[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:41 pm

"No! You must be the one....You were the chosen one," said Mimi as she felt her power raising within her. It wasn't much but it was something. She looked at the girl and then slapped the thumb out of Cat's mouth.

Mimi knew that things looked grim but she couldn't help but want to do something more. She couldn't just leave Cat here. There was a reason why she was chosen to put everything into motion. Then looking out to see the other girl still fighting hard just made Mimi want to fight as well. She spent too long being on the side and for some reason now she wants to fight.

The now large chested girl at once grabbed the rod and held on to Cat with all her might. She then began to push herself up while carrying Cat and was quietly trying to make a break for the cube. She knew her chances were low but it was something. If anything then it would just make them even closer to being useful.

"We are...doing this together," said Mimi as she held Cat closer to her chest. She then began to whisper a song. It wasn't meant to be magical in anyway. Mimi just wanted to hum it to help raise their spirits and keep pushing herself along with Cat. Mimi notice it help brought comfort to Cat and she wanted to at least provide that for the young girl.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:27 pm

(push forward!! Admittedly I’m tempted to go on hiatus until RL slows down but I really want to just finish up this arc already…)

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime

The trio fled down the back down the way they had come; however in the halls of the apple bot they met interference by almost everything and anything. This was due more to the chaotic mess that resulted as the mecha girls were all going berserk firing in every which way with no regard for themselves or each other, this however make it impossible to predict there actions resulting in stray blasts hitting/clipping the heroes as they fled. The power began to flick causing moments where there was no light inside the narrow halls which only increased the confusion. The entire machine suddenly leaned towards one side suddenly making there flat surface suddenly do a 60 degree angle, the shuddering increasing as suddenly they could hear explosions from behind them like a self destruct mode in a movie.

Outside the White Skull paused as the Apple Bot flickered, the pillar of energy it was emitting flicked before slowly winding down. This saved Sandra however as the energy clusters she was thrown back towards faded and disappeared due to the lack of energy.

Pausing he looked at the machine annoyance and a dash of worry on his face “Zola! What is going on in there! Zola!” his attentiveness towards the heroes gone now instead completely focused on the machine.

Mimi and Cat’s worries would only increase as the pair on top of the machine was thrown left and right as it began to tilt with them still on top of it. As the behemoths hull shudders increased in frequency, explosions were clearly emitting from the inside out flames spurting around Mimi and Cat as they headed towards the core.

As the flames became visible immediately the white skull moved to manually interface with the cube before the sky suddenly turned white. The sky suddenly parted as a beam of pure energy descended upon him the pure concussive force from the blast as it entered the atmosphere disbursed the entire eastern seaboard of clouds. The blinding white energy as it struck blasted him straight into the ground is a spectacular explosion that expanded outwards the heat causing the rocks and melt to melt as the humans still on the ground were vaporized, the explosion was so large that it caught and vaporized one of the legs of the Bot as well. The destruction of the leg however changed the dynamic from leaning to straight out free fall as the Giant Bot crashed into the earth blow it sending up dust and refuse into the air as the motion caused the earth to shake.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Danarth » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:45 pm

Wincing as she was picked up by the companion with the large breasts, grunting a little in pain as she felt one of her broken arms being pressed again. She shifted slightly as she tried to get more comfortable as it was humanly possible for her to be in this situation as her two companions made for the exit, while the damaged shield device continued to send out the damaging light bursts of radiation. She found herself hoping that this instability would take care of the machine while they made their escape from within it's confines. As they left the AI core room, it seemed that their escaping was not going to be easy in the slightest. As she looked about, she felt the air distort close to her ear as one of the energy beams from the beserking mecha fired wildly all around them, watching them strike everything around them, the walls, each other as if they no controlling influence anymore. Another beam of light streaked past her, singing her long hair in a different spot to the one that had been struck earlier, which was still singed though surronded by a rather vivid pink though she had not noticed it as of yet.

