The Tower of the Heavens


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The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:28 pm

The Tower of the Heavens....

For millennia it has stood silently casting a shadow of mystery and fear over the city. The focus of many myths and legends the unmoving ancient edifice has been the source of many myths and legends, inspiring countless tales of heroism, treachery, and the countless riches said to lie in wait for those who would but seek them out...

Ancient legends state that the tower was built by a nameless Demon King in his bid to wage war on the gods and their servants, man. From the pits of the underworld he constructed a mighty fortress to bridge both sky and land built from pure Adamantium. Filling it with his vast armies he sought to conquer the skies and consolidate his reign. Were it not for the meddling of a band of courageous humans, his blasphemous ambitions would usher in an era of darkness and despair. Climbing to the top of the tower these brave, foolish, heroes did battle with the fearsome Demon King, ultimately felling the arch fiend! It is said that his blood stained the walls of the tower blue, the very color it is today…

Their master defeated, the armies of the Demon King retreated into the cracks and deep places of the fortress, silently awaiting the return of their glorious leader. In the years that have passed mankind has built a glorious civilization at the base of the tower never forgetting the legend of the brave men and women who fought valiantly against the forces of darkness....

Nowadays the tale of Demon King and his horde are said to be nothing more than myth, the stuff of fantasy woven by misguided priests and bored farmers in their huts. Archaeology teams and amateur treasure hunters who have investigated the tower over the years have reported little of interest aside from curious hieroglyphs that line the tunnels and doorways. Linguists have attempted to decipher these curious markings but have made little progress.

Recently, strange seismic activity has awoken something within the ruins of the tower. At night the tower illuminates the night sky with a curious blue glow. Rumors circulate within the universities and streets of strange creature sightings near the tower base and the police department has had its hand full with missing people reports in the weeks since.

While the government has closed off public access to the ruins that has not stopped bands of mystery seekers and amateur sleuths from investigating the place. What will you find inside the Tower of the Heavens? Is it true that the Demon King has returned to once more wage war on mankind? Is there really troves of treasure waiting in the forgotten corners of the ruins? What really lies at the tower top?

Adventure awaits....

(Hello and welcome to my RP! I am your host and game master Feng! ^^

While I've done some posts in the Muffin Room this is my first attempt at a semi-serious RP. I hope those who participate enjoy their time here.

Some of you might notice the storyline is similar to an anime known as the Tower of Druaga. To these astute individuals I say Kudos. I originally wanted to orchestrate a RP directly based off of the series but realized I knew nothing of the game outside of the series. That said I've decided to heavily base (AKA rip off) the story instead to allow more flexibility.

In this RP you start out as a civilian from the city investigating the tower. As time progresses you will eventually step into a world of fantasy and myth as you fight through the forces of evil. So in a way its kind of based off that one Dungeons and Dragons cartoon as well only with TG added to the mix. =P

At this point those interested in participating need only introduce their character in their first post. Please include your character's name, description (the more detailed the better :mrgreen: ), gender, and reasons for exploring the tower.

For those entering once the RP has gotten in motion, please send me a PM so I can work you into the storyline.

Thanks! ^^

House Rules
-Please don't use quotes when making a response. This typically creates a pyramid of text that is too annoying to sort through. Just put your own response please~! :D
-Be respectful to your fellow RPer. If you have any issue please PM me and we will sort out the issue.
-If you are going to be away for a while please let me know in advance so the RP doesn't lag too long while waiting for your response. Don't worry. Once you return we'll get you back into the swing of things! ~.^

Most important rule: Have fun!

Good luck~! )
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:26 pm

Chapter 1: The City of Adventure

Our tale begins within the city of Odo, capital of Drael. The country was once a proud empire that engulfed the entire eastern from the great western to the desert wastes of the Haz, from the frozen northern steppes to the impenetrable jungles to the south. Odo, the Emerald of Drael, was considered the center of the known universe! Its white walls were said to have stretched almost as high as the legendary tower itself and her armies made her the envy of the ancient world. Located along a series of ancient trade routes the kingdom became a hub of commerce and the cultural center for the arts and science. Merchants came from as far at the utter east in hopes of sampling the legendary wines and spices of the city.

Unfortunately constant warfare with the border nations of Zephyr and Arcia and rampant civil unrest brought the mighty Draeli Empire to near collapse. But this was not an end for the proud ancient kingdom.

