While the cats are away...

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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:12 pm


Commander Pleasance quirks an eyebrow as a new set of symbols appears on her holographic display, showing the activity surrounding the area occupied by the PLA.

"New contacts, sir! Consistent with Steel Talon armor!"

The commander frowns slightly. "Well, well... I hadn't expected them to take an interest in it." She notes the path of the tanks. "Contact ELINT, and see if they have any Steel Talon frequencies on file. I'd like to send them a hello..."
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Raleigh » Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:19 pm

*Before anyone shows up Naro takes out the creatures in the box and places one on each of the other three dead soldiers causing their wounds to seal and the bodies to reanimate under the twins' control. Shara taps a point in mid air in front of herself and the Pandora box is launched out of the back of the truck and up over the checkpoint into a window in the building across from it.*

Naro: Hey kid, do you need to get in? The bad men are dead.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Helel » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:44 pm

David wrote:Northern neighbourhood
північні околиці

Self reflections or not, the agile woman would find herself in a cul-de-sac of a suburb. It'd probably be a nice place to settle down if it wasn't for the rudimentary olive green tent set up in the road.
No one seems to be guarding the back at least, there was nothing but a noisy diesel fuelled generator to power whatever equipment the tent had though she could spy a couple of jeeps around the front canopy area, a shoddy looking radio aerial for communications erected at the side of the tent.

If she's going to slip by unnoticed, the woman would be best sticking to moving through the houses that line the street, there didn't appear to be any patrols here at the moment, but with a communications tent setup, that could change within seconds. If she feels like hindering the communications in the tent, she could probably do something about the generator at the back, but the ramifications of it in the long run could prove undesirable, It's up to her!

The woman moves around the cul-de-sac, toward the back end of the tent while remaining low and quiet. Once she reaches it, she draws a knife from a strap on her sneaking suit and cuts a slit in the tent. She then crouches near the slit, and extends a prehensile video camera connected to her visor which she lowers over her eyes.

>If you neutralize the generator and the communications equipment, you may be able to create an opening while leaving here.<
<Yeah, but ideally, I want that generator at the center of this dead zone down so I won't even have to worry about that.>
>True enough, but better safe than sorry.<

With a sigh, she looks around the interior of the tent, trying to see if there's anyone inside and where the equipment is located. As she does, she pulls something that looks like gray play-dough from a pouch with two pins as she separates the dough into two balls. Someone has an idea~
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:29 pm

Summer released her harness and climbed to her feet, a flutter in her stomach accompanied by a slight tremble in her knees as she checked her weapons over and then looked at the others in her group. She nodded her head towards the Sergeant and drew a deep breath as she moved into position at the rear hatch.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:52 pm

*Couple of absent posts but with any luck, that shouldn't matter too much for the moment! Without further ado, let's get on with it!*

Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Obscured by the smoke, it's far too late for the soldiers to react and realise that the drone more or less pulled a fast one on them. Thier physiology has no resistence to the sedative shots at all and much as stated in the post before it, the soldiers slump rather curdely to the ground, only a couple manage to do pull a surprrised look and only one of them lets out an even more confused grunt.

If nothing else, it was probably the smoothest insertion that the CTC team had encountered, the barbed wire and barrier arm didn't exactly do much to block their access.
From here, it looks like it should be a straight forward jaunt into the suburban area and from there, start dealing with the PLA forces that have amassed there. However, distant sounds of gunfire and a couple of explosions might mean that said forces are pre-occupied by the other CTC force in the area.

In fact, let's talk about them now!

School/Prison camp
школа/табір військовополонених

In the brief few moments before the gunships can launch the volley mini-missile at the roof, they'd just about spot another universally recognised weapon from the soviet era, RPG-7 launchers -the 7VL variant that you can see in the link!-.

Confronted with technology that is probably more than decades ahead of their own, the blast radius of the impacts on the roof stuns the RPG toting soldiers, if not outright obliterates them. The dust and debris flying up from the roof alone is enough to cause the enslaved citizens and luckily for them, the ground soldiers, to be momentarily stunned by it all.
Until the dust settles, it's not quite clear to the naked eye what damage has taken place but the CTC would be happy to note that the 4 rooftop soldiers seem out of action, one of the less fortunate of them registered on heat imaging as beingspread across most of the perimeter of the school, thanks to the explosives.

