The Maze!


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Re: The Maze!

Postby Evra » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:47 am

Erik opens his eyes and watches out into the crystal clear water "hmm.." he is suprised as hes thrown out into the room with all the valves "oh crap .. I swear to god if this is the one path that can kill somebody ..." he mumbles looking at the two doors .. walking over to the left one he attempts to open it
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Millinescence » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:52 pm

muffinstud wrote:Milli
The announcer rolls his eyes at Mell's display. "You're already free... to buy the new Mr. Fusion personal reactor! Tell our folks at home all about it, Chuck 2.3!" He pauses as a robotic voice touts the wonders of the latest model, now with 50% less fatal meltdowns. "Go ahead, get in your ride, kid."

>.> he glares at the announcer as he does those commercials. He walks away before the robotic voice finishes, following the others to the roll-cages and taking his seat as the bars come down. The cart shooting him off into the unknown! "Wooooow! One heck of a roller-coaster...dang!" he exclaims with laughter and holds on tight. He looks around, trying to glimpse a sneak peak of the maze's layout if ride takes him high enough into the air.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby muffinstud » Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:57 pm

The ice proves to be rather slick, and walking across it is rather tricky. Alex's progress is slow going. As he walks forward, a loud horn sounds. Hockey players dressed completely in black file out onto the ice on one side, others all in white file out across from them. Another horn blows, and they all make headway towards Alex!

The corridor is narrow but otherwise easy to navigate. After a minute or two, the rails diverge from the concrete, moving up to a platform overhead. The passageway opens up under the platform, revealing a network of springboards, spiked panels, and what appears to be blowtorches all poised to raise to the platform above.

The door unlatches easily enough, causing a bolt to go through the latch on the other. Now the only way out, the door swings open to a glass tube completely surrounded by water. There are all sorts of cracks and fissures in the glass. It only looks to be a few paces to the other side, another latched door on the side of a metal sphere.

The roll cage does indeed go high up. In fact, the rails practically throw it around in the air, forcing the cage to leave the tracks alltogether multiple times. Mell gets a good view of a confusing spaghetti bowl of metal rails going over and through an industrial mess. None of it looks to make any sense. Some parts look to be abandoned alleys, others repurposed warehouses. He does see a floodlight straight ahead, and not too far away, coming out of the ground. The rollcage leaps upward one last time, depositing him on the very top of an unecessarily tall radio tower. It's nothing but steel girders with no ladders. Hey, at least he's close, right?
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Knight Errant » Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:13 pm

Tim blinks at this sight. "Jeeze... that looks exceedingly painful... Glad I wasnt stupid enough to ride the track." He says, heading further into the trap room, stepping delicately and looking for an outlet onwards.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby AshK » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:00 pm

muffinstud wrote:AshK
The ice proves to be rather slick, and walking across it is rather tricky. Alex's progress is slow going. As he walks forward, a loud horn sounds. Hockey players dressed completely in black file out onto the ice on one side, others all in white file out across from them. Another horn blows, and they all make headway towards Alex!

"Just what I need." Alex says. "I wish I would've invested in some ice skates."

Alex then tries to dodge the oncoming hockey players hoping to avoid them. He tries to go back the way he came since he is closer to there than he is to the exit.

He sees he is only about 100 feet from where he entered the ice and tries to go back that way to think of a better strategy to get to the exit door. He sees he is only about 50 feet where he entered the ice and tries to rush toward that area.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Evra » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:17 pm

Erik sighs "great first door and im already in danger of drowning ..." seeing this could be a very hazardous trek he steps lightly and only on spots of glass scratch,crack, or fissure free attempting to open the door and get out of there as quick as possible.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby muffinstud » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:50 pm

Tim manages to avoid the obvious traps set to spring for the upper room. The pistons for the more dangerous looking things hiss at him, shooting warm air into his face from their pneumatics. A short distance ahead is what appears to be a metal door with the word "Maintenance" stenciled in red.

Where Alex entered the ice is his roll cage, which happens to be dead center of the rink. The rail that deposited him there is at the end opposite the doorway. He manages to avoid the players, as they seem to be more interested in bashing each other than him. However, he's moving rather quickly for walkig with regular shoes on ice, and slips onto his backside.

Even the more sturdy sections of glass don't seem able to support his weight. Upon the first careful step, water leaks through some of the cracks. Looking through the glass, there's no telling just how deep he is. However, a set of blinking lights that were dark a moment ago catch Erik's attention. Green, yellow, red: fill, stop, drain. These are the options presented to him.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Evra » Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:00 pm

Erik thinks for a minute "hmm.. this tubs not sturdy but .. " he ponders it for a moment before activating the fill waiting for the water to rise enough so he can swim to the other side before stopping and draining at reaching the door ( hope i'm not messing up :s )
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:10 pm

Tim grins. "I love going into places I wasnt meant to..." He says, carefully taking his time to go around the traps, up to the maintenance door! He opens it carefully... peering inside.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby AshK » Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:40 pm

"Ouch! That hurt!" Alex says as he rubs his backside as he sits up. "Okay so I need to think of a way to get to that exit. I wonder if I could rewire the roll cage into something that will help me get across the ice to the exit."

