Applied Metaphysical Engineering

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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:36 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra grins at Caine, "...a pleasure to meet you, mademoiselle." He bows once more. Standing up to his full height, he rubs his palms together... then replies "I will start off by saying that her personal safety is of up most concern -- it is after all one of the reasons why her sisters have me keeping an eye -- in addition to that... I'm not sure to be frank. Yes. She has the potential to be unstable, but that is where supervision comes in." He leans forwards and says in a hushed tone, "...she just needs a scolding when she does get out of line..."

He then speaks normally again, "...yes. I don't know the precise research she has done, or her goals. ...but I suspect they are personal to her in some way. ...but from her paper work she has filed I do know that containment, storage, and filtering of some of the colors -- well she has already achieved it."

Caine nods at the explanation. "It seems to be a fairly achievable task for many of the scientists here -- I can think of at least two other organizations that can do the same." She sighs. "And yet, it seems to be difficult for us to achieve. Most likely, there are certain limitations within the scientific paradigms we follow."

"So..." She studies Og-ra again. "It would be helpful to get some information regarding what she's accomplished... but it sounds like it might be best if we tried to offer something unique, and perhaps tailored to her situation to her, yes?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:02 pm

Og-ra shakes his head once, "...from the rantings of the girl I suspect it's more then mere paradigms. ...however perhaps whatever insight she is, in itself, an isolated paradigm." (Thomas Kuhn. How I despises him. ...self refuting as he is.) He then nods in response to Caine's second line, "...perhaps that would be best. At least for a basis from which business can begin to be conducted."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:30 pm

Vomica wrote:Og-ra shakes his head once, "...from the rantings of the girl I suspect it's more then mere paradigms. ...however perhaps whatever insight she is, in itself, an isolated paradigm." (Thomas Kuhn. How I despises him. ...self refuting as he is.) He then nods in response to Caine's second line, "...perhaps that would be best. At least for a basis from which business can begin to be conducted."

Caine nods, frowning in thought. "That may be somewhat difficult, and it may take a little time to develop something that would be of sufficient interest." She pauses, and studies Og-ra for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your background? You seem to be a rather unique individual."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:08 am

Og-ra lifts an eyebrow. His muscles relax as he smiles warmly at Caine, he then leans back against the desk using it as a bit of support. The furniture squeaks beneath his massive frame. It's like putting a boulder on a two by four... that some how manages not to break. He looks down to the ground, then back up.

Upon taking a deep breath, he starts "...I'm a freelance goon. A lackey. Or perhaps a villain. But I wasn't always that... ...and I am not that now." He says, "...once upon a time I was an aspiring aristocrat. One seeking to move society and change the course of history with my mere presence. The ability to influence others with words and clout." Sighing a bit, he says "'s the position I inherited from my parents. However, I found I didn't have the heart for it... ...I'm not that cruel." Hmming again to himself, "...anyways. To keep with tradition, as is proper, I went into the villainy industry" He grins, "Or perhaps that's my cover story."

Adding in a final note, "...I can tell you this however. After an incident where I caused massive structural damage to my charge's hotel, and her sister's hotel, I was indebted to them -- they asked me to watch over her and make sure she doesn't blow anything up. ...the kid doesn't admit it. But she is more child then an adult." Shaking his head a bit, " here I am."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:34 pm

Caine smiles slightly. "Well, this red energy supposedly has that sort of effect," she admits. "Or did she have those kinds of traits before she was affected by it?"

She shrugs, and shifts her stance to one that looks more relaxed. "At any rate... you seem to have an interesting background, yourself. Did you grow up in this world, or did you come from elsewhere? It seems interesting that 'villainy' was considered a typical profession, whereever you came from. Do you have any other particular talents, other than your charisma and apparent physical strength?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:26 pm

He takes his monocle out, and puts it into his breast pocket. Leaning against the desk with his massive way, he says in a gentle tone "Oh no. I grew up in another dimension." He chuckles softly, "...and no. I am just well read, I strive to be polite, and I'm rather... of large girth." He pauses, "...and a strong pain threshold. Which comes in handy in case I am forced to use my strength." Og-ra clarifies, "...that is why I am indentured to the girl's family. ...a bit of extensive property damage during one of my previous contracts..." He stops at that.

