I Am You|Em Era Uoy

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I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:29 am

A new night falls on Muffinville! It's citizens start to feel strange as if they had been drinking the previous night and still had a hangover, as their minds are buzzing and tingling. A strange fog has filled the city, thick and difficult to see through, chilling the unprotected to the bone.

Those who might investigate would find that the source of it is some kind of distortion in the air in a field just outside the city. It doesn't appear to be a portal per-se, but things certainly are different there. The air tastes funny, the grass becomes multicolor and the sky seems to vary in color and tone.
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:03 am

Elliot was walking home from a bar where he'd been watching a band perform for most of the evening. He hadn't been drinking though, which made the fuzzy feeling that was spreading through his head all the more strange. He'd gone dressed as a girl, and was particularly happy as seemingly nobody had noticed that all was now as it seemed.

His blonde hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and he had a very light touch of pink lip gloss on. His dress was black cotton with small beige flowers on, sleeveless with straps over the shoulders, leaving his skinny arms bare. It was kind of snug around his skinny torso, with a padded bra giving the impression of small breasts, although loosening up around the hips, before finishing just a couple of inches lower. While the dress barely covered his thighs, they were covered by a pair of dark tights, and on his feet he wore a pair of simple, strappy shoes with small heels. The outfit was completed with a beige leather purse, hanging from a strap that went across his chest and over his shoulder.

The outfit didn't really protect from the cold, and he wrapped his arms around his himself as the fog grew thicker, a shiver running through his body. Something was wrong here, and he knew if he just went home, he'd be too curious to sleep, so started searching for the source, eventually finding himself at the field on the city outskirts.
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Miku-chan » Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:12 am

Mic drives up to the area from the south as the wierd feelings force him to focus more on the drive to the area. Once he gets there, he climbs out of the old jeep scramblers truck thing and looks around. He is dressed in a dark grey turtle neck shirt, a long black leather duster and dark olive colored shino slacks. Grabbing a odd looking camera from the lock box in the back, he starts to point it towards the odd distortion and grasses..."This is odd enough to warrant caution, but what is causing the drunk like feelings?" he says as he starts a running commentary...
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:17 am

Konoko frowns as she stares at the strange disturbance. She had decided to investigate the issue due to the majority of the Hasano clan members initially waking up with what could be somewhat similar to hangovers. To her, that sounded much odder than the usual.

"... someone must be having fun coloring the landscape."
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Vomica » Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:31 pm

It's night at the Rainbow Hotel, just as it is everywhere in Muffinville. Stepping out of the locked lobby stands a lithe looking woman. Her skin looks almost pulled over her bones, and her skin is as white as a sheet. Wearing a yellow party dress, she looks fairly stylish. ...and despite looking almost sickly she moves with both grace and speed. Glancing behind herself at the building, then out at the creepy fog, she says "...I better see what is up. ...the others are sleeping" As she murmurs that to herself, a pair of sharp fangs peek from her mouth. It's obvious to those that would know this, but this is Yelanda, the sister of Yellow. The chilly night air doesn't seem to phase her as she goes out into that haze without a coat or jacket.

Whatever might lay out there, is in for a rough time. It's not everyday that Yelands ventures forth. (Get it? Every'day', and she's a vampire? I'm so funny! ...no... not really...)
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Blaze » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:18 pm

As the group arrives in the field, the distortion wavers and the fuzziness in their minds increase. THe fog suddenly seems to thicken, chilling them to the bone...

When it ussdenly clears, and the group finds themselves in Muffinville! But Muffinville as designed by Salvador Dali. The buildings twist and bend in ways that cannot be structurally sound. THe sky is bright pink and the air smells of cotton candy. People mill around, but something seems off about them. It's like... the contrast on them was set way down, leaving them looking like walking shadows.
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:07 am

"Not good... ", murmured Elliot, mostly to himself as the fog cleared, revealing a very bizarre-looking Muffinville. He seemed rather nervous, watching one of the shadow-like people walk nearby, before his nose twitched a little at the cotton candy smell in the air.

"Um... Hello?", he called to the person. "What... happened here?".
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Miku-chan » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:35 am

Mic points his device at the sky first, then the buildings and people. Covering his mouth and nose with a cotton kerchief to try and filter the air if possible as he hits a button on the camera like device that reads Sampler..."Well this does not bode well..."
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby KonokoHasano » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:49 am

Miku-chan wrote:Mic points his device at the sky first, then the buildings and people. Covering his mouth and nose with a cotton kerchief to try and filter the air if possible as he hits a button on the camera like device that reads Sampler..."Well this does not bode well..."

"Because it's strange and out of place?" Konoko provided, looking around herself. "Rather artsy and neat, though."
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Blaze » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:14 am

Mic's sensor seems to be on the frizt, giving multiple confusing reading, but the air seems breathable, if heavily scented.

The shadow that Elliot called out to slooooowly turns to face the group. It's... Jean! But something's off. As mentioned, she looks like someone set the contrast on her all the way down. She has a smile on her face, as usual, but it's less warm and friendly and more cold and mocking.

"Ah, hello heathens! How are your Godless lives going? Miserably I expect."
Last edited by Blaze on Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:28 am

Elliot admittedly didn't know Jean that well, but well enough for her greeting to leave him with his jaw dropped. Lost for words, he glanced to the others, before looking back to the Shadowy girl.

"Jean... what the heck is going on here?", he asked, so concerned he didn't even try to mask his voice anymore. He still didn't sound even the slightest bit manly, but his cover might now be blown to those that knew him.
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Miku-chan » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:04 am

Mic frowns a bit and baps the device in a open palm strike. A sound like that of a squeeze toy escapes the thing..."Well so much for getting any evidence for this place. Don't know if the sampler pulled anything either for later." Mic says as he watches the interactions of Elliot and the Jean looking shadows thing...
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Vomica » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:53 am

Yelenda narrows her eyes as she makes her way forward through the wrapped landscape, this can't be right. None of this. Or usually isn't right...
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby Blaze » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:05 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot admittedly didn't know Jean that well, but well enough for her greeting to leave him with his jaw dropped. Lost for words, he glanced to the others, before looking back to the Shadowy girl.

"Jean... what the heck is going on here?", he asked, so concerned he didn't even try to mask his voice anymore. He still didn't sound even the slightest bit manly, but his cover might now be blown to those that knew him.

"Ah, I remember you! That girly heathen that is always pining after Julia." Jean(?) says, pointing at Elliot.

"But I have yet to introduce myself! I am not the Jean you know. I am her Shadow, the true self."

Miku-chan wrote:Mic frowns a bit and baps the device in a open palm strike. A sound like that of a squeeze toy escapes the thing..."Well so much for getting any evidence for this place. Don't know if the sampler pulled anything either for later." Mic says as he watches the interactions of Elliot and the Jean looking shadows thing...

"Coming face to face with someone's Shadow is never a happy experience if you know their Self. Count yourself lucky so far." a feminine voice says in Mic's right ear.

Vomica wrote:Yelenda narrows her eyes as she makes her way forward through the wrapped landscape, this can't be right. None of this. Or usually isn't right...

"What are you thinking? Let me tell you now, this place is dangerous. Splitting up with the others is a bad move." a masculine voice says in Yelanda's left ear
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Re: I Am You|Em Era Uoy

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:04 pm

"Shadows of people... interesting." Konoko muttered, before smiling and waving to the shadows~
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