While the cats are away...

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While the cats are away...

Postby David » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:37 pm

*The mice shall play! Or at least, those who until recently, could be considered underground dwellers.

Perhaps it was coincidence, deliberate scheming or just plain bad luck for certain citizens of Muffinville that in a time where most of the known defending -and sometimes, attacking- forces are absent. All of them chasing a more viable threat in the guise of Nokel and his dark forces.

Perhaps Muffinville could call itself lucky that they didn't need to contend with that threat, at least, not in the immediate vicinity. There was something else to worry about, something that previously had been forgotten about for a good while now.

No one knows exactly how or when but a good portion of Muffinville's residence was suddenly... Obscured. Approximately 5 miles of unusual interference within a spherical radius was now emananting from what used to be a pleasant neighbourhood, one of the few not afflicted by the effects of colours and magic weilding citizens. Maybe it's not a surprise then that something that was previously ignored by those seeking more interesting locations, would find the area suddenly becoming a cause for concern.

If the fact all manner of forms of detection, supernatural or otherwise, seemed ineffective at locating the actual cause of the interference. At best all someone could hope for was a vague insight to the outer reaches of the interference, a good 1 mile around the edge in estimation.

But of course, who will go investigate? From the outside, and what can be easily detected outside of the interference and be seen with normal sight is not a vision of sleepy suburban streets with the odd vehicle passing through. All of that was marred by the presence of barbed wire, sandbag walls and quite sullen looking footsoldiers who all seem to be ready to withdraw their assault rifles -an AK 47 variant judging by the stock- at a moments notice.

The only way into the neighbourhood-turned-fortress now was through the impromptu vehicle checkpoint, provided that someone can get by the soldiers standing guard of course. What exactly these soldiers were blocking entry to would be up to the person who had the gall to get inside, through force or diplomatic means. It seemed at least those fortunate enough to have supernatural power or otherwise, inhuman, ability would find forced entry easy here. Though those thinking of hurtling through the barrier would be wise to consider the affects the interference will have on them as they move closer to the source, along with the likelihood of increasingly more elite forces within the fortress itself.

All warnings of entry aside, there are four of these checkpoints, loacted at the North, East, West and South respectively. It'll be up to those planning on investigating this fortress where they enter and indeed, if they enter solo or with others who are also curious. There's only one clue that may bewilder some outsiders, annoy others or perhaps strike fear in the minds of those who rememebr them. A flag flies in the wind at each of the 4 checkpoints, just two horizontal stripes of blue and yellow with the letters in white reading as "PLA".

Could they be mercernaries? Local militia? Those who don't know will soon find out!*
Last edited by David on Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:44 pm

One of the CTC's ubiquitous floating drones comes across the sandbag walls and barbed wire, and decides to follow along its length, until it finally reaches the western checkpoint, pausing to examine the soldiers and their weaponry, its optics whirring curiously!
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Teddy » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:58 pm

The east! THE EAST. Directionless vagabonds always approach from the east, right? At least here, where one directionless vagabond has heard the cries of a city in need of saving, followed a bizarre trail of clues, and may actually be lost. "Scoutin' jobs. They get all the fun, and here I am, out in the middle of nofreakingwhere and... Hell. Maybe this will kill my boredom for a bit."

He's dressed in rags, which may have once been a proud samurai's outfit and armor, but have been dirtied and greyed by months of wandering. A mask adorns his face, very plain and weathered. It might have been clean once, but it suffers the same problems as the rest of his outfit. Only one sword seems to be at his side, which is odd for a samurai. Maybe it has something to do with his missing left arm. His black hair is pulled back into a topknot, and he clops his way towards the east entrance. "Um... Hello? What's going on over here?"
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:12 pm

Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

*The CTC drone's optics can pick up a clear image of the almost makeshift barrier. There's not even a typical lifting arm for the crew of five soldiers to operate, the arrangement of barbed wire was unlikely to deter anyone venturing in foot and it could easily be moved to allow vehicles to pass. The real threat lied with the soldiers, all five of them stare up at the drone like it had just flown in from a science-fiction movie. Judging by their fashion sense and general look, they seemed like travellers from the 1980's.

