[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:24 pm

Mimi watched as Cat had went though a whole sequence for a transformation. She marvel and wonder what was going on and couldn't believe that it was actually happening. A magical girl just like what Mimi saw in Cat's shows and even force upon looking like one by the little girl. Micheal on the other hand seen things like this via the internet.

The robo-maid was going to hover over to Cat but before she knew what was what she found herself to be in a completely different location. SHe even notice that she didn't have her robot suit but instead was more so dressed like Micheal but her button up shirt fit baggy on her while her jeans fit normally. Mimi place a hand to her hair to feel a frilly maid cap. She then sees Deus and kind of recognized him.

"Are you...?" said Mimi trying to take a good look at Deus to make sure that this stripper dressed lady was in fact the powerful superhero. "What is going on? Why do I look like this?"

(I be fine with any power but I would still like to keep my technopath powers. Still surprise me.)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:47 pm

Cat was aware of others surrounding her, but she felt so distanced from everything while she suckled, until the nipple was suddenly gone. Her eyes flickered open, squinting at the bright white light all around her. "Maria?", she called, "Sandra? Mesume?". Reaching down, she grasped a handful of her school skirt, and glanced to see she was still in the young body, when the heavy force to the side of her head broke her concentration. "Oww!", she yelled in annoyance, but blushed at the voice suggesting she had enjoyed being stuck as Cat.

Looking up, her eyes widened at the stripper-like woman before her, and her eyebrows arched upwards at the muttering. "M lister? Hey! I was saving the day before half those super p-", she started to rant before being cut off by another slap, this one leaving her ducking down a little, with both arms wrapped over the top of her head. She blushed at the way the threat made her imagine being punished by the woman, picturing bring dragged across her lap and s- *Whack* She looked both stunned and ashamed that the woman was apparently aware of her thoughts.

Very cautiously lowering her arms from over her head, she stepped closer, and reached out, her fingers curling around the stem of the wand as she took it. When the light dissolved to reveal the real once more, she realised she'd lost control, left as a passenger in her own body as she began to dance in a way that not only felt embarassingly inappropriate for Cat's age, but was also uncomfortable for Katherine. She went bright red as her school blouse and skirt were removed, and thought she was going to pass out when her panties followed. It was like one of those nightmares where you found yourself in public only to realise you'd forgotten to get dressed, but with the added shame of being a kid instead of an adult.

She felt her arms stretch out on either side of her, her feet coming together as the light wrapped around her, replacing her discarded school uniform with something Katherine didn't recognise. The feeling came back into her body, her free have reaching down to brush along the frilly yellow dress. She turned slightly, pushing one foot out while tugging the flared skirt back so she could peer at her new shoes and socks, and then at the wand in her hand. With red cheeks, she turned to look back at the others when the streams of white light burst out of her body to strike her friends, at first causing her to think she'd accidentally activated her new toy.

"Ohmygod! I'm sorry!", she cried as they all seemed to slip into some kind of trance...
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:21 am

Horo's attention was drawn from the large and deadly looking robot that had been captivating not only her attention but the others who had joined them back at the battlefield they had first escaped from, drawn towards Cat and the other girl with the oversized breasts, just in time to see the bright light emerge from the body of the young yet oddly familiar girl. This turned out to be yet more ofd the bizzare occurences that had occured over the short space of time she had been free of the collar. Robots, cyborgs, bright flashes of light, different people with more and more unusual powers. She was aware that compared to any regular human she was far from a normal person, but she felt a little normal compared to the others.

"What is going on now..." she spoke out loud, mostly to herself as she watched the light play that had surronded the girl then she canted her head to oneside, her pointed wolf ears twitching once at the strange words the girl spoke that made very little in the way of sense to the wolf, though what she found rather more shocking was what happened next. The dance that Cat seemed to peform while surronded by all these bizzare lights seemed to be, at best, rather inapporiate for her age then followed by the removal of the clothing. Out in public no less, though she noticed rather conviently placed black lines that hide anything sensitive. She watched as moments later Cat seemed to be dressed in a rather frilly outfit that reminded Horo rather of a porcelian doll. Before she was able to make any comment about this bizzare occurence, she tried to duck out of the way of the stream of light energy that seemed to erupt in all directions from Cat, though it seemed unavoidable as the surge of energy struck her full on, and she blacked out for a few moments.

