Kidaroc 2.0 signup


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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:47 pm

Would the girls ever be up to interrogating captured officers? If so, I have an idea that I think would be interesting to play out.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby Brnin8r » Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:58 pm

Try away Muffin!
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:53 pm

Name: Walter Krupke

Age: 18

Bio: A lot of boys look up to Walt. Part of it is because of his age, another part is his stature. Even more so, they look up to Walt because of his tactical prowess. Some kids still tell stories in their bunks of how Walt led a squad of boys into an enemy stronghold and dismantled a Femme X processing facility with no casualties. He's been climbing the ranks steadily since, directing a series of successful battles against the girls in several areas. Lately, he's been involved in something called project Epsilon. Rumor has it they're not just making a cure for the pink stuff, but soon they'll be able to bring girls over to the boys' side.

In actual fact, Project Epsilon is nothing but a ruse. All the facilities the girls have hit to stop research of the so-called "Y-Max" have been diversions to attack their flank or to give cover while the boys retreat. None of them have had any military value whatsoever. Even though some of the grunts criticize Walt for losing ground where they need it most, he is content in knowing that his deception is working and saving boys.

Being a high profile member of such a game-changing program makes him an obvious target. When he travels, it's always in a regular troop convoy to avoid being singled out. He planned on riding in with some of the reinforcements for the upcoming battle, but the girls hit his convoy. He was saved by his gas mask, but a commando in pigtails knocked him out and carried him off. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the skirt and stockings of his captor.

Description: 6 feet tall and somewhat muscular. Blond hair and green eyes. He has a bit of scraggly neck stubble he wears as a badge of honor both for his age and his manhood. He wears an old army jacket with Lieutenant bars on it with a black tank top and a grungy pair of boots and jeans. He prefers to fight with his hands, using a mix of different styles and objects around him to fight dirty and gain any advantage he can get. He has a pistol and a large knife he keeps tucked into his boot. The hero worship he sometimes gets makes him uncomfortable, but he puts up with it since it makes the boys fight better.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby AshK » Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:51 am

(Okay here goes nothing, I know I am up early. So here is my best idea that just came to me. I hope it's okay with you N8.)

Name: Jackson James Schatsiek

Age: 16

Gender: Male(for now)

Personality: Really quiet and reserved. Just spends his days practicing his martial arts. Hoping for one day where the war will finally end.

Bio: Jackson, having being brought up with two sisters one older: Samantha age 17 and one younger: Ariana age 15, never had very many male friends which basically made him more feminine because he was one of the very few guys in his circle of friends. Most of his friends were female in other words. To take advantage of this, his sisters used to dress him up as a girl every chance they got and took him to their friends' houses and made him off to be their sister. This was before their parents either died or completely disappeared like everyone else 20 and older as well as 11 and younger. He couldn't remember exactly what happened. After that happened he was raised by his sisters. Right before the war broke out he had taken to Karate and Kobudo. His sisters did too. They pretty much came up through the Karate ranks together. All three siblongs eventually made 1st degree Black Belt together. So the three of them taught karate and kobudo classes together because they were also certified in at least five Okinawan Kobudo Weapons.

When the fighting broke out: The three siblings went their separate ways. Jackson had to go into hiding because he wasn't welcome by either the boys or the girls. After a couple of weeks in hiding, Jackson got bored and tired of not being accepted by either gender. He continued to hide the best he could. Unfortunately one day he got caught by two girls who knew that, despite the fact he was dressed as a girl, I mean decked out in everything a girl wears complete with falsies and a wig that was mid-back length; they knew he was male. He collapsed and feared the worst. Right when he braced to be hit by the Zeta weapons the two girls had, he recognized them and they recognized him. They were Samantha and Ariana his older and younger sisters. They handcuffed themselves to him and headed to their commanding officer.

Samantha(whispering): You know what we have to do don't you Jackie?
Jackson(whispering): Yes I do Sammie, I will do anything please just do anything to spare me. You too Ari.
Ariana(whispering): Okay, we will do this Jackie. Time to put our negotiating skills to the test.