Of course, the local infantry near the school weren't blind to this and already, there was a few bursts of gunfire in the general direstion of where the gunships had been, most of which coming south of the school. Whether or not the advanced squad of 6 soldiers expected to hit anything throguh the cloud of dust alone is a mystery but it's doubtful that the gunships would be affected by it.
If the soldiers continue to advace towards the school, it could make escorting the prisoners harder for the CTC and it wouldn't be long till the ground soldiers recover from the attack and try to keep the prisoners under guard again.

At least there was no civillian casaulties so far!

Northern checkpoint
Північний контрольно-пропускний пункт

As if having the CTC start to deal damage in the Southern part of the city was bad enough, the Steel Talon convoys headed from the North were enough to make the re-grouped soldiers fromearlier re-consider their motives. In this case, they watched the approaching dustcloud columns get closer and closer, the dust looming ominously as the group of 5 exchange looks.

One of them wastes no time in retreating to the makeshift radio, the second call of the day and probably a now rather irritated senior at the other end. Depending on hoq quikcly the ST forces are moving, the soldier will be able to finish his call and rejoin his defence line or at least, try to defend it.
But either way, it's clear that these soldiers don't stand much of a chance!

Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

Given the twin's location, the only really nearby building they could lob their box of flesh based tricks in is the deserted car park attendant booth. Still, the soldiers take time out of their busy schedule of being dead and willingly comply with whatever arcane force re-animated them. Of course, it won't be that useful if the things keeping the soldier sin their undead state are magic based which if they are, will mean the soldiers will fall over dead again as soon as they move within the barrier's influence.

Other than that, they can hear the distant sounds of gunfire and even the odd explosion or two the the North West. There wasn't miuch visible evidence of a battle going on save for a slightly visible coloumn of debris that just about peeks over the distant buildings, otherwise, their main view was of the spacious car park and the shopping mall itself.

Northern neighbourhood
північні околиці

With unparralleled skill, the infiltratrator easily cuts through the tent's fibre glass fabric of which she can easily slide her fibre optic-wait, prehensile camera through, this shows:

Northern communications tent
Північний зв'язку наметі

In the dimly light interior, the woman can see that the tent is furnished with old looking radios, possibly CB types at that. Most of the equipment is on fold out tables and chairs with a rather bored looking solider attending to several radio consoles. A coffee maker is sat beside him but the brew didn't look that great, probably cheap instant granules rather than finely ground beans.

Coffee aside, the soldier -though he probably answers to the title of communications technician!- leans back in his chair, groaning as he listens to some kind of transmission over the network. Taking a few sips from the mug beside him, the woman can tell from body language alone that the Comm. tech isn't happy to be stationed here, leaning on one of the support struts is a standard AK-47 rifle but it's doubtful the technician will spot the woman's camera and even if he did, he would risk shooting the sensitive equipment that it's peeking out from!

What the woman decides to do in regards to the tent and its contents, is up to her!
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:51 am

David wrote:Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Obscured by the smoke, it's far too late for the soldiers to react and realise that the drone more or less pulled a fast one on them. Thier physiology has no resistence to the sedative shots at all and much as stated in the post before it, the soldiers slump rather curdely to the ground, only a couple manage to do pull a surprrised look and only one of them lets out an even more confused grunt.

If nothing else, it was probably the smoothest insertion that the CTC team had encountered, the barbed wire and barrier arm didn't exactly do much to block their access.
From here, it looks like it should be a straight forward jaunt into the suburban area and from there, start dealing with the PLA forces that have amassed there. However, distant sounds of gunfire and a couple of explosions might mean that said forces are pre-occupied by the other CTC force in the area.

The armored vehicles smash through the barrier arm, rumbling into the area beyond! With the soldiers easily neutralized, the CTC change their plans somewhat, with the lead vehicles pulling up all the way to the edge of the nearby suburban area. The command vehicle and its escorts can handle the job of securing the gate and the prisoners properly, while the CTC force can secure their operations area.

Summer will feel the IFV pull to a stop, and only seconds after it's ground to a halt, the sergeant is popping the hatch. "Go go GO!" the woman shouts, with Feets immediately hopping down, her weapon readied as she starts hurrying towards the nearby buildings, aiming to secure some immediate cover. The EDU robot lumbers after her, its weapons held ready as it takes up an overwatch role, with Sparks bringing up the rear, sweeping his weapon around to cover any possible ambushers from the left flank.

