyes, "...and this is why I respect your organization. You folks have an idea what's going on -- that's the behavior of Merah... down to the letter." He frowns slightly, "'s why her sisters requested that I watch her and take care of her when she is here." Og-ra shakes his head, "...she has all these bright ideas... but all her motives and ideals aren't very realistic."

He sighs a bit, "...she some times does more harm then good with her plans, luckily she loses interest before the more ambitious one's go into effect." Og-ra adds, "...I never knew her before she was exposed. So I don't know what she was like... I even doubt that there is much left of her pre-exposure self left. Even if the color were removed for good, I think just the trauma of being like that for as long as she has been..." He shakes his head again, and sighs "...anyways. I didn't catch your name."

After wandering over to the wardrobe, Elliot returns moments later, still red-faced, but now covered up by a lab coat. "Thanks... but I think I should probably head home and find something to wear", he said, sweeping back his long blonde hair. "Why don't you come over when you're done here? I thought we could... talk and stuff", he offered.

Merah bounds after him once he has some clothes on, she smiles at him " really want me to? Is that... umm... okay?" She pauses, "...a-and how did you get big suddenly already? I didn't see anything happen... there wasn't any fluxations of energy or anything." The girl stops by his side, and gives him a poke... like some sort of biologist poking a dead frog.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:24 am

"Ofcourse I really want you too. I need to make it up to you after what happened during the council campaigns. Oh, that? I think it wore off... you're welcome to perform any kind of tests if you want, but maybe later?". Reaching out, he gently patted her head. "We have more in common than you think, kiddo. Got a pen and paper? I'll draw you a map to my place".
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:31 pm

Merah digs in her lab coat pocket and pulls out a scrap of paper, she then produces a pen and hands it over. She head tilts at Elliot, "...we do? Well... umm... but yeah. Later."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:49 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra folds his arms over his chest as the woman gives her explanation. The man's indifferent face slowly grins, then eventually finishes in the form of a slight smirk. He lowers his stance a bit so it's easier to look her in the eyes, "...and this is why I respect your organization. You folks have an idea what's going on -- that's the behavior of Merah... down to the letter." He frowns slightly, "'s why her sisters requested that I watch her and take care of her when she is here." Og-ra shakes his head, "...she has all these bright ideas... but all her motives and ideals aren't very realistic."

He sighs a bit, "...she some times does more harm then good with her plans, luckily she loses interest before the more ambitious one's go into effect." Og-ra adds, "...I never knew her before she was exposed. So I don't know what she was like... I even doubt that there is much left of her pre-exposure self left. Even if the color were removed for good, I think just the trauma of being like that for as long as she has been..." He shakes his head again, and sighs "...anyways. I didn't catch your name."

"I am Special Adjutant Caine," the silver-haired woman says, introducing herself. "My apologies for not saying so earlier."

She considers a moment. "Based on your earlier statement, at the very least the CTC would be interested in arranging some cooperation regarding some of the research you have done, such as containing color energies," she says. "However, given what you've said about the individual running this facility..." She tilts her head, looking at Og-ra speculatively. "What would you suggest? She seems somewhat unstable, and while we could attempt treatment you've indicated that could be as traumatic as leaving her as she is."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:56 pm

Elliot crouched down, taking the paper and then pen from her. "Thanks", he said, and then proceeded to drawn a crude map of the town, with arrows pointing the way to his apartment block. "It's the top floor... apartment number one hundred and eighty three", he said, making a note of the number and the floor. "I'll buy cup cakes... ", he said, straightening up, handing her the paper and pen before patting her head.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:04 pm

"I am Special Adjutant Caine," the silver-haired woman says, introducing herself. "My apologies for not saying so earlier."

She considers a moment. "Based on your earlier statement, at the very least the CTC would be interested in arranging some cooperation regarding some of the research you have done, such as containing color energies," she says. "However, given what you've said about the individual running this facility..." She tilts her head, looking at Og-ra speculatively. "What would you suggest? She seems somewhat unstable, and while we could attempt treatment you've indicated that could be as traumatic as leaving her as she is."

Og-ra grins at Caine, "...a pleasure to meet you, mademoiselle." He bows once more. Standing up to his full height, he rubs his palms together... then replies "I will start off by saying that her personal safety is of up most concern -- it is after all one of the reasons why her sisters have me keeping an eye -- in addition to that... I'm not sure to be frank. Yes. She has the potential to be unstable, but that is where supervision comes in." He leans forwards and says in a hushed tone, "...she just needs a scolding when she does get out of line..."

He then speaks normally again, "...yes. I don't know the precise research she has done, or her goals. ...but I suspect they are personal to her in some way. ...but from her paper work she has filed I do know that containment, storage, and filtering of some of the colors -- well she has already achieved it."

Elliot crouched down, taking the paper and then pen from her. "Thanks", he said, and then proceeded to drawn a crude map of the town, with arrows pointing the way to his apartment block. "It's the top floor... apartment number one hundred and eighty three", he said, making a note of the number and the floor. "I'll buy cup cakes... ", he said, straightening up, handing her the paper and pen before patting her head.

The girl blushes at the head pat... then snags the paper. She quickly looks over it... then peeks up at Elliot. Smiling from ear to ear, she replies "'re on! I'll see you there! And I bet I can eat way more of them then you."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:59 am

"I accept your bet, young lady! Don't expect me to hold back just because you're little though", he smiled. "See you later, Merah, thanks for letting me borrow the lab coat too", he said as he turned and headed back up the way Og-ra had carried him, his cheeks going a little red at the reminder of how he'd spent the last month.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:29 pm

The girl waves Elliot off, then disappears back into her lab to do who knows what...
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