When her eyes opened again, all she could now see was endless plains of white in all directions. She looked around, feeling rather puzzled as to what had just happened to her now, first she was standing in the midst of a battlefield with a giant robot looming overhead, then she was struck by a bright light that seemed to have knocked her this strange white place that seemed to have nothing but endless white. After a moment of staring about herself, she would notice others around her, that seemed to be all the different people from before though they seemed altered and different to what she had seen previously. There was another figure too, one whom she did not recognize so she concluded that whoever it was must have had something to do with what just happened to them. Looking towards the new figure, she was about to question the man though she was interrupted by a voice that seemed rather unsuually nearby.

"Whoa. cool, This place looks just like the Loading Program from The Matrix" It was a distinctly male voice which in many ways from pitch, tone and even the strong English accent was identical to Horo's own voice. Paying attention to herself for a moment, she found that she seemed to have acquired an extra head from somewhere. The new head would also distinctly resemble Horo in many ways as the facial features were very similiar in form except for Horo's cheekbones seemed to be slightly higher, making her look more feminine. Rather dumbfounded by the presence of a second head for a moment before she was able to compose herself and say anything.

"Who in the hell are you?" She demanded of the second head, seeming rather upset that her body seemed to have gained a strange passenger beyond the presence in the back of her head.

"Huh? Me? I'm Daniel....Wait...why do I have another head?" he seemed equally confused by the presence of a second head "Well, at least now I know how Zaphod Beedlebrox felt having two heads" he responded a few moments later, to which Horo just shock her own head for a moment, not having the faintest clue what he was talking about.

She felt her only recourse now was to ask the only person in this strange white place she did not recognize in some form. Turning her own head to look at Dues, eyeing the stranger for a moment, before staring directly at him in an intensly frustrated manner. It wasn't every day you found you had a second head. "Did you bring us here to this place...and are you responsible for this" she motioned with a hand to the second head, looking around for a moment more, wondering if the strange changes to the others about her were the result of what this stranger had presumably done. Both of the heads were now facing the man, curious as to quite what was going on here.

(I can't really think of any power up that is in the context of the orginal ability, so I don't mind if you chose the power up)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:51 pm

Mark looked in confusion as she saw the scene unfold around her. First the death of Dr. McCoy now the appearance of that weird person thing who apparently Ms.Harrison had or something. It was like something out of a magical girl/horror anime or something! Weirder still was when the girl started to transform in a very.... skimpy sequence. Thankfully Mark still had his male side in tact and part of her was disappointed she still wasn't an adult while her Ming part thought it was awesome and incredible to witness something so awesome in person which was confusing having those two feelings at the same time.

Weirder still was when Mark found that a beam of light had hit her and it changed her outfit completely! Gone was the stripper maid uniform turning red and into a single long piece. Her black outfit started turning red with golden lines as the now dress's skirt grew to a above her ankles. Mark wobbled as her legs were clamped together like she was rolled up on the silk dress, but as soon at it happened the skirt broke as two slits quickly appeared reaching mid thigh! Her mary janes now turned into red heel shoes which made standing awkward for Mark. Her hair was now styled in buns and had dangling golden earrings which matched a bracelet that appeared on her right arm as her nails were now dyed red like the shade of lipgloss on her lips. Mark now looked like a very stereotypical Chinese girl!

"W-What the hell?!" she exclaimed checking herself surprised by the sudden change in outfit which didn't help with her breast problem either and now worsen as the dress was form fitting and the shape of her large breasts was easily made out.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:13 pm

Stella wasnt sure how long it was... it had felt like Cat had been suckling for ages. Lost in the pleasure and relief, her eyes go wide as it suddenly stops... finding herself on a white plain. She looks around in confusion... then holds her head as it begins to throb. "Ack!" She says, old memories pouring into her head as her form shifts.

Her bunnysuit reforms on her body... gaining a black camo pattern on it as a ammo and utility belt appears around her broad hips. With that also comes a pair of holsters, holding twin semi automatic pistols. Her arm and leg muscles increase in strength, making her faster, stronger, and more flexible... all the while retaining her slim and soft features.

She stumbles about a bit on her black heels, her large bosom jiggling in its confines as she looks around... face full of confusion from her conflicting memories.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:44 pm

Miku-chan - Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider – Gwen Watson
Mia (what happened to miku?)

