[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:12 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Still dead.

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Still on vacation.
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
“I’ll let you know if I figure it out… things have changed quite a bit since the original report…” McCoy said not really sure what was going on herself having just arrived, pausing she stared at Mark/Ming “But if you call me that nick name again I’ll give you your own set of double MM’s to worry about… ” words dying in her mouth as she paused watching as Ming’s boobs also began to grow ‘on their own’, her china girl figure clearly not designed for such volume up there. “Usually you don’t intentionally increase you own boob size… or was that you?” McCoy said turning her head to Stella. Turning her attention back to Mark/Ming “Well I don’t have any extra clothes, the collar is suppose to provide for that, and I don’t really want to know how you got that off as you should know (Ming would after the reminder) you can get executed for that…” that train of thought was cut short as “Charge almost ready!!” one of the scientists shouted interrupting her ”Ground stabilizers fully deployed” another shouted “Guess we’ll figure that out later… now grab something and hold on!.” She said grabbing the handle of the weapon as the outer rails split apart, as energy of untold amounts began to pulse between the rails as they began to glow a eerie blue light strong and strong it gain and electric sparked it’s center.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
Mimi’s clothing would eventually adjust… by ‘expanding’ or more correctly ripping, after some very uncomfortable moments of metallic device rubbing against sensitive parts caused her extreme embarrassment then again it wasn’t anything really new either Mimi’s would remember ending up in embarrassing such situations whenever with cat, while Cat despite her age found the nipple in mouth strangely natural... her natural instinct to suck on it, she would find herself interrupted by Horo how during this time turned into a rather nude wolf girl, her wolf sensibilities would find it pointless but her human side saying nude was bad.
(lol you people are cold, leaving zilla by herself)
As the last firewall went down, Zilla could feel its mechanical claw grabbing her by the head her last ditch effort the shut down going off. The reset command sweeping through the bot as several flickered before dropping like rag dolls, this wasn’t enough to stop the main body however but it was enough to weaken it that the white skull stuck a solid blast against the beast blowing off another one of the legs causing it to topple forward. The sheer weight of the crash enough to cause the earth in every direction to shake like an earth quake. Zilla however wouldn’t know this being in the near dead state as her systems slowly rebooted, her consciousness fading shortly as her systems slowly came back online.

“FIREEE” Dr. McCoy said as she pulled the trigger, the wave motion beam from earlier was dwarfed by the full power shot as the beam of light tore across the night sky it was large enough and bright enough that even in orbit it could be seen. As it struck the weaken MSN bot both it and the White Skull were engulfed in the blast as the expo grounds disappeared in a flash of light, the pillar of energy from it pulsed shockwaves and gale force wind tossing anything and anyone that wasn’t nailed down like a rag doll. As the light eventually faded where the expo grounds were was a smoking crater almost a mile wide. McCoy was somewhat in shock of the power of the blast begun to laugh manically like a Washu...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:10 pm

Stella looks at McCoy blankly... trying to figure out whats going on. But as the word 'execution' comes through her head, she starts babbling. "I... um... that was my fault! Kind of... I mean... I didn't mean to hit her with my milk. It was an accident... But... when it happened, her clothes and stuff changed. I'm sorry... I cant really control it..."

Her words finally die as she is ordered to grab hold of something... staring wide eyed at the charging weapon. She scrambles over to a tree and grabs hold! Meanwhile, Ming's new additions finally stop growing. She had gained two cup sizes... her breasts nearly spilling out of her top.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:21 pm

Cat tried to struggle, but Mimi's breasts were now so large, that while being held in the girl's arms, there was no longer any room to move her head back. It took a few seconds for her to realise that her body was reacting quite differently to her mind. A comforting sensation spread through the schoolgirl's body, and her cheeks brightened as she glanced up to Mimi, a rather shameful expression in her eyes as the natural instincts over, and she began to suck on the nipple of the teenager. She closed her eyes, the horrifying sounds of battle fading in her ears as her lips brushed back and forth. In the back of her head, she couldn't help but wonder what the heck went on in Cat's life to make this situation feel so natural!

