[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:46 pm

"I heard of the school from records but never been there," said Mimi as she stayed close to Catherine. She didn't know why but somehow felt tied to the girl. The only guess she had was due to how much involvement the maid girl had with the younger woman. She stood straight and then said, "Still, I guess I follow because I have no other place to return to. Though that all depends on Dr. Deus."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:17 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

“Very well, I’ll contact you when I’m ready to send you to the next universe. Until then feel free to sort your thoughts and emotions” Dr. Dues said before snapping her figure with all of them in agreement the bracelet on Horo’s arm flashed as suddenly a large globe of energy enveloped them all before suddenly winking out of existence.
Dr. Dues paused from her actions looking towards the door way before speaking calmly “I assume you wanted to speak to me alone… Apocalypse or is it Maria?” at that prompt the hidden figure emerged from the shadows and entered the room.

As the bright globe of light re-established itself and the group found them-selves re-orientated on the ground once more, the grass and dirt swaying under sudden weight. The daylight was strongly streaming above them the greenery almost unforgettable as the light breeze passed through, it was site where they had been fighting for there life after all, it was the city park just in the day time. However there wasn’t any sign of the destruction that they had been involved with just a night before heck there wasn’t even any sign of the expo for that matter despite the fact that it should have been on the southern side of the park. Some pedestrians that were walking or jogging on the park paths were startled for a second at the sudden appearance of people in balls of light but they shrugged it off continuing on their way. After all it was Stepford city, weird superhero events were just a matter of course. As their group didn’t look intimidating and wasn’t attacking them they could care less. A thief camping the woods nearby didn’t really think so however using the distraction to swipe a ladies purse before jetting off away from them eliciting a shout. “STOP THIEF!!!”

(if you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise you can just do whatever for now I'll try to insert explanations and NPC actions as needed but simple thieves and such you don't need me to verify.)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:48 am

Cat didn't recognise the park as the location of the expo or the battle from the night before. It had already been dark when the plane had crashed, and most of the battle had been so traumatic, her mind was subconsciously locking those memories away. There was enough of the spoiled rich girl remaining in her personality to make her panic slightly from not knowing where she was, and not having the usual entourage of maids and bodyguards that she was used to.

Rubbing at her eyes, she turned slowly, taking in the skyline. "Maybe I can call home and ask them to send a car... or helicopter", she said, and started to reach into the white canvas bag that hung at her side, when they heard the woman shouting from across the park. It felt so familiar to the adult part of her mind that remembered being the Fox, and she turned suddenly, her skirt swishing about her thighs. She felt compelled to rush in and tackle the thief, but a voice in her head reminded her she no longer possessed the skills of the Fox.

"Can anyone... stop him?".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:36 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Cat didn't recognize the park as the location of the expo or the battle from the night before. It had already been dark when the plane had crashed, and most of the battle had been so traumatic, her mind was subconsciously locking those memories away. There was enough of the spoiled rich girl remaining in her personality to make her panic slightly from not knowing where she was, and not having the usual entourage of maids and bodyguards that she was used to.

Rubbing at her eyes, she turned slowly, taking in the skyline. "Maybe I can call home and ask them to send a car... or helicopter", she said, and started to reach into the white canvas bag that hung at her side, when they heard the woman shouting from across the park. It felt so familiar to the adult part of her mind that remembered being the Fox, and she turned suddenly, her skirt swishing about her thighs. She felt compelled to rush in and tackle the thief, but a voice in her head reminded her she no longer possessed the skills of the Fox.

"Can anyone... stop him?".

Mimi felt a bit off being in this word. She looked around the park and knew where they were due to it was part of her mind to just remember everything she has every experience. She then found herself inching close to Cat as if she was her maid and even taking the posture as well. Her back was up straight and she had her hands folded over her lap.

"Do you wish for me to-" said Mimi as she realized her tone and shook her head. She then nodded and added, "That could work."

Still Mimi was absorbing everything she can about the park and how things were different from before. It looked as if nobody knew about what happen earlier at the expo. It was then that she heard the scream from the mugging. The instinct from Micheal was to try to predict where he was going and then inform the police. She knew that there was no way she could stop the thief on her own. While all of this was happening, Mimi was finding herself running beside Cat the whole time. The oversize maid outfit flutter as she ran beside Cat and fitted the master-servant look that the two had.

