Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information


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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby AshK » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:04 pm

Well here is my character again.

AshK wrote:Civilian Name: Erika Elaine Aizawa
Hero Name: Sailor Ganymede
Planetary Symbol:
Transformation Item: Crystal Henshin Wand
Transformation Phrase: Ganymede Crystal Power Make Up!
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Origin: Erika Elaine Aizawa's Strange Dream.
History: Erika, is a schoolgirl from Japan with a mother by the name of Mint Aizawa. She fell asleep one night and was taken to a dream world that looked like the old Silver Millennium Palace and was given the powers of Sailor Ganymede.
Appearance in both forms:

Civilian Form School Uniform
Civilian Form Casual Clothes
Sailor Ganymede

Attack List:

Sailor Ganymede
Element: Rocks
Level 1: Ganymede Rock Throw Trample(Summons a barrage of Rocks and hits an enemy. May take several times to destroy enemies)
Level 2: Ganymede Rockstorm Smash(Summons a shower of Rocks that pummels enemies into Moon dust.)
Level 3A: Ganymede Rock Wave Wallop(A Tidal wave of rocks heads toward the enemy knocking it back. Sometimes has to hit twice to destroy an enemy.)
B: Ganymede Rock Slide Wave Wallop(Mixture of Rock Wave Wallop and the Pokemon Attack Rock Slide. Takes out even more monsters at once,is an even bigger tidal wave then Rock Wave Wallop.)
Weapon/Talisman: Meteor Hammer. Attack name Meteor Hammer Mash. Sends a shockwave through the ground toward an enemy or sends a shockwave through the enemy if it hits an enemy, destroying it.

I am keeping my character the same no changes for me.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Ookalf » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:21 pm

Here's Shiki/Disgui, up for another go...

Name: Shiki Richardson, "Miracle Detective Disgui" (Or, "Kiseki Tantei Disgui-chan")

Age: 27, though she appears younger as Disgui.

Gender: Female

Origin Dimension: OC, Earth.

Appearance: Civvie - http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt87/Ookalf/Characters/df1f53aeb0d641981da2429b302e796135e.jpg
Disgui- http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt87/Ookalf/Characters/64d896d56f23df74743f330d5574851fc36.jpg
Shiki can also access a variety of other forms with her Disgui Change power, detailed below.

History: Shiki's the daughter of a Japanese woman and an American detective, both of whom disappeared under mysterious circumstances some months ago. When Shiki came to her father's agency to search for any signs as to why, she came across an odd note from her father. The note named her the owner of the agency, and told her of the location of a magical necklace known as the Disgui Charm, passed down from her mother's line. Shiki's parents had been battling a race of ancient demons known as the Demoku, a duty held by all in her mother's family. Recently, the Demoku had grown more active, taking human shapes and granting terrible power to the worst of the city's criminals. Fearing dark times ahead, the Richardsons had prepared the note and Charm, to be found by Shiki should anything happen to them.

Shiki took up the Charm, and now fights criminals and Demoku alike as Miracle Detective Disgui!

Transformation item or Phrase: "Kiseki Henshin - Disgui Up!!" (Kiseki Henshin: Japanese for "Miracle Transformation"). Shiki holds her hand over the Disgui Charm and announces the first part of her phrase, causing her body to glow. She then thrusts her arm into the air and yells the latter half, initiating the rest of the sequence.

Attack and abilities:

Disgui Change: Shiki's main power as Disgui. By holding her hand over the Disgui Charm and announcing "Disgui Change!", Shiki can transform into a wide variety of alternate forms, limited only by her imagination. Very useful for undercover investigations, or, for certain forms, boosting combat power. She's also in the habit of announcing her new form's name after the transformation.

