Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Feng » Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:32 pm



The sound of rocket fire echoes throughout Muffinville harbor as the night sky is lit up like a firework display. The entire shore is enshrouded by a thick smoky haze and the pungent smell of sulfur, the grim leftovers of an ongoing assault that has plagued the beach for the last hour or so. It would appear that once more the beloved Muffin City is under siege!

Across the clear bay the shadowy silhouettes of boats slowly approach the damaged shores, launched from within the fog that mysteriously rolled over the port prior to the attack. Although it is impossible to identify the forces who crew these craft what is obvious is that the invaders number in the hundreds! As they approach the shoreline the whizz and crackle of machine-gun fire resounds in the night air!

Who could these mysterious invaders be? What could they possibly be after?


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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:48 pm

Several Muffinville citizens were attempting to fend off the invaders. Despite being fully aware of how poor he was in combat situations, Elliot was amongst them. He was clutching some kind of energy-based rifle in both hands, which was being supported by a strap hung around his neck, and slowly ventured forward, closer to the fog and the sound of gunfire.
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Feng » Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:56 pm

Lo! The boats are close now, the pale moonlight revealing the form of... Chibi(?)... ninja(??).... pirates(?!?!?)

Indeed the vessels (actually inflatable rafts, the kind used by the SEALS) are crewed by armies of Chibi dressed in the traditional attire of the Chibiwanbanshu but mixed with gaudy attire and accessories that can be readily and cheaply acquired at a costume store! Irregardless of the baffling sight, the clearly embarrassed ex-ninja warriors clearly mean business as they unleash a volley of ammunition at the resistance that has built up on the shore. Others shout battle cries while waving machetes wildly.


A trio of rafts lands on the shore by Elliot and its occupants quickly swarm the beach seeking to overpower the NPCs and take as many as they can alive. Their mysterious captain has sinister plans in store for the hostages acquired...
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:03 pm

"Bones... ", hissed Elliot as his squinting gaze saw the Chibi pouring out of their inflatable rafts. As the rafts came up onto the beach, he lifted the rifle, shakily aiming toward the fingers as they swarmed across the sand. Squeezing the trigger, the rifle hummed loudly for a moment before sending out a blue blast toward the group!
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Kether » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:15 pm

"Midlife.. how optimistic"
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:54 pm

Several CTC drones hover around the area, observing the battle! Oddly, the CTC hasn't stepped in yet, despite the apparent aggression of the attack.

As the Chibiwabanshu boats arrive, however, a few CTC armored vehicles finally pull into a parking lot that faces onto the beach, and several soldiers in full body armor begin disembarking. From one HMMWV, however, a woman with long silvery hair, wearing standard CTC body armor appears. "Hmm... Chibiwabanshu, is it? Well... I suppose we should find out exactly what they want." She motions to two of the soldiers accompanying her. "You two, come with me. The rest of you, stay on overwatch until we have a better idea what's going on, and try to keep any civilians away from the area for now."

With that, she starts walking down across the sand towards the landing boats!
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Feng » Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:03 pm

Elliot's attack manages to down a Chibi, Red-Shirt Darve! Whether he is killed, stunned, or worse though is left to the weapon's capabilities though. Irregardless, nice shooting Tex!

.... Of course there are hundreds more where that came from!

Aside from Elliot, the Chibiwanbanshu manage to disarm a good portion of the NPCs, at least those not a match for the more experienced Chibi ninja. Er, ex-ninja.

A sharp wit can be a powerful weapon on the high seas in some scenarios. Unfortunately for Kether, however, this is NOT Monkey Island. Offhand remarks don't hold much steel against diminutive pirates with sub-machine guns and cheap mardi gras costumes.

The silvery haired operative and her escort manages to reach the boats just as a rocket from the mysterious fog explodes nearby! While there are plenty of Chibi that she could converse with they do not appear to be in a diplomatic mood at the time. Lets hope they came armed...
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:21 pm

Feng wrote:The silvery haired operative and her escort manages to reach the boats just as a rocket from the mysterious fog explodes nearby! While there are plenty of Chibi that she could converse with they do not appear to be in a diplomatic mood at the time. Lets hope they came armed...

The silver-haired woman -- Special Adjutant Caine -- glances at the fog with some annoyance. Hmmm...

Her escort looks a little more worried, however, as the rocket explodes upon the beach. The two with Caine ready their electrolasers, while the soldiers in the parking lot quickly scramble for some cover, weapons at the ready.

Should the Chibi start firing upon the gathered soldiers, they'll respond in kind, with blue-white electrolasers hissing across the beach, while those soldiers equipped with heavier weapons begin to discharge grenade launchers, disgorging clouds of tear gas into the mob of Chibi!
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:00 am

Elliot watches, almost horrified as the invader transforms into a busty female chibi in a short, tight red dress with matching heels and wavy blonde hair. He opened fire again, most of his shots off-target, but a few more chibi were struck by the beams, with the new females all feeling inexplicably attracted to eachother.
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Feng » Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:12 pm

The new girls gaze upon one another with confusion, feeling very unnerved by wearing women's clothing, it not being practical to Chibi ninjutsu. Of course these protests over wardrobe are quickly overruled and shelved for later delegation by the compulsion to... MAKE OUT IN PUBLIC! Woooo~!