David wrote:School/Prison camp
школа/табір військовополонених

In the brief few moments before the gunships can launch the volley mini-missile at the roof, they'd just about spot another universally recognised weapon from the soviet era, RPG-7 launchers -the 7VL variant that you can see in the link!-.

Confronted with technology that is probably more than decades ahead of their own, the blast radius of the impacts on the roof stuns the RPG toting soldiers, if not outright obliterates them. The dust and debris flying up from the roof alone is enough to cause the enslaved citizens and luckily for them, the ground soldiers, to be momentarily stunned by it all.
Until the dust settles, it's not quite clear to the naked eye what damage has taken place but the CTC would be happy to note that the 4 rooftop soldiers seem out of action, one of the less fortunate of them registered on heat imaging as beingspread across most of the perimeter of the school, thanks to the explosives.

Of course, the local infantry near the school weren't blind to this and already, there was a few bursts of gunfire in the general direstion of where the gunships had been, most of which coming south of the school. Whether or not the advanced squad of 6 soldiers expected to hit anything throguh the cloud of dust alone is a mystery but it's doubtful that the gunships would be affected by it.
If the soldiers continue to advace towards the school, it could make escorting the prisoners harder for the CTC and it wouldn't be long till the ground soldiers recover from the attack and try to keep the prisoners under guard again.

At least there was no civillian casaulties so far!

The two gunships swoop around the school building, their chin turrets swivelling to track the signatures of the figures on the rooftop through their infrared sensors. The gunships are armored enough that small arms fire bounces off of their hulls, although the approach of the soldiers in the area is noted.

"Hawk 2, Hawk 4, cover the other flank. Patrol the perimeter and suppress hostiles while Eagle 1 and 2 take the courtyard."

The other two gunships break off, passing over the buildings on the other side of the area from the school, searching for any additional threats. Meanwhile, the two bigger tilt-rotor transports move into position over the schoolyard, their engines rotating to vertical as they pull into hover, causing a powerful downwash over the schoolyard that likely kicks up thick clouds of dust and dirt.

"ED units, go go go!"

The hatches on the two transports open up, and several humanoid robots hop out, their armored cybernetic frames not needing rapelling gear in order to descend. They drop thirty feet or so to the ground, and immediately begin rushing towards the armed guards, the armor on their forearms folding back to reveal built-in gunports!

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

"Here's the frequencies ELINT has recorded from use on the Western Continent. They're not sure if the same frequencies are in use here, but it's the best data we've got."

Commander Pleasance nods. "The Steel Talons commander is making an aggressive advance, though. Even if we get through, odds are he isn't going to slow down just to be polite." She lets out a sigh. "Get me Diego AFB."

One of the displays changes, revealing a status display for forces at the nearby Diego Air Force Base.

"This is Commander Pleasance. Scramble the strike team."
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Miku-chan » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:45 pm

David wrote:North west neighbourhood
Північно західне околиці

Del didn't need to investigate much further as a T-72 tank came rolling down the street, flanked by 4 infantrymen, clutching a smaller variant of the AK-47, the AKS-74u. Unlike the soldiers at the checkpoint, these four soldiers looked capable, confident and spotting Del, they immediately began to take positions in the street, keeping close to the tank but also out of its path.

Rolling to a stop, the commander's hatch in the tank opened, an officer clambering out and givign Del a quizzical look. "You, what are you doing here?! State your purpose or we will shoot you!"

Del looks back at the soldier quizzically, trying to translate the accent of the soldier before replying..."Soldier! Do you not recognize a member of the state media services. Why else would someone looking as I do be so far into a secured area. Your men have been very lax in their patrols and duties. Be glad of the security black out before I report such behaviors to the high command for permission to broadcast to the nation." Delphi says,  his ruse hidden well in the arrogance in his tone. The Holographic investigative reporter looks at the equipment in use, trying to decide if a EMP would be enough or if protocol z would need to be resorted to for an escape.

David wrote:Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

As the newly disguised twins appear, they might catch Alan who previously was hiding, dash off to anotjhher hiding spot. He wasn't a threat to them, the now deceased soldiers knew as such but it was up to them if they wanted to help the young teen or not.

Sounds of distant jet engines and other mechanised units could be heard to the West, but they would probably want to focus on the shopping mall in front of them first. 