(Note - As the Disgui powers were originally intended to be used by Japanese girls in their teenage years, Shiki sometimes finds herself slipping into girlier speech patterns while transformed while she generally uses, occasionally slipping in bits of random Japanese. This annoys her to no end.)
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Re: Lost Senshi rp sign up

Postby Sasha » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:37 pm

Sasha wrote:Name: Civilian- Natsuki Nagoya
Magical Girl- Fin
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Origin Dimension: Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne (Manga)
Appearance: Civilian - http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g316/ ... oddess.jpg
magic girl form:- http://www.sue-chan.com/art4/finnfish.jpg
History: Having inherited the powers for her mother she continues her work. She battles demons as a warrior of a higher power. She is followed by her adviser who will only show herself to those she deems worthy. She is a reincarnation of the angel who aided her mother in her fight against the devil
Transformation item or Phrase: Powers of light Aid me now.
Attack and abilities:

Close range weapon- Celestial Sword

Check Mate- Seals demons inside a chess piece

Wing blade- Focuses energy into her wings and fires a sonic blast

Holy Arrow- Fires an arrow of light at her foe.

Non combat Special- Send Off: being a divine being Fin hates to see souls lose their way When see sees someone die she says a prayer for them to help guide them to everlasting happiness in the afterlife.

keeping mine the same
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:56 pm

I am keeping Sailor Vera as the team healer. see my character profile way back at the beginning of this thread.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:26 pm

Can you repost it Kris? And should I allow new entries. Honesty with the five characters we have now I think it is enough.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Gee-chan » Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:48 pm

Hey, Kumi-chan.

I have an idea currently in the works that I would be interesting in doing, but first I wanted to check if you still had openings going.
Also, what would be the tone of the RP? Will it be fairly light hearted or is everything Serious Business here?
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:02 pm

If it's alright I'd like to switch mine...I need some time to write up an edited version of a character used in an earlier Magic Girl RP.

Name:Kenji Shirayuki/Keiko Shirayuki
Age: 15
Gender: Male/Female, If it’s plot relavent I’d like to have my character start off male, but I'm fine with being female if not.
Origin Dimension: Tokyo Mew Mew
Appearance: Civilian Male: Green Jeans with cargo like pockets on the sides, shoes, shirt, and brown hair with green eyes(natural). Female: Black Shorts, Yellow shirt, Black shoes, and semi long blonde hair straight down to the neck Magic Girl: White dress type skirt that goes to slightly above knees and covers the top part of the body too, high heeled boots, and white long gloves. Also has white rabbit ears and a white rabbit tail.
History: An avid gamer, and somewhat otaku, the only son of Berry Shirayuki, likes cooking.
Transformation Item or Phrase: A rabbit-shaped keychain, and the phrase Mew Mew Neo Berry Metamorphosis.
Attack and abilities: Ability: Enhanced speed and heightened jumping skill in Mew Form, as for a weapon it's a white and red wand similar to the one his/her mom used.
Attacks: Love Berry Light Blast: Just a semi large yellow-ish white beam that shoots out when the attack is said.
Love Berry Light Blast EX: Just a more powerful and wider ranged version of the Love Berry Light Blast
Lovely Berry Shield: A defensive technique learned while thinking of a basic defensive move in case time was needed for some something, it's just a sheild in the shape of a large strawberry.

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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:42 pm