She felt so detached from reality that she couldn't tell how long she'd been sucking at the other girl's breast when an odd voice caught her attention. It was the English accent. Ever since moving to Stepford, the only times she'd heard it were around her parents, and that one guy she'd met recently when waiting in line at the coffee shop. It was hard to move her head, but she peered across in the direction the female voice has come from while still suckling. Her cheeks went even more red at the sight of the naked girl in the bush, but as soon as she realised the wolf was gone, her staggeringly intelligent brain connected the dots. It was pretty embarrassing to know this ten year old girl was so much smarter than university educated Katherine had been. The accent continued to make her think, especially now that she knew several people had been transformed into someone else, what if the wolf girl was....

Before she could finish that thought, her vision was filled with a bright light, and she tightened her arms around Mimi's power suit, fear gripping her, causing her heart to race, her skinny legs wriggling about and wrapping around the teenager's waist just before the shockwaves and the gales crashed into them. She cried against Mimi's breast, making her mouth vibrate against the chubby flesh, and squeezed her eyes shut tight, her long, loose blonde hair being blown all around her head, and likely whipping right into Mimi's face too. There was nothing she could do, powerless to affect what was going on, left clinging like a frightened child, only able to hope Mimi would be able to keep them alive....
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:53 pm

"Waa~" yelled out Mimi as she notice that one of her breast had busted out of her suit. She tried to wave her arms around a bit and try not to let the embarrassment bother her too much. Still this felt kind of normal as Mimi remember all the embarrassing moments that Catalina had forced her into. She tried her best to keep going and had notice that the wolfgirl had jumped off and into a bush. She at once tried to follow her but then felt something press into her exposed bust.

"Kya~" yelled Mimi as she saw that Catalina was sucking on the nipple and her face that could be seen from under her visor was a very deep shade of red as she moans a bit from the surprise feelings she was sensing. "MIss Catalina! Please stop..."

It was then that the huge laser blast has happen as Mimi could see in the distance that something had happen. SHe notice it was in the direction of where they came from and could only hope that other girl was able to make it out safety. She could feel Catalina holding on to her tightly and could sense that she was scared. Mimi then looked to see an exposed young woman appeared out of the bush and suspect it to be the wolf girl.

"MIss....Catalina....please stop....." said Mimi as she tried to push the girl off from sucking as she used her powers to adjust her powersuit. She wasn't sure how much it would help since some of her systems were damage but it was possible to use the tech in the suit to readjust it to cover her new body or at least try. She then looked at the wolf girl and said while still red from everything that has happen, "It isn't intentional. It-it-it just happen."

"How can you help? Can you smell the girl from before? I am trying to catch a read on her and maybe I have something but can't be certain," said Mimi as she looked at the wolf girl.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:59 am

Mark blushes as she covers her chest as her breasts swell in size glaring at Stella. "If you did it, you fix it then!" she exclaimed as the rubbery maid top stretched and finally stopped making her look like a super endowed Asian girl. Before Mark couldn't really notice her breast weight but now she felt like one of those models from x-magazines. Still Mark didn't have much time to cry over this as the cannon was about to shoot. She just grabbed Stella from behind as she finds something to hold on too. It was very awkward as Mark pressed her new chest unto Stella's back as the shock wave made anything not well held unto move and blow away. She couldn't help but scream a bit like a girl as the combination of heat, gusts of wing and basically the earth almost moving wasn't a pleasant one. "WHAT THE HEEEEELL!!!" she cried before the explosion finally settled. Her hands were shaking a bit and were kinda stuck wrapping around Stella before she let go and fell on her butt very shaken before looking at Ms. Melon Tits laugh like madman. "That.... was nuts...." she just commented as her breasts jiggled a bit when she sat.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:00 pm

Sandra blacks out for a moment, and slowly, for the third time today, she begins to regain control of her systems. She staggers to her feet, to see that the plan half-worked! She also notices that nobody else is fighting alongside her... she'd been abandoned. It figures she'd be the one with the most fortitude to stand up to them, and the last to retreat.

