Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:20 pm

Kiki was silent and didn't say anything. She kind of blushed a bit.

Jade would remember what they were working on and knew that Kiki would be ready for it.


"Oh....Alright," said Mina as she looked at the club and frowned. She didn't know what to do. It pissed her off that everybody did bad and looked even worse since she was the president. She took a deep breath and at once spoke in a firm tone. "What you guys doing? Aren't we the Science Club? What kind of Science Club mopes around feeling bad when we have improvement to do! There is a competition come after Christmas and we have to do good! So take out your notes and let get started!"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:33 pm

Kiki was silent and didn't say anything. She kind of blushed a bit.

Jade would remember what they were working on and knew that Kiki would be ready for it.

"I knew it." Jade said as she prepared to do her next throw. It was a one-armed shoulder throw. She grabbed a hold of Kiki and executed her throw. She pulled up on Kiki's arm so she wouldn't take a seriously injuring fall. She then helped her up. She also noticed the way that Sean was looking at Kiki.

"Hey Ki-Chan I think he likes you as well." Jade said. "It's your turn to throw me with the same throw."

Jade then thinks to herself again after releasing Kiki. 'Wow, it's so nice having friends that share the same interests as me. Maybe being a girl won't be so bad afterall.' Jade finished thinking to herself as she waited for Kiki to throw her.

"Oh....Alright," said Mina as she looked at the club and frowned. She didn't know what to do. It pissed her off that everybody did bad and looked even worse since she was the president. She took a deep breath and at once spoke in a firm tone. "What you guys doing? Aren't we the Science Club? What kind of Science Club mopes around feeling bad when we have improvement to do! There is a competition come after Christmas and we have to do good! So take out your notes and let get started!"

Everyone took out their notes as was instructed. It really frustrated them that they did so poorly, but you get good grades on some tests and bad grades on others.

Mina would remember what to do to get the club in order as they all started talking while taking out their notes.

"Eh-hem!" Ami said. "Everyone be quiet, or you all get detention."

Mina would also remember that her as President of the Science Club, and Ami as Vice President of the Science Club were given authority by their adviser to hand out detentions as necessary.

(I mean it this time, good night.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:40 pm

"Alright Ja-chan," said Kiki as she did the same move but wasn't as strong. She then helped up Jade and said, "Well....If he does then he hasn't shown it. Maybe you can Mina can ask help?"


"Sigh...Umm....Ami?" said Mina almost forgetting Ami. She remember seeing the green hair girl at times since sometimes she would come by the senior physics class. "Do we have anybody who actually like Science? I mean it feels like all we doing is tutoring the losers who can't do it. I mean it be nice to have a good bunch to go to competition with but it doesn't look like it."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:52 am

Maiden Miki wrote:"Alright Ja-chan," said Kiki as she did the same move but wasn't as strong. She then helped up Jade and said, "Well....If he does then he hasn't shown it. Maybe you can Mina can ask help?"


"Sigh...Umm....Ami?" said Mina almost forgetting Ami. She remember seeing the green hair girl at times since sometimes she would come by the senior physics class. "Do we have anybody who actually like Science? I mean it feels like all we doing is tutoring the losers who can't do it. I mean it be nice to have a good bunch to go to competition with but it doesn't look like it."

"That was a nice throw Ki-Chan, but not quite right you have to focus more." Jade said. "I know it's kind of hard when someone is staring at you during practice. However you are an excellent Judo-Ka. Try to focus on the person you are throwing and not a cute boy that you like. Also it's harder for a boy to display what he feels. They sometimes don't think it's manly to show feelings." Jade said.

" I don't really get along with Mina very well at all. In fact I don't get along with her at all. She thinks she is so much better than me just because she is the President of the Science Club. I have no clue what her problem is with me. I never did anything to her. She is just a stuck up little witch that doesn't seem to know that I exist. Or when she does see me, she brushes me off like I am nothing." Jade stated. She had a hint of anger to her voice, she really wanted to be friends with her new ally in the fight against evil. Kiki picks up on this and wants to offer her help. Maybe she could help Jade and Mina get along better.