"I will try to do something to stop him," said Mimi in a soft tone. She then tried to focus and stretch out her hand towards the thief to detect if there were any electronic devices in the purse that he had stolen. She then tried to get the cell that was commonly found in the purse to emit a high pitch noise to slow down the thief and keep him from escaping.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:11 pm

Horo looked at the device on her wrist as it began to shimmer and flash then blinked as the light sphere surronded the group before it winked them out of existence and out of the Dr's home. For what felt like a few moments, all Horo could see was darkness until reality suddenly blinked into existence around her. Taking a moment to steady herself, her highly sensitive hearing and sense of smell did not lend itself well to sudden re-orientation. As she came to her senses, she looked about, noting that the park they were in now seemed just like the one that they had battled in previously except now it bore none of the scars of battle and marks of destruction that the large war machine and their own efforts to combat it that had torn up the landscape before. Shaking her head for just a moment, they certainly understood what the Doctor had meant by wanting to forget such things but one some leave it still bothered them.

"The Doctor wasn't kidding, seems like nothing at all happened here" she mused out loud, to her companions but not to any of them in particular.
Watching the others for a moment, listening to Cat talk about calling home. Wondering for a moment how this world might be different for all of them, who or what they might be and how this merged world would be. Horo hoped that some aspects of this new world had changed from the previous ones but they would remain on guard just in case.

"I think the phone call might be a good starting point, but we might want to keep a low profile until we...." the sentence was cut off part way by the sound of the cry of the victim of the purse snatching and the actions of the companions to the bag snatching. For a moment, Horo thought it not the best of plans to draw attention to themselves so suddenly, but the people around them did not seem to be particular bothered by their sudden apperance. Looking at the fleeing man for a moment before stretching and flexing her legs a moment then proceeded to run after the man. Though she could not move as fast in her human shape as she could in her wolf form however recent events had made her different. Sprinting after the man, not aiming for any flashy moves, simply closing in behind him and driving shoulder first into him in an aim to tackle him down to the ground then keep him pinned there, hoping her strength from the previous battle still worked.

"Now now....don't you think stealing a stranger's bag is a little petty, couldn't you try to be a bit more imaginative?" She said, looking down at the bag snatcher
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Zoey » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:42 am

"Thank you Dr" says Mark before she's winked out with the others to the park!

Mark wobbles a bit when she reappears in the grass, her high heels digging a but into the ground. "Woah!" she exclaims as she frantically tries to regain her sense of balance. Once that's done she looks around the area. "Woah... everything looks fine" she says before looking back to the others. "Think I could tag along Miss Harrison?" she said in the voice of the woman's body she now had to the smaller girl. She knew she was younger now, but she always called her that, so habits die hard. She tries to get back to pavement or something firmer when she is alerted to the presence of the thief. She clenched her hands into a fist to only dig her long manicured nails into her skin. Mark cringed a bit and looked down at her body. "Damn... I can't do anything in this body" she murmured as she knew she couldn't give chance like this. Mark extended her hand trying to summon some kind of power if she had any.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:06 pm

Cat watched in concern as Mimi attempted to use her powers, and Horo ran off after the thief, seemingly the most capable of the small group while in their current forms, which made sense considering she was the only one to have officially accepted the Doctor's offer. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, adjusted her glasses, and tugged on her clothes as she was left to stand and watch the scene unfold.

Chewing her bottom lip, she glanced up at the woman that had once been Mark, and nodded her head. "Of course... but I think you're probably going to need to stop calling me that. It could get us into trouble and we'll have no way to explain who Miss Harrison is... ", she said. Reaching out, she steadied the smartly-dressed adult, "I guess we need to accept Dr Deus' offer before we're granted our powers... until then we're just... regular people"'.

