[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:56 am

Cat could feel herself begin to tire from upholding the magical barrier, her arbs and legs beginning to ache. Her log blonde hair swishes as she turned to look up at both Horo and Mimi as they came to her side, the encouragement making her heart swell. "Thanks, but let's save the congratulations for when we have the cube. Looks like the others are still out of it, so it's up to us for now". Falling silent, she watched Horo's heroic call to arms in suprise, before smiling at the girl and nodding quietly.

She looked unsure, these powers so drastically different from what she was used to, but before she could make a decision, the maid she felt so compelled to obey went through a transformation of her own. "Maria?", she gasped, looking a little frightened of the older girl's new appearance. However, when Apocalypse spoke, it filled the youngster with reassurance, and she nodded in acceptance of the instructions, just as her shield flickered a few times. Her blue eyes widened, looking up in panic, a few more energy blasts striking the dome before it flickered again, and a large bolt struck the ground just beside her.

Dirt flew into the air as Cat was thrown to the floor, a crater left at the point of impact as the dust cleared. She watched from the floor as more and more bolts began to rain down upon the group, "No!", she cried, her face scrum hong in concentration. A glow began to form around her, growing brighter and brighter before it was sucked upwards, swirling above Cat, and then glowed into the shape of an ethereal, glowing yellow pony. It leaned down, biting the back of Cat's dress and then flung it's head back, dragging Cat up off her butt, the frilly dress going all over the place as she was flipped right over and landed on the back of the ghostly creature.

She looked confused, staring down, able to see right through the glowing pony as it reared back and then launched forward into a gallop, building up speed before jumping, wings made of light sprouting from it's body which began to flap, and it soured upwards with Cat on it's back! Woosh, through the legs of the apple Mecha, and then it began circle, rising higher with each pass. Cat was terrified once again, yet clutched her wand tight, and found herself flicking her wrist, shooting off streams of pale yellow light towards the White Skull!
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:17 pm

(Guess I’ll start attacking if no one responds…)
Everyone – Whilst the heroines were busy posing and discussing or not really discussing battle strategies with each other, it arrived in a flurry of chaos filled seconds.

With a crackle that quickly turned into a shattering sound followed but what was likely a sonic boom Cat’s magical shield shatter into a million pieces as the Apple Mecha crashed into it with a force not unlike the juggernaut stopping. The dust and debris from the impact whipping up as the temperature difference from the surrounding inferno created from the earlier plasma blast caused tornado like winds to blow through the area from the sudden shift.

From the machines hull hundreds if not thousands of different compartments opened up showing a vast variety of weaponry it had obtained from expo or created from apples own digital weapon banks in mere minutes since its conception. From behind them the controlled humans approached them weapons at the ready each with soulless apples for pupils. From the Air approached the mechanized legion from earlier, which seemed to have evolved as well since there master had changed, in the center though looking different was the mobile weapon from early looking even sexier and deadlier then earlier. Then they all stopped.

White Skull looked down upon them on his might throne, as a holo projector displaying into the sky enlarged him big enough that you could see him for miles around “So Dr. Deus hasn’t arrived yet… Very well…” standing up his face smiling in a way that made ice feel warm “Kill them”

“HAIL APPLE” the mechized humans shouted along with the normal humans there arms both up in salute before they charged the heroes in a frenzied blood lusted mob there eyes those of people that had no self preservation instincts left.
On the Mecha the weapon components each began to hmm to life, locking on to there nearest targets they began to fire, bullets, beams of all spectrums , missiles, pies, heck even kitchen sinks flew through the air as the air space was filled with sounds of well everything.
However the first to greet them was the Mobile weapon dashing at them at hyper sonic speeds was met with a deafening crash as ‘Maria’ deflected her initial strike before moving hypersonic as well there bodies moving into the air as there battle was to fast to continue with all the other weapons flying through the air... The sonic booms more then enough to blow over some of the humans.
The mechanized humans descended next in a wave far more organized and deadly then there previous encounter as they weren’t here to assimilate this time rather exterminate.