Raleigh wrote:*Before anyone shows up Naro takes out the creatures in the box and places one on each of the other three dead soldiers causing their wounds to seal and the bodies to reanimate under the twins' control. Shara taps a point in mid air in front of herself and the Pandora box is launched out of the back of the truck and up over the checkpoint into a window in the building across from it.* 

Naro: Hey kid, do you need to get in? The bad men are dead.

Alan looks to the twins, panic still evident in his eyes..."I...I can't go in. They probably already died. I can't get a hold of them. What am I gonna do." the young teen says, not sure if he can find his parents from the imagined horrors inside what once was his home...
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Helel » Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:18 pm

David wrote:Northern neighbourhood
північні околиці

With unparralleled skill, the infiltratrator easily cuts through the tent's fibre glass fabric of which she can easily slide her fibre optic-wait, prehensile camera through, this shows:

Northern communications tent
Північний зв'язку наметі

In the dimly light interior, the woman can see that the tent is furnished with old looking radios, possibly CB types at that. Most of the equipment is on fold out tables and chairs with a rather bored looking solider attending to several radio consoles. A coffee maker is sat beside him but the brew didn't look that great, probably cheap instant granules rather than finely ground beans.

Coffee aside, the soldier -though he probably answers to the title of communications technician!- leans back in his chair, groaning as he listens to some kind of transmission over the network. Taking a few sips from the mug beside him, the woman can tell from body language alone that the Comm. tech isn't happy to be stationed here, leaning on one of the support struts is a standard AK-47 rifle but it's doubtful the technician will spot the woman's camera and even if he did, he would risk shooting the sensitive equipment that it's peeking out from!

What the woman decides to do in regards to the tent and its contents, is up to her!

*As the camera swivels about, the woman considers while on her com, her supporter comments about the primitive nature of the equipment and several other deductions the woman probably already made.*

>Be careful, just because he looks like a pencil neck doesn't mean he is.<

<Yeah, whatever you say. I'm taking him out with tranqs, he's just a pawn.>

>Affirmative, those things should put him out for 12 hours, at least.<

*The woman draws a small dart gun and cuts another small slit in the tent with her knife. Using her camera to adjust the dart gun, a soft release of pressurized air launches a dart into the tech's neck. Good night!*

>Give it a moment to kick in, then check him. Move him out of the way and even if you leave the area, that should bring less suspicion to you.<

<Yeah yeah, I know what I'm doing.>
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Raleigh » Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:17 am

*The twins smile to each other.* Naro: Well then my dear boy, perhaps you should get yourself to a safehouse or something for now until we can find your parents.

Shara: We happen to have one not far from this location. Think you can keep yourself safe enough to get there? We have to keep up the charade of protecting this gate and keeping just outside the field. While our little reanimated friends can function inside just fine due to the creature we are using...

Naro: Our disguise fields might waver if we enter inside. The boss has the techs working on completely copying the tech but it hasn't been tested versus an anti-magic field despite it all being based in science. Then again, what is an equation but a ritual? Heh.

*The metal box that was flung into the booth begins to crawl along the ground as small mechanical legs sprout from underneath to carry it away to a more ideal location. There is no discernible camera on the box but it seems to be navigating all the same likely via use of some sort of sonar or the like.*
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby David » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:19 pm

Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Dismounting into the suburban area, the infantry that scout ahead may note that there seems to be little to none PLA presence in their immediate vicinity, though the fresh tire and track marks suggest that what forces had been present there, had long since moved onward to the North. It must be in retaliation to the attack the CTC air force is performing.
Of course, there may still be some PLA infantry and armoured units around so the scouting party may want to exercise caution when securing the otherwise, rather placid, buildings. Not only may PLA soldiers still be inside some of them but there could be a few "lucky" who are hiding in there.

School/Prison camp
школа/табір військовополонених

As the closest squad of 6 soldiers moves to reincforce the school playground and the dust briefly settles, the havoc that the missiles have wreaked on the school can be seen. There simply wasn't much of a roof anymore, just a rather bombed out series of classrooms and a rather unfortunate looking catering area. A gas leak from the ovens was sending a rather spectacular plume of fire up out of the roof but it's not enough to cause too much danger, that was the soldiers.

Shrugging off what the initial explosion had done, the soldiers on guard roughly manhandle the nearest prisoner, no matter what age or gender they were.
"The паразит won't attack us if we have one of their own! Keep hold of the ублюдки!" One of the soldiers yells out before summarily being drowned out by more dust and the overwhelming sound of the passing dropships.

