AshK wrote:"So sis, what do you want to do after we eat?" Jade asked. "We can't do much more because of my date tonight. I have to meet Joey at 5:30 speaking of which I need to call him real quick."
Jade contacts Joey and waits for him to answer.
"Why are you so against saying you are going out on a date?" Lizzi asks. "You are going to be this way for a long time. If you expect to be changed back anytime soon, you are out of luck. You two haven't even fulfilled one-quarter of the contract. You really ought to enjoy your new life while you have it. I know you weren't born this way, but that doesn't seem to bother Jade." Lizzi said. "Why does it bother you so much? You are the first one that signed the contract to say you wanted to change for a better life."
"Nothing else......" said Leigh as she slowly nods.
The phone rings but eventually Joey picks up, "Hello Miss Vice."
"Because that sounds wrong! Just because I said I wanted a better life doesn't mean I want this one," said Lizzi who turned away and pouted.