(Yeah so… act… or well die… or get tfed into a cow or something…)

Cat was the first to act of the heroes charging in on a mystical steed up the side of the beast, aiming for the head the first of blasts deflect off hexagonal energy shields as a latter seeming cracking one before it self repaired a second later.
The white skull looked at her with a offended look that she would dare, his arm glowed with the cosmic cube as suddenly the sky turned cloudy as the air around her turned wild as if nature itself was against her as hail, lightning, wind began to strike at her from all directions. As well as the auto targeting weapons from the upper level of the Apple mecha’s self defense mechanisms as heat seeking missile launched as the turrets unable to lock on due to her speed.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:34 am

((Sorry I haven't posted till now, I have been doing a lot Uni catchup work so I have been swamped))

Horo watched the machine before them for a moment, before looking at the sword she had been holding, wondering if, even with her new found strength, she would be able to do something to something of such great size. A moment later she would notice that the sword, which had just been a simple handle and long piece of sharp metal. Now it was of a more defined shape. It had gained a hilt, guard and a decorative pommel, which seemed to be a wolf's claw closed around an decorative metal orb. Horo was not aware at first, but because of the memories that she was beginning to share with Daniel, she realized the weapon was called a Zweihander. She tested the weight between her slender hands before sweeping it in a diagonal angle. She settled a moment then looked around for a moment, she could see the barrier Cat had created seemed to be flickering and fluctuating after the initial barrage. She looked then towards Cat, to see how the younger girl was doing. As she looked at in that direction, she noticed that there seemed to be yet another newcomer to the party, this one though seemed rather more frightening the others, she felt a cold chill down her spine as she looked at the newly transformed Maria.

She didn't have much time to make any remarks before the blast that had broken through Cat's barrier exploded nearby, sending the wolf-girl ducking away, covering her face with the strange long sleeves her outfit had gained since the transformations. A moment later she would look up, just in time to see Cat peform another rather fascinating power trick, as she watched the girl created a flying pony out of pure energy and seemed to fly off for to attack the Skull and the robot. Shielding her eyes with her hand as she watched Cat attack, but she didn't have much time to muse the situation before the shield shattered into pieces as the machine threw it's bulk against it the shield. As the shield vanished, she saw another the next incoming burst from the robot, but she was suddenly sent tumbling as the newly transformed Maria deflected one of the fighting machines that had been sent to attack them, but as it hit the ground, the shockwave sent her tumbling, though Horo was quick to recover this time, getting to her feet quickly, as another one of them, which had seemed to bypass the now flying Maria flew in close. Horo held onto her sword tightly, waiting till the Mobile weapon came in close to attack, then she sprung forward, grabbing a protruding part of the mobile weapon and hauled herself onto it. She was still rather surprised at how strong she had become.

As she hauled herself up, to stand ontop of the flying machine in a precarious manner, she took the zweihander she seemed to have been given along with the new found strength and drove the blade point downwards, towards an area that seemed important. Sure enough, with some loud cracks of eletricity and grinding of machine, the mobile weapon started to twitch and shudder. Leaning forward a little she grabbed onto the machine with her free hand and pulled and tugged, so it was now directed towards the advancing ground of Apple Zombies. Even from here, she could still get the scent that there were proper, full humans among the ground, but they were a threat. Directing the damaged, malfunctioning flying machine towards the nearest of the advancing zombies, she would force it downwards, towards them, riding it closer and closer, until leaping off the machine at the last moment as it sheared through the advancing ground, until it slide to a stop and exploded moments later. Though it seemed to have some effect on the advancing ground, Horo was more than a little shocked to see how relentless though seemed to be. Still, she prefered being down on the ground like this, she couldn't fly, nor would she really wish to, so she would assist her allies by trying to hold back the tide of Apple Zombies for as long possible. Taking the sword once more into both of her slender, though rather strong hands, she would leap forth into the fray, lashing out left and right at the Apple Zombies, trying to drive them back with broad sweeps of the blade.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:26 am

Cat's heart sunk as she saw the shield reflect her magic, and it got even worse seconds later when the shield repaired itself. Still, her mind worked fast, and she pointed at the shields with her wand, shouting back down to those on the ground, "Aim for his shields! They won't be able to repair quick enough if we all attack together!". Shifting her gaze back to the White Skull, she felt a chill run down her spine at the look he gave her. The wind alone was enough of a problem. Her Flying Fox outfit had been so tight and sleek, her hair so short, that nothing got in her way, but now her hair was being blown all over the place, and the same with her dress.