Thankfully, the CTC may notice that the soldiers are reluctant to open fire on the prisoners so readily. What good is a bargaining chip if you go all in at the start of a game? The reinforcing soldiers confirm that intent by spreading themselves out around the school, rather than bursting in. Let's hope the humanioid robots are either good shots or good negotiaters!

The patrolling gunships will spy the movement of infantry and armoured units coming mainly from the Southern and Western regions. Although they are subject to more small arms fire, they seem to be going too fast for the ground anti-air tactics to work and there was no sign of any retaliation from the air either. This seems far too easy!

North west neighbourhood
Північно західне околиці

Whatever Del tried to do with the Commander in the tank, it doesn't seem to have gone as intended as with an amused laugh and a few shakes of his head of mute disbelief, he gives the being a rather knowing grin.
"Spoken like a true паразит, what good is your pathetic "State media" for a country that is bound by the CCCP? No matter, you would do well to drop your weapons and lie on the ground like the bottom feeding паразит you are. If you refuse? My men here will shoot you. Is that clear, паразит?"

The EMP would disable the tank but it wouldn't disable the guns the soldiers were carrying, the specialised infantry certainly looked eager to test their weapons on him!

Perhaps escaping would be a good idea?

Northern communications tent
Північний зв'язку наметі

Unaware that the tent is being progressively lacerated by the woman, the Comm. tech keeps on monitoring whatever broadcast he is assigned to or at least, until he feels the unwelcome pinch of the needle in his neck.

There's almost a look of disbelief on the technician's face as he fumbles at the dart and responds with a rather muted yelp! Drunkenly, he tries to hoist himself out of the chair but no sooner had he ripped the headset off to leave the chair, the effects of the tranquiliser take hold resulting in a comical slump to the floor of the tent and a muffled groan.

With the communications tent quietly subdued, it wouldn't be long till some rather confused and angry response come from the headset's speakers. In the meantime, the woman is free to do what she pleases with the tent and its occupants. Provided there's no one coming by to check in, of course.

Southern checkpoint
Южно контрольно-пропускний пункт

The twins should find fitting in as the soldiers at the checkpoint to not be a problem, given they took on the appearence of the former soldiers but for now no one seems to be coming by to investigate, yet.

As for the box of tricks, it can either scurry along into the shopping mall up ahead or explre the suburban area nearby where some patrols might be lurking, whatever its objectve may be!

Commercial district
Комерційна району

As Mifune wandered ever closer to the offices that towered up around them, they'd may get the feeling that they're being watched. Indeed, aside from the glinting of the sun off the office windows, the odd set of binocculars and a magnified scope of a rifle could be seen peering down at him and the tow soldiers with him.
Perhaps, the presence of those two soldiers was what was keeping the hidden obersvers from acting but who could tell?

Depending on how perceptive Mifune choose to be, he may notice some of them peering out from the high rise windows and some from the rooftops. Whether the two soldiers following him did was up for debate but they didn't seem any less nervous about their current situation.

-Sorry this took so long!-
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Helel » Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:55 pm

David wrote:Northern communications tent
Північний зв'язку наметі

Unaware that the tent is being progressively lacerated by the woman, the Comm. tech keeps on monitoring whatever broadcast he is assigned to or at least, until he feels the unwelcome pinch of the needle in his neck.

There's almost a look of disbelief on the technician's face as he fumbles at the dart and responds with a rather muted yelp! Drunkenly, he tries to hoist himself out of the chair but no sooner had he ripped the headset off to leave the chair, the effects of the tranquiliser take hold resulting in a comical slump to the floor of the tent and a muffled groan.

With the communications tent quietly subdued, it wouldn't be long till some rather confused and angry response come from the headset's speakers. In the meantime, the woman is free to do what she pleases with the tent and its occupants. Provided there's no one coming by to check in, of course.

>Go ahead and add the mic to that headset from your right pouch- that should throw them off a bit.<

<The mic? What's it supposed to do?>

>Trust me on this one!<

The woman gives a sigh as she slips into the comm tent and pulls out the mic in the indicated pouch she totally didn't know she had. She affixes the mic to the tech's headset, which causes the other end to start hearing a constant stream of Ukrainian.

