Daisies and Daffodils.


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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Vomica » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:30 pm

She frowns! Matthew goes to call out to the girl, then decides better of it. She was scared of something. ...me? ...am I that scary despite...? The girl peeks down at her body, and pats it down in some places -- for a moment doubting she was tiny. Her 'fears' quelled, she tears open the package the pamphlet was in... and goes to read it! Surprise!

As she reads, she heads back into the cozy cave.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Stray-chan » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:22 pm

((Uh, mind if I pick up the game again? Sorry for being gone so long... >_<))

Blaze wrote:Holding the giant spoon, Luke can feel a warm tingle coursing through her. SOmehow, on some basic level, she knows she can use it to do amazing things. But it's too big, so eating with it is not one of those things.

Luke fiddles with the spoon a little bit, trying to figure out where the weird feeling is coming from.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby KonokoHasano » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:37 am

Next would be to head for the town arena and sign up! She knows the way thankfully, having been commissioned to paint it earlier this year... how did she know that?

"This is too much to take in!" She shouted, running towards her arena destination. A part of her wanted to just calm down and take things in stride, maybe figuring out what happened eventually. However, she was still greatly conflicted.

"Maybe I'll figure it out soon..."
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Zoey » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:40 am

Rick or Risa as they called her nodded, but after she walked off, her metal greaves giving out her position she raised an eyebrow. "Rose of Vermont?... Must be a title or something" she mumbles as she looks down at her hand. "Ok... I need to figure out what in the world is happening... Lets see..." she says stopping and looking around. She's in a castle and a castle usually has a library. Maybe she could find some info there, but she was asked to go to the courtyard. "Damn it... What to do?" she thought obviously pretty frustrated before looking around FOR a courtyard.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Nosnits » Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:32 am

"Okay. This is not much of an improvement." Anthony says to himself, then heads back to the back room to investigate for clues, things that could tell him where he is, and some sort of shall or something to cover his current body's female head with so the..peasants in the city would not see through his 'Oh my, I be sick' routine and ask silly questions which, frankly, he did not have answers for, silly or not. Yet.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Blaze » Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:10 am

Maiden Miki wrote:"Yes...Okay..Thank you...gr-gr-gr-grandmother," said Marco as she was being pushed towards the sliding door. She then took her first steps out of the door and to the outside. She took a few more steps and was very confused.

Everything was so different for Marco. For one thing she was a little girl now and the other thing is that she actually has a grandmother. SOmething she never even had before. Marco took a few more steps to look around wondering if she should literally look for something that looks to be a 'tree of life'. Her mind was in such a disarray on what to do.

There aren't that many trees in the village she finds herself in, filled with Japanese style buildings like the one she just left. Several people rush past her, dressed in samurai armour and carrying weapons like katana, naginana and the like.

"Hurry! We don't want to be late to signups!"

Roggamer22 wrote:Rachel stares at the woman in amazement, then shakes her head, blushing. "U-um... sorry. I'm a... bit out of it today." She said nervously, holding onto her staff tightly. "Can you... um... remind me what it is I can do before I... go? It's... um... I don't want to mess up, after all."

The woman (the word 'dryad' pops into Rachel's head) chuckles and ruffles the young girl's hair. Annoying to be sure, but she can't help but feel comforted by it.

"Of course child. You can make any plant grow rapidly by applying your magic to it, and even cause seeds to sprout instantly. Planting them first makes it less taxing on you and I though."

Vomica wrote:She frowns! Matthew goes to call out to the girl, then decides better of it. She was scared of something. ...me? ...am I that scary despite...? The girl peeks down at her body, and pats it down in some places -- for a moment doubting she was tiny. Her 'fears' quelled, she tears open the package the pamphlet was in... and goes to read it! Surprise!

As she reads, she heads back into the cozy cave.

The pamphlet advertises some kind of fighting tournament being held in the nearby village! The winner will receive honour and will head to the kingdom's capital to become part of a team of adventurers that answer only to the Princess!

Matthew would have some trouble reading it at time,s having to sound out some of the bigger words, but as she reads the words 'fighting' and 'adventure' a sense of anticipation fills her soul!

Stray-chan wrote:((Uh, mind if I pick up the game again? Sorry for being gone so long... >_<))

Luke fiddles with the spoon a little bit, trying to figure out where the weird feeling is coming from.