She cried out as the hail began to pelt her, stinging her skin through the clothes, and the glowing pony started to struggle, it's light fading slightly, it's flight becoming erratic. The youngster clung onto it's neck as lightening crackled around her, but then looked up to see a missile hurtling towards her. Cursing with words inappropriate for her age, she guided the flying pony upwards, arching over the mecha's head with the missile in pursuit. She rode straight for the White Skull's platform, holding the wand high in one hand as she zipped just a few feet over his head and the plunged downwards behind the mecha, a blue ball of light expanding from the wand to surround her and the pony in a bubble, which hardened into ice, leaving her hoping it was enough for the heat seaker to lose her trail and collide with The White Skull instead.

Her voice echoed through the minds of her magical girl allies below, and even Maria, "SNAP OUT OF IT OR WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!", she yelled. "Those of you that can, target his shields, if you can't do that, follow Horo and keep those that can safe! Mesume, don't worry about me... we need to get that cube or we're all in big trouble".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:05 pm

Stella wished rather alot that she had some heavier artillery... But there wasnt anymore time for reflection, or reaction. Her mind was in chaos, but impending death has a wonderful way of cutting through confusion as a matter of necessity.

Finally she begins moving. Jumping, ducking, and weaving with her new speed! Which oddly seems to not be diminished by the fact she is wearing heels... who knew? Her neigh indestructible bosom shakes and jiggles with her rapid movements... as she begins making her way through the hoard of mind controlled individuals. Shooting, stabbing, using some as human shields to block the torrent of projectiles.

Her aim is to get close enough to the mecha to leap onto it and cause some pinpoint damage. Maybe she could find a small thermal exhaust port or something... kill it Death Star Style.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:51 pm

Mark quickly feels like shrinking over into a ball and hiding at the giant apple death machine showed off its claws. Thankfully she's not a normal person like the other poor people and was able to keep alive long enough to get the directions from Miss Cat to attack the shields! "You insane?!" she exclaimed as she dodged a rocket that exploded behind her. It was interesting though that despite her outfit, she was able to move enough to stay alive... Maybe it was this whole I don't want to die instinct stuff. Mark looked up at the Giant Robot of Dooom and noticed the target and frowned, thinking to herself how in the world is she supposed to hit those things! She quickly spotted a palm tree that somehow had launched itself spearing into the ground where a car was. Her magical girl and maid training kicked and for reasons not known to even Mark, possibly this being Ming. She jumped to the top of the tree made herself very heavy bending the tree which now started to look like a catapult and then made herself super light to launch herself at the shields. "W-Wait... This is a stupid Ideeeeaaaa!" she said after all these actions and their consequences. "Damn iiiiiit!" she exclaimed as she made herself heavy turning herself into a human cannon ball!
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:51 pm

Mimi was finding it hard to fight in her current condition. She just couldn't get the 'rhythm' of the battle as she was trying to sing her way. This new power felt different from her own original power. She still had that original power but it was hard to get the two to be on the same tempo. It was then that Mimi thought she try one more thing. She had to do this if she wanted to be as useful as she could to Cat. Mimi closed her eyes and then began to focus on both powers. A soft tune came out of her voice she called on her technopath powers to recall the armor. Her new reyvateils ability soon began to affect her body to change her appearance slightly as in making her slightly taller and hair a bit shorter. Soon the armor appeared but it didn't cover her body as much as it use to due to the fact that she needed to show as much skin as possible to absorb mana from the air. Mimi then opened her eyes to reveal her new armor.

