Reincarnate Yourself Today!

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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Miku-chan » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:19 pm

"You're quite welcome. Though, trying to get a job with the name Alan would be rather awkward wouldn't it? Do you have a new name in mind?" Yama asks.

"I...I...really had not thought about it. But looking at the reality of it, I suppose one would be in order now. What do you think would be best Mr Yama? A feminine variation like Alana or Ellen? Or perhaps a change go reflect my new life like Willow or Breanna?" Alan asks
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:22 pm

Inside is a rather bare bedroom consisting of a futon, a sliding door cupboard and a set of drawers. Maybe that miko's room?


Yama grabs the demon possessing Meiru and pulls it out!

Jerona hmms at nods at that, closing the door and then opening the one to her room.

The demon is grabbed and pulled out. "Wh-- oi, the hell is going on?!" It seemed that the demon itself was blind as well. "Who dares interrupt my slumber?!"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:34 pm

Azathoth wrote:Azer's body crumples to the floor, soulless... as the lassoed soul, which is notably black, hovers... staring at him. "Give a chap some warning beforehand, will you?" The black spectral image complains.

"As I thought... I don't just give reincarnations to whoever pays Mister Azer. I also ensure that the evil pay penance for their deeds."

Yama's hand glows with an awesome power! He plunges it into Azer's soul, reaching deep to search for any reasonable excuse for his wickedness

Miku-chan wrote:"I...I...really had not thought about it. But looking at the reality of it, I suppose one would be in order now. What do you think would be best Mr Yama? A feminine variation like Alana or Ellen? Or perhaps a change go reflect my new life like Willow or Breanna?" Alan asks

"It would not be my place to suggest such a thing. This is your new life, it is entirely your decision." Yama explains kindly.

KonokoHasano wrote:Jerona hmms at nods at that, closing the door and then opening the one to her room.

The demon is grabbed and pulled out. "Wh-- oi, the hell is going on?!" It seemed that the demon itself was blind as well. "Who dares interrupt my slumber?!"

Her room is much nicer than that of the miko's. A proper bed with blankets, a dresser, a closet, a TV and telephone and a rack on the wall for her scythe.

Yama holds the demon tight.

"I don't think so. You have made this woman suffer for many years. You must pay penance."

Meiru's body starts to reform! It's clearly much younger than her old one with smooth skin. Rounded furry ears and a long prehensile tail form on it. It's hair is blond with a bob cut. It's body is well toned, with not a scrap of fat except at the chest which is modest for the body's size. That, along with the slight curves mark the body as female.

Clothes begin to form on it, consisting of a tight black and white top and a pair of white panties. A red scarf goes around her neck with more red cloth going under it, extending from her neck to her hips. There, it wraps around, long strips of cloth going down and around her legs to hide her modesty. Chunks of black armor appear on her shoulders, hands, hips, knees and feet, the red cloth tucked into them to keep it all under control. The changes finalize, leaving Meiru as a monkey kunoichi! Her eyes are now fully functional, allowing her to see for the first time!

"There... as for you..."

The demon is suddenly consumed in white fire! From the flames, dust flies out and winds around Meiru's non-dominant arm, an intricate tattoo forming on it.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Azathoth » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:05 pm

"Hey! My evilness is none of your business! Getoff!" Struggles the spirit, as deep inside the black depths he finds a residual image of a massive door made of black iron, chained shut. And an ominous feeling of... something behind it. Something evil beyond measure.
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:40 pm

Her room is much nicer than that of the miko's. A proper bed with blankets, a dresser, a closet, a TV and telephone and a rack on the wall for her scythe.

Yama holds the demon tight.

"I don't think so. You have made this woman suffer for many years. You must pay penance."

Meiru's body starts to reform! It's clearly much younger than her old one with smooth skin. Rounded furry ears and a long prehensile tail form on it. It's hair is blond with a bob cut. It's body is well toned, with not a scrap of fat except at the chest which is modest for the body's size. That, along with the slight curves mark the body as female.

Clothes begin to form on it, consisting of a tight black and white top and a pair of white panties. A red scarf goes around her neck with more red cloth going under it, extending from her neck to her hips. There, it wraps around, long strips of cloth going down and around her legs to hide her modesty. Chunks of black armor appear on her shoulders, hands, hips, knees and feet, the red cloth tucked into them to keep it all under control. The changes finalize, leaving Meiru as a monkey kunoichi! Her eyes are now fully functional, allowing her to see for the first time!

"There... as for you..."

The demon is suddenly consumed in white fire! From the flames, dust flies out and winds around Meiru's non-dominant arm, an intricate tattoo forming on it.

Jerona smiles softly at this as she heads on in and places her scythe upon the wall before falling onto her bed, deciding to take a nap in the bed, and maybe just explore a little later. With a yawn, she falls fast asleep.

