Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
Bigmouthstrikes wrote:Julia approached the group, looking rather dirty herself. "What's up, kids?"
Zoey wrote:Zoey follows the group wanting to sit already as her feet were killing her walking in heels and all. "Wait, you guys want to take a bath now?!" says Zoey just wanting to get the exorcists house. She then notices Julia and just backs off letting the others talk.
Knight Errant wrote:Dact pauses... raising an eyebrow at the odd behavior. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"
Bigmouthstrikes wrote:"Mind if I join?" She asked. "I'm a little grody myself. You ever field strip a radscorpion before? Not pretty."
KonokoHasano wrote:"Ohohoho~ looks like quite a crowd is heading for a trip to a bath house today." A voice said, belonging to what seemed to be an elderly woman with light silver-purple hair tied in a tight bun. Her clothing consisted of a purple kimono, and she had a pair of small, round glasses upon her nose. She was also carrying a basin with bathing supplies. "I've always enjoyed taking trips to a bath house; it's just so full of nostalgia."
Zoey wrote:Zoey sighs. "Well... can you hurry up then?" she replies to Lucy
Knight Errant wrote:Dact shrugs. "I can go for a bath I guess..."
"... and who are you?" Logos asks, one eyebrow quirked.
Blaze wrote:Okuni reads the characters on the sign and frowns.
"This... is a unisex bath."
KonokoHasano wrote:"Mmm... how rude of me." She gives a bow. "I'm Sachiko Hasano, Konoko's mother."
Knight Errant wrote:Dact blinks... and blushes a bit. "Err... well we will be wearing bathing suits, I imagine?"
Bigmouthstrikes wrote:"Sounds good." She said. "Lead the way."
Zoey wrote:"I don't like this place" replies Zoey to Lucy. "Less time I spend inside the city the better".
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