"Let me handle the shields. You all handle the rest," said Mimi as she hover into the battle field. She then began to sing another song that was a bit rocker beat. Soon the sounds waves became harder as they became waves of blue fire. The song was being aimed at the shields. Mimi kept up the song as she lifted the cannon on her hand and began to fire a beam of energy that then became a scatter fire attack due to her song magic to continue the wave on the shields.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:54 pm

(RL stuff happens to everyone, but if you’re busy at least let me know)

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As your characters gape the missiles and lasers hit them causing them to explode and die a messy death... the end…

No not really… yet…

As Sandra looked onwards unsure about her new powers she would feel something pulsing her in body once again. The connection from early through purged was still open as she could feel them attacking her mentally once more though far more precise, while her own internal systems while more secure wouldn’t survive without her direct intervention.

Lulu meanwhile while flexing got caught up in the shock wave from the initial impact before getting thrown backwards, as she recovered she would find herself dragged underneath smothered by the legion of apple fans who mobbed her dump piling on top of her to hold her still as one of the larger beam cannons opened up from above targeting them all.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

Maria nodded towards Horo who had promptly intervened in her battle by jumping and murdering/disposing of the Mobile weapon with surprisingly brutal efficiency. No words were spoken as Maria blasted off towards White Skull and Cat at the top of the machine.
As Horo/she crashed back to the earth and began engaging the mob, she would find the apple mob/zombies were surprisingly organized for an unending wave of suicidal frenzied murders. Though that didn’t stop them from the traditional mob the target with as many bodies as possible until they couldn’t move method at least at first. Horo may not have noticed it but she was significantly stronger then even she expected or it was just the magic of the sword or both as even while mobbing her she was literally blasting them off her by just the shockwave created as she slashed her blade again and again, still these shock waves while effective against the people, bullets, and missiles didn’t stop the beam weaponry from blasting dangerously close to her, one blast missing her head by mere centimeters the hair near it singed and pink.

Mark/Ming meanwhile decided to do a human cannon ball effect against the Apple Mecha, the machine thankfully didn’t really consider her a threat given that she wasn’t giving off any extraordinary energies like the other girls and was still the size of an ant comparatively. As she impacted though made of diamond density it was like running into a wall the machine significantly harder than even steel however still she found herself able to breach the outer wall of the lower level of the main body. The interior was huge, looking like a like cross between a giant machine factory and a weapons hanger as suddenly instead of launching the next wave of Apple girl out the various compartments the bots activated in tandem there glowing pink eyes all turning to her before speaking a singular "eliminate" as there weapons raised at her.

Stella would find the human shield method quite effective though part of her heroic self would feel disgusted by the fact that she would need to stoop to such a level even against a foe of this size. Unfortunately the Mecha didn’t show any open ports other then the brief opening from its underbelly for a few seconds each time it released a new wave of Apple bot girls, still the underbelly was over a hundred feet above the ground level held up with each of its legs. Her analysis however was interrupted as she heard and saw the flying body of Mark/Ming collide with it, instead of blowing up or such it was just a dull ‘Thud’ however whatever she did the next wave of apple bot girls didn’t drop. Leaving the chute open.

As the missile cat lured hit the white skull it flashed as it impacted the shield, however to her disappointment or surprised it barely even scratched it. Her previous attack actually much more effective. However her call apparently was heard as the battle had begun in earnest as she could see and hear the battle raging on in every direction as stray apple zombies where literally blasted through the air by Horo, instead of just falling though they were actively shooting their guns or trying to grab at her before plunging back down below to their messy deaths. She would hear Mimi call back to her just in time as Mimi let loose with her beam attack the attack while not having the concussive impact effect of Cat’s or the missile instead began to cause to the white shield panels to glow redder and redder before dissipating. The beam seemingly approaching the white skull, however the white skull wasn’t even fazed “Better but not nearly enough child” he said as with one hand he literally slapped the offending beam attack as it somehow bent in a arc before heading straight back at Mimi. The shield could be seen rebuilding within seconds. Cat meanwhile found herself targeted by the apple bot girls, as they flooded the air space now that the missiles had failed. Each shooting beams of pink light from there arm blasters at her as they trailed her unable to catch up but fast enough to follow.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:18 pm

Horo continued to swing the heavy blade in wide sweeps either side of her, aiming to drive the Apple zombies back and to cut them into pieces. A moment later she began to notice that it was not the blade that was doing the damage since it seemed to rarely come into actual contact with her opponents, but something seemed to be smashing the zombies apart and sending them flying far. At first she was unable to figure what was happening, so experimentally she raised the blade above her head and swung it downwards in front of her, till the sword tip touched the ground, as she made this motion, a force seemed gouge a path through the ground before her, smashing through the ground and through the zombies before her. She could not readily see the wave of force that caused the damage, but she noticed a distortion in the atmosphere as the wave of force surged through the ground.

