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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:14 am

Anonymouse wrote:-kwsaahhhhcattershhhed-

Fragmented voices seem to coalesce around the CTCers, as the static grows thicker, like a fog--the patches of the real world around them grow less and less with alarming speed, until it seems like they're being driven through a Wonka-esque tunnel, images, smells, sounds, all melding into one, and--!

--The private is the first to awake, though the others will begin to come to gradually as he sits up, the ground--the sand--giving away under him slightly as he sits up. It's sunny out--sunnier then it had been in Muffinville--and the breeze is hot against his face, despite the shade of trees.
It's not until he hears the gentle sound of the waves against the shore that he realizes he's sitting on the edge of a small beach. He--and the rest of the squad; the robot, the sergeant, the scientist...but unfortunately not the van all seem to have been deposited on the shore of somewhere...tropical. He himself is leaning slightly against a tree, the start of the end of the beach, where it gives way to the beginning of something of a jungle.

Private Kyle Leverett groans as consciousness returns to him -- sluggishly at first, then more quickly as his implants respond to his condition and inject stimulants into his bloodstream. Feeling the sand shifting underneath his body, his eyes snap open, and he staggers clumsily to his feet, trying to bring his weapon to the ready as he looks around.

"Sergeat? Professor Serilde?" A quick scan of the area reveals his three companions nearby, also waking. The ED robot mechanically rises to its feet, remaining still as it conducts an internal diagnostic to analyze what happened. The professor groans, slower to respond due to her lack of combat implants. The sergeant is the most alert, leaving his weapon at his side while he takes in the surrounding area.

"Well, could've been worse..." Sergeant Meinhard murmurs.


The sergeant lets out a sigh. "Well, we're obviously someplace else. Our esteemed doctor should be able to shed some light on where. If we're truly lucky, we're still on the planet, just somewhere more tropical." He starts switching through his comms, looking for the telltale GPS signals from the CTC orbital satellite network.

"And... if we're not?"

"Well... at a guess, I'd say we're in some pocket universe, tailored to some kind of tropical adventure story." He lets out a sigh. "For a few moments, I was worried this would be some kind of beach bimbo scenario, but... that kind of setting would take place around a populated area -- lots of hunky guys to show off for, and such."

Leverett blinks at that, swallowing involuntarily. "Er... sir?" he says, a bit confused by the whole context.

The older man chuckles. "You really are green, aren't you, kid? Better get up to speed. This place is about people getting turned into other things, right? With cute little schoolkids, or busty airheaded beach babes, it's gotta fit the context. Like the Sand Academy..." He pauses. "Oh, right, you arrived after that." He sighs, and takes another look around.

"Anyways... taking stock of the situation. There's no sign of human habitation at the moment, and the setting seems pretty pristine, with a tropical biosphere. So it's not a commercially developed beach. Maaaaaybe it's some remote island resort, where they're leaving it largely wild, but that seems too complex. I'd put my odds on something more 'Lost World'-ish, with tribal natives, wild animals, maybe dinosaurs, and the like."

The private nods. "That makes sense, sir... but... shouldn't the first question be 'how do we get back'?"

Meinhard glances over at the doctor, who seems to be finally coming to her senses. Glacing around in shock for a moment, the woman immediately starts examining her instruments, calling over the ED robot for assistance.

"That's the doctor's problem -- but you can bet I'm going to make sure she starts working on it right away, and doesn't get sidetracked trying to learn about this place."

"What... what if we can't get back?"

The sergeant glances over at his subordinate again, before patting him reassuringly on the shoulder. "Don't worry, kid... there's always a way. If nothing else, Fourth Wall will eventually track us down, and they'll find a way to pull us out."

Leverett hesitates, and then nods. "Y-yeah, you're right, sir..." He adjusts his equipment, and starts watching the treeline. "I won't let you down."

The older man nods, and walks over to the professor... although he can't ignore the cold knot in his gut from the minor lie he'd told. It was true that Fourth Wall could eventually track them down, but with everything going on on the Western Continent, it was likely that those resources were strained watching for other things instead. The odds of the command calling upon Fourth Wall to track down a missing four-man squad. Well... they probably would eventually, if only to find out what had happened.

For now, though... they were on their own.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:40 pm

Merah frowns, and murmurs something about not being really good at fighting anymore. But that's likely concealed with the slurps and slops of the gross that is the floor! Yes. Gross is now a noun that can be used in that fashion, deal with it! She turns up to face the woman, "...it's fine. I'm pretty adatable! I'm really smart actually! ...and umm... yeah...!" Though secretly Merah might be planning abit more, but she can't act on something until she knows all she can know! Eavesdropping time. Or somethin!
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Anonymouse » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:03 pm

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

There's a bit of a hubbub in the classroom--no one seems to know! But they might be more then a little detracted...as the creature starts to make great cracking g strides towards them! And...one of the windows to the school was open. Was it before?