Despite the lack of a commanding officer, one of the more competant soldiers made their way to a nearby telephone -constructed crudely by hooking a line to the former neighbourhoods own lines- to possibly inform the officer who at this rate, could be just as easily sat down in a bar and knocking back a few drinks while sampling fine tobacco.

The remaining soldiers keep a watchful, if somewhat anxious, look at the drone. Few of them nervously heft the rifles slung on their shoulders, wondering in their minds if a 7.62 round would be enough to leave a mark, should the situation require if of course. Till then, they could only watch and wait for the more senior of the group to reply.*

Eastern checkpoint
Східна контрольно-пропускний пункт

*The wandering samurai's question was met at first by curious stares that quickly grew paranoid. Like at the Western checkpoint, this was a small group of 5 soldiers who also looked young and inexperienced. It was likely their only true taste of combat was helping to secure this region and there's a good chance most of them were the ones who kept to the back and made sure not put themselves in any danger beyond accidentally discharging their rifles.

Now, they had a situation in the form of a masked man. Did they reply with hostility or rationality? SOme of the soldiers exchanged glances as if sharing the same thoughts. Eventually, one of the soldiers stood forward and as calm as possibly, unslung the rifle from his shoulders to his hands, perhaps being reassured by the weight of a full magazine that although not currently loaded, could just as easily be cocked into action with one swift handmotion, just like in all those training drills he'd took part in -even if he had no choice on the matter-.

Holding the rifle to the side, the soldier gave the most stern look he could muster at the masked man and replied "That information is confidential. You should vacate this area now unless... You have business with the PLA. Of course, you could easily be just a паразит." he snorted, it was meant to be a condescending laugh but it sounded more like he just held back a big sneeze.

"So, which is it?" The young soldier continued, the remaining soldiers unslinging their own rifles as if on cue "Are you a товариш or a паразит?" *
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Teddy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:50 pm

The masked man stops, raising his hands in a nonthreatening way! "Sadly, I don't think I'm either of those. I WOULD like to talk to whoever's in charge here. Doubtless more people are gonna take notice of what’s going on here, and you’re going to need someone who knows how to deal with that sort of thing.” There’s the impression that he’s smiling under the mask.

“Simply put, I’m a sellsword. My blades are for service to the highest bidder, and you folks definitely look like you’d be willing to pay me for defense against the… Nastier inhabitants out here.” The false hand seems to flex in anticipation. “You know what’s out here? Horrible monsters and magic users. Sure, you can nullify SOME things, but is that going to matter when a five ton monstrosity is bearing down on your base? That’s where I come in, comrades. Musashi Mifune, at your service.”

“If you’ll have me. And believe me, comrades. You want me.”
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
I think if I ever met the Troubled Hubble lead singer, I would look into his eyes, then lean in and kiss him passionately. Several times. -Karubidiumeleaux`
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:04 pm

The light blip known as Del slips thru the barrier to the northeast, having used the sensors of the satalite above Muffinville and being unable to scan beyond the barrier..."I'm inside Echi, let me Know if the recordings are getting thru or not." he says thru his transmitter.

Young Alan Danforth rides home on the northbound bus to his home near the southern point of the new field barrier. The bus stops at the nearby bus stop and Alan wanders worriedly to the south gate...
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:26 pm

* Eastern Checkpoint
Східна контрольно-пропускний пункт

Churning over what the masked samurai had said, the soldiers at first didn't look all that impressed but as the man spoke, their faces returned to that of anxiety.
Mention of the outside world and the idea that the technology they had at hand wouldn't be enough made them give each other nervous looks, all of them focusing on the masked man in the end, gripping their weapons less firmly than before. It seemed the decision to keep the man out or let him in past the barrierrested on the one who had first approached him.