Her scanners are still offline, so she doesn't know where they went, and she can't review the logs either, and her propulsion systems are still offline... And most of all, she's in the middle of the hornet's nest, with the rest of them still coming after her! Sandra will need more time before her systems are back to full, and she can't stay here!

She darts, dodges, and weaves her way away from their source, watching as other systems slowly restart themselves. More than a few times, she has to rely on her limited electrical control to both help her dodge and deflect their attacks. At least that part of her wasn't wired into the system, though she wasn't as omnipotent with it as she had been back when she was Sparker.

Still, her luck was tenuous, and she had to take a few hits as she traveled.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:28 pm

Horo wrapped her slender arms around her humanoid body now, not just to cover herself because, without the collar she had been wearing before, she had no way of getting any clothes in this park, thus she was naked. It was also feeling a little cold now, simply because she was naked and no longer had the thick coat of wolf fur that had shielded her when she was in her wolf form. She admitted to herself in her own head that while the human form did certainly have it's advantages over her wolf form, most notably the opposable thumbs, she could not get over the fact that it had no fur whatsoever, it just seem foolish to her especially as all the different clothing humans wore could be restrictive, unlike a nice thick coat of fur. humans were such strange creatures. This was compounded by the fact that another part of her mind was finding the fact she was naked, in public in front of strangers somewhat embarrasing, but she tried her best not to show this, none the less, her cheeks did seem a bit more red than the rest of her body was. She shook her head then cleared her throat for a moment as she tried to ignore the rather awkward and distracting human sensibility for the moment as she turned her attention back to her two companions whom seemed to have been engaging in a very peculiar type of embrace. Horo still felt strongly that she wished to track down this nectar as soon as possible since it would with luck willing get her away from these unusual situation. Of all the things that had happened so far, she found it was the robots and cyborgs that seemed to have been attacking repeatedly that she was most tired of. She disliked robots now. a great deal in fact. Possibly having to do with them being artifical life, or that they kept seeming to attack.

Focusing her attention now solely on Mimi and Cat, Horo would look at Mimi before moving one arm from around herself and scratching her nose. The constrast between her two forms was always suprising, to find that her human form had such a terribly dry nose. A moment later, her ears stirred to the sound of vibrations in the air then a moment later should would witness the bright flash that was a short way off, the massive blast of energy and the shockwave that. The noise caused her to wince as it hit her sensitive hearing though she was unable to tell the colour. "Providing you've met this girl before, I can match the scents are track her, combine with that you already seem to have a reading on whoever it is, we should be able to find her without much trouble" She was about continue on with her sentence when she noticed Mimi was looking in the direction of the blast, Horo sighed for a moment and shook her head "I do hope I am wrong here, but from the look you have on your face, it would seem that the person we are looking for might be over in the direction of that blast?" she shook her head a moment, if it was true, they could possibly be heading into an even more dangerous place, but it was also the only way to resolve this situation, then she would have to help. Her attention then went to Cat for a moment, wondering at the familiar scent that came from the girl, and why there was something oddly familiar about her but that something Horo could not place. She looked at Cat for a few moments more to see if she could recognize anything. After a moment, she would start to look around, the blast from nearby had sent the air stirring so the Horo was able to pick up more scents on the wind, a mixture of the scents of people and machines, some familiar, some unfamiliar. "I can pick up a few unfamiliar scents drifting over from place where that light just came from. some of the unfamiliar scents are clinging to you as well...there's also another odd scent coming from there. I can't quite place it...Milk perhaps?" she shook her head before looking at Mimi and Cat "I suggest we go check there, since the unfamiliar smells seem like a good starting point...I shall head over that way, try to keep up" she smiled a little before closing her eyes and changing back into a wolf in the blink of an eye, the change quick and smooth till she was a normal sized wolf once more. Turning about, looking towards the site of the bright light, the wolf started off towards the source of the light, looking back once to check if Mimi and Cat were following.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:32 am