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The girl giggles slightly, and slides back, pulling out a camera.

"Oh, nothing much! Just hold still, 'kay? ^_^"

As she goes to click a picture though...Chisame may note a rough grinding sound--as a serrated blade whirls up from the ground right below her legs! If she doesn't move quick it'll saw her right in two!

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

The woman arches an eyebrow, shuffling the deck.

"...No reason, sir. You just look familiar, is all."

She hesitates, and then frowns, leaning in slightly.

"You do know what stakes you're playing for, right?"

--CTC, a Rational Response--

The good doctor's sensors, unfortunately, confirm Meinhard's fears--wherever they are--pocket dimension or distant plane, it certainly doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby Muffinville, Academy City, or, indeed even the same planet. The usually-reliable satellite signal has vanished as if it were never there.

For a long moment, the only sound is the gentle crashing of the waves, and the intermittent blips and bleeps that tend to come with sophisticated equipment...if anyone's doing scans of the island itself though...they may note that something seems to be giving off a faint energy signature...from the direction of the interior jungle.

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

The woman gives Merah the no-doubt familiar look of an adult trying not to be too mean to a child by telling them that they can't possibly be all that bright.

"Right, well--I have to report in. You...head over to the newcomer's hall--they'll find you a bunk, and a job."

She motions to a door at the far end of the area--one of several. There's a few other people--humans, by the look of it, nothing too strange--milling about in the area as well, now that she notices. They look a bit worse for the wear, but they're armed an armored, no doubt in case anything...unfortunate found its way in.

Shrapnel seems to be heading off to a door on the far left. The newcomer's hall seems to be more to the middle, and there's a few other doors--a mess hall, a locked door that seems to be to the armory, and a few that are open, leading into deeper corridors.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Blaze » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:50 pm

Blaze looks around, spotting the open window! She rushes over to it, sticking her head out and looking down!

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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Mendi-chan » Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:52 am

*Smiles, looking up to the woman... and trying to see if he recognizes her.*
I know what they think I'm playing for... I'm a rather resourceful ninja. I'll think of something.
*He smirks*
But that doesn't really explain how you know about my predicament... or why you care. I'm guessing this kind of situation isn't exactly unique around here... Oh, and I'll take three cards.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:53 pm

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The girl giggles slightly, and slides back, pulling out a camera.

"Oh, nothing much! Just hold still, 'kay? ^_^"

As she goes to click a picture though...Chisame may note a rough grinding sound--as a serrated blade whirls up from the ground right below her legs! If she doesn't move quick it'll saw her right in two!

"WHAT IS THAT?!" She let out jumping back quickly and staring at the blades. "That's dangerous, and whoever put those there should learn that they could accidentally hurt someone! Don't you think so?" She asked the girl.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:43 pm

Anonymouse wrote:--CTC, a Rational Response--

The good doctor's sensors, unfortunately, confirm Meinhard's fears--wherever they are--pocket dimension or distant plane, it certainly doesn't seem to be anywhere nearby Muffinville, Academy City, or, indeed even the same planet. The usually-reliable satellite signal has vanished as if it were never there.

For a long moment, the only sound is the gentle crashing of the waves, and the intermittent blips and bleeps that tend to come with sophisticated equipment...if anyone's doing scans of the island itself though...they may note that something seems to be giving off a faint energy signature...from the direction of the interior jungle.

As the private and the ED robot begin establishing a perimeter, Sergeant Meinhard walks over to the professor.

"So, what can you tell me, doctor?" he asks.

Doctor Serilde lets out a sigh of annoyance. "At the moment, not much," she mutters. "As you've probably guessed, we've ended up in some kind of pocket space, separated from the main universe. I haven't picked up any trace of a CTC presence, so it's not some space we've been to already. I'm still trying to evaluate the local indexes to get an idea of what kind of theme we might be looking at, but as I haven't detected any signs of a technological civilization in the area." She taps at her instruments. "The atmospheric composition is a bit different, but without a baseline it's hard to pin it down to a specific geological area. For all I know, we could be in some kind of paleological period, or perhaps on some southern oceanic island before industrial contact. Or in some kind of 'lost world' setting where anything goes."

The professor sighs, and wipes at her forehead. "I can tell you it's annoying hot, though." She pauses a moment, and then takes off her jacket and shirt, revealing a tank top with the words "PROPERTY OF URD" stenciled on it, before giving the sergeant an irritated look.

"Don't mind me, ma'am," Meinhard says, a slight smile on his face. CTC combat armor was designed to be environmentally controlled, so for the moment he and the private were well-protected against the humidity and stifling heat of the island. Of course, that didn't seem to improve the professor's mood any... although he did have to admit, she looked rather attractive in the tight-clinging tank top and skirt.