<What the-> >I'm using a translator to send them bogus information. Should keep them busy for a while. You better keep moving.<

She gives a sigh before exiting the tent and looking around.

"Okay, now what..."

While her support is preoccupied with distracting the military in the city, the woman heads south again for the city center and her ultimate objective. All the while, the other end of the comm is likely getting all sorts of crazy but entertaining information, instructing soldiers to go elsewhere and clear the way for the woman.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Funny Hat + Funny Accent » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:53 am

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:Meanwhile, elsewhere...

"Here's the frequencies ELINT has recorded from use on the Western Continent. They're not sure if the same frequencies are in use here, but it's the best data we've got."

Commander Pleasance nods. "The Steel Talons commander is making an aggressive advance, though. Even if we get through, odds are he isn't going to slow down just to be polite." She lets out a sigh. "Get me Diego AFB."

*Inside a Panzer command vehicle, a stocky, dark-skinned man, wearing the armor-but not the helmet-of a Steel Talon Major, monitors a wall of monitors. Turning to the woman facing another wall, they speak for a few minutes before both of them adjust a dials and knobs. Then, the dark-skinned man picks a primitive-looking microphone.*

<This is Major Roscoe Eaton of the Light Brigade, Steel Talons, to friendly CTC units. What do you want?>

David wrote:Northern checkpoint
Північний контрольно-пропускний пункт

As if having the CTC start to deal damage in the Southern part of the city was bad enough, the Steel Talon convoys headed from the North were enough to make the re-grouped soldiers from earlier re-consider their motives. In this case, they watched the approaching dustcloud columns get closer and closer, the dust looming ominously as the group of 5 exchange looks.

One of them wastes no time in retreating to the makeshift radio, the second call of the day and probably a now rather irritated senior at the other end. Depending on hoq quikcly the ST forces are moving, the soldier will be able to finish his call and rejoin his defence line or at least, try to defend it.
But either way, it's clear that these soldiers don't stand much of a chance!

*While waiting for a response, the woman picks up another microphone and begins coordinating the column's units.*

<Dreamseeker Six to all armor, deploy into Line of Battle. Transports, go to augmented minor wedge forms. Aviation, stand by for active management and maintain sky watch.>

*After a few moments, the wedge of armored vehicles broadens out into a massive line of one hundred Dauntless MBVs stretching just over five hundred meters in width. Behind them, rolled almost twice that number in IFVs or other support vehicles.*

(Sorry for not posting in so long, I've been busy, went camping, and been sickly for just over a week now.)
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:57 pm

Funny Hat + Funny Accent wrote:*Inside a Panzer command vehicle, a stocky, dark-skinned man, wearing the armor-but not the helmet-of a Steel Talon Major, monitors a wall of monitors. Turning to the woman facing another wall, they speak for a few minutes before both of them adjust a dials and knobs. Then, the dark-skinned man picks a primitive-looking microphone.*

<This is Major Roscoe Eaton of the Light Brigade, Steel Talons, to friendly CTC units. What do you want?>


"Skywatch analysis indicates Steel Talon force numbers approximately 300 armored vehicles -- 100 appear to be dedicated armor, with 200 IFVs. At an estimate of one squad per IFV, that indicates an infantry component of approximately 1,000 to 2,000 soldiers."

Command Pleasance nods. "Well, that would be consistent with a brigade-level unit. It'd be interesting to know what their TO&E is like." She toggles her displays. "Get the strike team ready to move, once we have a better idea of their intentions, and call up the 16th Infantry regiment. The Talons have a pretty good force for taking the area by force, particularly given our current estimates on the technological disparity between the forces." She considers a moment. "Well, if our Ukranian friends have any surprises in store, better for them to be used against the Talons than us, I suppose."

She switches over to her comm. "Major Eaton, this is Commander Pleasance of the CTC. I simply wished to establish a line of communication to help coordinate our separate operations against what appears to be a mutual opponent," she says smoothly over the radio. "We are currently working to establish an operations base on the perimeter of the occupied zone and to recover and assist what surviving civilians we know of. Would you be willing to share any information regarding your operation and its objectives?"

David wrote:Western checkpoint
західні контрольно-пропускний пункт

Dismounting into the suburban area, the infantry that scout ahead may note that there seems to be little to none PLA presence in their immediate vicinity, though the fresh tire and track marks suggest that what forces had been present there, had long since moved onward to the North. It must be in retaliation to the attack the CTC air force is performing.
Of course, there may still be some PLA infantry and armoured units around so the scouting party may want to exercise caution when securing the otherwise, rather placid, buildings. Not only may PLA soldiers still be inside some of them but there could be a few "lucky" who are hiding in there.