Reaching into the school satchel, she pulled out the ridiculously expensive smartphone, and cycled through the embarrassingly small list of contacts, before selecting 'Home', and lifting the phone to her ear as it rang. Katherine's mature mind could now see clearly that Cat's Father was too busy for her, and her Mother had no interest, but the spoiled teen's personality was now so closely bound to her own, that the thought of them brought her comfort, easing the nerves caused by being out in public without any bodyguards or maids.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:25 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

Horo was easily able to subdue the purse snatcher, her strength and speed even in human form still outstripped the average human by far. It was enough so that just the impact of her easily knocked him prone and probably broke a few ribs, groans of pain was all that responded to her. The woman who had been shouting was an old woman probably in her late 60’s who walked over slowly as she thanked her profusely between muttering about useless cops. She was interrupted with the need to grab her cell which was ringing inside the purse as Miki finally felt her power succeed but barely at turning on the cell phone, if anything it felt foreign and repressed as if the current world was actively fighting against it. Mark would have similar issues when trying to summon her previous gravity powers, they were there but she could just sense the wrongness as they didn’t really belong in the current universe.

Oddly enough there was no one on the other end likely because Mimi caused the ringing, still with her phone out she just called 911 as the thug like needed hospital care. “My name May and thanks for everything though you probably don’t need to be here for the cops. Trainee superheroes usually need to be in uniform and I don’t want you to get in trouble just for helping an old gal like myself out.” She said pushing Horo to leave before the cops came.

Cat’s cell phone rang a few times before someone finally picked up. “Hello?” the female voice asked curiously. Catalina would feel like she recognized it but it definitely wasn’t her parents and it wasn’t someone from her direct family associations at least as far as she could tell from her dual memories.
(Miki/Zoey as a side thought I guess talk with me if you want a revised power sets unless you just want to go with a previous one or variation.)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:35 pm

Cat's mouth flew open to reply as she heard someone pick up the phone, but she then paused for a moment, and her brow creased slightly in confusion. She cast a doubtful glance up at Mark, before giving her head a slight shake. "It's Catalina... ", she murmured, puzzled by the familiarity of the voice, when she couldn't place who it belonged to. Drawing a deep breath, she continued, "I'm at the park... with some friends, and I need a ride home... ".

Her blue eyes trailed down as she stood there holding the phone, looking over her teenage body and the clothing. There was no telling what could have been altered to make things different from the world Catalina had grown up in. After all, before the battle she'd been ten years old yet already at college level of education... now she was physically older, but in a school uniform.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:59 am

After sending the purse snatcher flying, Horo had perched on his back to prevent him escaping, not realizing quite yet that the impact from her tackle had cracked a few ribs in his body, attributing the groan from the thief as a sign of frustration that he had been caught. Both hands were hidden inside the sleeves strange long robe she had reappeared with on the Dr's..home, she wasn't cold in particular, she merely felt compelled to do it for reasons she could not quite figure out. One of her wolf ears twitched as the old woman from whom approached. Horo picked up the bag which had seemingly stopped the ringing noise that was coming from it a moment ago and handed it back to the old woman.

“Here you go, best you keep a tighter grip on it next time” smiling at the old woman as she handed the purse back, then nodded in response to the old woman May and her statement about the cops. She blinked a little at the mention of super heroes, trainees and worst of all uniforms. Horo nor Daniel were particular fond of uniforms, both had found the maid uniform from before rather embarrassing.

“Yes, you are right there, I guess I am out of uniform...day off and all, just kinda...acted out of instinct” She lied quickly enough, no reason to make it seem like she was some sort of renegade and
call more attention to herself and the others than she already had with her big show of tackling the purse snatcher. Turning about on her feet quickly, looking over her shoulder a moment to smile at May

“Remember to keep a tighter grip on that bag of yours in future”

She jogged back towards the others at a regular pace, not wishing to draw any more attention than was needed. As she approached the group, she spoke out “We might want to leave this area quickly...I think I inadvertently drew attention that we don't need...Seems like anyone with powers in this place has to wear a uniform of some description and there could be problems if we get caught” She stopped speaking a moment later as she noticed Cat was on the phone so stood back for a moment, waiting to see what would result of this phone call, hoping that it would give them a chance and a place to hide out.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:28 pm

Mimi frowned at how hard it was to control her powers. It felt as if they were being repressed but nothing like before. It felt more natural in this case unnatural to use use them. It didn't help that her powers didn't react the way that she wanted to. It was then that she slowly scooted next to Cat hoping that maybe she could blend in by being the girl's maid. If anything, she was dressed for it even if her outfit was a bit baggy on her.