Samantha and Ariana went to their commanding officer and somehow managed to get Jackson to be spared for the time being. He however had to continue to dress as a girl and stay hidden from any combat-related issues. Luckily he got to stay on the same base his sisters were on. His sisters agreed to watch over him in case he does anything wrong. He could see his sisters, but he couldn't speak to them. The same was true about his sisters they could stay close to their brother, but couldn't talk to him at all.

( I couldn't get this one out of my mind. If it's not let me know what needs to be fixed and I will fix it as quick as I can. I can either control Jackson's sisters or you can. It's up to you. Do I need to do a bio for Jackson's sisters too?)
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby Brnin8r » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:24 am

Muffin. Awesome stuff, good sir.

Erika. I must ask how often you'll be on, because with you running your sisters it sounds like you'll be running your own story in my thread, which I'm not ok with. I'd be running your sisters, but I need to know that you're committed to this because I was increasingly annoyed by your single lined posts, your repetitive sentences, and your general naive nature about what was going on back in the old days, needing me to explain everything as you went on ahead. If you'll be on sporadic, I'm going to forget your story like the last one.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby AshK » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:09 pm

Brnin8r wrote:Erika. I must ask how often you'll be on, because with you running your sisters it sounds like you'll be running your own story in my thread, which I'm not ok with. I'd be running your sisters, but I need to know that you're committed to this because I was increasingly annoyed by your single lined posts, your repetitive sentences, and your general naive nature about what was going on back in the old days, needing me to explain everything as you went on ahead. If you'll be on sporadic, I'm going to forget your story like the last one.

I will be on at least once a day. Sometimes twice a day. The reason why I was sporadic last time is because I didn't have a laptop, and I was banned from the main PC of the house because of my up and down weight gain. I was also trying to focus on my school work. Most of the time it will be once a day, occasionally I will be on twice a day. I won't be on a ton like I was when I first joined MSF. Once or twice a day I will be on. If that works out for you, I will do my first post, if not I will just forget about this RP like I did before and focus on the other three RP's I am a part of. If I go more than two days without posting just let me know. Sorry for the trouble I caused you in the past.

Truth be told, I wasn't planning on running my own story with Jackson's sisters in the thread, I just did that to add a bit more background to how Jackson ended up in the custody of the girls. I figured since Jackson's sisters knew how to keep him under control that they would be ideal to be the guards of Jackson in his cell.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:21 am

You can't worry about the trouble caused in the past. It's past.

In terms of playing, I'm glad you're committed. How about we see how this goes? I'll post you starting in a main base, your story sounds more like it would start...not on the front line.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby AshK » Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:50 am

I never really planned on starting from the front line. That works out.
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby Evra » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:20 pm

I haz RETURNED! err yeah anyways sorry about my sporadic coming in .. leaving coming in leaving but real life can be that way but currently I have thought about it and would like another shot at roleplaying here! anyways not really sure if I can still join but hopefully I can! and heres my character

Name : Erik Fleischer

Gender : Male

Age: 17

Description : Erik is of an Average build roughly standing at 5'5" in height weighing in at a measly 130 for a male .. his body build isn't big despite this however his is very agile and can quickly utilize hit and run tactics when needed or if necessary to run away. he has short silver hair that at it's longest reaches midway down his neck he normally doesn't bother with it so it is normally seen covering his left eye. His typical uniform isn't like the rest of the soldiers all he wears above his normal dress uniform is a lightweight Kevlar vest and some shoulder elbow and knee-pads for headgear he normally wears a ski-mask while on missions a regular uniform cap on top of this or just the cap when not on a mission. His arsenal includes usually a semi auto scoped rifle, and a small handgun with several grenades strapped onto his vest.

Bio : Erik was normal for someone of his kind before the war broke out .. of course this was a lonely recluse who didn't have many friends people thinking he was a "freak" due to how much of a loner he was. But after the war broke out he figured he would have to fight but even though he can work in a squad his marksmanship and desire to work alone caused him to join in as a sniper or scout when needed. He never truly disliked the girls but it was his job but when able he would try to give any body a proper burial and if he couldn't do that he would at least try and find a dog tag or some kind of identification on the bodies.

Job : Sniper or scout
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Re: Kidaroc 2.0 signup

Postby Brnin8r » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:28 pm

Evra, your intro post is in the actual thread now.
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