Summer's infantry squad begins moving through the suburbs, following along the predesignated path that will (hopefully) link up the operations area at the Western checkpoint with the school that was being assaulted by the aerial contingent.

"Pet element, Cheerleader element, be advised on the likelihood of civilians in the area," the sergeant says over the squad's comm. "Check all buildings. Watch out for any ambushes, and advise civilians to stay hidden until reinforcements arrive. Notify me of anyone that needs medical attention."

Summer may notice Feets making her way down one side of the street, slinking along the buildings to avoid exposing herself to any patrols or snipers. She peeks in windows and opens any unlocked doors to quickly scout out each building she passes, being careful to stay hidden from any potential ambushers. ED and Sparks are following along a building or two behind, moving from position to position in an overwatch style, covering any locations Feets passes by. She can also tell that Brick and the sergeant are doing the same, following along behind her.

David wrote:School/Prison camp
школа/табір військовополонених

As the closest squad of 6 soldiers moves to reincforce the school playground and the dust briefly settles, the havoc that the missiles have wreaked on the school can be seen. There simply wasn't much of a roof anymore, just a rather bombed out series of classrooms and a rather unfortunate looking catering area. A gas leak from the ovens was sending a rather spectacular plume of fire up out of the roof but it's not enough to cause too much danger, that was the soldiers.

Shrugging off what the initial explosion had done, the soldiers on guard roughly manhandle the nearest prisoner, no matter what age or gender they were.
"The паразит won't attack us if we have one of their own! Keep hold of the ублюдки!" One of the soldiers yells out before summarily being drowned out by more dust and the overwhelming sound of the passing dropships.

Thankfully, the CTC may notice that the soldiers are reluctant to open fire on the prisoners so readily. What good is a bargaining chip if you go all in at the start of a game? The reinforcing soldiers confirm that intent by spreading themselves out around the school, rather than bursting in. Let's hope the humanioid robots are either good shots or good negotiaters!

The patrolling gunships will spy the movement of infantry and armoured units coming mainly from the Southern and Western regions. Although they are subject to more small arms fire, they seem to be going too fast for the ground anti-air tactics to work and there was no sign of any retaliation from the air either. This seems far too easy!

The transport VTOLs continue to hover over the school, as they begin to drop their infantry contingent, troops in full-body combat armor rapelling down to the schoolyard, and quickly fanning out to set up their own perimeter. The guards present in the schoolyard they leave to the ED robots, which start to converge on the soldiers and their hostages.

The armored robots move to encircle the soldiers guarding the prisoners as best they can, keeping their weapons trained on them. One of them steps forwards, identifying itself as the leader for the moment. "You are requested to surrender," it says in fluent Russian. "You are surrounded and outmatched. If you surrender, you will be treated fairly and not harmed. If you do not, we will be forced to incapacitate you."

There is a soft whirring from each robot, as it apparently reconfigures its weapons for the situation.

Meanwhile, the patrolling gunships take note of the location of the scattered small-arms fire, as it at least pinpoints the location of enemy soldiers. The approaching armor is more cause for concern, however, as it could pose a potential threat to the troops at the school.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Teddy » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:32 pm

Mifune is fairly perceptive. I mean, if he wasn't he could be eaten by a dragon or something! The masked face looks at the building, maneuvering up and down at the building, before giving a shrug and turning to his two solider companions.

"Are they with us?" He gives a slight head nod towards the building. He continues with his nonchalant act after noticing the people. "Or should we all be extremely worried and find some place with cover before my brains are scattered all over the street?"
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
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Re: While the cats are away...

Postby Dracos » Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:13 pm

David wrote:School/Prison camp
школа/табір військовополонених
Shrugging off what the initial explosion had done, the soldiers on guard roughly manhandle the nearest prisoner, no matter what age or gender they were.

*The manhandled prisoner rips a hand free of his captors and whatever restraints may have been binding him, grabbing a pair of hand cuffs from his cloak and holding them out towards the nearest soldier*

You're under arrest for executing an unauthorized invasion. Put those on yourself and gather up your men. I don't have enough handcuffs, so we'll have to use the honor system.
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