"Yaaaaar!" shouts the leader of the pirate squadron, a particularly stumpy Chibi by the name of Scabby. "Quit making out on the beach! You're creating an unnecessary distraction to the operation!"

Verily, some of the Chibi pirates are indeed distracted by the scene, some taking photos of it on their phones.

The Chibi pirates do fire upon the CTC squad as a rocket fired from within the fog screams towards the armored vehicles in the parking lot, missing them by a hair but destroying a particularly nice Corvette in the process.

NPC: Dude! My car! I was THIS close to getting it paid off! :x

Anyways, back to the invaders... *Ahem*

A squadron of Chibi pirates rush up towards the CTC troops, undeterred by the tear gas due to the Chibiwanbanshu standard issue gas masks they wear. It is a mob of considerable size but one that the small group of soldiers could overcome without too much difficulty...
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:29 pm

Elliot allows himself a little giggle at the sight of the female Chibi making out with each other. He twists a dial on the rifle, and takes aim again, this time unleash a swarm of indigo-coloured beams in the direction of Stumpy, the leader of the mini-pirates.
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Kether » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:36 pm

*looks more carefully for an initial cause rather than dealing with minions, or midbosses*
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:47 pm

Feng wrote:The Chibi pirates do fire upon the CTC squad as a rocket fired from within the fog screams towards the armored vehicles in the parking lot, missing them by a hair but destroying a particularly nice Corvette in the process.

NPC: Dude! My car! I was THIS close to getting it paid off! :x

Anyways, back to the invaders... *Ahem*

A squadron of Chibi pirates rush up towards the CTC troops, undeterred by the tear gas due to the Chibiwanbanshu standard issue gas masks they wear. It is a mob of considerable size but one that the small group of soldiers could overcome without too much difficulty...

The silver-haired woman blinks as she takes in the chaos of the scene, and gets a better look at just what's going on... before she actually face-palms. "Well... I should have expected that it was something like this." Her eyes narrow slightly as she picks out Stumpy, and she glances at the two soldiers accompanying her. "Forgive me, but given the current situation it's probably best if I go on my own. Fall back and regroup with the rest of the platoon."

And with that, she suddenly vanishes from sight! She reappears a few feet from Stumpy -- positioning herself out of the line of fire of a barrage of indigo beams that suddenly lances at the Chibi pirate!

Meanwhile, the two soldiers look startled for a moment... and realize that they're stuck separated from the rest of their companions, with a mob of Chibi pirates rushing towards them! They start firing their electrolasers into the mob, but are precariously close to being overwhelmed!

The other soldiers start firing back, their armor and protective cover helping avoid any injuries from the Chibi weapons thus far, their own electrolasers discharing enough electricity into any targets they hit to have the effect of a taser. Given that their tear gas grenades are proving ineffective, however, the heavy weapons soldiers switch ammunition and start firing concussion grenades into any mobs of Chibi pirates!
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Feng » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:21 pm


With a mighty leap and a twirl the vicious Scabby (affectionately dubbed Stumpy ^^) avoids the blast as the Indigo beam careens into one of the NPCs currently being gathered by the Chibiwanbanshu. Unbeknownst to many, Captain "Stumpy" lived a double life. When not seeing to the fiendish bidding of his master the Chibi could be found in many a back alley dance studios perfecting the deadly art of... ballet! Years of intense practice and training had turned him into the star of the ballet world. Why, this past December he played a part in the local Thespian Guild's production of the Nutcracker! (He was a sugar plum fairy ^^)

One bloodshot eye trained on Elliot, the graceful chibi pirate lunges towards him with the fury of a tiger, slashing at the boy's weapon with a mighty cleaving motion.

"What do ye think yer doing boyo?" he snarls while remaining completely oblivious to Agent Caine.

The rest of Captain "Stumpy's" available crew (those not engaged in PDA on the beach) zerg rush the CTC unit in the dunes, their electrolasers being an insufficient amount of firepower to take out the swarming mass of angry midgets! They are quickly subdued by dog piling. Those not involved in the massive pile up quickly fetch rope to properly restrain their new hostages...

The soldiers with the concussion grenades have better results sending the advancing horde flying! If they keep it up they will soon be able to push back the invaders to the water!

As Kether wanders the perimeters of the cost (s)he will find that the invading pirates have already begun looting the local stores for cash, precious gems, and other shinies while rounding up captive NPCs and leading them off somewhere. It almost looks like a scene out of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, only without the large women chasing the pirates about or the rousing tune about looting and bag eggs.

Kether may notice that a particularly ambitious bunch of buccaneers have set up a booth in the middle of the street with the aim of recruiting more crew members. Apparently these diminutive warriors like to work fast, although they don't seem to have had much success at this point....
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Re: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr: A midlife crisis

Postby Kether » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:31 pm

*he continues looking over the scene*
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