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles / Lulu
(since no preference was given, I guess I’m choosing for you)
She was dragged into the spiritual world soon after as well, while there she would find herself well still a her though in more of a rocker clothes that she would have worn if she was originally female as a superhero.
Dr. Deus spoke looking at her “I’m impressed you had the will to resist your urges, anyways it just goes to show you guts don’t equal skill.”
“Though I do see you’re enjoying it this way.” Dues said at some point getting behind her to stroke her wings in a way that made Lulu almost come in various ways. “Anyways let’s fix this wing real quick and then back to work for you.”
In a flash of light she disappear as the rubbery wing just sort of de-attached from Lulu’s back as a pulsating force burst out from where it was, as mystic light shown out of it a majestic white wing burst where it once stood. As the energies clashed, her body began to merge with them as she could feel her soul undergoing a rock and roll revelation of sorts.

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Dr. Dues looked at Mimi squeezing her cheeks and boobs like a loving aunt “This is the Spirit realm silly, though I guess sitting around at home never allowed you to appreciate the things behind the reports. You do look better this way though, anyways now that you’re on the front lines time to help out.” With a sudden swat on the ass Dr. Deus disappeared, the hand print where she had hit glowing as the energy flowed into her. As the power flowed into she found find herself having the urge to sing? As the music formed in her lips her armor seemingly understood melting merging with her body suit as not to obstruct her. Though she would internal know that she could recall the armor at any time her reyvateil powers knew that the more skin she showed the faster her songs would gather power… her natural feminine instinct doing all it could to prevent the reyvateil powers from stripping completely.

Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Even mark would recognize Dr. Dues even as a female, he was one of the most famous heroes in the world, still the mental plane sequence was uneventful mostly made up of Dr. Dues uncontrollably laughing at her, only to pause and hug her seeming filling her with the power of love or something her otaku portion almost willing to give the magical girl speech welling up inside of her.
Guessing something like

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
If Dr. Dues was laughing at Mark or Ming then what she did when she saw Stella could only be described as a literal ROFL, pausing to get up and catch her breath she ended up back on the floor once again “Stan Stan Stan… you never were the lucky one were you…” she said wiping the tears out of her eyes from laughing so hard. Rapping Stella on the head triggered the memories return as well as a slap on the breasts made them tingle as energy spread from them to the rest of her body.
(you never did ask me what power you want to give them, Currently leaning towards purifying the genetic change or such. Let me know)

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Dr. Deus paused curiously looking at the pair “That’s interesting… spirit personalities really shouldn’t cause split souls… Unfortunately I don’t have the time to look into this.” At least that’s what she said as she more or less preformed a full body physical short of a gyno while talking. Both forms would feel the poking and groping double time as if amplified by the dual nature, as well as the embarrassment and other such emotions.
Dr. Dues finished up by petting both head behind the ears, the sensation amazing soothing as it was quadrupled due to their dual nature. “Interesting… now you’ll need to work this out on your own later but for now since we don’t have the time well have do this the magical way.” That said she grabbed both heads pressing them together as they found themselves melting together once more “Good luck” was the last this they heard as the energy pulsed through out there body their minds merging to form one once more they or more correctly she would awaken as the limbs and body changed little by little power flowed through it… plus the magical girl effect
(this inu yasha/sesshomaru type though powered by magical girl energy instead of demonic)

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime (force, though we did talk about it)
Powered by procrastination Dr. Deus whapped Sandra upside the head. “At least it looks like your getting use to it… still you’re a weird one aren’t you. Then against aren’t we all, anyways lets accelerate this a bit” Dr. Deus said as she stuck her arm into Sandra’s spiritual chest as energy flowed into her.
Her cells of those remaining in her floating brain energized literally turning into energy as the cranium containment unit melted from the heat as the electrolyzed cells conducted themselves throughout the entire body as the body crumpled apart into thousands of independent molecules they removed into a nanomachine mass.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
As she should there watching the others all glowed various colors as well as they tranced out, though the villain wasn’t about to let them go with that.
As they all finished transforming random urges to pose and threaten the evil villain welled in each of them, though it wasn’t the most opportune time.
Feeling a surge of power white skull felt concern, even he with the cosmic cube wasn’t outside of Dr. Deus powers. He had hoped that whoever had dealt triggered the shift would have dealt with him as well. The Apple Mecha turned it hulking mass towards them the earth shaking as if in protest against its mass. Despite its size however it moved quickly in their direction even as its weapons charged before unleashing a beam plasma barrage on the general vicinity before the others had time to react to their changes.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:18 pm

