TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up

Postby AshK » Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:36 pm

Okay I am going to try this again, however this time I am limiting to eight people besides the GM and Co-GM. It's just too hard for me to keep up with a bunch of people. First person to post a character besides me will be the Co-GM. First Come first serve. Mental changes will be a bit faster than they were. All the changes are Male to Female or Female to Female. If you wish to be AR'ed or AP'ed let me know. I will see what I can do. The furthest I will AR anyone is aging them down to age seven.

Once you sign up, everyone starts from the Airport.

1. One character per player at first. Also must have permission to create another character
2. No killing off other peoples characters.
3. Keep posts limited while GM and Co-Gm are absent.
4. Have fun!
5. Make it fun for everybody.
7. Three infractions of the rules and you are out!
10. And did I mention: HAVE FUN!
11. Pairings are undoubtedly optional.
12. Maiden Miki is the Co-GM
13. Anyone can sign up to join anytime.

It has been three years since a cure has been found for the previous Virus. A number of people that were infected by the last Outbreak are back to normal including the Schatsiek siblings, however there is only one remaining in the area where this RP takes place. The other two are living in Springfield as a Dental Hygenist the Sister, the other one is a Senior at the United States Air Force Academy younger brother.

Now yet another evil scientist has created a fifth strain of the Virus. Luckily it is contained for now. That will most definitely change and it will change soon.

Here is my character:

Name: Ashton Tyler John Schatsiek

Gender: Male for now

Age: 31

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 276.8 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair color and style: Dark Brown Buzz Style hair cut.

Bio: Ashton was one of the many victims of the second third and fourth Outbreaks he was also a victim of the first Outbreak as well. He was a She at one time, a very girly She. Luckily a cure was found and him and his siblings took it and were returned to normal.

Desired TF Pic: Whoever transforms me gets to pick. I don't really like choosing my own pics to be transformed into.
Character Outline:



Age: Between 16 and 31




Hair Color and Style:


Where was your character during the previous outbreaks?:
Was he/she exposed?:

Desired TF Pic(If you don't post one, I will choose it for you):
Last edited by AshK on Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up/Interest

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:52 pm

Name: Micheal Anderson

Gender: Male

Age: 25


Weight: 175 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair Color and Style: Short Brown hair

Bio: Micheal had been studying aboard during the last outbreak in London. He has always wanted to be a writer and had took the chance to study in London to learn more about literature. He is very proud of his height since not many people get that tall. Currently he decided to head back home but had made a stop at the location of the last outbreak knowing of what had once happen there.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up/Interest

Postby Nikki » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:01 pm

Name: Justin Russo

Age: 22


Bio: He is a former wizard but lost his powers in a wizard competition. He knows nothing of previous viruses.

Once transformed he will look like
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up/Interest

Postby AshK » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:19 pm

Nikki, you are approved! Welcome! You are clear to post.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up/Interest

Postby Melkorios » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:05 am

Name: Melkorios Norix

Gender: Male (for the time being)

Age: 24

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 210

Eyes: brown

Hair Color and Style: black, just past shoulder length, slightly spiky.

Bio: A simple man, Melkorios is more of an adventurer and wanderer than anything else. He's the kind of man who wanders into the wilds, trusty sword by his side, and lives off of whatever treasures or places of excitement he meets along the way. One particularly lucrative find has made him quite wealthy indeed, although he still adventures, more for the thrill than anything else. Remembering back at the last time the virus struck, Melkorios has decided to return to this town, hoping that a new adventure awaits.

Where was your character during the previous outbreaks?: While not present for two of the outbreaks, Melkorios was caught in one of them (I believe the third), investigating the virus, also actually hoping for some of its effects to
Was he/she exposed?: Yes

Desired TF Pic(If you don't post one, I will choose it for you): ... &id=614125
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence Sign Up/Interest

Postby AshK » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:52 pm

Melkorios: Approved. You are free to post. You know where to start.
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