With a mute shrug, the reluctant leader relucantly holsters his rifle, slinging it onto his shoulder. "You can stay here for now but, I'm going to get this authorised with a senior, da?"
The other soldiers seem hesitant to holster their open weapons but do at least part to the sides, allowing the masked man to enter beyond the barbed wire and onto the former street.

Like with the other checkpoint, the appointed leader is soon telephoning a senior officer whcih for now, there seems to be no concrete answer just yet. All the masked man can do is wait.


Further north of this scene, Del manages to enter the barrier without notice... Though I hope he's not flying magically or he may feel a sudden detachment run though his body. As soon as it comes though, it leaves. Everything seems fine, for now. Even his communications manage to get through successfully!
The question is, what will he do from behind the garden of a evacuated house that he managed to enter?

Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

Exactly what drives Alan to walk up to this checkpoint is anyone's guess but he may soon regret his decision upon seeing the now common positng of five footsoldiers, young and bored by the looks of things.
Beyond the barbed wire is the parking area for a supermarket but there's little to none civillian presence there.

That's the least of Alan's worries as one of the footsoldiers spots him, sneering at the young boy as he leans foward and menancingly calls out. "Hey! паразит! You should return to your mother, she is calling for you!"
No one ever said the PLA had great one-liners but if that didn't discourage Alan, perhaps the fact that these soldiers have guns might! *
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Teddy » Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:30 pm

"Da. Sounds good to me, comrade." His tone has almost turned mocking now! He has lowered his hands back to his side, a subtle aura of menace beginning to exude from his body. Of course, this may just be a soldier's paranoia. He's an ally...

"Tell me comrades. What are you waging war for? Why take this village?" His tone continues to be slightly sardonic, as he looks around the street. "What happened to the people who lived here?'
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
I think if I ever met the Troubled Hubble lead singer, I would look into his eyes, then lean in and kiss him passionately. Several times. -Karubidiumeleaux`
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:26 pm

David wrote:Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

*The CTC drone's optics can pick up a clear image of the almost makeshift barrier. There's not even a typical lifting arm for the crew of five soldiers to operate, the arrangement of barbed wire was unlikely to deter anyone venturing in foot and it could easily be moved to allow vehicles to pass. The real threat lied with the soldiers, all five of them stare up at the drone like it had just flown in from a science-fiction movie. Judging by their fashion sense and general look, they seemed like travellers from the 1980's.

Despite the lack of a commanding officer, one of the more competant soldiers made their way to a nearby telephone -constructed crudely by hooking a line to the former neighbourhoods own lines- to possibly inform the officer who at this rate, could be just as easily sat down in a bar and knocking back a few drinks while sampling fine tobacco.

The remaining soldiers keep a watchful, if somewhat anxious, look at the drone. Few of them nervously heft the rifles slung on their shoulders, wondering in their minds if a 7.62 round would be enough to leave a mark, should the situation require if of course. Till then, they could only watch and wait for the more senior of the group to reply.*

The drone observes the situation for a few moments, before finally approaching the more competent-looking soldier using the phone. "Greetings. This unit wishes to inquire as to your intentions and purposes in isolating this community with your barricade?"
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:57 pm

* Eastern checkpoint
Східна контрольно-пропускний пункт

Mocking tone or not, the remaining soldiers seem reluctant to engage the masked man in casual conversation, preferring to exchange anxious looks rather than spill the beans. But perhaps the menancing aura is enough to make one of them give in, after all they still had their weapons out and surely, no one would go up against four armed soldiers so casually, right?

"... This land was ours to begin with, comrade." The soldier closest to the masked man starts "We have come to reclaim this land from the capitalists that have taken over, disrupted our way of life!" he nods to himself, convinced by his own propaganda it seems.
Trying to look threatening as possible, he waves the assault rifle about, frowning at the masked man "And that, is all you need to know... We're not sure you're a true товариш or not, da?"

It seems for now that the masked man will need to wait before acting upon his actions, whatever those may be!

Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Finished with his call, the soldier turns to face the drone, somewhat surprised by the fact it can talk! He stares it down, almost lookin unsure of how to respond before withdrawing his rifle. The remaing four soldiers take that as a cuw to do the same and soon enough, there are five assault rifles pointing at the CTC drone! The competant one frowns and in his best attempt of sounding authoritative, he barks out the demand "Stay there! You are not to move until our senior officer arrives, da? if you move, we shoot, those are simple instructions, da?"

Whether or not the CTC are willing to play along for now is entirely up to them but needless to say, this group has some rather itchy looking trigger fingers! *
Last edited by David on Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Helel » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:36 pm

*In a nearby neighborhood, perched on one of the taller buildings, a woman in a black armored jumpsuit and a pair of binoculars, scopes out the perimeter of the fortress. Having ruled out the various checkpoints as a foolhardy venture, she seems to be looking for alternative means of bypassing the sandbags and multitude of barbed wire. Of course, that requires a tall enough building to serve as an anchor near the border and a lack of guards in the vicinity.*

<Yeesh, they must be using something that simulates Abjuration of the Maidens... but these goons are just asking to be trouble.>

>Pipe down already and just find a way in. You need to ascertain the validity of the Memories of the Fallen society as a threat through the PLA. Remember, once they're in there, you'll be limited to standard tech.<

<I know, I know... Man this is lame.>

*Despite her griping, she turns her attention back to the matter at hand. She is patient and observant, and doesn't allow the shoddy, if effective lockdown of the area to discourage her attempts to find a less direct entry from the North, seeing as the other entrances are probably on higher alert.*
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Miku-chan » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:53 pm

Further north of this scene, Del manages to enter the barrier without notice... Though I hope he's not flying magically or he may feel a sudden detachment run though his body. As soon as it comes though, it leaves. Everything seems fine, for now. Even his communications manage to get through successfully!
The question is, what will he do from behind the garden of a evacuated house that he managed to enter?

Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

Exactly what drives Alan to walk up to this checkpoint is anyone's guess but he may soon regret his decision upon seeing the now common positng of five footsoldiers, young and bored by the looks of things.
Beyond the barbed wire is the parking area for a supermarket but there's little to none civillian presence there.

That's the least of Alan's worries as one of the footsoldiers spots him, sneering at the young boy as he leans foward and menancingly calls out. "Hey! паразит! You should return to your mother, she is calling for you!"
No one ever said the PLA had great one-liners but if that didn't discourage Alan, perhaps the fact that these soldiers have guns might! *

*As Del Slips in, he continues to transmit..."So far it looks like litewave tech can pass the barreir, though Delphi might want to keep clear if negotiations are required. My magi scanners just went offline when I came thru. I'm going to continue to use counter terrorism measure zero alpha six and maintain stealth modes. Running electromagnetic frequency scans as well. I'll keep in touch as I can." and del slips around the empty home searching for the sources of the field...

Alan is very scared of the men with guns. His fear even more severe as he realizes he can not return to his home within the area now and has no way to contact his parents to find them. At the rude comment made by the guard, it is all Alan can do not to yell back in frustration and fear, but calling back he does..."If I could I would, you CEO agree neandrithal..."
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:33 pm

David wrote:Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Finished with his call, the soldier turns to face the drone, somewhat surprised by the fact it can talk! He stares it down, almost lookin unsure of how to respond before withdrawing his rifle. The remaing four soldiers take that as a cuw to do the same and soon enough, there are five assault rifles pointing at the CTC drone! The competant one frowns and in his best attempt of sounding authoritative, he barks out the demand "Stay there! You are not to move until our senior officer arrives, da? if you move, we shoot, those are simple instructions, da?"

