TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence


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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:08 pm

(Let's get this ball rolling again.)
A server that is behind the bar and pulled out a pad and paper after noticing Melkorios.

"Welcome to the Hangar Too sir. What can I get for you?" The server said as she waited for the older to be spoken.

Addison and Michelle made it successfully back to the bunker. Addison took off her bracelet and put in the computer analyzer so it could be analyzed.

"Michelle-Chan you look tired and confused, maybe a bit of rest will do you good. I will fix us some dinner as soon as I find out about my bracelet." Addison says as she started the Bracelet Analyzation program on the computer.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:50 pm

"Alright....I guess so," said Michelle who looked around the base and figure that she might as well look around a bit before taking a rest. Everything was so confusing to her. She never thought that her trip to America would take such a turn of events. Everything felt so foreign to her as if it wasn't right.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:04 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Alright....I guess so," said Michelle who looked around the base and figure that she might as well look around a bit before taking a rest. Everything was so confusing to her. She never thought that her trip to America would take such a turn of events. Everything felt so foreign to her as if it wasn't right.

Michelle would find a room with a door that was labeled Michelle. This was Michelle's room to use to rest, watch TV and whatnot. Also the room had a small kitchen that just had a two burner stove, a microwave, an oven as well as a refrigerator so she would be able to store a lot of food in it if she needed to. There was also a small two compartment sink as well as a small cabinet with only two doors. There also seemed to be a Silverware drawer fully stocked with silverware. It looked as if it hadn't been used for quite sometime. There was also a 3/4 bath in the room that had a sink, a toilet and a shower stall. There was also a vanity cabinet above the sink in case Michelle needed to store some personal effects up there like medicine, make up as well as the many other items that are typically found in a bathroom vanity mirror cabinet. Her bed was also pretty decent size. It was a Queen size bed. The already made up with an Andes Chocolate Mint on the pillow. It was more like a hotel suite than just a room to rest in.

As the computer continued to analyze Addison's bracelet taking a while to get any data on it.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Melkorios » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:19 pm

Melkorios looks at the server and nods. "Sure, I'll go ahead and have a cheese pizza and some coke."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:44 pm

"Is Pepsi Okay?" The server says as she writes down the order. "Your pizza will be out in about 10 minutes. My name is Linda by the way."

The server that had introduced herself as Linda was maybe Late 50's to Early 60's in the age bracket.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:46 pm

Michelle looked at the room and admitted that it was a bit too much. She slowly remove the mint from the pillow and figure that maybe if she rest her head then that would help clear up her mind. She lifts the covers and try to get some shut eye.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:00 pm

Michelle quickly falls asleep no problem. All the information that was sent into her brain earlier by the virus has now been ingrained deep within her memory. She would see all the previous forms that Addison had had as well as the last forms that Addisons siblings have had. Were there more changes coming? I guess only time would tell. Other than that her sleep was very peaceful she didn't even here Addison cheer at the computers recent discovery of her bracelet. It was a device that told the whereabouts of new potential allies that had just arrived in town. One was at the airport now, his name was Melkorios. Why did that name seem so familiar. Had she met this guy before?
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Melkorios » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:13 pm

Melkorios gave a nod, smiling. "Yeah, and keep it coming, I'm really thirsty. As for the pizza, I think I can wait the short time." As he waits for the food, he leans back, thinking on when he was last here."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:31 pm

Addison puts her bracelet back on and follows the coordinates where the next potential Ally and possibly an old friend is. She then leaves a note for Michelle in case she is still gone when she got up.

The note said this:

"Dear Michelle,
I am so so totally sorry for freaking you out earlier, I honestly had no intention of doing it. I also found out that my bracelet is a tracking device that tracks potential new allies as well as old friends that just arrive in town. An old friend of mine got into the airport a bit ago. I am going to go get him. I'm sorry that I didn't wake you up, but I figured with all the changes you have undergone today as well as the info dump by the hair dresser drier type device earlier, you could use a good rest. I left some pizza in the fridge for you if you are hungry and I am not back when you return. I will see you when I get back.