"This isn't good...not good at all" she muttered as she looked about again at the mecha around them, at least until the lights flicked off then on for a moment, causing the pandemonium in the narrow confines of the corridor, as the corridor was briefly only lighted by the various energy weapon blasts from the mech, right up until the corridor lights came back on, illuminating the carnage that had ensued during the brief blackout, though she was lucky enough to not get hit again, likely shielded because of the woman carrying her "Are you guys alright?" she called out, looking to see if she could look at both of them, A moment later, a noise caught her attention, a strange creaking noise echoing in her ears, a noise she didn't recognize at first, of the superstructure of the machine being comprimised

"This is getting worse.....we have to leave now..." gritting her teeth a little as she spoke before she felt the machine lean, even though she wasn't on her feet she could feel the way the machine tilt. All she could do nothing more than press herself against Stella, the one carrying her as much as possible, hoping she had a tight enough grip and enough balance not to fall. Closing her eyes as she tried to ignore the impending sense of vertigo, the explosions from the machine echoing inside her ears.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:59 pm

Cat looked up at Mimi with an ashamed expression as the teenage tried to motivate her back into action, before going bright red as the thumb was forced out of her mouth, and immediately she felt a wave of fear wash over her. She gasped as the stronger girl then wrapped an arm around her and dragged her along as she started running for the cube.

"I don't think this thing is safe!", she called as she felt the mecha swaying from side to side as they hurried across the top of it, feeling the rumble of explosions from deep inside it's body. A brief sense of hope welled up inside her as she saw the beam shoot down from the sky, and she could feel the drain on her energy and magic fading, but that quickly turned to panic as the robot began to fall. "Oh no!".

Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, she concentrated and began to chant under her breath, while now clinging onto Mimi. Her chest tightened, and her heart sank as the machine toppled further, and she felt them both slip and start to fall.... only for a fluffy pink cloud to pop into existence beneath them, cushioning the two girls.

"Do you see the cube?", she asked, peering out as dust and debris was blown up into the air.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:09 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Cat looked up at Mimi with an ashamed expression as the teenage tried to motivate her back into action, before going bright red as the thumb was forced out of her mouth, and immediately she felt a wave of fear wash over her. She gasped as the stronger girl then wrapped an arm around her and dragged her along as she started running for the cube.

"I don't think this thing is safe!", she called as she felt the mecha swaying from side to side as they hurried across the top of it, feeling the rumble of explosions from deep inside it's body. A brief sense of hope welled up inside her as she saw the beam shoot down from the sky, and she could feel the drain on her energy and magic fading, but that quickly turned to panic as the robot began to fall. "Oh no!".

Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, she concentrated and began to chant under her breath, while now clinging onto Mimi. Her chest tightened, and her heart sank as the machine toppled further, and she felt them both slip and start to fall.... only for a fluffy pink cloud to pop into existence beneath them, cushioning the two girls.

"Do you see the cube?", she asked, peering out as dust and debris was blown up into the air.

Mimi kept on running with all her might. She even decided to use the boosters that were working to give her a push. Her eyes were focus on the cube ahead but the tilting of the platform was swaying too much for her to get her balance.

Eventually the two were forced to slip as they fell. Mimi at that instance pressed Cat closer to her body in an attempted to protect the girl from the fall. She opened her eyes to see that they were on a pink clouded. She looked down at Kat and smiled. Giving the young girl a hug, she said, "Thank you very much."

Almost as if she was being commanded by Cat, Mimi began to search the sky for the cube. She was using what left of her systems to scan the area and then said, "I think so....It is there I believe. Are you able to control this cloud?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:19 am

Mark ran behind Horo, the heels of her shoes clicking on the floor like mad as she did her best to follow. "Man, today is just not my day!" exclaims Mark as she tries to keep low avoiding the mass chaos of the inside of the death machine. The scene looked grim for the 3 heroes as they started getting grazed by some fire from the robots and then the whole contraction started to shift! Mark knew if the machine exploded they'd all die and in the final minutes she had to bite the bullet.

"Everyone hold on!" she exclaimed as she jumped at Horo who was carrying Stella. She closed her eyes and tries to make everyone's body intangible. She just focused on them, trying to make all their clothes and belongings would take too much effort. She just tried to make all 3 of their bodies intangible and phase through the whole machine! Mark shouted as she performed this stunt!
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:59 pm

(Not going to lie… super late post and half the people in the RP aren’t posting…
Anyways I’m just going to do a large post and close out this arc (so a few forced actions… don’t think they should be an issue but feel free to complain). Either way this should let people start fresh for the next section assuming we still have enough around/interested.)