[As long as you can keep up.]

As she thinks on that, someone enters the kitchen! An older woman, one who is rathe rplump, but has a warm happy smile on her face.

"What do you have there Luka?"

KonokoHasano wrote:"This is too much to take in!" She shouted, running towards her arena destination. A part of her wanted to just calm down and take things in stride, maybe figuring out what happened eventually. However, she was still greatly conflicted.

"Maybe I'll figure it out soon..."

A few people look at the girl in concern as she randomly yells out! A young man carrying a hatchet walks over.

"Are you okay miss? Is something upsetting you?"

Zoey wrote:Rick or Risa as they called her nodded, but after she walked off, her metal greaves giving out her position she raised an eyebrow. "Rose of Vermont?... Must be a title or something" she mumbles as she looks down at her hand. "Ok... I need to figure out what in the world is happening... Lets see..." she says stopping and looking around. She's in a castle and a castle usually has a library. Maybe she could find some info there, but she was asked to go to the courtyard. "Damn it... What to do?" she thought obviously pretty frustrated before looking around FOR a courtyard.

As she looks around, she sees the courtyard through a window! A wooden bleacher has been set up and it is slowly filling with people. Flags and banners have been erected and local merchants use the event to peddle their wares!

Nosnits wrote:"Okay. This is not much of an improvement." Anthony says to himself, then heads back to the back room to investigate for clues, things that could tell him where he is, and some sort of shall or something to cover his current body's female head with so the..peasants in the city would not see through his 'Oh my, I be sick' routine and ask silly questions which, frankly, he did not have answers for, silly or not. Yet.

Looking around in the back room, Anthony finds several orders from various customers, a map of... wherever she's wound up (the country's shape resembles the layout of his town quite a bit) and a shawl! A pink one sure, but it should do the job.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Roggamer22 » Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:02 pm

Rachel blushes, closing her eyes and taking a relaxed breath. "How would I use that in a tournament, though...?" She blushes, straightening a bit of her hair and looking up at the dryad, seeming unsure.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Vomica » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:06 pm

She gives a grin from ear to ear at the promise of excitement! With a bit of a joyous giggle she rushes back into her cave to get her things together! It then dawns on her that it did take her some effort to read such a simple thing, her smile instantly fades and she looks down at herself. The girl mutters, "...she got to my head to. That..." Matthew frowns darkly. Then the thoughts of the contest pass into her head once more! With that the grin returns, and she goes about gathering up all the stuff that might prove useful! Setting it all together for a journey.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:52 pm

Blaze wrote:There aren't that many trees in the village she finds herself in, filled with Japanese style buildings like the one she just left. Several people rush past her, dressed in samurai armour and carrying weapons like katana, naginana and the like.

"Hurry! We don't want to be late to signups!"

Marco looked around and saw that there indeed weren't many trees which will make this quest harder then expected. She was hoping that if she did found this fruit then maybe it would end this dream or whatever was happening. She then saw the samurai clad people run by and remember something about sign ups.

"Maybe I can get a hint about what is going on from them," said Marco as she tried running after them. She was a bit slower due to her small legs.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Zoey » Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:05 am

Risa sighed. "Great... I guess I'll have to put that on break..." she said, now starting to feel worried. She knew nothing of swordsmanship and she was about to commit a huge plunder. "Maybe I can pull out before its too late..." she says heading to the courtyard, trying to come up for a good excuse for this Rose of Vermont lady she apparently is.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Stray-chan » Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:44 pm

Luke looked up with a start as the older woman entered, surprising her. "What? Nothing!" She put the spoon down. "I mean... I got the mail! Yeah." She holds out the small stack to the woman, tournament flier on top.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:56 am

A few people look at the girl in concern as she randomly yells out! A young man carrying a hatchet walks over.

"Are you okay miss? Is something upsetting you?"

"Huh? Oh... um... I just had a really strange dream last night that seemed so real, and I'm still getting over it!" She said, nodding quickly.
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Nosnits » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:57 pm

Looking around in the back room, Anthony finds several orders from various customers, a map of... wherever she's wound up (the country's shape resembles the layout of his town quite a bit) and a shawl! A pink one sure, but it should do the job.