Sincerely your very sorry friend,
Addison Tina Jayme Schatsiek

With that, Addison taped the note on Michelle's door where she would be able to see it clearly and headed back to the rocket car.

She got in, buckled up and entered the desired coordinates and she was off. In a matter of five minutes, she had arrived at the destination as the rocket car's turn table immediately turned to face back to the track to the bunker. She got out, scanned her bad as the globe in the airport moved aside, luckily not being noticed by anyone but Melkorios as she ascended the stairs to meet the old friend of hers.

Addison was sitting in the passenger reception area after making sure the globe was securely back in place and the coast was clear of all innocent by standers. She was only interested in Melk.
So she waved to get his attention "Hey Melk, long time no see, how've you been. Also why do you seem so familiar to me?" She asked as she entered the restaurant and sat at the bar chair next to him. Melk may be taken a back at first since he doesn't think he knows this girl, but eventually remembers what she used to be and introduces himself again.
Last edited by AshK on Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:14 pm

Michelle gets up quickly and was confused with the dream that she just had. She didn't know what it was but figure it had something to do with Addison. The girl was completely confuse and didn't know what was going on. Everything seem as if it was out of place.

Michelle gets out of her room and see the note that Addison left her. She read it quickly and then thought that this be a great time to see if she can figure things out herself. Michelle was strongly wanting to leave this cave or whatever she was at but she needed a plan. Somebody or anybody would be great. Even that man on the screen talking to Addison that she first saw would be better. Michelle was serious thinking that most likely this was all Addison's doing with the memories that involved Addison coming into her head.

Michelle walks over to the computer and tries to see if she can get any information from it.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:28 pm

The computer just says that an unknown bearded scientist busted in to the Estrogen and Progesterone containment rooms at the three local hospitals and stole an unkown amount of female hormones. There were also reports that some prompt medical care facilities and pharmacies were targeted and burgled of all the female hormones they had in storage. No one knows who the mysterious burglar was or why he was doing. There was also no info whatsoever about the whereabouts of said evil scientist who actually was responsible or at least three out of the four virus outbreaks that happened before. Could it be possible that he is responsible for this fifth one as well? None of that info was on the computer mainly because there was no data about this outbreak whatsoever except what has happened over the past day.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Melkorios » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:52 am

After giving his mind a short while to catch up with his memories, Melk smiled and gave his friend a hug. "Addison, it has truly been quite some time. How have you been?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:01 am

Addison hugged her friend back."Hold on you remember me as Aerina don't you? Or did I meet you before I became Aerina? My name used to be Ash. At least you haven't been infected yet. I was infected by a few drops of water being splashed on me by another victim that used to be Justin Russo and is now Justine Russo." Addison said. "Whatcha think of our new terminal. I think it's been about three years. So how have you been?" Addison then takes a sip of the Dr. Pepper.

Addison gets a headache again and holds her head, but it wasn't because of the Dr. Pepper.

As Addison is holding her head, he may notice the bracelet on Addison's right arm.

(Miki, Melk, I have no more mental or physical changes in mind at this time, maybe of you two can do some mental ones, but no physical ones for a while. Whichever one of you responds to this post first gets to do that.)
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:05 pm

Michelle was looking though the computer seeing if she could contact the scientist that has contacted Addison. If he was able to call Addison then surely there is a way to return the call. Something like a caller ID or something.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence RP

Postby AshK » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:34 pm

As Michelle looked through the computer she would notice that there was no scientist in any of the directories throughout any of Illinois. She couldn't find anything about a scientist. It seems that the scientist has erased his existence entirely as to not be tracked by the police.

(I will wait for Melkorios and then I will try to update both Michelle and Melkorios at the same time after I update Melkorios whenever he posts again.)
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