"So, is somebody going to come for us Mistress?" said Mimi letting that one word slide. She was unsure how to handle this situation but guess she could just absorb as much information as she could. This position was quite different from anything she been in before yet she wasn't sure what her position was in this world.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:01 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

The voice on the phone responded after a slight pause “Seriously? Can’t you just take the bus back or ride what’s her name again? You know that wolf girl you hang out with all the time.” the person said by the tone of their voice they were clearly not really interested in actually doing anything.
“Hmm… I think professor McCoy was in town for something, see if you can get a ride back to campus with her. Anyways got to go call me on my cell if you actually need something important.” The girl on the other side emphasizing the last word before quickly hanging up.

A few moments later they would see a pair of police officers on horseback passing them by heading towards the old lady, some sirens for either additional police or ambulance could be heard in the distance as well likely because there weren’t any legal parking zones nearby. The officer was in the middle of reading the thieves Miranda rights before they were interrupted over the radio, while they could barely hear anything Mimi and Horo were able to make it out due to their respective electronic and enhanced hearing.
“All nearby units head towards the Amazing's tower on 7th and 60th reports of explosions and what appears to be the Slutty Six in the area. Over” The radio voice said fairly loudly
“Seriously the Amazing’s tower just blew up again? That’s the 2nd time this month… ” one of the officers said before cuffing the suspect
“I’ll handle this perp; you head over there and evacuate any civilians.” The older cop said before heading off shouting into the radio “Copy, I’m heading there now”
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:33 pm

Mimi got a bit closer to Cat to hear what the person on the other end of the line was saying. She just stood there and was able to hear everything. The maid dressed girl was wondering if Cat was still the same rich girl that she was in the previous universe. It wouldn't sound like she was based on how disrespectful the person on the other end was talking to Cat. Soon Mimi's head tilted up and she stared at the police officers with the radios. She was able to hear everything that they were saying because of her technopath powers. Already Mimi could tell that Deus was correct about how superpower villains were in this universe already.

"Umm..." said Mimi in a meek voice. She wasn't sure if she was actually doing this on purpose or accident but she kept doing it. "They are talking about an explosion at some place called Amazing Tower. It sounds as if there was a villain attack there. Maybe we should try to get away incase something happens. Or we could go there."
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:16 pm

The response from the voice on the phone was not what Cat was expecting. Her lips parted slightly, and her blue eyes widened as the girl suggested she take the bus home. The idea shocked her, and even frightened her. Glancing at Mimi, the same concerns going through her mind, she looked for a moment as if she was going to start crying.

When the person on the other end hung up, Cat pulled the phone from her ear and stared down at it a moment longer before sliding it back into her bag. Chewing her lip, she gave her school skirt a little tug before hearing Horo explaining the situation regarding super heroes in the new universe.

"We might have a problem... ", she murmured, her voice trembling slightly as she looked around at the others in the group. "It's not only the four of us that are different... everything has changed again. I'm not even sure I still live where I thought I did... ", she explained, her shoulders slumping a little. The spoiled little rich girl was not used to the idea of being told to find her own way home, and it had shaken her.

"Professor McCoy is in town... we can get a ride back to school with her, and then try and figure out exactly what the situation is. Unless anyone has better ideas?", asked the now nervous looking teenager as she stood in the middle of the group and looked up at the faces around her.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Zoey » Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:17 pm

Mark has been paying attention to the cops, very surprised by how casual the policemen addressed the destruction of a building, much less it has happened before! She then turns to Cat who backs up the idea that everything has just been turned over on its head and then some!

"Tell me about it" says Mark as she glasses at the policemen and then back to the group. "What exactly has happened here? I knew it would be a bit different, but this is way to much" she add before crossing her arms under her breasts. With a short silence ans then a sign, she turns to Cat. "I think i'd be best to get more info on what we've stumbled on. Hopefully McCoy has some answers..." she says shifting again in her high heels. "Also, could we please get off the lawn..." she adds with blush coming to her cheeks.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
"...Roger that."
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