"I know. I think they all like Science, but it was a Pop Test. They hadn't prepared for it. That is probably the reason why they did so poorly." Ami said. "We need to get through to those thick skulls of theirs so they are always prepared for whatever their teachers throw at them."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:18 am

Kiki looked a bit confused and wasn't sure what was going on. She blinked a little bit and then said, "Are you are Mina having an argument? I guess Mina can be a you say it? Rough? Still you two seem to get along well like you two were friends. "


"True...Still they shouldn't let that stop them from succeeding," said Mina with a long sigh. She then rubbed her eyes and said, "This is bit tough....Going to get me a big cup of tea tonight for sure."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:38 am

Maiden Miki wrote:Kiki looked a bit confused and wasn't sure what was going on. She blinked a little bit and then said, "Are you are Mina having an argument? I guess Mina can be a you say it? Rough? Still you two seem to get along well like you two were friends. "

"I don't want to talk about it because you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Jade said. "Let's just say that Mina and I have some different issues with each other and got in an argument so we decided to go our separate ways for a while."

Sean then comes over and approaches Kiki.

"Hey there Kiki would you like to go out to dinner and a movie Friday night?" Sean said. "I would be honored if you would be my date. You don't have to answer me now. Maybe after practice."

Sean bowed and went back to his partner and began working.

"See I told you he liked you. I heard from some of his friends that he talks about you as much as you talk about him." Jade said. "So let's get back to practicing. We have a big competition coming up next week."

Jade then proceeded to grab Kiki by the lapel and showed her what to do to make her throw even better.


Maiden Miki wrote:"True...Still they shouldn't let that stop them from succeeding," said Mina with a long sigh. She then rubbed her eyes and said, "This is bit tough....Going to get me a big cup of tea tonight for sure."

Ami points to the tea kettle that is already boiling.

"I figured you would say that." Ami stated she knew how stressed out Mina gets sometimes. "So I started the tea kettle boiling myself."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:44 am

"That was pretty good Ja-chan. Can I try it on you?" said Kiki who was bubbling with joy from what just happen. She almost seem like she couldn't believe what happen. She then focus for abit and said, "You sure? But you and Mina are like the closest friends I ever seen. Must have been some argument."


"Tha-umm.....Wait really? You did that for me?" asked Mina who was taken back by the fact somebody had already went ahead and started to make tea for her. "Are you doing it right? I mean with putting in the honey as it boils and stuff?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:03 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"That was pretty good Ja-chan. Can I try it on you?" said Kiki who was bubbling with joy from what just happen. She almost seem like she couldn't believe what happen. She then focus for abit and said, "You sure? But you and Mina are like the closest friends I ever seen. Must have been some argument."

"Yeah just some argument we got into. We just need some time to ourselves." Jade said. "Go ahead and try it. Make sure you are completely focused on me and not on what just happened."

Jade couldn't help but put a smile on her face. This girl thing was pretty good so far. She still missed her stronger male body, but it was what it was. She is just so happy she actually has friends that she shares common interests with. Did she really want to change back after the contract was fulfilled. She thought she was sure she wanted to change back, but now she is not so sure. So far her new life was a lot better than her old one.


Maiden Miki wrote:"Tha-umm.....Wait really? You did that for me?" asked Mina who was taken back by the fact somebody had already went ahead and started to make tea for her. "Are you doing it right? I mean with putting in the honey as it boils and stuff?"

"Yes I did. That's what friends are for right?" Ami asked as she went back to the stove and put a bit more honey in there.

The thought then occurred to Mina, maybe Jade wasn't as stupid as she thought, but she still didn't trust her completely. She still had the ere of superiority over her friend... no teammate. Or could it possibly be that they are turning into friends because of the experience they had working together? No it couldn't be. Jade was nothing more than a teammate or was she?
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:33 pm

"All right here I go," said Kiki as she went forth to preform the throw while Jade was deep in thought. This time the throw was much better then the last.


Mina decided to take a seat and tried to organize her thoughts. This Ami girl who was some freshmen less then an hour ago was some sort of friend. Mina had people who were kind of friends bit not really. Still then there was this Jade girl. Surely there was something going on with her. They are working towards the same thing hut clearly this current thing is working surprising good. Still everything is just strange.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:02 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"All right here I go," said Kiki as she went forth to preform the throw while Jade was deep in thought. This time the throw was much better then the last.