Knight Errant - Stan Darkwood AKA The Sentinel - Stella
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Zilla - Name: Sandra Yen / Sparker – Hime

For the Trio phasing through an exploding Mecha was unsettling experience to say the least even from Marks perspective, still it worked as layer of metal after metal and explosion after explosion passed through their bodies. After what seemed like a lifetime but was only seconds the trio would finally see the night sky, the moon shining brightly as all the clouds had been parted for miles around. They managed to make it out alive and in one piece still the sensation of various energy beams and such going through their bodies was not to be underestimated as queasy would understatement of the century for them, their stomachs bubbling from all the excitement

As Mimi and Cat floated in the air ever slowly Mimi would spot the cube not in the sky but in the wreckage of the Mecha they would also see the white skull was somehow still alive, his already inhumanly gaunt face even more disturbing now that the flesh on it was torn, jagged pieces of metal protruding from various open wounds on his head and body as blood flowed. Still it wasn’t enough to stop him as he staggered out of the ruins of the machine.

“I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!” he shouted towards the sky in a torn shout before looking for the cube, after all it was the key to everything. The cube was actually fairly close to White Skull who clearly did not see in with all the debris in the way, as he seemingly walked past it but circled around as if he could sense it nearby getting ever closer to it.

In a quicken pace the flew towards him as cloud burst forward, as they reached almost point blank Mimi found herself reflexively tackling him away from the cube to make room for Cat. . “DAMN YOU!!!” White Skull shouted as his fist and knees slammed into Mimi over and over again but she held her grip tight to give cat time. Cat would finally spot the cube, after all the madness she made one last dash towards it finally touching it, the cube shuddering as before suddenly turning dark.

Suddenly it sprung to life even more vibrant then before it shot up into the air in a bolt of energy, as it struck the sky it seeming ripped a hole out of it before fill in with energy as suddenly a Gate form and a citadel appear Dr. Dues Ex at the top.
She simply smiled at all the assembled “Good Job now let me do the rest.”

With that said energy far beyond that of their mortal comprehension erupted from her hands as the last thing any of them remember was everything going white once more.

As they awoke they would find themselves inside the citadel, the shining spires of energy clearly stating that it wasn’t of this world. They would find themselves in a recovery chamber of sorts, there wounds fully mended. Looking out the viewpoints they would see the earth far below them. Their bodies however were an amalgamation of their original and transformed forms, as if it couldn’t decide. They however would remember everything from both lives as if they had lived through both.

“There is food in the side room, once you feel ready come meet me in the observatory.” a projection of Dr. Dues greeted them.

(If you want or don’t want to continue say so, if you don’t post in here I’m going to assume you’re unable to continue)
(Also feel free to rp your characters reactions and chat between each other.)


Inside the observatory Dr. Dues looked at the thousands of view screens of realities still in shift and sighed, it had been a close call this time. While this dimension was saved it wasn’t fully restored either as her still female form emphasized, still she was blocked from them. Eitherway saving this realm was an important stepping stone in stopping whatever it was that was causing this but still it was just a stepping stone.

(in your wondering I’m doing a exiles like setup)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:12 pm

Stuck between a ten year old girl and an adult woman, Cat was now around fourteen or fifteen. Considering how close the two previous forms had looked, she was easily recognisable to anyone that had known her in either of those realities. Stood at one of the viewing points, she wasn't entirely sure which set of memories she felt closer to, as now on top of all the memories of being an adult super hero posing as a Librarian, she also had the full memories of growing up as the super intelligent, spoiled brat daughter of one of the most powerful men in the world.

A white blouse hugged her torso, showing off how much taller and slimmer she was now than she had been at age ten, with modest-sized curves for her age. A smart grey jacket was worn over it, with a matching grey skirt that made the outfit bear some resemblance to a woman's business suit, but the pleats in the skirt and the red-tie hanging down the front of her chest were signs it was definitely a uniform. The skirt was very, very short, leaving most of her long, skinny legs bare, a pair of white ankle socks and black mary janes finishing the outfit, while her waist-length blonde hair was left loose.

Feeling rather ashamed of her humiliation during the battle, despite eventually being the one to get her hands on the cube, she had kept to herself as the others came around and discovered what they had become. In time, she would speak to her friends, but perhaps it was better to let them all adjust to their stuck-in-the-middle bodies for now. Instead, she made her way to the observatory, with questions on her mind.

"Dr. Deus... What is down there? I remember two entirely different versions of that place... which one remains?", she asked.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:29 pm

The scenes kept repeating in Mimi's mind as she was at rest for a moment. Tackling the White Skull and giving Cat the chance to fulfill her role. She was fighting though the pain making sure that she did what she could to help. Eventually Mimi opened her eyes and saw that she was in some foreign place. Her memories as Micheal and Mimi were all clear. She had memories of her past life before but now they were as clear as her Mimi ones.