Anthony rolled his eyes a bit, bemoaning the choice of colours this tailor-girl had. He picked up the shawl, putting it on, deciding to call it 'Salmon' coloured from now on, he grabbed the map..unless it was too big or nailed down of course, and headed outside of the building!
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Blaze » Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:27 pm

Roggamer22 wrote:Rachel blushes, closing her eyes and taking a relaxed breath. "How would I use that in a tournament, though...?" She blushes, straightening a bit of her hair and looking up at the dryad, seeming unsure.

"Well, if you make vines grow under someone's feet, they will be entangled. Make roses grow and they will be both entangled and cut by the thorns. I know you don't like fighting, but these are the basics for a druid." the dryad says with a giggle.

Vomica wrote:She gives a grin from ear to ear at the promise of excitement! With a bit of a joyous giggle she rushes back into her cave to get her things together! It then dawns on her that it did take her some effort to read such a simple thing, her smile instantly fades and she looks down at herself. The girl mutters, "...she got to my head to. That..." Matthew frowns darkly. Then the thoughts of the contest pass into her head once more! With that the grin returns, and she goes about gathering up all the stuff that might prove useful! Setting it all together for a journey.

Obviously, her axe is the first thing she takes! Wouldn't be much a berserker without a big weapons to swing around wildly! She also finds a dagger obviously meant to be a backup weapon. Nearby, she finds a basic backpack made from animal hides as well as some provisions! A gourd for water, some dried meat and fruit for sustenance and a map! Looking at it, she would see it outlines a kingdom with a layout worringly similar to the town she came from.

For now though, she needs to make her way to the nearby village, one named Repsle. If she proves herself there, she gains the right to go to the capital to prove herself before the royal family!

Maiden Miki wrote:Marco looked around and saw that there indeed weren't many trees which will make this quest harder then expected. She was hoping that if she did found this fruit then maybe it would end this dream or whatever was happening. She then saw the samurai clad people run by and remember something about sign ups.

"Maybe I can get a hint about what is going on from them," said Marco as she tried running after them. She was a bit slower due to her small legs.

The samurai spot Marco chasing them and stop, facing her with big smiles.

"Momo-dono! Are you partaking in the tournament too?"

Zoey wrote:Risa sighed. "Great... I guess I'll have to put that on break..." she said, now starting to feel worried. She knew nothing of swordsmanship and she was about to commit a huge plunder. "Maybe I can pull out before its too late..." she says heading to the courtyard, trying to come up for a good excuse for this Rose of Vermont lady she apparently is.

Out in the courtyard, the stands are starting to fill up as villagers come in to watch. The salesmen hawk their wares as a guard approaches RIsa!

"Lady Risa! Participants tent is this way, if you would follow me." she says, giving Risa no time to talk as she marches off.

Stray-chan wrote:Luke looked up with a start as the older woman entered, surprising her. "What? Nothing!" She put the spoon down. "I mean... I got the mail! Yeah." She holds out the small stack to the woman, tournament flier on top.

The woman gives a tired smile and takes the mail, missing the flier as she does. She starts sorting through it and spots the flier.

"Oh? What's that?"

KonokoHasano wrote:"Huh? Oh... um... I just had a really strange dream last night that seemed so real, and I'm still getting over it!" She said, nodding quickly.

"Ahhh, I just hates those. Splash some cold water on your face, that'll wake you up nice and proper."

The man points to a nearby well and smiles.

"Well you take care now." He walks off.

Nosnits wrote:Anthony rolled his eyes a bit, bemoaning the choice of colours this tailor-girl had. He picked up the shawl, putting it on, deciding to call it 'Salmon' coloured from now on, he grabbed the map..unless it was too big or nailed down of course, and headed outside of the building!

THe map is obviously meant to be a wall map, it's a bit big and unwieldy as Anthony carries it. As she goes to leave, something feels... off. She feels like she's missing something. The thought nags at her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't bring herself to leave until she has what she's forgetting!
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Re: Daisies and Daffodils.

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:11 pm

Blaze wrote:The samurai spot Marco chasing them and stop, facing her with big smiles.

"Momo-dono! Are you partaking in the tournament too?"

"Yes," said Marco as she caught up to the people and nodded. She didn't know who this Momo-dono was but she figured it was best to just play along with it. She nodded a few more times to catch her breath and then said, "If it is to get this fruit then I am going to join it. You too?"
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