Mark blushed as she was hugged her eyes grew wide as she felt like a bomb was about to explode within her! This feeling completely enveloping her as Mark completely lost it even if suddenly the giant apple machine appeared which made the feeling even more powerful! With a glint in her eyes Mark completely lost it and pointed to the machine speaking a mix of Chinese with butchered Japanese. "We have been gifted with great and incredible power! Now with this we can finally end this whole thing and bring peace to the area! In this time we must not fail as long as we fight with a burning passion and a powerful friendship, there's nothing we can acomplish!" she said in jibberish to the others, but all this time Mark was posing like a magical girl in steroids.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:35 pm

"Oh~" moan Mimi as she felt her bust being pushed together by Dr. Deus. A blush came to her face as she looked at the stripper dressed woman and then said, "What....This is it but-"

Mimi wasn't able to finish her sentence as she felt the great deity's hand on her butt. It stung but then everything glowed white. Mimi then found herself back in the lab but felt the handprint on her rear end. From the handprint she felt energy soar in her and spread to all regions of her body even her newly huge bust. Her mecha armor melted to form a bodysuit which didn't cover as much as it should have due to the newly sized assets. Soon it was all gone revealing her identity to those around her which may make her familiar to Catalina if she was watching.

Soon the maid girl felt the urge to sing. She never had sung before the but urge just came with the surge of power that she felt. She knew that the less she woree that the more power her singing was. Still that would defeat the current design of her mecha armor. Still Mimi soon began to sing as she called on her power as she tried to think of armor that would accompany her newly acquired power.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:39 pm

It took a few seconds for Cat to realise she hadn't just blasted her friends into oblivion, but had instead triggered further transformations in each of them. She blushed as they all remained sexy and mature, but the ground shaking beneath their feet as the giant robot came towards them shook her head out of the jealously pang. Her yellow dress and blonde hair swirled around her as she spun, and started to run on instinct. Throwing her arms up, a large, clear dome appeared around the group, a split second before the barrage of plasma beams reached them. They struck the outside of the barrier, dissolving into circles of brightly coloured light which faded away.

"Uh... any idea how we're gonna do this guys?", she asked, still holding her arms up as if she was physically holding the dome above them, even though it was several feet higher than she could reach. There seemed to be a breeze around her, rippling the skirt and even pushing it up every few seconds to reveal her over the top frilly silk panties. "I have to use this wand to stab that cube he's holding... and I think we're all going to have to work together. I wonder... if we split up, how many of us can he fire at? I bet he can't go for us all at once! Maybe we should do that... and... work on the robot's legs or something? You know, immobilize it!".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:41 am

Both Horo and Daniel would look curiously at the woman who spoke to them, who seemed to be the sole occupant of this strange white dimension. When she spoke about the split souls and split personalities that did not quite make sense to either of them. One of them was about to ask another question of the woman but before a word was able to escape their lips, Horo let out a rather loud and surprised yelp as the woman, Dr.Deus, started to touch and grope their body all over. Daniel grunted a as he felt this, it was a slightly strange feeling for him as well, especially as neither of them were entirely sure why this strange woman was touching them like this. It was all rather confusing. though that said, much of what had happened already today was very confusing.

"Hey..Hey! stop that!" Horo yelped out again as Dr.Deus managed to touch another rather soft and sensitive part on the shared body, which made both Horo and Daniel blush. It was a little more confusing for Daniel, since he was not used to having a body that would react like this. The head that represented Horo's personality seemed to be getting rather worked up by the repeateded touching and feeling, she was baring the small, slightly sharp kanine fangs at Dr.Deus, as if threatening to try and bite the woman.