She took the first step and notice that something was off. Her body felt much different then before. It was neither an adult male or a young girl's body. Instead it was something inbetween. The body had kept the age, abit a little younger, of Micheal but kept the gender of Mimi. Her body was developed but her bust was nowhere as big as it was before. Instead it was modest size with long dark purple-gray hair from her head. Lastly, her clothing that she wore was just a baggy maid uniform. Mimi just walked around trying to take in whatever was around her. She was rather unsure what to call herself.

Mimi eventually wander into the observatory and had bumped into Cat. She looked at the young girl and knew at once who she was. It was a big hard but there were some signs of the adult that Micheal knew about but Mimi was familiar with the features of the child. She shook her head and then said, "Hello...This is...How are you doing?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:52 pm

Hearing movement, the teenager turned to see the purple-haired girl in the maid uniform. Katherine hadn't known much of The Hub, but Cat certainly had memories of her maid. "Mimi!", she gasped, her short skirt swishing as she ran to the other girl and threw her arms up around her, giving her a warm hug, their breasts pressing together. She looked rather embarrassed, remembering what a brat she had been to this girl during her childhood as Cat, and chewed her bottom lip for a moment, "I'm sorry... for how rude I was to you before, Mimi... even though it wasn't really me... ", she blushed.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:56 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Hearing movement, the teenager turned to see the purple-haired girl in the maid uniform. Katherine hadn't known much of The Hub, but Cat certainly had memories of her maid. "Mimi!", she gasped, her short skirt swishing as she ran to the other girl and threw her arms up around her, giving her a warm hug, their breasts pressing together. She looked rather embarrassed, remembering what a brat she had been to this girl during her childhood as Cat, and chewed her bottom lip for a moment, "I'm sorry... for how rude I was to you before, Mimi... even though it wasn't really me... ", she blushed.

Mimi was taken into the embraced of Cat and felt their busts rubbing against each other. A blush was on her face as Micheal wasn't sure how to handle this. There wasn't much she could do seeing that she was female but was almost the same age as before as The Hub. He knew the basic knowledge about Katherine and her identity of The Flying Fox. Though he knew nothing about her personally which was strange seeing how personal she was with her right now.

"Umm....It is okay Mistress," said Mimi who said the last word out of habit. She blushed a little and tried to grab a hold of her Micheal persona. "I understand it was just part of the setting of the world we were in. Based on my knowledge, it must have been an enjoyable experience nonetheless."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:29 am

Mark groans, she sure had a rough night there. It all seemed like a blur especially after how tired she was. It felt like she was asleep for a whole day, before she opened her eyes to see she was in a completely new setting. Mark felt a small headache come in, as she felt like now her old memories and Ming's where really clear in her mind. No longer getting in her way or trying to come out forcely, but now they had calmed down. It felt so good, Marks mind was at least at peace again, with his male personality finally in full control.

The former student bent up, holding her head as she would notice she was still female! She blushed, remember that she wasn't supposed to be female, but she wasn't a stranger too from Mings! Strangely she wasn't wearing her old clothing. Not the sexy female Chinese dress or his student outfit, but as she looked down she notices she was now wearing a long sleeve silk blouse that covered her large breasts and clasped around her neck. A grey vest is hugging her slim waist accentuating her breasts. Mark couldn't help but feel a bit downstuck as she noticed she was still a woman, but now she was wearing another set of embarrassing clothing. As she got to her feet, Mark noticed she couldn't spread her legs much since they were now pushed together by a form fitting black skirt that reached a little below mid thigh. Her legs covered in a pair of dark tights which almost blended into the pair of shiny black high heels the woman now wore. If anything Mark looked like one of his teachers from high school... the sexy ones at least. She looks around the area to notice some people walking around, one looked like a woman she saw long before in her male life. She rubbed her head and wobbled a bit. It felt like this was a whole new body as the smart looking woman wobbled a bit in her heels as she tried to get her berrings. Her long curly black hair turned to match her head as she looked around, her long silver earrings rubbing against her cheek. Mark took a lock of her hair and noticed it was again black! Turning around and noticing her reflection upon the vessels glass. Mark wobbled a bit as she approached the reflection, one thing was that Mark kind of regretted was that before walking in heels was more natural, but with Ming's memories more suppressed she would have to learn it herself. Mark didn't look that Asian anymore. More like if Mark was a girl at birth and she had grown up as one. Seems like at the cost of Mark being mostly in control, he retained Ming's gender and age since Mark looked nothing like a high school boy anymore. Touching her cheeks with wide blue eyes in disbelieve she'd also notice her lips were covered in red lip gloss and she was wearing a conservative layer of make up on her. "Oh man..." she mumbled in her new voice blushing as she shifted a bit in her heels.