Odo, known today as Odo-Drael, is still the center of commerce in the modern age. A leader in the fields of computers and medicine, the ancient nation slowly tries to reclaim its former glory, not with the sword or spear but with economics.

The city of Odo-Drael is built like a circle with the Tower of the Heavens located in the center, the axel of the wheel if you will. Surrounding the tower lies the old city, consisting of decrepit buildings that would have surely wasted away were it not for the teams of archaeologists and historians constantly struggling to restore these structures to their previous glamor.

Outside the historical district lies the residential sector where most of the cities population lives in the tower's shadow. Vast mansions occupy the richer areas of the sector as do the numerous parks and universities that have contributed to the city's fame. Further out the houses begin to be replaced by vast apartment complexes, home to most of the average citizens. While a tad cramped, Most Draeli have learned to make the most of the limited space.

Outside that lies the commercial district. To this day tourists still flock to the ancient market places in hopes of sampling the famous Draeli White Wine.

Finally at the outer edge lies the industrial district, home to towering skyscrapers dwarfed in the tower's splendor. Here those below the poverty line eek a meager living in the vast shanty towns that exist in the maze of alleyways and abandoned warehouses of this sector. Crime is also a problem here and tourists are typically persuaded to avoid this area at all costs.
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Cece » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:40 pm

(I hope this is how you mean ...)
Anthony Michaels was quietly watching the police guarding the access points to the old ruins. Being the curious type, he had long ago learned how to hide his skinny 6 foot tall 16 year old frame and flame red hair. Being this close to the guarded tower was tricky though. He had been timing their patrols and shift changes for a week now. A week that had almost gotten him caught twice now, but something kept him hidden in the trees both times. His skin was normally very pale, but having been hiding in the local area had left him dirt smeared and very well camouflaged while his dark green eyes watched for the chance to slip in. He knew the old wreck was responsible for his missing twin sister Alisa, and even though the investigators searched, they had no clue to her or the other missing kids whereabouts. If they had no clue why had they closed off the old castle? He thinks as he watches a bored rookie cop yawn in his cruiser before turning to drink his cup of coffee. If the look on his face was any indication, it was not only cold, but very strong or very bad...
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:54 pm

Another had evaded the police had managed to sneak inside the ruins, and was working his way towards the ancient tower. Matt Young was of around average height, skinny in build, with dark, thick curls of brown hair that were pulled into a loose ponytail that hung down his back. A dark brown baseball cap was pulled down low, matching the colour of the hooded top that seemed a size or two too big. A pair of faded jeans covered his legs, with brown leather boots on his feet. The outfit was completed with a grey messenger bag hanging at his side, and a pair of thin-framed glasses across his eyes.

As a reporter for the newspaper at his college, Matt figured that a sure way to make his name was to reveal the answer to the question on everyone's lips... just what was going on in The Tower of the Heavens?
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:57 pm

(Very good. Welcome to the RP Cece. I also realize I should have described the tower entrance and the security. DERP >.<)

Anthony's week of dedicated observation pays off and he manages to past the patrol into the courtyard of the tower proper. Then again, the police hadn't been in top form lately. Ever since the mysterious disappearances the City Police Force had been spread thin, kept occupied by the new protocols. If one were to include the constant crime and numerous protest riots that had been popping up lately in response to the disappearances and the apparent lack of investigation conducted by the Draeli Intelligence Bureau, then you were looking at a Law Enforcement branch with not enough competent man power to go around. While the force had found volunteers, especially from those looking for work in the slums, they still had a long way to go before they were up to snuff....

In the middle of the cobblestone courtyard, a vast space occupied by alien sculptures illuminated by the tower's strange glow, Anthony can just spy the entrance to the tower proper up a curved slope winding up the vast blue fortress. From the ground below, the intimidating structure had an almost organic vibe to it, due in part to the mysterious vines and fungi that was prone to growing on the tower ruins....

There was no sign of a patrol in the courtyard although in the distance Anthony could see the flash of a search light. But who was the student lurking nearby? He didn't look like a cop...
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Cece » Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:16 pm

(Funny thing is, I started posting my first reply before you posted the intro to Odo...and thanks:)...)