For the moment, she had forced the zombies around her away, she looked at her hand for a moment, flexing it slowly, wondering what sort of power she really had and how much she really had inside her new form. As she was looking at the hand, she almost missed one of the apple zombies, this one more mechanical than human approaching her though instead of using the sword, she lashed out with her fist, putting it right through the chest cavity of the zombie, before drawing it out rapidly and begain to swing the sword again, from left to right sending out massive waves of force sending the portions of the zombie horde flying.

As she stood her ground amidst the horde, lashing out every which way, to defend herself and to delay the horde from approaching her companions, thoughts started to come, unbidden to her mind. Even with this new power she had, she would still be treated as a mutant, no matter if she helped to save the world from this White Skull and his battle machine, people would likely still fear her and try to capture her again. Although, if she were to be able to keep her new strength she could feel keep off any pursuers that might come after her once the battle was over.

As her mind was distracted by her own thoughts of escape and survival, she almost failed to notice a salvo of missiles, bullets and energy rays coming towards her from several directions. Sweeping her blade in broad arc and sending out the devastating waves of force which battered away most of the salvo, though a few bullets zipped past her head and then an energy beam passed very close to her head, she could smell the acrid scent of burnt hair though she could not see enough to notice that the area that had been struck by the energy beam had started to turn pink

“Hey, mind my hair!” she yelled out at no-one in particular, as she wasn't sure exactly who had fired the beam at her.

She then took a moment to assess the situation she was in, turning to look at her companions for a moment, as most of them seemed to be engaged with the large battle machine, and the shielded Skul sitting atop it. She noticed the mobs of flying robots chasing after Cat and her magically created pony, though they seemed far to high up for her to attack though if she could get to the top of the machine, she might be able to assist. Driving the zombies back again with a sweep of her sword before turning towards the machine, running towards it as she searched for a way in. It took a few moments, but she she noticed the open hatch on the machine's underbelly, seeing that as her best chance to get inside. However, it was several hundred feet up.

“Damn, how do I get up there” She said as she stopped in her tracks to look towards the high chute, but before she could look around for any way to get into the chute, she found herself accousted by the zombies again, so she would turn her attention to fending them off again, experimenting with different angles of sweeping the sword, to see what effect the force her sword projected had on the enemy, rather pleased to see that it not only drove the enemy back but it sent them flying up into the air, the various enemies guns still firing and blazing away, even as the rose up into the air and dropped back down to a gruesome demise. All the time, she would look for a way up into the chute.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:49 pm

Mark spins on the ground reverting her weight back to normal and stops. Her heels digging into the metal as she corrects herself. Her breasts jiggling inside her Chinese dress as the skirt flutters around still containing momentum showing off her panties. Mark quickly blushed and covered herself making her breasts stop shaking and pulling the stupid skirt of her dress down. Seriously, who in the world thought having a dress skirt with a slit so high was a good idea?! She looked around after stabilizing herself and spotted the bots activating and raising their weapons at her! "Kaso...." Mark said instinctively cursing in Japanese as she back away from the creatures all around her, her heels clicked on the metal floor echoing all over the room before she noticed they were coming out of everywhere! "I need to get out of here!" she exclaimed looking around frantically , but the robots were everywhere!