Before Horo was able to do anything, Dr.Dues appeared to stop feeling them both and tried to force their heads back together and actually seemed to succeed in merging the two heads together back into one full being. They did not quite understand the next thing Dr.Deus said was apart from the words of encouragemet before the scenery before her seemed to fade out as she began to blank out once again, the white world fading away into the darkness before moment before the real world, or at least what she knew as the real world. She looked about for a moment to see if everything was as she remembered it. Sure enough, the area around them was still devastated, the Skull and the giant robot were still there. She also spotted several of her companions around here. One of them, Mark, seemed to be carrying on a very excited monologue but in a language she did not understand, but she seemed to be rather upbeat about it all. Nearby there was the power suited girl who's outfit seemed to have changed as well. She was about to look away when the first notes of a song coming from the girl. Things seemed to be getting even more unusual. As she went to look around more, she was caught offguard slightly by the massive compression of air that came from the direction of the robot. The bright flash from the robot as it fired the massive plasma weaponry right at them. Horo covered her face with her arm, dreading what was about to happen, wondering if this really was the end.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes and realized she was alive and well. She took her face away from her arm, just now seeing Cat, whom seemed to have her arms raised. She could seem the damaged, smoking craters around them as well as a slight visual distortion from the clear energy dome that Cat seemed to have created. She looked to Cat as the young, but now obviously rather powerful girl. After she a moment, she had noticed there was something different about her too. She had suddenly gained a set of clothing. Her forearms were covered in a sleeves, with long stretches of fabric that were long enough to trail along the floor, they were white but with red patterned borders. She also wore a loose white vest, underneath that were a swatch of bandages wrapped around her chest. the lower half of her body was covered with a red skirt, a long pair of white stockings and thick red sandals. "Well...at least I am dressed now" She felt the oddest sensation to reach into one of the strange long sleeves. As she did this, she would draw out a sheathed katana sword, the hilt sword was red and white. She touched the hilt of the sword and an odd feeling told her the sword's name was simply 'Fang'. Seemed approriate to her.

"That was one hell of move there, Cat" She said, looking at the girl for a moment, The wolf girl looked rather impressed by what Cat had just done "I think you are right about taking out the robot first....that thing has far too many weapons for us to get close to the guy with the cube".

Horo had been feeling rather strange for a time, she felt an odd flow of power coming from somewhere within herself, it was certainly different from how she felt before, it felt like an buzzing sensation throughout her limbs. Looking to the sword in her hand then to the giant robot that was threatening them. The sword was beautiful, but she did not imagine it could do much against such a large machine. Another strange sensation came over her body and she held the sword in one hand and draw it from it's scabbard, and almost automatically, she murmered a strange chant in a language not her own. As she did this, the handle of the sword would become longer, and the blade itself would increase in size till it was almost as tall and broad as she was. Too her surprise, she could still handle the sword with ease, despite it's size...in fact, she felt strong..very strong.

Taking a step forward, planting the sword point down into the ground in front of her and leant onto it, looking at the massive robot before them, she was feeling the odd sensation building in the back of her mind, but this had nothing to do with anything to do with her powers or anymore odd secrets, she was feeling this overwhelming urge to start some sort of brave and courageous sounding speech. Not that she nor Daniel had any idea how to do any of these things. Horo usually prefered to be quiet about things, and Daniel was not generally very loud. None the less, the urge was rather overpowering. Grabbing the sword by the hilt, and striding forward to the edge of the barrier created by Cat, the wolf girl would seem to take a deep breath

"Companions!" she called out in a loud voice the sword held in one hand, while the other had pointed in the direction of the robot, her legs set out in some sort of fighting stance" Let us combine our great strength and strike down this great mechanical beast then topple it's dark Master and his insidious cube!, With Courage and Honour!" a few moments later, Horo seemed to blush slightly, feeling a little foolish at the words she had just said , outloud without thinking before, simply blurted out. Gripping the over-sized blade that she had seemingly unlocked from the smaller sword, she looked around, to see what her companions would decide to do, and praying to herself silently that they ignored her cheesy, melodramatic outburst.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zilla » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:29 pm

Sandra nearly screamed as she felt the woman reach into her chest. She felt a radical shift in her consciousness, and before she could even register what had happened, she blanked out while her body reconfigured itself. She finally regained her awareness, though it was different from before... It was like she was each and every one of her cells at the same time, all configured into the shape of her body, which she was also conscious of.

"I... I still don't understand..." she said, once she took stock of her condition. "What's happened with all this? Just who are we fighting?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:24 pm

((I honestly am drawing a blank at the moment, so I'll just let you decide.))

