TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence


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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:27 pm

Melk sits in the back of the rocket car, now grinning wide. "So, a fifth virus has taken hold, huh? And stronger than ever?" He thought back to when he last encountered the virus, and the quite girly girl it had turned him into... This caused thoughts to go through his head on the chance that he could be made an uber girly girl.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:33 pm

"Yes so it like seems. I am just glad that my siblings don't live in the area anymore. My brother Lance is a senior at the United States Air Force Academy, you might remember him as Lanette, I think that was the name he had last, and my sister is a Dental Hygienist in Springfield." Addison said as a helmet automatically went on Melks head and he was buckled in and the clear plastic domes closed. Addison entered the coordinates and the brick wall opened up revealing a track and the rocket car was off. In a matter of two seconds they were at the bunker as the rocket car rotated around so the front of it faced the opposite direction toward, you guessed it a brick wall. Melk wouldn't even know that they moved until the domes opened and the seat belt unbuckled. Addison got out and waited for Melk to follow before they entered the bunker.

Michelle would sense someone was in the bunker or at least the Rocket Car bay. Who could it be were they friend or foe?
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:59 pm

Melk gets out of the rocket car with a smile. "Wow, really fancy place you have here, Addison... say, you think I'm going to become a girl while I'm here?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:02 pm

"It's hard to tell. You just never know nowadays. There haven't been any incidents since what happened at the airport earlier today." Addison said as she slid her key card in a slot that caused the door to raise up like a garage door as it revealed a huge living room with a huge computer in it. Addison entered and waited for Melk to follow her.

From her room Michelle would hear something in the main chamber. Who or what could it be.

Last edited by AshK on Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:06 pm

"What...." said Michelle as she heard sounds from the main chamber. She looked for something that could be used as weapon which happens to be a lamp. She walked over to the main chamber and held it in her hand walked over to the chamber.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:10 pm

Melk entered the room, keeping the goofy grin on his face the whole time. "Alright... so... what do we know, and how can I help?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:14 pm

As Michelle enters the chamber she will see Melkorios with Addison right next to him holding his hand. "Hey there Michelle what are you doing with that lamp?" Addison asks not even noticing she is holding Melks right hand.

Melk can't help but feel a warm touch on his right hand. What could it be. If he looks to his right he may see Addison holding his hand.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:21 pm

Melk looks more than a bit surprised when he sees Addison holding his hand. He just stared for a second, not knowing what to say, before finally muttering "Uhhh... Addison?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:26 pm

"What?" Addison asks still not even noticing she is holding Melk's hand. She then looks toward Melk and finally notices and takes her hand away. "I am sorry Melk. I'm so sorry about that." Jade said as she blushed out of embarrassment or was it infatuation? She then asks Melk a question with a blush on her face. "Um Melk, I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me?" Addison asked. "For some reason I am extremely attracted to you."

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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:34 pm

"I thought that you guys were somebody else," said Michelle as she put down the lamp and looked at the new person. She held the lamp close to her body and wonder if she should really be here.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:41 pm

"So did you like find anything new out?" Addison says as she points to the big computer that evidently was still on. She was also waiting for an answer from Melk.

Addison then cuddles up against Melk. Melk can't help but see that Addison is quite attractive and beautiful. Maybe being her boyfriend wouldn't be so bad. Then again maybe being her girlfriend wouldn't be that bad either when he becomes a girl which he now knows is probably inevitable.

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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:50 pm

"What? As in?" asked Michelle who was surprise by how observant Addison was.
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Melkorios » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:51 pm

Melk blushed an even deeper red. "Well, you're holding my hand and... well... not that I mind but... are you okay?"
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby AshK » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:58 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"What? As in?" asked Michelle who was surprise by how observant Addison was.

"Well, you definitely were looking for something otherwise you wouldn't have used the computer. I wouldn't know what you were looking for since I just got back. We all want answers about the virus. What were you trying to find?" Addison asked Michelle.

Melkorios wrote:Melk blushed an even deeper red. "Well, you're holding my hand and... well... not that I mind but... are you okay?"

"I-I don't know. I think it is part of the changes from the virus, but then again even as a girl I have fallen for other girls as well as guys in the past." Addison said as she blushed as deep as Melk. "I really would like to try to go on a date with you whether it be as a guy or a girl."
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Re: TG/TF Virus Re-Emergence

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:03 pm

"Well...I wanted to find out who was behind the virus. The person's name," said Michelle as she looked at Addison.
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