Mina decided to take a seat and tried to organize her thoughts. This Ami girl who was some freshmen less then an hour ago was some sort of friend. Mina had people who were kind of friends bit not really. Still then there was this Jade girl. Surely there was something going on with her. They are working towards the same thing hut clearly this current thing is working surprising good. Still everything is just strange.

"Wow Ki-Chan! That was the best throw I have seen you do in a long time." Jade said not even realizing what she said. I mean she just met this girl a few minutes ago. As a guy she never really socialized with anybody and was focused on homework. How could this girl that she just met be a friend of hers? Or does the person she became have some sort of history with Kiki. There were so many things to figure out. This was some sort of strange set up she had been thrown into.

As Mina collects her thoughts, Ami speaks up.

"Um Mina-Chan I think your tea is done." Ami says as she points to the whistling kettle.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:11 pm

"You really think so Ja-chan?" asked Kiki as she helps Jade up. "That means a lot from you."

"Finish up everybody. We hit lockers in ten minutes," said the teacher adviser. Jade and Kiki would notice that an hour had already pass.


"Oh.....It is? Sorry....Just thinking," said Mina as she went up and pour herself a cup. She takes a sip and smiles. It was delicious and was surprise that somebody beside herself was able to make a cup of tea that she approved of. "Wow....Nobody makes me a cup that I actually likes."

Mina would notice that it has already been close to an hour.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:26 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"You really think so Ja-chan?" asked Kiki as she helps Jade up. "That means a lot from you."

"Finish up everybody. We hit lockers in ten minutes," said the teacher adviser. Jade and Kiki would notice that an hour had already pass.


"Oh.....It is? Sorry....Just thinking," said Mina as she went up and pour herself a cup. She takes a sip and smiles. It was delicious and was surprise that somebody beside herself was able to make a cup of tea that she approved of. "Wow....Nobody makes me a cup that I actually likes."

Mina would notice that it has already been close to an hour.

"Of course I do." Jade says. "Hey no worries that's what friends are for!"

Jade then looked up at the clock. "Oh wow! I can't believe it's been an hour already! Time flies when you are having fun! Right Ki-Chan?" Jade said as she looked at her partner and friend as she handed her a bottle of water. "Here you go Ki-Chan. So anything you want to do after we're done?"

"Okay everybody, take out your pencils it's time for a Pop Quiz! If you guys don't pass this test with a C or better, none of you will be eligible for the competition coming up." Ami said as she gave everyone a paper with several questions on it. She then looks at Mina.

"Nobody until now." Mina said as she grabbed a Tea Cup. "Could I have some Mina-Chan?"
Last edited by AshK on Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:34 pm

"Thanks," said Kiki as she takes the water bottle and drinks from it. She then frown a little and said, "Umm...Sorry Ja-chan but I already made plans today with my mother. Maybe next time."


"Yeah. Go ahead," said Mina as she pours tea into the cup and watched as the members take their pop quiz.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:39 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Thanks," said Kiki as she takes the water bottle and drinks from it. She then frown a little and said, "Umm...Sorry Ja-chan but I already made plans today with my mother. Maybe next time."


"Yeah. Go ahead," said Mina as she pours tea into the cup and watched as the members take their pop quiz.

There is a bit of sadness in Jade's eyes but she understands. I mean she didn't even know she was on the Judo Team until today. "Oh. That's okay Ki-Chan. We can go do something next time." Jade says as she takes a sip and dries the sweat off from her brow.

"Thanks Mina-Chan." Ami said as she poured the tea into her cup. She takes a sip and then takes a break from drinking. "When you are done pass the quizzes up to the front."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:42 pm

"Sorry," said Kiki as she gave a nervous smile to Jade. She then bows.

"Hurry to the showers! Good job!" said the adviser as he clapped his hands.


"Yeah...You welcome," said Mina who finished her tea and was gathering up papers. "I am guessing I am grading them?"
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