With a glint of her eye, Mings posture changed looking more relaxed as she shook her butt a bit, pushed out her chest a bit as she took a Japanese fighting stance and looked down and her eyes widened. Without a word Ming tried to phase through the metal floor and hopefully come out into a new room, this one out of any robots that wanted to kill and or touch her in bad places like 80% of all hentai she knew. She hugged herself and closed her eyes concentrating as best she could to perform this feat.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:38 am

Cat steered her magical pony around the mecha, swooping back up towards it's head to see the missiles had done almost nothing at all. Hearing Mimi call back to her, she lifted an arm and flashed a thumbs up at the teenager. "Good idea!". A pink beam narrowly went over her head, causing the pony to dive down, weaving and spinning to avoid the beams. Holding her wand up in one hand, it started to glow, reforming into a pink longbow that sparkled. Her free hand drew back the magical string, and a glowing pink arrow appeared. Taking aim at one of the airborne bots, she fired, the arrow disappearing into the target which began to glow pink, getting brighter and brighter. Inside the ball of light, the robot was transformed into flesh... as a pink-skinned baby elephant with huge ears that flapped about to keep it in the air. What's more, the adorable creature started firing it's own pink beams from it's little trunk, those struck going through the same transformation, turning against their former robot allies. Cat continued to fire off magical arrows until satisfied her army of pink elephants could continue alone.

With them swarming around the mecha, converting more and more to their side, she swooped down towards the ground. "Hey, Horo, watch out!", she called, the pink bow glowing again, reforming back into her wand before she let go a multi-coloured blast which struck the ground near the wolf girl's feet, only to bounce back up as a rainbow bridge that led to the hole that Ming had created in the Mecha's body. "Keep up the good work!", she saluted, racing onwards, just a few foot above the heads of the apple zombies to circle around Stella. "Use the rainbow! Fight together!", she called down, and pointed back to her creation, before the pony reared back and soared back up into the sky.

Seeing the shields were reforming as fast as Mimi could blast them, she flew to the teenager's side, "Let's try together... I don't think he'll be able to repair that fast", she said, steadying the pony, and then pointed her wand, pink bolts firing from it's tip in a rapid stream. "Mesume!", she shrieked in her high pitch voice as saw the White Skull bend Mimi's own magical music back towards her. "Watch out!".
Last edited by Harri-chan on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:36 am

Stekka dosent have much time for reflection. There was an opening, and a way to get to it... so she goes for it! Running up from behind Horo, she gets onto the rainbow bridge and starts climbing it into the mech!
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:28 pm

Mimi felt accomplished as her beam laser attack was able to break the shields. That didn't last long as she saw that not only was it able to repair itself but the villain was able to curve her attack back at her. Mimi at once raised her hands up in order raise up her own shields but knew that it wouldn't be able to hold for long. Her shields were cracking but Mimi took the moment to fly away before her shields had broke. She was kind of shaken from the possibility that her beams could have been redirected back at her but she couldn't let that stop her right now. At the same time she was beginning to be attacked but Mimi was able to deploy her smaller shields to take care of it.

Mimi then saw Cat and figured out a plan. She knew that only Cat could take down this figure but the problem was the shield. So far only Mimi had the edge in taking down the shields.

"Miss Catalina," said Mimi as she flew next to her. Mecha Musume looked at her to see that Cat was riding a magical pony and didn't question it. "I am going to break the shield one more time. As soon as the shield goes down, you need to quickly get past it before it repairs."

The lasers on Mimi's armor began to charge and then fired in a single beam. The beam then began to split off and fired upon the shields once again. Coming from Mimi's back was several missiles to follow though once the shields were down. Mimi then began to sing to make the wind stir and soon Catalina would find herself surrounded by small wind currents. This would help make Catalina faster and also acts as some sort of shield for her in order to make it pass the fallen shields.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:40 pm

Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime
As she fought or more correctly didn’t fight she could feel her mind breaking succumbing to the digital attack on her brain. As she struggled it apparently hit a last ditch protection as it overwrote her with an OS so dangerous that the opposing forces fled in horror both in the digital world and in the real world as the apple zombies and machines just stopped what they were doing and fled from her. The OS was dangerous to herself as well though as she could feel her IQ diminishing as her body youthen even more shrinking as her nanomachines began to reform into actual cloths one again. As the nanomachines spread down ward forming into striped pantsu against her nethers, while the hard nano metal became a soft frilly maid like dress, as long green hair sprouted from her head the last of her IQ drained from her head the most feared of all useless OS was reborn Sandra becoming the walking blue screen of death Windows ME-tan http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/154 ... -os-suka-t