"Well, don't expect me to get into a bikini," Doctor Serilde snaps back, adjusting her glasses on her nose. "I'm well aware of the rumors that us in the URD have a tendency to take advantage of the materials we're researching to do a little 'personal augmentation'... and, I'll admit, they're not entirely baseless. But I like to think attractiveness is based in more than just physical traits, and haven't seen any personal need to go that native."

The sergeant simply nods, suspecting that the professor simply needs to let off a little steam. Presumably, she'd had some of her own frustrations lately... which would explain the interest in a field expedition. Well, now they'd gotten in deeper than anyone had likely expected.

"So... getting back to the subject, is there any indications how we could potentially return home?" he asks.

The professor studies her readings for a moment. "Normally a space like this lasts only a finite period of time, so presumably... if nothing else, we can try to simply outlast it. However, since time can pass in odd ways in these kind of spaces, we're probably best off actively searching for some clues as to a way home. I'm guessing there's something around here with clues as to what this whole place is about and why we're here... so we should start looking for it." She frowns, adjusting some of her instruments. "There appears to be a faint energy signature coming from deeper into the island... so we should probably start there."

Meinhard nods, glad to at least have a direction to move in. "Excellent." He gestures to ED and Private Leverett, who quickly move over to join him. "All right, we're going to be heading into the jungle. We'll use a modified diamond formation, with a 2 by 2 cover pattern. Leverett and the doctor will be in the lead, with Leverett on point and the doctor behind and to his left. I and ED will be the rear element, with ED in the rear and myself on right. If visibility gets low, shift to a file formation." He pauses a moment. "Also, make sure to watch your footing. This kind of environment is ideal for traps, and the setting means there's a good chance someone or something will try and ambush us. Try to move through areas with minimal ground clutter -- if necessary, probe ahead of yourself to make sure surface are safe to walk upon."

He glances about at the other members of the party, each of whom nods in affirmation. "All right, let's move out, team."

With the private taking the lead, followed by the doctor and sergeant, and the robot bringing up the rear, they start heading into the jungle...
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:32 am

Merah simply makes her way in, and tries her best to look as bright eyed and curious as possible. Though acting naive is really hard for Merah, she is obviously innocent, but not ignorant. She peeks her head around, as her gaze wanders across the area. She peers down a few of those far off corridors, and mutters to herself "...that's likely where the officers are... but first things first." With that she heads towards that middle hallway! The newcomer's hall as it's called. To save a world you have to start some where.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Anonymouse » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:32 am

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

Looking down, she sees...a purplish rock--perfectly round, and glinting uncannily in the afternoon sun. Almost too quickly though, the ground shakes, and it bounces aside, the creature taking another step closer...before a voice rings out!


The voice in question comes from...a girl, who leaps down from atop the nearby basketball hoop...SLAMMING the creature to the side with a blast of wind that seems to blast like a cannon!

--Mendo, Chronicle of Chance--

The woman has something of an air of familiarity about her--black hair, dour expression...

Passing him his cards--a 3 of spades, 7 of hearts, and a 9 of spades, she lowers her voice. "I...don't know how I know you, but I know that you're not as reliable as you're pretending. Be careful."

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The girl blinks.

"That? Oh! That's just a little bit...of art."

She frowns. "And I don't think so. I don't usually hurt people by accident..."

Putting her camera aside, she starts fumbling around in her backpack.

--CTC, A Rational Response--

The jungle is dark and damp--exactly as the sergeant would have predicted, no doubt. The trees are fairly dense though, unfortunately, so the going is slow. There is faint sounds above, as they move, but it's hard to tell just from the sound if it's anything more substantial then a tree monkey or some strange tropical squirrel. If they switch to infra-red though, there won't be any heat emissions that look too strange. After a time though, they'll come across something that looks almost like a manmade path...

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

Somewhere indeed! And the newcomer's hall is certainly that--a busy, bustling somehow filled with sounds and smells. The smells, perhaps, she could do without, but surely Merah is made of stern enough stuff!

The hall stretches back a good hundred feet or so, and is lined with makeshift beds. There are various folk milling about, a few in uniform...but most in normal clothes, or some approximation thereof. There is a desk not too far off, being manned by a serious looking fellow in a beret.
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:42 am

Blaze blinkblinks as she spots the stone and starts to back away when the creature approaches. Her eyes widen in shock as the voice calls out and beast is knocked back by a gust of wind! Sticking her head out the window again, she spots, the girl, and while the rational part of her was trying to figure out how fast those winds must have been travelling to make something that big stagger, her mouth was cheering for their mysterious saviour!

"Gooo! Kick it's ass!" she yells!
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:58 pm

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--

The girl blinks.

"That? Oh! That's just a little bit...of art."