Meiru blinks for a long moment, taking in the light and colors of things. She stared in surprise and amazement at the things around her. All that she had ever managed before were general outlines of things via her senses. This was... so much more, and no words could describe. She was happy... REALLY happy. Turning to Yama, she gives such a deep bow that her head almost hits the floor. "Thank you so much."

The demon yells out as he's consumed, and Meiru observes the tattoo that forms upon it. "What's this?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Vomica » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:05 am

Gretchen just stands there in a bit of a daze. Having your body sundered and reforged is one thing, but having your mind unlocked after such a long time imprisoned... well. Her eyes show a rush of emotions. The woman tugs on her hoodie, and a smile washes across her face! She looks to her savior with the widest smile possible, "...I... I'm me again! ...mostly! Oh... oh God. ...I've done some rather nasty things, haven't I?" Her cheeks burn a bit, and she says "...Thank you. I..." The woman trails off, apparently being not the most verbose person in her natural state.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:20 am

Azathoth wrote:"Hey! My evilness is none of your business! Getoff!" Struggles the spirit, as deep inside the black depths he finds a residual image of a massive door made of black iron, chained shut. And an ominous feeling of... something behind it. Something evil beyond measure.

"Hrm... could this be..."

Yama's giant key appears wit his astral self and shoots a beam at the massive door, releasing the chains and forcing it open!

KonokoHasano wrote:Jerona smiles softly at this as she heads on in and places her scythe upon the wall before falling onto her bed, deciding to take a nap in the bed, and maybe just explore a little later. With a yawn, she falls fast asleep.

Meiru blinks for a long moment, taking in the light and colors of things. She stared in surprise and amazement at the things around her. All that she had ever managed before were general outlines of things via her senses. This was... so much more, and no words could describe. She was happy... REALLY happy. Turning to Yama, she gives such a deep bow that her head almost hits the floor. "Thank you so much."

The demon yells out as he's consumed, and Meiru observes the tattoo that forms upon it. "What's this?"

"There is no need to bow to me. I just did my duty." Yama says with a smile.

"And that is your demon paying penance. You may summon it in his new form. The hand signs required should be in your memory." And indeed, Meiru knows the exact hand signs she needs!

Vomica wrote:Gretchen just stands there in a bit of a daze. Having your body sundered and reforged is one thing, but having your mind unlocked after such a long time imprisoned... well. Her eyes show a rush of emotions. The woman tugs on her hoodie, and a smile washes across her face! She looks to her savior with the widest smile possible, "...I... I'm me again! ...mostly! Oh... oh God. ...I've done some rather nasty things, haven't I?" Her cheeks burn a bit, and she says "...Thank you. I..." The woman trails off, apparently being not the most verbose person in her natural state.

"No thanks necessary. This is what I do. Now, I'm afraid I can't make you fully male again. Your soul is bound to the place that did that to you to an incredible degree. What I have done is granted you massive resistance to all those transformational energies as well as a body that naturally breaks down any you might be exposed to. At worse, you might become a bit more feminine in body and mind while near the loci that did this to you." Yama explains.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Azathoth » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:52 am

The spirit goes rigid. "Oi, kid! Stop that right now! You don't know what your fooling around with!" As the chains crack and fall off... the doors slowly swing open... the sense of wrongness growing exponentially as tendrils of darkness snake out. Behind the door, a strange voidscape... scattered stars, floating hunks of rock with strange ruins clinging to them... and a feeling of something deeper within stirring.
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby KonokoHasano » Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:43 am

"There is no need to bow to me. I just did my duty." Yama says with a smile.

"And that is your demon paying penance. You may summon it in his new form. The hand signs required should be in your memory." And indeed, Meiru knows the exact hand signs she needs!

"How much did that change cost, though? I'm willing to pay the amount of it." She said with a smile. "I'll finally be able to see the faces of my husband and my family~"

Considers that. "Summon him, huh?" She thinks about the hand signs and then performs them to summon the demon.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Vomica » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:16 pm

Gretchen pulls away from the hug, and looks down at her form. She says, "...that's fine. It doesn't feel off. I mean, without what I did in that body and the confidence I had..." She glances at Yama with a bit of a blush, "I recall my younger sister mentioning something of that nature, but of course I didn't pay attention... and she didn't bother explaining it to me." Adding after a moment, she says "But regardless it is home. I'm just going to have to figure things out, now that I'm actually free to be me."

