Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!


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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:21 pm

"Hmm...Strawberry. I guess I could try that. I mean I do like strawberries," said Makino as she seem to be deep in thought. She was trying to think of a good excuse to explain where Cherry was. She moved a bit and then looked surprised. "OH! Well Cherry went to the restroom. She really needed to go and asked me to order for her. It just that I didn't know what I wanted is all. Still hmm...What you getting? Strawberry too?"
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:17 am

Cherry felt her heart racing as she watched the girl from behind as she went through her backpack, and pulled out the uniform, before pushing it all into her arms. Her blue eyes glanced down over the clothes with a shy smile. Even just a few hours ago she'd have hated having to put on such clothes... but compared to the poofy dress, the uniform looked both comfortable, and more important, something a normal person would wear.

She felt her knees weaken slightly as the graceful teenager leaned closer again and their noses almost touched. "I'm... I'm Cherry Blossom. My band is the Rising Stars, and I'm the singer... ", she admitted, seeming more embarrassed than boastful. "You... want to exchange numbers? I could let you know when we do our first live show... I could maybe even get tickets for you and your friends... ", she offered, looking up with a kind of dreamy gaze.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:18 pm

Taylor stared at Makino for a few more agonizing moments before turning back around to face the ice cream clerk and give him the last orders.

"Alright, miss! I'll have them ready in a few minutes. In the meantime, how about you ladies go and find a seat? I'll bring your stuff right over when it's done!"


Satisfied with Cherry's answer, the girl decided to give her two final gifts. One was a small slip of paper with her cellphone number scribbled on it, and the other was... A small kiss on the cheek!

"My name's Elli. I'll be seeing you around, Cherry Blossom." She whispered one last time in her new friend's ear before walking back to her stunned friends and sitting back down on her seat, a content smile on her face.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:23 pm

Cherry was suprised at how excited she felt when she saw the girl slip her the piece of paper, and a bright smile spread across her lips as the girl brushed a kiss against her cheek. "I'll make this up to you, Elli", she promised. "Enjoy your ice cream!", she called as she turned and quickly ran to the nearest bathroom.

A few minutes later the teenager emerged, now dressed in the school uniform, with the white blouse untucked to slightly hang over the waist of the short blue and green plaid skirt, while she'd left the navy blue jacket open too. The poofy pink dress was folded into a bundle under her arm as she headed back to Taylor and the girls with a smug smile on her face.

"What did you order for me?".
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Zilla » Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:26 pm

Feyris was bouncing while she waited for her order, far out of character for her disaffected punky nature. Cherry's return barely caught her attention, but she did a double take when she realized Cherry had changed out of her costume.

"Hey, looking good, shortstuff!" she beams. "Did you get all your homework done before practice? Need any help?" she teased. "I didn't know the band was your extracurricular activity." She laughed lightly and gave her a smile. "Really though, it does look good on you."
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:05 pm

Makino just stared back trying not to seems like she was up to something. She then took a sigh of relief once Taylor was gone and her order was placed.

"Oh...you look nice," said Makino as she bent down and hugged Cherry. She then lead the way to their seats making sure one was open right next to her for Cherry. "Well I got us strawberry ice cream. I heard it is good."
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Ookalf » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:13 pm

*Jasmine follows Cherry and Makino to the group's seats.* ...Where'd you get that outfit, anyway?
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:31 pm

"I was wondering that too." Chiaki said.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:22 am

Cherry grinned at Feyris' compliment, and she even twirled on the heels of her new school shoes, the short skirt swishing a little around her thighs, before poking her tongue out in response to the teasing about doing her homework. The older girl's new cheerful enthusiasm was infectious, and she got a hug as a reward. "Thanks. I might ask for your help with homework later though", she winked, before turning to Makino, and grinned as she bounced from one hug and right into another, squeezing Makino tightly as she bent down. "Awesome, I love strawberry", she beamed.

As they headed towards the table, she smiled up at Jasmine and Chiaki. "Oh... I made a new friend", she said with a shrug. "I told her about the band, and how we're gonna be famous. I'm gonna invite her to our first show", she explained, before sliding onto her seat, placing the bundled up dress beside herself.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Mystic Mina » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:10 pm

"What the- Where'd you get that- How...."

Taylor plopped down on her seat, shocked at how Cherry was able to change out of her ridiculous dress... And into a schoolgirl's uniform no less! She was still speechless when the clerk from before stopped by the table and delivered the girls their delectable ice cream waffles, and she continued to remain speechless as the girls chatted amongst each other. So stunned was the woman that her ice cream remained practically untouched throughout the entire meal, melting into a little puddle of pink on top of her hot waffle.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:18 pm

"Oh. Glad you like the choice," said Makino as she smiled and began to dig into her ice cream. She smiled and said, "Oh tasty. This is really good."
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Hira Kanaki » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:24 pm

"Your right this is good ice cream." Chiaki said going back to enjoying hers.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Zilla » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:23 am

Feyris is a bit shocked by the sudden hug, but she lightly returns it. "Yeah, nothing high school level for me please," she responded to the homework query.

But then the food arrives...

Feyris only had eyes for ice cream! She barely even looked at anyone else until her late was entirely clean, as if it had gone through the dishwasher already. With tiny flecks of chocolate dotting her cheeks, finally put her utensils down and looked up with a smile. "Finally" as a relative term, she managed to outpace most, if not all of the girls! She sighs and relishes the lingering chocolate and mint taste.

"You know your stuff, Taylor!" she says, patting the stunned woman on the back. She glances down at the puddle on the waffle. Feyris freezes a moment, and looks between the food and the woman, not seeming to be able to make the connection that Taylor is NOT EATING HER ICE CREAM. She quietly turns back to her own plate, only sustaining minimal brain damage from the impossibility of the scenario she had observed.

"Um.... is there a way to get some of this to go?" she asks. "I mean, we won't get hot waffles of course, but... just the ice cream?"
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm

Taylor, oblivious to Feyris and pretty much reality in general, continued to mumble incoherently to herself for several more minutes before a bright flash outside the window snapped the woman back to her senses. Looking out to see what caused it, she realized with disdain that the hated paparazzi had arrived. With cameras and video recorders, no less! It seemed as though the Rising Star's peaceful little night snack was about to become a lot less peaceful...

"Are you girls almost done? We need to get out of here before they swarm us like flies." After pushing her uneaten dessert away, Taylor hurried over to the entrance to see if they still had time to escape. Still relatively clear for now... But that could change in a flash.
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Re: Rising Stars! Rise to the Top!

Postby Ookalf » Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:10 pm

Nephilim wrote:Taylor, oblivious to Feyris and pretty much reality in general, continued to mumble incoherently to herself for several more minutes before a bright flash outside the window snapped the woman back to her senses. Looking out to see what caused it, she realized with disdain that the hated paparazzi had arrived. With cameras and video recorders, no less! It seemed as though the Rising Star's peaceful little night snack was about to become a lot less peaceful...

"Are you girls almost done? We need to get out of here before they swarm us like flies." After pushing her uneaten dessert away, Taylor hurried over to the entrance to see if they still had time to escape. Still relatively clear for now... But that could change in a flash.

Uh, coming! *Jasmine follows Taylor to the door, still finishing off her ice cream.*
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