Pulling a teapot out from behind the desk, which is strangely hot, he pours a cup for himself. Then smiles at Caine, "...would you care for a cup as well, my lady?" Well waiting for the answer, he adds "...and as if Merah was like that before? I doubt it. From what I've been told by herself, her sisters, and what I can induce... she was far from it."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:59 pm

Caine considers for a moment, before nodding. "I would like some, yes," she says. "I suppose that seems consistent with the effects of that color. Some people might consider being reduced to a child-like demeanor entertaining, but it's hard to say when you're mind's been warped, isn't it?" She shakes her head slightly.

"However... perhaps on a more pleasant topic, I'm still curious about your background. Do you see yourself as a mercenary, then? You seem honor-bound to carry through with your indentured duty, although I suspect you could escape if you so chose. And yet, you confessed that villainy seemed a reasonable profession. Do you have any goals other than safeguarding your ward?" she asks curiously.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:33 am

Og-ra nods at that, "...agreed on that."

Replying to Caine's list of questions, Og-ra begins "As a mercenary? No. Consider me more as a free lance engineer or a consultant. I resort to brute force lastly, mercenaries use it as soon as possible. ...such a violent way." He hmms at Caine respectfully, "Yes. It is a manner of honor. That is what alot of folks lack now a days. Manners. Respect. Honor." He adds, "...villainy is reasonable. Not for evil. Not for the easy gain. But for the class. For every source of light, there is a shadow. In addition, for every hero, there most be a villain. But why most the villain be 'bad'? Hmm?" He says, "...and once I'm done with my charge -- I intend to go back into the field. As for goals? I have a few intentions. But no way to reach them."
Last edited by Vomica on Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:37 pm

Caine tilts her head slightly at Og-ra's response, wondering somewhat if he'd had the experience of having his mind manipulated in the past. Hmm.

She shrugs, and takes a sip from her tea. "You do pose interesting questions, although it does make me wonder as to your definitions of some of the terms. How do you define 'villainy', for example? Linguistically, the term does derive from the word 'villein', referring to a serf or landholder, and carried a connotation of being a rustic or boor. But most modern usages refer to someone who performs evil deed. So it becomes difficult to say whether or not a villain is inherently evil, without knowing what sort of definition you use."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:38 pm

Or-ga hmms as he takes a slight sniff of his tea, and smiles lightly at the scent. After a moment, he turns back to Mischa "Villainy, in it's modern connotation has a very subjective use. In a state that the people go hungry, well the lords put gold on their cake... ...would you call a person who steals from these lords and gives to the starving populace a villain? The state would. The lords would. And depending on the power the state has... the people might even." He takes a sip of tea, "But getting back to your query, or rather the intention of it, I'd consider myself between the two meanings you've brought up." He elaborates, "I am above petty thugs and brutes. However I am willing to perform less... uncouth things if the job calls for it." Og-ra finishes, " can see me as an artist. Something is only worth doing if it contributes to society. I perform a service."
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:56 pm

Caine takes her cues from Og-Ra, and makes more of an effort to savor the tea, as she considers his words. "So you would define the term 'villain' based on who used it? In your case, the villainy of the act is based on perception. Of course... if you define villainy based on the morality of the act, then one must debate whether or not morality is itself objective or subjective. If we define morality subjectively, then the lords may not be wrong in declaring such a man a villain. If it's objective, then the perception of the lords is irrelevant, as the acts of the man can be compared to objective morality to determine whether or not the man is a villain. That is, of course, presuming one defines a villain as performing 'evil acts'."

She shrugs. "It does bring to mind a question, however. You say that you perform services that, in some way, contribute to society. So what of your deeds against the hotel of your charge and her sister? If they contributed to society, then why are you indebted for the damages? If they did not, then why did you perform them?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Blaze » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:05 am

A limo pulls up outside the building and a gynoid dressed like a chauffeur gets out from the front and runs to the back, opening the door. From that door emerges... Fimbulvetr's leg! Followed by the woman herself. Looking upon the building with a tiny smile, she steps inside, standing behind Caine and waiting patiently
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Vomica » Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:43 am

Caine takes her cues from Og-Ra, and makes more of an effort to savor the tea, as she considers his words. "So you would define the term 'villain' based on who used it? In your case, the villainy of the act is based on perception. Of course... if you define villainy based on the morality of the act, then one must debate whether or not morality is itself objective or subjective. If we define morality subjectively, then the lords may not be wrong in declaring such a man a villain. If it's objective, then the perception of the lords is irrelevant, as the acts of the man can be compared to objective morality to determine whether or not the man is a villain. That is, of course, presuming one defines a villain as performing 'evil acts'."

She shrugs. "It does bring to mind a question, however. You say that you perform services that, in some way, contribute to society. So what of your deeds against the hotel of your charge and her sister? If they contributed to society, then why are you indebted for the damages? If they did not, then why did you perform them?"