Cat tried to fight the urge, but it was stronger than her. She couldn't stop herself suckling despite how much it was clearly embarrassing both of them. However, when Mimi let go of her waist and pushed her away, she was easily over-powered, the nipple slipping from get mouth as she fell the few short feet to the ground, causing her skirt to swish up and show her panties! Her feet landed first, but her skinny legs crumpled beneath her, and she crashed down onto her bottom in the grass, her glasses sliding down her nose.

Pushing then back into place with her finger, she unsteadily got to get feet, struggling to deal with her long and loose blonde hair, as she'd gone so long through adult life with shirt hair. For a moment or two, she felt overwhelming upset that her suckling being interrupted, but it soon passed, to be replaced with shame at what she'd done. Her knees trembled from the embarrassment as she looked up at the hovering Mimi.

"I'm r-really sorry, Mesume, I don't know what's wrong with me", she blushed.

It was a welcome distraction when Horo started to question Mimi about the one that held the nectar of life. She went quiet, trying to smooth out her school uniform which had become rather dishevelled from being picked up and dropped secral times. More than once she found her gaze drifting towards Horo's chest, and silently cursed herself. When the girl eventually reverted to her wolf form, she almost cheered. "I KNEW you weren't just a normal wolf!", she shouted and set off, running after her.

It was pretty tough going, trying to keep up with the wolf, and despite her super skinny figure, it quickly became obvious this young body was not fit. She had a pain in her stomach from running, and breathing became so difficult she started to wonder if she was actually asthmatic. It was certainly different from how fit she was used to being. Just when she was about to collapse, three figures came into view. It took her a moment to realise she already knew one of them.

"Dr.... McCoy?", she panted, her long hair flopping down as she bent forward, putting her hands in get knees while struggling to catch her breath.

"Wh-What... are you... doing.... here?", she asked, stunned at coming across the genetics lecturer on the field of battle. Her cheeks went quite red as she then looked over the two top heavy and scantily clad women that were with her. Even women with small chests were enough to make Cat feel inferior and jealous now, so these three were particularly embarrassing to be around.

"We're looking for... the nectar of life. Do you know where it is? It's really important I get it".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:25 am

"It is okay," blushed Mimi a bit to Cat's apology. She would admit it was awkward but at the same time normal. The Micheal side was finding this whole situation crazy. She watched as the werewolf transform and nodded. She was about to fly off but saw that Cat was trying to run.

Mimi remember that milk was spilled from the other girl that she left the young maid. She nodded a bit and at once began to fly off. At the same time she decided to help Cat by taking her in her arms and put up her boosters to keep up with the fast werewolf girl. She then whisper, "I help you my-I mean Miss Catalina."

She then boosted up to keep up with the werewolf till they reach their destination with Cat still in her arms. What she saw was kind of surprising as she recognized both of the girls with a scientist figure.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:29 pm

Stella blushes as Mark yells at her to fix her enhanced top. "Um... I don't know how to... the effects will wear off in a bit." She hesitates. "At least I hope they will... I've never done this before..." But soon the explosion is exploding! She closes her eyes and holds tight to the tree... blushing more as she feels Mark grabbing on to her from behind, pressing her breasts against her back.