At the summoning of Dr. Deus, Mark turned around and noticed as everyone started to talk to each other and walk up to the Observatory. She didn't recognize anyone apart from the girl that kind of reminded her of Cat. They all probably suffering the effects of what happened to herself. Mark looks down and gives a dissatisfied groans as she does her best to join the group. She keeps quiet until she's 100% sure who's who.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:43 am

"You don't have to call me that anymore if you don't want to, Mimi... ", said the teenager as she let go of the older girl in the maid's uniform, and rubbed at the back of her neck with an embarrassed look. "I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy being spoiled like that, but that's still no excuse to have been such a brat to you". Hearing movement from another, she glanced over to see the smartly-dressed, black-haired woman stumble into the room.

She squinted for a moment, before her eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh my god, Mark, is that you?!". Even though she'd only just met the teenage boy when everything had been turned upside down, the fact he was there when everything had last been normal had made her eager to find him after waking up as Cat. She remembered seeing him mid-transformation into a maid, and even though he looked different now, she still could see enough resemblance in the woman's face to that teenage boy.

"It is you!", she said, and hurried over, her cheeks once more going a little red as she admired the body and clothing that was actually kinda similar to what she'd worn every day as Katherine. It was ironic then, that she was stood there in a school uniform... which was what Mark had worn every day too. "Looks like we kinda swapped places... ".

"Mimi... this is Mark. He was a school kid in the reality where I was the Fox... and when I was Cat, he was a maid, like you. Mark... this is Mimi... she was my maid once I became a kid", she explained, blushing, her hands tugging slightly on the short school skirt. "Maybe you heard of me.... Catalina Essex... I was kinda famous, although mainly because of who my Father is... ".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Zoey » Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:58 am

"Huh?" was the reply Mark gave as the young school girl called him by his real name. Up close Mark could defenately see the resemblance with the Flying Fox and the fact this little girl new her name. "Miss Harrison?" replies Mark blushing as she had to look down to see the girl who was wearing a school uniform that looked like the ones girls wore in her school.

Mark blushed even more at Cat's comment. She pulled down her skirt and shifted in her high heels uncomfortably. It really was. One of Marks last memories being in his world was admiring the body of Katherine and now she kinda had it while she now had the body of the young student. "I... guess we did" said the woman in her mature voice which contrasted against Cat's younger one. She looked up and saw a maid. Her face didn't ring any bells, but if she was here she'd probably was in the fight.

As Cat introduced her, Mark gave a slight nod and smile. "I wish we could've met under... better circumstances..." she replies to Mimi giving Cat an odd look. Using Ming's memories she could remember about stories and rumors about this little 10 year old girl who was a very very spoiled brat from a rich family. Could that girl have been Cat? The same girl that threw a party just for her pony and didn't invite anyone? Wow that's being spoiled and stupid right there...Anyways, Mark shook her head. "If I can interrupt... Where EXACTLY are we?" asks Mark brushing some of her troublesome hair behind her ear.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue5: Out of the fire into the Inf

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:46 pm

"Sorry...It kind of was a force of habit. The maid part of me is kind of still in me. Still, I understand," said Mimi as she blushed a little and tried to adjust the baggy maid outfit she was wearing.

Mimi was just standing there listening to the two talk. She didn't recognize the one named Mark but figure that this older looking woman was once a superhero but somebody who was up and coming because Micheal couldn't recall somebody named Mark in his superhero directory.

"Likewise....Hello...You could call me Mimi. Then again, if you want, my real name is Micheal," said Mimi who didn't have a problem with either names. She unknowing stood next to Cat and if anybody who didn't know them would think that they were a maid and mistress couple. Mimi then heard the question asked and decided to answer it with eyes that seem to be very distant, "If I have to say, it looks like we are in the domain of Dr. Dues Ex. This is only based on my knowledge and research of the doctor and his other worldly abilities. I have only read accounts but never been in it myself."
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