Name: Lin Akuno (civilian)
Senshi Name: Sailor Vera
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Origin Dimension: OC: Planet Vera (now extinct), current home, Earth
History: Lin Akuno was once a miko, or shrine maiden, with her healing spells and affinity with plants. She was reincarnated on Earth, when her home dimension Vera was in danger of losing its valuable resource, the plants, especially the plant known for its healing properties, called on Earth, the Aloe Vera. Lin was able to adust to the new earth where she was born in, and got a job as a cashier at her parents' greenhouse, called the Green Thumb Greenhouse. She also serves as a shrine maiden at her grandfather's shrine, where she uses special ofudas to cure diseases, fevers, and other ailments. She also uses salves she makes at the shrine from the Aloe Vera plants she cultivates. She is on the search for three missing parts of her Medicine staff, which consists of the Healing Rod, the Orb of Healing, and the Vera Stone socket, in which the orb rests.
Appearance: Lin Akuno stands about 5'7", and weighs 125, with long black medium length hair, and blue eyes. She is of Japanese/American descent, and usually wears blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt, with black tennis shoes and a brown belt in civilian form.
Senshi Form: Sailor Vera stands about 5'7", and weighs 125, with long black medium length hair, and blue eyes. She is of Japanese/American descent, with the trademark Sailor Senshi tiara on her forehead with a blue green crystal in the middle. Her Sailor Senshi suit has gold gloves and matching boots with white trim, with a white top with a light blue bow in front and back, and a light blue skirt with gold and white trim.
Transformation item: Vera Stone Medalion, made from the fabled Healing Stone from her Homeworld. This Medallion is one of 3 parts for her staff, which is her main weapon of choice.
Phrase: Vera Star Power, Make Up!
Attack and abilities:
Vera Ofudas: These simple strips of paper, written with the Aloe Vera juice, can help Heal up light wounds as well as Moderate wounds.
Vera Crystal Healing Activation: Her Orb of healing glows a light blue color, activating the powers of her medalion
Vera Healing Song Surround: A Song from her home planet said to help warriors heal faster and fortify them
Vera Crystal Healing Wave Activation: Healing wave sent over a group of people, using the Healing Rod, the Orb of Healing, and the Vera Stone.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:32 pm

I don't know if I want another person in it or not. I am trying to keep things kind of serious.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:49 pm

Well, that looks good. I guess since no one else has an opinion Gee-chan you can make up a sheet and join if you still want to.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:45 pm

Ok, here is my proposed character. Hope it is alright.

Name: Terra-14
Age: Unknown - estimates by appearance would place her at roughly 19
Gender: Female chassis - artificial life-form incapable of reproduction
Origin Dimension: Original character, but somewhat nasuverse inspired
Appearance: Terra is a pale, thin young girl of just over 5 foot with messy red hair that reaches to her neck. Her eyes are bright green and have a slight illumination to them (because they do). On her upper neck there is a large scar that reaches up and vanishes into her hair, but under that the scar extends to the top of her skull.
Her clothing on first appearance would be whatever clothing she happened to find first, while her combat apparel is what appears to be a dark grey body-suit covered with various pieces of machinery (this is actually part of her body)
History: Terra-14 comes from version of Earth where magic and science were not considered separate practices and as such was able to achieve considerably more than most over versions of Earth. However, this progress was utterly reckless on every level and they wound up literally killing the earth itself.
Terra herself is a highly advanced homunculus enhanced with the best in cybernetics and enchantments in order to create a 'perfect' being in the eyes of her creator. When built she immediately found herself under attack as other groups who feared her power ordered her destruction. Before long, she was the only survivor from the whole facility and lacking any other purpose, she wandered.
Eventually, she made a deal with the planet as it died; she would be granted a true soul, but in return she would ensure that mankind could never leave the rotting husk of the world they killed, so as to prevent them ravaging even more worlds. As such, she had the blood of mankind on her hands, but the salvation of countless planets as her legacy.
Transformation item or Phrase: Unlike most most magical-girls, Terra does not transform in the 'traditional' manner, but rather disable the seals that keep the majority of her abilities disabled. This release is tied into a threat-recognition system that will only allow activation when a certain level of threat is detected, but will also activate automatically when it detects a truly considerable threat.
Attack and abilities: While most of her heavier weaponry was never installed, Terra still has quite the arsenal of smaller weapons built into her body as well as a range of enchantments and mystic knowledge at her disposal. As such, her combat capabilities are rather adaptable. While some would think that it is the semi-magical nature of her weaponry that allows her technology to combat the enemy, it is actually knowledge and utility that does this; even a god can be killed with but a pin, if you strike in just the right way.

