Zoey wrote:===========================================================
Edward would find a janitorial closet stocked with cleaning supplies such as detergent, a mop and bucket and even a miniature sink. He would also found a supply room where he found some fishing supplies such as dead bait, some paddles, power and normal tools, fishing line/rods and the sort. All other places were locked, along with others such as doors he already saw. With all places locked he made his attempt at the lock. His swiss army knife was not the most of appropriate tools to use, however Edward would find to some extent success! However, he felt like he would have to spend most if not the whole night working the locks of the containers to open them.
Edward looked suspiciously at the locked doors wondering if he should shoot them off, still if they were locked while it prevented additional exits it also prevent additional entrances. When bimbo's attacked the multi-entrance swarm was the bigger danger then a exit which he could always shoot open later. Though with the hole in the roof he already had a good quick exit option. Still he quickly moved the furniture around to use as make shift barricades if needed before setting to work upon the first box, it wasn't like he had anything else to do and it would at least take his mind off things for a bit until he moved on.