Once the blast is finally over, she sighs, letting go and flopping backwards... sighing with relief... then blushing harder as her new position suddenly grants her a pair of bouncy earmuffs. "I'msorry!" Leaning forward quickly, she bashes her head on the tree... falling sideways onto her front, looking around blearily and dazed... and then spots Cat walking into the clearing. "H-hi...?" She waves hesitantly... she stopped understanding what was going on some time ago.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:40 pm

Mark sighs as she see's Stella totally not be helpful. She groans after the blast and stands up, her breasts jiggling quite easily since she rubbery clothes aren't any help at all. She then spots a girl coming towards the small group and she blushes because for some reason that girl feels very very familiar to her and second cause shes basically infront of her wearing a sluty outfit. She backs off a bit blushings before she gets a name on her head. "Ms... Harrison?" asked Mark murmered Mark. "It was just a hunch, but that voice just.... sounded familiar.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:49 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime

Suddenly the attacks stopped at least as far as Hime/Sandra and the other’s would notice the robots attention was suddenly taken. As if they were distracted they all turned to where the explosion had taken place, slowly the colors in their eyes if possible turned fanatical there shouts of assimilation replaced with something far more frightening.
“Sieg Hail!”
They shouted as they raised their left arms in salute… in the center of the explosion as the clouds parted the White Skull sat on a throne like seat on top of the conquered opponent of the MSN mecha, which was undergoing its own transformation, the digital attack and blast enough that it allowed the white skull to grab control of it. Transforming with the nigh infinite power of cosmic cube powering it, there was almost no restrictions to what it could achieve.


However that was just the beginning with the distractions put down the mad man laughed his plan went into full action on even a greater level then even he planned as the Mecha allowed a worldwide broad cast as suddenly across the world the apple like logo’s began glowing red as men women even babies in the proximity of them dropped what they were doing arms raised to join the chant. The thunderous chorus of mind controlled humanity could be heard throughout the world.
“Sieg Hail! Apple Furhur!! Sieg Hail!!”
(Yes I just went there… >.<; )

“Shit shit shit!!! Ready another volley!” Ms. McCoy shouted ignoring Cat as something more pressing was taking place, as she realized what was happening. Thankfully being actual geeks none of them used apple goods so none of them were affected, cat’s broken phone actually being a luck out this time around. (you guys can keep talking… just be ready for me to interrupt whenever... and get to it already...)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:18 pm

Sandra's systems continued booting. As soon as the scanners were online, she began to bolt toward the group. Her jets flared to life, and she blasted her way toward them much more quickly. She noticed that the bots perusing her had stopped, though she was focused on reaching her target, and kept covering ground between them.

When she arrived, she saw a host of unfamiliar faces alongside her friend Cat, the wolf, and the mechamaid she had seen earlier. Chief among the unfamiliar faces was a buxom scientist, who seemed to be calling the shots.

"Katherine!" she says, rushing to embrace the young girl. She seemed so small and frightened... It was almost hard to believe how not too long ago, they were together in her office... Now they'd both changed so much. "What the hell is going on out there?" Sandra asks.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:29 am

Cat's eyes widened a little as she studied the two women with Dr. McCoy. She was still bending over, aching from her run... when the Asian one in the rubbery maid outfit took her by suprise. A frown creased her young face as she looked back at the woman in confusion. She remembered that boy, Mark, in a maid's uniform, but then she'd also see hundreds of maids since, and Mark definitely hadn't been wearing a uniform like that! This uniform was more like something found in a fetish store.

"Y-Yeah... ", she said, blushing as the admission forced her to compare this body to her previous one in her head. She might have just been a librarian rather than a lecturer, but she still had respect from most of the students. And then there was her smart, sexy clothing. The other part of that old name being called caused her to turn just in time to see Sandra arrive. "I thought we'd lost you!", she gasped, throwing her arms around the mechanical body of her friend, small hands grasping at Sandra's back while her head only came up to chest plate. "I don't know! According to Mesume, one of these has the nectar of... ", she trailed off, her eyes widening, peering up over Sandra's shoulder...

A groan spilled from her lips as she saw the mecha rising from the crater of the explosion with the White Skull perched on top of it. Her knees weakened, and her stomach churned at the thought of another battle, as she knew there was nothing she could do but stand back and watch the adults fight the bad guys. Unless...

