A strange new hospital...

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:39 pm

THe woman leads the two to Operation Theater 01 and opens the door for Amae! Should Kodo try to follow, she stops him.

"Sorry, only those involved in the surgery beyond this point. You can watch from the public seating."

She waves a nurse over.

"Please lead Mr. Hasano to the public seating area."
"Yes Dr. Steinman."

She smiles at Kodo and leads him around a corner.

Kodo frowns at that. "You sure that I-- I mean..." He didn't really like the idea of it, but signed and gave a nod before following the nurse.

Amae, almost tripping for a moment, frowns as she looks around. She was a bit nervous.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:14 pm

Dact looks over to Serenity. "I've dealt with the paranormal more than a few times. Most spirits are just lost, confused, or afraid. Then one thing leads to another and chairs start bashing into walls."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Feng » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:19 pm

"Riiiight" says Bones, observing his environment. "Gasmasks on!"

Reaching into his cloak Bones withdraws a beaked gas mask which he promptly dons! For good measure he also puts on a pair of thick rubber gloves...
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Zoey » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:38 am

Noah looks dumbfounded by this weird sight of something called... energy or power, or whatever as she see's the swirling ball in her palm. "Woah... this is... far out..."
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:21 pm

KonokoHasano wrote:Kodo frowns at that. "You sure that I-- I mean..." He didn't really like the idea of it, but signed and gave a nod before following the nurse.

Amae, almost tripping for a moment, frowns as she looks around. She was a bit nervous.

The nurse leads Kodo to a set of doors labeled "Operation Theater 01: Public Seating and smiles at him.

"Your daughter will be fine. Dr. Steinman may be in denial of her sex, but she's an amazing surgeon."

Amae is now in the surgery prep room. Lockers containing scrubs, sinks with plenty of anti-bacterial soap are within.

"Now Amae, since you have a lot of bad luck, we need to make sure it won't influence the surgery. To that end, we need to draw various runes and magic circles on you. Do you mind lifting up your shirt?" Steinman asks, taking a black marker and removing the lid

Knight Errant wrote:Dact looks over to Serenity. "I've dealt with the paranormal more than a few times. Most spirits are just lost, confused, or afraid. Then one thing leads to another and chairs start bashing into walls."

"Don't worry, these are spirits of virtue. They won't hurt you." Serenity says as she enters the room, vanishing into the blue mist.

Feng wrote:"Riiiight" says Bones, observing his environment. "Gasmasks on!"

Reaching into his cloak Bones withdraws a beaked gas mask which he promptly dons! For good measure he also puts on a pair of thick rubber gloves...

As Bones pulls on the gloves, a whisper goes through his mind!

Get out...

Zoey wrote:Noah looks dumbfounded by this weird sight of something called... energy or power, or whatever as she see's the swirling ball in her palm. "Woah... this is... far out..."

"Heheheh, I was amazed too. Now, you can draw on it, now try manipulating it. Imagine your hands being magically cleansed of bad bacteria." Amanda says.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:43 pm

"Riiiight... thanks, I feel much better now." Says Dact, as Serenity vanishes!

He blinks, looking around a bit... "Huh..." before continuing further into the room to look around!
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:07 pm

The nurse leads Kodo to a set of doors labeled "Operation Theater 01: Public Seating and smiles at him.

"Your daughter will be fine. Dr. Steinman may be in denial of her sex, but she's an amazing surgeon."

Amae is now in the surgery prep room. Lockers containing scrubs, sinks with plenty of anti-bacterial soap are within.

"Now Amae, since you have a lot of bad luck, we need to make sure it won't influence the surgery. To that end, we need to draw various runes and magic circles on you. Do you mind lifting up your shirt?" Steinman asks, taking a black marker and removing the lid

"Denial of... oooooh, did she used to be male?" Kodo asked, slamming a fist into his hand upon realization.

Amae blushes, but she slowly lifts up her shirt. "A-- Alright..."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Feng » Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:35 pm

::..... 12:35 PM, first encounter with the paranormal:: says Bones speaking into the tape recorder built into the gas mask.

Stepping into the middle of the lab Bones calls out defiantly to the disembodied voice.

::Show yourself Spirit! I, Lord Bones, compel you forth::

Reaching into his cloak Bones pulls out a miniature black toaster suspended by a chain (a Chibi holy symbol) which he holds aloft!