Whether or not the CTC are willing to play along for now is entirely up to them but needless to say, this group has some rather itchy looking trigger fingers! *

The drone waits patiently for the officer to arrive!
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Teddy » Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:36 pm

The masked man pauses, staring intensely at some of the men who had spoke. "And who told you this? Your superiors? Your leaders...?" His flesh and blood hand twitches as he speaks. Uh-oh!
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:27 pm

* Outside the city
місто за межами

From her position on the tall building, the jumpsuit clad woman can make out most of the city's landmarks, the shopping centre to the South, a once peaceful surburban district to the West, a industrial and business sector to the East and what appears to be a national park -complete with a reservation forest- in the North which itself is surrounded by more surburban neighbourhoods.

There's little in the way of civillian activity, most vehicles on the roads appear to be military standard and the people she can see on foot are footsoldiers, wheteher there's any other types lurking about is hard to tell for now, she'd need to see for herself. There's certainly something ominous about the centre of the city, an old quarry with a few cranes still standing is all that she can make out but if anyone were to guess where the interference was coming from, it'd be there.

Perhaps the best bet for entry via high point would be to the North itself, an apartment block situated away from most of the more priviledged neighbourhoods might be the opening she needs. The question now is, when to make a move?

North west neighbourhood
Північно західне околиці

Del's scanning for the source would prove fruitless, it seems like where ever it's all coming from would logically be within the centre of the whole occupied city. Moving out onto the street from behind the house, Del would see the order of what was once a charming neighbourhood -freshly mowed lawns, white picket fences and the odd porch for those who enjoy staring out at the landscape with lemonade or something a little more stronger- left in a state of odd silence
It wasn't that the street was destroyed but there were tell tale signs of resistence being quelled by the invading army, the odd bullet hole and mark in the hosues, cars and into the street itself, usually accompanied by the tell tale signs of someone being wounded or worse.

While there were no deceased on the street here, Del might hear the approach of an oncoming diesel engine making it's way down the street. Would he stay out and confront the vehicle or play it safe and stay hidden?

Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

Alan receives no sympathy from the jeering soldier who appeared to have found a new way to relieve his boredom of being on watch. Looking the teen over, he gave a malicious chuckle as he enquired "And what is stopping you, паразит? Is your mother within our country? Perhaps you would like to join her in serving our country like the rest of you miserable паразит who stole our land did, da?"

As the soldier chuckles again, Alan may wonder exactly what the soldier meant but thre trouble is, did he really want to know? And why did the soldier say the land was stolen? Surely, they were the ones invading, right?

Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

The drone didn't have long to wait. With general unease falling upon the troops, a 4x4 with fading Soviet insignia pull up nearby, whether or not the drone finds that suspicious is up to the drone.
Stepping out of the passenger side, a rather irritated looking officer steps out, the driver following soon after with a subtle head nod to the 5 other soldiers who promptly stand to attention, rifles rested on their shoulders and saluting with their free arms.
With a grunt, the older soldier looks up at the drone who can get a clear view of the officerr, he wore a similar uniform to the others but had a star insignia on his left breast pocket which unfortunately for the soldiers around him at present, meant he was calling the shots.

When the officer speaks, it's clear he doesn't take kindly to the presence of the drone "What do you want, паразит?" he gestures with his hand, signalling the 6 other soldiers to hold their rifles and point up at the drone and wait for a signal.

Careful negotiations might be needed here!

Eastern checkpoint
Східна контрольно-пропускний пункт

Before the soldier has a chance to cut in, the one who was on the phone shoots them a damming glare, the kind you'd use when scolding a child or pet.
The loose-lipped soldier silenced, the more competant one turns his glare on the masked man "It matters not who told us, it's that we know this land was once ours! You may not know it by the name the паразит gave this land but this was Pripyat once..." He pauses, shaking his head as if reliving a bad memory. The other soldiers look as if they're about to contribute to the history lesson but are given a wave of dismissal by the competant soldier.

"That is all you need to know for now, swordsman." the soldier grunts, reaching into his pocket to withdraw a cigarette box and lighter, fumbling with the two to produce a lit cigarette and wait for the officer to arrive, the other soldiers keep an eye on the masked man, still not quite sure what to make of him.
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