She frowns. "And I don't think so. I don't usually hurt people by accident..."

Putting her camera aside, she starts fumbling around in her backpack.

"Art is weird..." She muttered. "Saaaay, do you think we could be friends?" o.o
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Mendi-chan » Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:44 pm

*He smirks*
Not reliable? Of course I am! I'm the epitome of reliability!
*He peeks at his cards... and erks... It was an awful hand*
I have Aces high...

*Getting up he leans closer to the dealer*
What's your name, by the way?... I must admit, I'm a bit curious...
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:47 am

Anonymouse wrote:--CTC, A Rational Response--

The jungle is dark and damp--exactly as the sergeant would have predicted, no doubt. The trees are fairly dense though, unfortunately, so the going is slow. There is faint sounds above, as they move, but it's hard to tell just from the sound if it's anything more substantial then a tree monkey or some strange tropical squirrel. If they switch to infra-red though, there won't be any heat emissions that look too strange. After a time though, they'll come across something that looks almost like a manmade path...

"Sir, I've got movement in the canopy," the private says, using the cybernetically-implanted comm that all four members of the expedition have. Using subvocal implants, it enables them to speak without actually making any audible sound.

"Got it. Keep on moving,"Meinhard replies.

"Do you think it's important, sir?" Leverett asks, even as he continues to move slowly and cautiously through the underbrush, checking each step he makes for any hazards on the ground.

"Of course it is." Leverett can almost hear the sergeant's sigh over the comm. "Listen, kid. Remember back in boot, when on your downtime you and the other grunts would get together in the rec room and watch movies? Remember that one with the alien hunter that hunted down a whole unit of special forces guys?"

"Er... yeah, I remember those."

"That was training, kid. Remember how you all sat around and laughed at the obvious cliches and tropes? Or the times when the movie was actually good, and everyone watched intently, to see just how the characters acted and reacted? It was to help you get more genre savvy, kid. Out here, you gotta think like you're in a movie. What's going on? What's important? Where's the next threat going to come from?"

"So... that thing in the trees is some alien hunting us?"

"I don't know what it is, kid. But my guess is, it's either something tracking and following us, or it's something harmless meant to distract us from the real danger. So just keep moving forwards, but keep on your toes."

"Yes, sir."

Sergeant Meinhard nods to himself, and then toggles his comm to switch channels to the team's EDU robot. "ED, reconfigure for close-quarters anti-infantry combat."

"Affirmative," comes the robot's mechanical reply. Bringing up the rear of the team, the EDU's nanosystems begin to synthesize a new weapons complement, and a pair of short-range rocket pods armed with a mix of fragmentation and incendiary rounds folds out of its shoulders to settle into position.

Meanwhile, Private Leverett comes across the apparently man-made trail! He pauses in the undergrowth beside the trail. "Sir, I've found a path here. It looks artificial."

"Not a natural trail, hmm? All right, stay on station until we reach you. I'll cover your crossing, and ED will cover me so we can take up positions on each side of the trail. The doctor will stay on the near side until we're certain it's secure. We'll figure out what to do from there."
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Vomica » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:42 pm

The girl glances this way, and that. The sounds and the sights of all of it comes down to more of... refugees than anything else. She breaths in a quick breath to build up her nerve... and skitters her way on over to the desk! Her large mauve covered eyes look upon the bigger man, and the girl says in the most serious tone she can muster "...I'm new... and reporting for duty!" In the first time, in a while, she realizes how tiny her voice really sounds. It's not as commanding as she is used to it being (She's not exactly the head of the town in this place!).
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Re: -krssssssht-

Postby Anonymouse » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:52 am

--Chisame, Chronicle of Art--


Pulling back up, the girl spins around--flinging a scalpel at Chisame's neck!

"...Sure. Friends!"

--Mendokusee, Chronicle of Chance--


She narrows her eyes. "Now back off, or I call security--just a passing kindness"

--Blaze, Chronicle of Magic--

Though well-intentioned, and no doubt encouraging--Blaze's cheer makes the girl blink, glancing over for a split second--enough for a the creature to lash back out, smashing the poor pink-haired one into--and through--the wall of the nearby school building!

--Merah, Chronicle of Smoke--

The man looks down to Merah, His expression softens but only very slightly.

"Duty...? I think there's a truck ready to head out back to civilization soon, little girl--you should be there."

After a pause, he frowns, and sighs, shaking his head.

"Or is it overfull? Well--tell you what...how would you like to work in the kitchens?"

--CTC, A Rational Response--

The trail is secured without too much trouble! It appears to be normal enough, save the mystery of its creation! That...and a small sign sitting on the edge of the trail some ways ahead. It's a pale pastel white and reads simply 'Welcome'. Closer inspection may reveal that it is made of plastic...and is marking where the path breaks off into three routes.
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