The monster was about to get destroyed, but got up, knocked Clover back against the tree knocking her out. Luckily she didn't lose her transformation. That would be really bad. The monster lunged toward heart at a last ditch effort and was somehow able to avoid the finishing blow.
"Ha ha you are nothing without your teammate. This is going to be an easy kill. I think I will soon take both of you to my Mistress and have her brainwash you into doing her dirty work! Now it's time to serve my mistress because soon she will rule the world." The tree monster cackled.
This time Hearts whole body glowed Pink with anger and passion as words came to her mouth once again. The words were Lovey Dovey Passionate Heart Hammer Meteor Storm Swarm Smash!
(To be fair I had to give your character a bit more action. It just seemed appropriate since I hogged all the fun in my previous post. Sorry.)