He takes a moment to sip his tea, and to contemplate. Wow. That was a long sip. It oddly feels like weeks to Caine. He finally replies, "...villainy is subjective. But good and evil are objective, yes? Consider a hungry savage bear in the wild, is it wrong for it to kill and eat a innocent small baby rabbit? Now consider a man on the street. He kills a young boy. Is that not different? I imagine what your thoughts on." He pauses, and starts again "...there will always be a 'bad guy', a 'criminal', a 'villain' within any culture. It's an aspect of civilization. My surface is ensuring that that role is done with class, respect for all involved, and full knowledge of what I do." He grins widely, "A proper villain is a gentlemen. He is an antagonist. Something to prevent stagnation."

After a moment he falls silent. And... Caine might even noticing him blush. He admits after a moment, "...I was under contract to simulate 'distressed damsel' situation for one of their patrons. I was not entitled to commit gross property damage." He almost whispers, and in a sheepish tone, "...I can be overzealous."

A limo pulls up outside the building and a gynoid dressed like a chauffeur gets out from the front and runs to the back, opening the door. From that door emerges... Fimbulvetr's leg! Followed by the woman herself. Looking upon the building with a tiny smile, she steps inside, standing behind Caine and waiting patiently

The mountain of a man regards Fim for a moment. He gives a bow of his head, "Council member Fimbulvert I presume? It is an honor to see you in person. Are you here on business? Or pleasure?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Blaze » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:48 am

Fimbulvetr returns the polite head bow and smiles.

"I don't know, let's see where it takes us. Is Merah in?"
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Re: Applied Metaphysical Engineering

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:56 am

Vomica wrote:He takes a moment to sip his tea, and to contemplate. Wow. That was a long sip. It oddly feels like weeks to Caine. He finally replies, "...villainy is subjective. But good and evil are objective, yes? Consider a hungry savage bear in the wild, is it wrong for it to kill and eat a innocent small baby rabbit? Now consider a man on the street. He kills a young boy. Is that not different? I imagine what your thoughts on." He pauses, and starts again "...there will always be a 'bad guy', a 'criminal', a 'villain' within any culture. It's an aspect of civilization. My surface is ensuring that that role is done with class, respect for all involved, and full knowledge of what I do." He grins widely, "A proper villain is a gentlemen. He is an antagonist. Something to prevent stagnation."

After a moment he falls silent. And... Caine might even noticing him blush. He admits after a moment, "...I was under contract to simulate 'distressed damsel' situation for one of their patrons. I was not entitled to commit gross property damage." He almost whispers, and in a sheepish tone, "...I can be overzealous."

Caine considers Og-ra's words for a few moments. "I think it would be more fair to say that good and evil are complex. Many people are inclined to view them as simple absolutes, in a black-and-white sense. But my feelings are that things tend to be far more complex, and highly dependent on context. Take your examples. If a bear kills a young boy, then I cannot really call the bear evil, for it's simply acting on instinct. In fact, while the bear may be the antagonist, I would consider those responsible for putting the boy in harm's way -- whether through his own foolishness, or negligence on the part of his guardians -- as being more evil. On the other hand, a man on the street is a rational being. It can be presumed that he willingly chose to kill the boy, which would make his act evil, unlike the bear, which did not act based on rational thought. On the other hand, if the situation is such that the boy put himself in harm's way, by entering a dangerous area, and is killed by accident, then the man is not evil, even if he killed the boy."

She shrugs. "Your statements have clarified both your personal views on what 'villainy' means, and how you consider your role to be in society. I will admit, I agree to some extent. Conflict can be an engine to drive innovation and change, and your actions may help stave off stagnation. Even the CTC can be considered to have acted in such a fashion, after all. While many will decry our decision to destroy the Sand Academy, it must be admitted that the Sand Academy was a very static institution by its very nature. Whether or not Academy City will turn out the same remains to be seen, but at the very least our actions caused a certain amount of change."

A limo pulls up outside the building and a gynoid dressed like a chauffeur gets out from the front and runs to the back, opening the door. From that door emerges... Fimbulvetr's leg! Followed by the woman herself. Looking upon the building with a tiny smile, she steps inside, standing behind Caine and waiting patiently

Caine provides Og-ra a slight smile at his final comments, before she notices the arrival of the limosuine. Simply enjoying her tea for the moment, she listens to the exchange between the two curiously, although she discretely examines Fimbulvetr, as the CTC currently lacks much information regarding the councillor.
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