Stella blushes deeply as the good Doctor laughs her butt off at her... which turns to confusion as her head is invaded with memories! Her face still blushing as she is slapped on the breasts... energy tingling into them and her. "Eeep! Wh-what are you doing? Whats going on?!"
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Stray-chan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:10 am

After a few moments of being very aroused at Dr. Deus' ministrations, Lulu mostly regains her senses, stretching her new wings. "Ooo, that was nice~ And thanks for the new wings I was started to get worried about the old ones." She let the revelations wash over her, half smiling. "Yeah, this is pretty fun, honestly. I always wanted powers... Wait, what do you mean guts don't equal skill?" She wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. "And back to work on what? Fixing whatever happened to reality? Because I'm totally down with that."
Stray-chan and Lost Wanderer are different people now! Yay!
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:17 am

(you guys need to work with/off each other with the team stuff and yes you’re all magical girls now in addition to whatever you were before. Obviously not the same types though.)

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
(I’m just going to have it stabilized your artificial powers with a valid super soldier serum variation, so your peak human female, in battle state your boobs will be indestructible due to vibranium quality your milk takes on. Honestly I have no idea how I come up with this… As for your memories you regain everything, up to you to rp how she reacts)
guessing something http://hijiribe.donmai.us/post/show/893 ... l_wielding or http://hijiribe.donmai.us/post/show/928 ... n_eyes-hig for clothes

Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime

Cat’s magical girl shield stopped the initial barrage as the others awoke from their spiritual dazes fully transformed as plasma rain stuck the area around them turning it into slag the shield protecting them for the moment for the bulk of it. Some clearly still confused while others jumping right into the fry the magical girl energy pulsing in its wake, the difference I guess due to their inclination or instinct.
However the Apple Mecha was approaching rapidly as other armaments could be seen emerging from access thousands of access point on its hull as the plasma beams continued to spray, to essentially keep them pinned down, the speeds it was traveling it would likely reach them and the barrier that Cat erected in less them a minute.
From the direction of the city meanwhile a mindless zombie like Hail Apple could be heard as hundreds no thousands no millions of people streamed out of their houses in a hoard towards the park, the handful not affected like other criminal organizations wonder how to work this as world conquest by another group didn’t exactly help them either. Other pockets in the city retaining their sanity due to the other networks disruptions or specialized circumstances like the PPG performing in the heart of the city enthralling the citizens with their music to stem the march. Still behind the group the first of the thousands of civilians brainwash approached them in a mob intent on taking them down for their new master some carrying bats and knives, while others hand home weapons like handguns. Even little kids were mixed into the mob, apples influence not limited to just adults.

Maria paused as she remembered… she remember a fight losing to him when he infected her with that…. the XX legacy virus. Using the weakness the virus caused to wipe his memories and use him like a toy. There was only one word she would shout for over a hundred years of torture she had been subjected to “SINISTER!!!!!” she shouted as she transformed rage wouldn’t even begin to describe what she felt as the ground and air began to tremble like a SSJ eps as her skin began to take a bluish hue as armaments burst across her body.
Still a hundred years was a long time, she knew that her change had affected her as the air calmed for the moment she evaluated the situation, while revenge was fruitful, the salvation of mutant kind was still much more important to her still. While she was loathed to admit it, helping Dr. Dues regain her access to the world was much more important and apparently her former charge was the key ironically considering how much of a failure she was, was the reason that they were free.
Looking at Cat “So simply put we need to kill White Skull and claim the cosmic cube from his corpse in order to save this world no dimension or at the very least help her steal the cosmic cube from him.” Maria no Apocalypse said with a cold ruthlessness that made even grown men shudder.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
Overlords+Magic+Tropes=TF TG and flying jigglypuffs... among other things
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:18 pm

Mimi looked at the others after pausing her from singing. She blushed a little noticing that even Maria, somebody she thought was her mother figure, and then notice Cat. She figure she needed to stay close to her if she was going to be of any help. Even after learning all that she knows, she felt like she had to protect the girl.

"Please Miss Catalina," said Mimi as she stood next to the girl. "Let me battle along side you. I want to help protect you."

Mimi then began to focus the energy within her as she tried to use both of her powers at the same time. She then bellow out a verse hoping that it would fry the electronics within the legs of the mechanical beast. Still everything felt off for Mimi as she wasn't use to fighting like this especially without her powersuit.
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