Still clinging to Sandra, she turned her head to peer at the busty Ms. McCoy, but having already experienced being berated by the woman in class, she was pretty sure she'd have no luck trying to get answers from her now while she was ordering her troops. Her cheeks went quite red as her focus instead turned to Stella, Ming, and their large chests. "Mesume... please, which one was the voice speaking about? I can help you guys win this time...".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:41 am

Horo had been able to follow the scent that she had picked up from Mimi to it's source with some ease. As she arrived in the same place as she had orginally fled from, from the giant machine that had emerged there, Horo found that the terrain had undergone quite a radical change. Her lower jaw hung open for a moment, the closest thing to gawking a wolf could achieve, looking at the massive crater spanning the area that had apparently been the expo centre not long ago. Of the giant robot and the man seemed to be called 'White Skull' there seemed to be not a trace of them, something for which Horo seemed to be profoundly glad. Looking about a moment, she noticed a group of people she did not recognize, though the scent seemed familiar, like the one's she had gotten from Mimi. Looking at the one who seemed to be laughing in the way only a mad scientist might, she seemed to recognize her from somewhere. She thought on it for a moment, then remembered that she seemed to be one of the lecturer's at that school, though Horo had just been a maid for most of her time at the school, so it's she doubted she'd had any real contact with the woman other than seeing her in passing as. As she watched the small group for a moment, noting the rather strange presence of milk in places across the floor, she would look back to see the people she was with before, Cat and Mimi, seemed to have caught up and seemed to recognize the laughing woman. Horo meandered over to a low stone wall, or at least the remains of a low stone wall near the group and climb onto it, before sitting down. As she sat, she would revert one more back to her human shape, though she kept herself as covered as she could, since she was still rather naked, in fact, completely naked. Looking at the two other girls in the gathered group, especially the one Cat seemed to recognize, Mark, she believed she heard Cat say "You know, I'm naked here, but I still imagine that's less embarrasing than that outfit you a wearing" she head her head tilted to oneside slightly as she looked at Mark, a slightly bemused smile on her face. Then she looked down at herself for a moment "With that in mind, I don't suppose any of you know where any spare clothing might be? It's rather cold without fur"

She would look at Cat for a moment then would give a nod "mmm...you are right, I'm not a normal wolf. I am what humans label as...what was it "she tapped her cheek for a moment "Ah yes. I'm a feral mutant" without the pressure or urgency of escape, she seemed more relaxed, so Horo apparently strong english accent was coming through far more clearly now. She looked at Cat "Now then, maybe you could answer a question for me....Why do you seem so familiar? You do seem to have gone to that same school my former owner seems to attend, though it seems to be more than that" she looked at the younger girl, a little perplexed by this unknown familiarity. Her question was disrupted by the sudden resounding shout of words that seemed very chilling. She could feel the rumbling of the ground beneath her bare feet, and she knew it was coming from the smoking crater. The rumbling knocked her off balance and she tumbled backwards over the low wall. After gathering her wits, she stood up to see what was causing the rumbling. This time, she gave a very human gawk at the sight of the robot that emerged from the smoke. She could also see the man named the White Skull atop the machine now "Oh...joy...the man with the weird powers and the robot are working together now?" she watched from over the low wall, first at the Scientist woman called Mccoy who seemed to be trying to fight the machine and the White Skull, then she heard Cat speak and nodded "Whatever this nectar is, whatever it does, I hope it's something...because either one of those things on it's own is bad. but the two of them working together...well, we'd be in trouble" she watched the machine, the only thing she had witnessed that had come close to being that vast was the dragon lady who had apparently inspected a group of feral mutants back at the school. Despite how rather intimidating the wolf found her, she suddenly found herself wishing that the dragon lady was around. "And we need some form of plan too..like getting rid of the guy attempt that machine" she said, looking up towards the White Skull.
Idle MSFer
Idle MSFer
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