A realisation came over Georgia as she and Amanda waited for Suzie. At some point during the morning, it had become more natural to chatter away with Suzie than it was with Amanda, despite the two of them having been friends for over fifteen years. Not that she felt at all uncomfortable around Amanda, as the opposite was true, she felt more comfortable around than she ever had before... but she didn't feel like Amanda's equal anymore.
Her eyes widened when Suzie returned with the pink dress. Even combining her own taste in fashion and what she wore to present herself to the world as a smart-dressed secretary, Georgia had never really been used to wearing anything quite that feminine.
"Are you sure about this?", she asked Suzie as she took it from the other teenager, along with the socks and the shoes. She got the feeling that the outfit was more than just feminine, and was perhaps also a little on the childish side, but then again, she knew nothing about teen fashion, so was left utterly in Suzie's hands.
Chewing her lip, she disappeared into the changing rooms again. This time she was gone for longer, but eventually she did step back out in the pink, girly dress, complete with the high socks and the mary janes, with her loose blonde hair hanging down behind her. Being in the outfit hadn't lessened her concerns about the lack of maturity it seemed to give off.
"Do you have any like this?", she asked Suzie, her cheeks bright red as she glanced up at Amanda, both hands nervously holding onto the soft material around her thighs as the two girls looked her over.