::Show yourself specter!::
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Zoey » Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:26 pm

"Ummm.... Ook?" replies Noah confused by the request. She turns back to her hands and tries scrubbing her hands with the energy she manifested.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:22 pm

Knight Errant wrote:"Riiiight... thanks, I feel much better now." Says Dact, as Serenity vanishes!

He blinks, looking around a bit... "Huh..." before continuing further into the room to look around!

Within, Dact can just make out what looks like a rip in the air, one that leads... elsewhere. He can feel something pushing him away, like it's not his time to pass through.

KonokoHasano wrote:"Denial of... oooooh, did she used to be male?" Kodo asked, slamming a fist into his hand upon realization.

Amae blushes, but she slowly lifts up her shirt. "A-- Alright..."

"That she was." the nurse says with a nod as she pushes the door open for Kodo.

Dr. Steinman takes a marker and starts drawing on Amae's skin various symbols. A magic circle is drawn on her naval with a trail of runes going down and around her arms. More circles are drawn on her cheeks and forehead before Steinman nods with satisfaction.

"That should do it. Put this on."

She hands Amae one of those flimsy hospital gowns.

Feng wrote:::..... 12:35 PM, first encounter with the paranormal:: says Bones speaking into the tape recorder built into the gas mask.

Stepping into the middle of the lab Bones calls out defiantly to the disembodied voice.

::Show yourself Spirit! I, Lord Bones, compel you forth::

Reaching into his cloak Bones pulls out a miniature black toaster suspended by a chain (a Chibi holy symbol) which he holds aloft!

::Show yourself specter!::

"Huh? Oh sure, but I'll take a form you're comfortable with."

A spirit appears standing within one of the circles drawn on the floor! She stands there with long flaming red hair with matching eyes. She is clad in an obsidian black curiass worn over a black cheongsam with red trim. Strapped to her back are two cruel-looking jains with several notches in the blade.


Zoey wrote:"Ummm.... Ook?" replies Noah confused by the request. She turns back to her hands and tries scrubbing her hands with the energy she manifested.

The light spreads across her palms like soap and somehow, Noah knows any foreign bacteria on them is gone, leaving her hands totally sterile.

"Neat huh? But still, don't use it too much. Use the soap and water if you're not in a hurry." Amanda says
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Zoey » Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:33 am

Noah's eyes widen in surprised as she looks as her....femenine, but steril hands! She quickly turns around curiously. "Wait... why? There's a limit to this power?"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:10 am

"That she was." the nurse says with a nod as she pushes the door open for Kodo.

Dr. Steinman takes a marker and starts drawing on Amae's skin various symbols. A magic circle is drawn on her naval with a trail of runes going down and around her arms. More circles are drawn on her cheeks and forehead before Steinman nods with satisfaction.

"That should do it. Put this on."

She hands Amae one of those flimsy hospital gowns.

Kodo heads on in as Amae quickly puts the hospital gown on, to protect any amount of privacy she could, even though a hospital gown didn't really cover much. "The marker tickled."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:34 pm

Dact nods. "Yes... I dont think I'm up for a trip to the underworld just yet." He says, walking around it.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Feng » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:22 pm

"Charming" says Bones. "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" he asks.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:19 pm

Zoey wrote:Noah's eyes widen in surprised as she looks as her....femenine, but steril hands! She quickly turns around curiously. "Wait... why? There's a limit to this power?"

"Depends on your capacity to wield it, and the disposition of the spirit within you. If you try to use it for something it doesn't want to do, it won't work. If you try to do something beyond your limits... best case scenario is you die. Worst case? You explode." Amanda says, grimacing slightly

Knight Errant wrote:Dact nods. "Yes... I dont think I'm up for a trip to the underworld just yet." He says, walking around it.

Suddenly, a booming voice fills the room!


Feng wrote:"Charming" says Bones. "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" he asks.

"Call me... gah, been a while. Got my first name back in Ancient Persia, translated into 'talon.' So just call me Talon." the spirit says.

"Let me guess. You're not supposed to be here, right?"

KonokoHasano wrote:Kodo heads on in as Amae quickly puts the hospital gown on, to protect any amount of privacy she could, even though a hospital gown didn't really cover much. "The marker tickled."

Kodo finds himself in an elevated area surrounding the operation theater. Rows of seats are avaliable for people to sit at. Down in the theater, several nurses are drawing symbols and magic circles on the walls.

"I know dear, but it's unavoidable." Steinman says as she washes her hands.

"Okay, we're ready, head on in." she adds, opening a door for Amae.
Last edited by Blaze on Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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