Combat protocol - Close Combat - This combat mode has no range capability but instead utilises a pair of blades from her arms. These blades resonate with a high frequency vibration that allow them to cut through most things with ease. She also has the ability to use either her hands or blades to deliver pulses of mana with the magical equivalent of static, disrupting mystical energies and causing massive damage to organic beings with the ability to utilise magic of any kind (its like short-circuiting a computer.....but with your body...ouch)

Support protocol - Ranged Combat - This mode primarily utilises the small-arms built into Terra's body. These weapons are of both the balistics and energy kind, but both are fairly limited due to either ammunition limits or power consumption. The two main weapons of this form are a gun built into her right arm (unfolds from inside) that can either be used as a machine-gun or a precision rifle and a powerful energy weapon that is built into her left arm (her whole lower arm converts into this). This energy weapon fires a short, powerful blast that decimates whatever it hits, however it is slow the charge, takes a long time to cool after firing and uses a lot of power.

Ritual protocol - ritual spellcasting - this mode disables all weaponry and diverts all energy into high level spellcasting, on the ritual level. Ritual spellcasting is long arduous and often dangerous, but also incredibly powerful. Most rituals involve prolonged casting times (hours, sometimes), highly complicated incantations and great concentration. As such this is not useful in a battle, but when one must create a powerful ward (or break one) or instigate communion with the planet, a ritual is sometimes the only option.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:58 am

hmm well, that character definitely has some liberties to it. But I like the thought behind it and everything. I will allow this one.
Also... a bit updated.

Name: Himoko Fujiwara/Hitomi Fujiwara
Age: 17
Gender: Male/Female.
Origin Dimension: Tokyo Mew Mew rp
Appearance: She is fairly tall around 5 foot, having purple hair going down to her knees with Purple eyes. In her home world she does some modeling from time to time.
Normal clothes: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/ ... lothes.jpg
Costume when transformed: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/ ... Hitomi.jpg
History: She is the daughter of Zakuro Fujiwara, having been born as a guy she was turned into a girl when she became a mew. She is still looking for a way to change back to her male form. As both male and female she has modeled at the request of her mother. She tends to keep to herself not liking being around people much, unless it is for one thing. She tends to hang out at the arcade near her house having been known as the Queen of Henshin Arcade. She makes money this way as people pay to challenge her for her title, and the guys say the one to beat her will get a date with her even though she never agreed to that and won't. She attends school at a the local high school but hardly tries with it. She visits the Mew Cafe often even working there from time to time.
Before becoming female she modeled a little but mostly traveled with her mother. But often had nothing to do. Eventually on one of his trips to Thailand he met a monk while visiting a shrine. This monk was his first teacher in fighting, at the age of 6. By time he was 10 he had found his knack for fighting, having been trained with a variety of weapons, preferring his own hands and feet however. Using a mixture of fighting styles, since he has been trained in many, he tending to fight without holding back, even while female. He has challenged many dojos around and won, earning others teaching their fighting styles to him.

She doesn't rely much on her powers. unlike most magic girls she prefers the more hands on approach to fights. Using her powers mostly for the added strength, speed, and stamina it gives her.
Transformation item or Phrase: "Neo Mew Zakuro Metamorpho-sis!" She uses a chain with a cross on it to transform.
Weapon: Zakuro Whip. She actually received this from her mother. She uses this to form an energy whip to attack her enemies.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:35 am

Well the thread is up. But I know what you are thinking, where is our parts. Well that's up to you to start. Set the scene for your characters. Where they are and what they might be doing. It is up to you.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Kumi-chan » Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:43 am

Sorry about the delay on that one. Was going to do it last night after everyone had posted. But I have been sick and needed to rest. And yes. bad things are happening with Keiko there.
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Re: Lost Senshi sign up/OOC/information

Postby Sasha » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:59 pm

its ok your not the only one who isnt fleeing well. work on better better
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