Stray-chan - Lucius Banks AKA Headbanger – Bubbles
As noted in the previous pm you didn’t die, if you kept reading you would notice additional events for your character. I’ll give you a bit to react, just do something.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

As Ming phased through the floor it was right into the launch shoots and open air!? Ah yes that was right she didn’t actually crash that far up machine initially landing near the exit ramps the only place lower was outside, as she fell landed she landed on what looked like a rainbow bridge leading back into the machines open chutes that she had just fallen from. Looked she would see both Stella and Horo running up it behind them was a army of Apple zombies chasing/shooting at them probably 100 times larger than the one she had just faced as lasers and other beams filled the air once more. The rainbow bridge suddenly would cut off the energy seemingly fling them back into the machine once more.

White Skull looked on at the foolish pairs feeble attempts at striking him, playing with them like a cat plays with mice. After all in a odd twist of luck he had landed in a alternate universe where his double had already had his plans for world domination in place so it was disheartening to see it be so effective when his own had failed time and time again. Still he watched as Mimi dodged her own charged her beam attack now complementing it with attack bits, while the other one Cat which Deus’s energy emanated from the most foolishly spent most of her time dealing with the apple drones or helping her ‘allies’. Still play time was over, with the world his obviously the next step was the galaxy then the universe then the dimensions! Everything belonged to him after all. The cosmic cube in hand he merely nodded towards the machine as pedestal rose from the center of the Apple Mecha. Wit that he placed it down on the pedestal fitting the cube perfectly before placing both hands in the air. As Mimi’s newest set of attacks blew through shields at record pace this time the white skull didn’t even bother paying them heed as the entire platform glowed white as suddenly the white energy spread from the cube throughout the entire mecha before a white wave of energy blasted outwards in every direction seemingly dissipating all other the energy in the air before it. The effect spread almost instantly striking everyone outside the mecha (hey you know I just threw 3 of you inside the mecha hint hint wink wink), though no physical harm could be felt as it passed both Mimi and Cat they would feel as if the energy had been drained from them their bodies suddenly tired as if they were forced to run a marathon in heels, though they fared better than everyone else be it enemy or ally all seemingly dropping in a crumpled heap as if there strings have been cut. The only one not affected was White Skull as he seemingly floated into the sky a white pillar of energy connecting him to the cosmic cube powered Apple Mecha glew brighter and brighter as his wave spread across the world draining everyone’s power. He merely gestured towards air grabbing both Cat and Mimi with hands made of the white energy and began to monologue “Foolish girls did you really think you had a chance to stop me I am the white skull the next of mankind’s evolution even in this tainted reality!! Dr. DUES CAN YOU HEAR ME!! I HAVE WON AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!!” his monologue however didn’t stop at that after all what villain didn’t give a narration of his life at the moment of his victory?
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:22 pm

Cat watched as Mimi launched another attack on the shield, and then she began to race towards the White Skull on her pony, the increased winds behind her blowing her long hair and frilly dress around. However, before she could reach the platform, the white energy blasted out in every direction. She lifted her free hand up to block her face, but it did nothing to stop the energy sapping her energy and strength. First she felt herself leaning forward, the tired ache spreading through her limbs... but it got much worse a moment later as her sleepiness caused her magical pony to disappear from beneath her, and she began to tumble in free fall through the air.

It was only the magical, giant white hand that stopped her falling to a sure death as she landed on her back in it's palm. The White Skull's mocking words filled her ears, but she wanted to curl up and sleep, the dress rustling around her as she rolled over. Cat moaned, trying to stop herself from giving in to the tiredness, knowing they were all doomed if she let it get the better of her. Wriggling her butt forward, she sleepily looked down across the arm that was holding her up... and got an idea.

Using what little energy she had left, she pushed herself forward, sliding down the arm on her butt as if it was a slide at the playground. Her frilly dress bunched upwards from the momentum, showing her panties, her blonde hair trailing behind her, and she lifted one tired arm, which shook slightly as a pink glow began to build in her wand. Reaching the end of the arm, she flew off towards the White Skull, trying to stab the wand into his chest as she clattered into him, at the very moment it fired off a huge blast of pink magical girl energy!
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