AshK wrote:"Why did you like tell me that Leigh was afraid of heights?" Jade asked. "Leigh's bunk is the top bunk."
Jade points to the names on the bunks. The bottom bunk says Anna. The upper bunk says Leigh.
"You are the one who is afraid of heights aren't you Anna?" Jade asked. "Don't ever lie to me like that again. Now go do your homework."
"Tony, did Mother and Jake ever come home last night?" Jade asks down the stairs where Tony is laying awake on the couch.
"I will keep that in mind." Lizzi said.
"Because you said I can't lie. Apparently I can and you been eating it all up big sister," giggled Anna as she walked back to her desk. "Also no. I am not afraid of heights."
"She can lie.....," said Leigh as she nods.
"What? Yeah. They got home last night," said Tony as he looked up at his younger sister. "Why Little Sis?"
"Alright......So what you doing today? Magical stuff animal stuff?" asked Mina as she ate.