Alex then attempts to go to work at rewiring the roll cage to get him to the exit.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Millinescence » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:37 pm

muffinstud wrote:Milli
The roll cage does indeed go high up. In fact, the rails practically throw it around in the air, forcing the cage to leave the tracks alltogether multiple times. Mell gets a good view of a confusing spaghetti bowl of metal rails going over and through an industrial mess. None of it looks to make any sense. Some parts look to be abandoned alleys, others repurposed warehouses. He does see a floodlight straight ahead, and not too far away, coming out of the ground. The rollcage leaps upward one last time, depositing him on the very top of an unecessarily tall radio tower. It's nothing but steel girders with no ladders. Hey, at least he's close, right?

"Wow...this things bigger than I thought." Mell says, not able to make much of the view presented to him. He sees the floodlight straight ahead and interprets that as the exit. "Ah, there's my GOoOOoaaAAll!!" o.o he screams, holding on tight to the out of control roller-coaster as it bounces off of the tracks and onto the radio tower. Once the rollcage comes to a stop, he carefully lets the bars up. Steeling himself with a gulp, he looks down. A sense of vertigo soon follows. "Holy [crap] dude." he curses vehemently to himself. How the hell is he gonna get down from here?

His mind then goes to his roll-cage. It didn't look all that sturdy, if he was going to get down by knocking it off the tower with him in it he was gonna wind up as canned street-pizza. Still with no ladders or harnesses at his disposal, he'll just have to slide down the gurders that support the tower. And if he fell, well...he'll still wind up as street-pizza. He breathes deep breaths, trying to remain calm. "Alright Mel, pull it together. You can do this..." He climbs slowly and carefully down the roll-cage. Clinging tightly to the gerders. Careful not to look down. He was sweaty as he climbes down slowly. Feeling with his foot for screws and rivits to use as footholds. He wasn't a very experienced rock-climber, one could say the only experience he had was one of those artificial mountains you'd find at a carnaval. He had to try though...not like anyone's going to rescue him anyway.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby muffinstud » Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:13 am

[Don't worry. You're falling into my, navigating the maze quite nicely.]
The green fill light stays lit, the other two stop blinking. The pipes and hoses along the sides of the room tremble as water gushes out of multiple vents. The water rises quickly. It's somewhat cold, but also a little tingly.

Tim finds hiimself in a maintenance hallway, lined with air vents, water pipes, and all sorts of tubing for electrical and other systems throughout. Each kind of tube is color coded for what kind of medium it conveys. A few steps in, he finds himself at a T junction, with the multi-colored pipes running far into darkened corners in both directions. The top of his head itches.

The roll cage is just that: A cage made to roll around. It is nothing but metal surrounding a seat for the rider. There is nothing to re-wire. Any attempts to change the configuration of the cage would require an arc-welder and a blowtorch. As Alex approaches the cage, one of the white team players gets smashed into the cage. It skids into Alex, carrying him willy-nilly around on the ice!

Abandoning the roll cage seems to have been the intelligent thing to do. A stiff breeze catches it and it goes sailing down to crash into some very uncomfortable looking scrap metal. The same breeze buffets Mel, but hugging close to the tower keeps him safe and only adds a slight wind chill. The footings he finds are solid enough, and at this pace he is sure to meet the ground on his own terms. Careful as he is, he gets a scratch from some rusty metal on his leg. It stings something fierce.
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:58 am

"Huh..." Mutters Tim, scratching his head. He looks from left to right... choosing right again and heading down! One of these had to lead to some kind of escape hatch or shuttle bay... how else would workers get in?
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Evra » Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:43 pm

Erik shivers a little feeling the water ignoring it the best he can as he gets to the next door he goes to turn off the water and redrain it
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Re: The Maze!

Postby Millinescence » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:23 pm

muffinstud wrote:Milli
Abandoning the roll cage seems to have been the intelligent thing to do. A stiff breeze catches it and it goes sailing down to crash into some very uncomfortable looking scrap metal. The same breeze buffets Mel, but hugging close to the tower keeps him safe and only adds a slight wind chill. The footings he finds are solid enough, and at this pace he is sure to meet the ground on his own terms. Careful as he is, he gets a scratch from some rusty metal on his leg. It stings something fierce.

Whistles thankfully as the roll cage falls to it's doom below. Crunching as it hits the ground on the piles of scrap metal. Shivering as the breeze hits him, cooling his skin and whipping at his clothes. Once the breeze passes, he continues climbing down. Mell feels a sharp pain as he cuts his leg on something. He breathes in hard while wincing, letting out a string of explicatives that the goons recording this show would most likely edit out in post-production. He'll have to worry about it later though. He was still pretty high up, he'll have to wait on making a tourniquet for now. He sighs and resumes his descent.
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