Anthony gulp nervously at the towers glow and the odd looking statuary. It was odd, but he didnt remember it being like this from school tours years ago. Maybe some of the archaeologists had placed them there over the years he thinks. Looking carefully around, Anthony quietly shifts his backpack. Suddenly he stops. Darting behind a nearby statue, he watches the searching light and notices the odd looking person sneaking around as well. Not sure if they are a new security guard or thief, Anthony looks around to see if there is another way to get to the tower path, after all, one can't be too careful these days...
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:09 pm

Anthony is able to spot what appears to be a rocky outcropping that leads up to the tower entrance. While it doesn't look particularly stable it should allow the youth to sneak in without being detected by security.
Of course he could also choose to take a route inside. Countless urban legends speak of numerous secret passages inside the tower. One of these rumored entryways, the gate of the Archer, is said to be located nearby. Wasn't it near the statue of the legendary sniper, Zed? Based on his location it should be a mile or two east....

The stranger, intrepid reporter Matt, meanwhile finds himself near a cluster of trees, only a couple of feet away from Anthony. Rumors have circulated at his university about the many mysterious monster sightings at the sight. While at first these incidents were dismissed as hoaxes by the authorities, the numerous disappearances prompted the police department to set up patrols and ban outsiders (aside from archaeologists) from entering the grounds.

.... Come to think of it, wasn't one of his Professors interested in the history of the Tower?
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:15 pm

Matt squinted through the darkness at Anthony, his first thought being that it was a rival for his scoop. Moving towards the other boy, who clearly wasn't a cop, not at his age, he spoke in a hushed voice. "What are you doing here? Don't you know this place is off limits... ", he reminded the teen. "You should clear out before those cops catch you... ".
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Cece » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:08 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Matt squinted through the darkness at Anthony, his first thought being that it was a rival for his scoop. Moving towards the other boy, who clearly wasn't a cop, not at his age, he spoke in a hushed voice. "What are you doing here? Don't you know this place is off limits... ", he reminded the teen. "You should clear out before those cops catch you... ".

Anthony spins toward Matt holding his own large flashlight like a club..."like your suppose to be here either? Tuis place did something to all those kids who have been disappearing, I'm sure of it." he says to the intrepid reporter...

Feng wrote:Anthony is able to spot what appears to be a rocky outcropping that leads up to the tower entrance. While it doesn't look particularly stable it should allow the youth to sneak in without being detected by security.
Of course he could also choose to take a route inside. Countless urban legends speak of numerous secret passages inside the tower. One of these rumored entryways, the gate of the Archer, is said to be located nearby. Wasn't it near the statue of the legendary sniper, Zed? Based on his location it should be a mile or two east....

Anthony looks at the shaky path and decides that way was too dangerous. He hadn't been as careful as he was to risk a dangerous pathway. Thinking back, he remembers one of the not so hidden paths nearby that archer dudes statue. If the archeologist and historians left it where it was from the school tours...
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:36 pm

"And why do you care?", asked Matt with a frown, reaching out to try and lower Anthony's flashlight so it wasn't shining right into his face. "Put this thing out, kid! Are you TRYING to get caught or something? They'll be able to see the light from this thing from all the way back at the perimeter!".
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:04 am

Stephen Blake parks his car in the nearest space available on the small, narrow streets. Ancient city planning had a lot going for it, but parking lots were not on that list of positives. Normally he would worry about trying to find a space near the center of the city... but the streets around the tower seemed to be emptier than usual. Figures, with all the rumors going around. Well... thats what he was to put an end to!

Stephen works his way into the courtyard of the massive blue tower... bold and unafraid of patrols. If any tried to stop him, he had authentic documentation stating his purpose, along with a writ signed by the ruler of the city allowing him passage. The local College of Antiquities wanted him to survey the tower for any structural damage from the recent seismic activities. If there were major cracks or stability hazards they needed to get to work quickly shoring them up. Earthquakes were the doom of many wonders of the ancient world, and they didn't want this to be another of them.

He is a young man, aged twenty five. Medium build, short messy brown hair and green eyes. Wearing a black T shirt and jeans. Stephen is a recent college graduate turned employee at same college, majoring in Archaeology and Architecture. He was, as they say, the man for the job. Or so the department head had told him. Frankly, he was excited for the chance... the rumors were likely just that... baseless rumor. And getting to set foot inside the tower would fulfill one of his childhood dreams. The tower had always loomed over the city... ever since he was little he would look up at it and wonder... It played no small part in influencing his career choice.