She pauses, and gives a polite smile "Do I owe you anything for this? I... really think I should repay you. Some how."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:18 pm

Azathoth wrote:The spirit goes rigid. "Oi, kid! Stop that right now! You don't know what your fooling around with!" As the chains crack and fall off... the doors slowly swing open... the sense of wrongness growing exponentially as tendrils of darkness snake out. Behind the door, a strange voidscape... scattered stars, floating hunks of rock with strange ruins clinging to them... and a feeling of something deeper within stirring.

"Hm... as I thought. You poor soul, you never had a chance to be good."

Yama's astral projection starts to glow a brilliant golden light!

"But don't worry. I'll help you."

The golden light extends and solidifies, taking the shape of a giant fist! It flies through the gate and into the darkness, aimed at the being stirring within!

KonokoHasano wrote:"How much did that change cost, though? I'm willing to pay the amount of it." She said with a smile. "I'll finally be able to see the faces of my husband and my family~"

Considers that. "Summon him, huh?" She thinks about the hand signs and then performs them to summon the demon.

"Hmm... 40,000 HL would be fine." Yama says.

As she makes the hand signs, the tattoo flows from her arm and onto the ground where it vanishes in a poof of smoke! When it clears, a white Crab-Eating Macaque wearing an olive green vest and wielding a sickle stands there.

Vomica wrote:Gretchen pulls away from the hug, and looks down at her form. She says, "...that's fine. It doesn't feel off. I mean, without what I did in that body and the confidence I had..." She glances at Yama with a bit of a blush, "I recall my younger sister mentioning something of that nature, but of course I didn't pay attention... and she didn't bother explaining it to me." Adding after a moment, she says "But regardless it is home. I'm just going to have to figure things out, now that I'm actually free to be me."

She pauses, and gives a polite smile "Do I owe you anything for this? I... really think I should repay you. Some how."

"Hmm... tell you what, if you tell your customers about this place when they leave, consider that your payment." Yama says as he rubs his chin
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby KonokoHasano » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:31 am

"Hmm... 40,000 HL would be fine." Yama says.

As she makes the hand signs, the tattoo flows from her arm and onto the ground where it vanishes in a poof of smoke! When it clears, a white Crab-Eating Macaque wearing an olive green vest and wielding a sickle stands there.

She nods and pulls out a billfold, pulling the money out with a giggle. "No longer need to solely rely on my touch, though all that I learned while being blind will still come in handy." She pulls out the money and hands it to Yama.

The demon-now-monkey can only help but blink. "What is... huh?" Stares at the scythe. "What IS this?!"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Vomica » Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:16 pm

Gretchen eyes him for a moment, "I'll do that, only because you asked. The difference is that my place is temporary, at least for the guests... well I don't think your services are that temporal." She grins, "But for some it might work out perfectly. You have yourself a deal."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Azathoth » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:31 am

"Help me? Your letting him loose! He will devour this plane of existence! Then what am I supposed to rule? I dont want to be the dictator of a graveyard!"

The fist flies into the darkness... which seems to swallow it whole... Then from within comes a horrifying screech as if from a thousand misshapen mouth's. Tentacles miles long, covered in scales, eyes, and toothed maws surge forth from the darkness... boiling forward towards the open gateway as the darkness begins to advance, swallowing up the starry plain as it goes.
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:39 am

KonokoHasano wrote:She nods and pulls out a billfold, pulling the money out with a giggle. "No longer need to solely rely on my touch, though all that I learned while being blind will still come in handy." She pulls out the money and hands it to Yama.

The demon-now-monkey can only help but blink. "What is... huh?" Stares at the scythe. "What IS this?!"

Yama chuckles and takes the note, prodding the monkey with his foot.

"This is your penance. You made this woman's life difficult, now you will make it easier."

Vomica wrote:Gretchen eyes him for a moment, "I'll do that, only because you asked. The difference is that my place is temporary, at least for the guests... well I don't think your services are that temporal." She grins, "But for some it might work out perfectly. You have yourself a deal."

Yama smiles and offers Gretchen his hand.

"Then good luck Miss Gretchen."

Azathoth wrote:"Help me? Your letting him loose! He will devour this plane of existence! Then what am I supposed to rule? I dont want to be the dictator of a graveyard!"

The fist flies into the darkness... which seems to swallow it whole... Then from within comes a horrifying screech as if from a thousand misshapen mouth's. Tentacles miles long, covered in scales, eyes, and toothed maws surge forth from the darkness... boiling forward towards the open gateway as the darkness begins to advance, swallowing up the starry plain as it goes.

"Yes, he is very dangerous... need to stun him."

Yama's aura glows brighter! What appears to be a massive beam of light blasts from his body through the gate! But it is actually several smaller beams, each ending with a fist! The fists retract and and launch again and again, punching whatever lay beyond the gate countless times! To make things worse, the beams sprout several smaller beams just before striking, each ending with another fist! And those beams sprout beams!
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