He shifts the backpack he brought with him to a more comfortable position. It had in it everything he needed and thought useful. Starting his expedition by walking the base of the tower, looking for cracks in the old masonry.
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:15 pm

((Sorry I've put off posting for so long folks. I wasn't sure how I would have been able to progress the story with just two people....))

According to Anthony's rather reliable memory, the statue of Zed the Blind Sniper is still in perfect condition. Before the tower had been sealed off to the public the Garden of the Archer, the place where the statue lies, had even been one of the more popular tourist destinations. According to ancient legend the Blind Sniper Zed played a crucial role in the legends concerning the tower, hunting down and destroying the followers of the Demon King. It is said that he had managed to climb to the highest tier of the tower at one point although what he accomplished up there remains a mystery. It IS known that he disappeared on an expedition inside and that his remains had never been found....

The statue lies two miles to the east. The shadows and foliage would be able to provide suitable cover for Anthony (and Matt) should he (or they) decide to go that route.

....They might want to hurry though. The sounds of voices and footsteps are coming their way!

Amazingly, despite being countless centuries old, the tower appears to be in impeccable condition. Stephen might recall the legend that the tower had been forged of Adamantium, the legendary metal said to line the gates of the netherworld. Of course modern scholars have a more practical explanation for the Tower's condition, with many adhering to the popular theory that the Tower had been constructed using long lost masonry techniques in order to withstand the numerous earthquakes that rock the city.

While the city of Odo was certainly no stranger to earthquakes, the seismic activity that had taken place over the last few months had geologists scratching their heads. After all, the city typically only experienced minor tremors with the large scale earthquakes showing up every one hundrend and fifty hears or so. According to them the next major event wasn't supposed to occur until seventy years from now....

Could it be that the tremors were caused by some artificial means?

An elderly security officer walks up to Stephen. Fortunately it is Officer Brown, a former member of the campus police at Stephen's college.

"Ah hello there Mr. Blake," he says flashing a friendly smile. "What brings you out this late to the Tower? I would have thought that a student like yourself would be at the local bars looking for a date or a cheap drink..."
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:14 pm

Stephen finishes his round, marveling at the sturdy make of the tower. He is just about to head inside to make a further search when the security guard walks up to him. Looking up and smiling a bit. "Evening, Mr. Brown. I'm here on University business. They want a survey of the tower, top to bottom, to see if this latest earthquake has damaged anything. Also I did graduate." He says, crossing his arms. "I'm working for the University now."
O Muse!
Sing in me, and through me tell the story
Of that man skilled in all the ways of contending,
A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Cece » Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:26 pm

(its ok...The last couple times i tried to get online, the site was down...)Anthony looks over at matt and sarcastically replies...My light is off. You shouldnt be sneaking up on people if you don't expect to get hit sometimes. Anyway, though it's none of your business, I'm looking for my sister who dissapeared and I'm going to use he garden of the archers path to get into the tower. And you better not get me caught...(Hears the voices from Stephen and the guard)...I gotta go now...he says in a strong whisper and heads towards the entry to the garden quietly as he can...
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Re: The Tower of the Heavens

Postby Feng » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:37 pm

Officer Brown chuckles!

"The Goddess bless me, time has flown! And how! It was only a few months ago that I was still patrolling the university grounds looking for tipsy students staggering in after a long night at Club Gilgamesh when the tremors struck followed by the mysterious disappearances. Since then the city officials decided to enlist the university's campus police to patrol the grounds for suspicious activity."

He sighs...

"And I was only two weeks from retiring too..."

"Ah, but you didn't come here to listen to an old cop grumble about his job. Please proceed with your survey. There have been sightings of strange folk in rust-red cloaks lurking in the outskirts of the tower, namely in the surrounding gardens. We would launch a proper investigation the city has deemed it proper to let the Bureau of Intelligence look into it. Apparently they think its just a bunch of college kids belong to a cult of nature worshipers.... but I know better."

Anthony's journey towards the Garden of the Archer is without incident as most of the patrols focus around the main entrance of the tower itself. As he sneaks through the trees however, he does catch the faint glimpse of shadows shifting through the trees. Its too dark to make out what they are though...

Soon Anthony is at the gate of the Garden...
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