[SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP


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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:42 pm

"Well it looks like I escaped him, but I can't be too sure." Andrew said still running towards the city limits.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:13 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:Everyone at the hotel- Your foe's attack misses, and he takes all of your attacks, looking to be much worse for wear because of them. He grimaces. "I've had just about enough." he says. He then launches a massive Hyper Beam, striking Lucia and Jayma, but leaving Billy unharmed. After the attack, he falls to his knees, looking like he can not move.

Guys! *Billy runs over to Lucia and Jayma after the Hyper Beam knocks them down.* Are you two OK?
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:26 pm

Everyone at the hotel- Finally, all of your attacks seem to have finally worn down your foe, as he falls to his knees and succumbs to unconsciousness. However, before any of you can celebrate, you hear clapping from behind you.

There, you can see a man with bright orange skin, and a light blue glow around his body. He has large, blue eyes, and he stares at you calmly. "Not bad, kids. Not bad. I kinda figured the rock head over there wouldn't be able to bring you all in by himself. But, that's why I'm here, isn't it?" As he finishes speaking, sparks begin to shoot off of his body, shooting through the water that was left on the ground by your previous foe's attacks. The new hybrid's Discharge strikes you all full force which, combined with your previous injuries, pushes you to the brink of fainting yourselves.
Andrew- As you run to the city, you can see a shadow go over you, and a moment later, you see someone land in front of you. You recognize the individual as the hybrid that was after you moments before, it's 6 large, moth-like wings spread wide apart. It turns to you, and unleashes a powerful Heat Wave at you. The heat and flames come at you quickly, not letting up, and after a moment, is nearly too much to bear.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:52 pm

Jayma uses Metronome which results in Recover. Her ankle injury is healed but she is still only about half power after she was struck by the discharge attack. "What is it with you Hybrids?" Jayma asked as she executed Metronome again. "You just don't seem to get the message that we don't want to work for you."

The Metronome results in Sing. Jayma uses Metronome again which results in Mud Shot. Both attacks that resulted from the Metronome head straight in the direction of the Hybrid that just released the Discharge Attack.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:08 pm

Lucia yelps and stumbles back panting ant jumps off the floor onto some knocked over chairs to get away from the water. " We dont want anything to do with anyone we wanan be left in peace now get lost." She fires an Ice beam
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:59 am

*All this unbearable heat, maybe I should try hitting him with a Swift attack.* Andrew thought as she decided to do just that.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:26 pm

Ugh... What they said! *Still reeling from this newcomer's Discharge, Billy fires off an unsteady Psybeam.*
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:44 pm

OOC: Okay, sorry, but three Metronome's rapid fire that all fit the situation perfectly? If you wanna keep throwing that attack around, I'd prefer the occasional lemon thrown in to keep it from being used as a deus ex machina as it kinda is here.

IC: Everyone at the hotel: As your attacks fly toward your new opponent, he seems to sink into the ground, causing them all to miss. He reemerges a moment later, behind all of you. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You'll have to learn to do better than that. Luckily, we know the best ways to teach you." He unleashes an Ominous Wind, which hits all of you and shatters the chairs Lucia was resting on. Then, sparks fly off of his body again, as he releases another Discharge. The electricity flows through your bodies, seeming to be stronger than before. This time, you can all feel yourselves slipping into unconciousness. As you all black out, you can hear the new hybrid approaching you. "Now...to round up the rest."
Andrew- Your attack strikes the hybrid, causing it to fall back a bit. However, after a moment, it begins advancing toward you again. As it does, it's body becomes covered in flames. "Fiery Dance." it says, and in a display of amazing speed, it strikes you numerous times. Just before you black out from the attack, you can see the hybrid walking over to you.
Everyone- You all awaken in what look like prison cells. Each of you are isolated to your own cell, as are each of the others who were on the island. Riley, Glitch, Rem, and Flora slowly stir at the same time you do, each of them looking around in confusion.

"Well, crap. Looks like they got us..." Glitch says.
<New Challenger>
Zoe- As you sit in your isolated cell, deep in the Hybrids complex, you are stirred from your thoughts by the door opening, and a female Weavile hybrid enters. "So...how are you feeling today, my defective specimen?" she asks, closing and locking the door behind her as she takes a seat across the room from you.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby AshK » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:03 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: Okay, sorry, but three Metronome's rapid fire that all fit the situation perfectly? If you wanna keep throwing that attack around, I'd prefer the occasional lemon thrown in to keep it from being used as a deus ex machina as it kinda is here.

IC: Everyone at the hotel: As your attacks fly toward your new opponent, he seems to sink into the ground, causing them all to miss. He reemerges a moment later, behind all of you. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You'll have to learn to do better than that. Luckily, we know the best ways to teach you." He unleashes an Ominous Wind, which hits all of you and shatters the chairs Lucia was resting on. Then, sparks fly off of his body again, as he releases another Discharge. The electricity flows through your bodies, seeming to be stronger than before. This time, you can all feel yourselves slipping into unconciousness. As you all black out, you can hear the new hybrid approaching you. "Now...to round up the rest."


Everyone- You all awaken in what look like prison cells. Each of you are isolated to your own cell, as are each of the others who were on the island. Riley, Glitch, Rem, and Flora slowly stir at the same time you do, each of them looking around in confusion.

"Well, crap. Looks like they got us..." Glitch says.

(OOC: Ha Ha I guess that was a bit God-moddish wasn't it? I never said the attacks hit I was waiting for the results myself. I'm sorry if I stepped over the line a bit.)

Jayma awakens and looks around confused. "What, how the heck did we end up in these cells again? Did our attacks fail?" Jayma asked to no one inparticular.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Gee-chan » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:50 pm

The cell was dark.

That was how she wanted it, and her captors were willing to grant her that. In the dark she did not have to see, did not have to think. Or at least, that was the idea. There was still light, so she could see what had been done to her. Her thoughts would not cease, constantly bombarding her with memories and fears.

The door opened, throwing light into the room, but she had moved into the corner to avoid it. It had become an automatic reaction by now. The light only clearly revealed half of the room, in which there was a chair. A woman of weavile descent entered the room and sat upon it, gazing into the shadows. The door automatically closed and locked itself as the lights within the room flickered as they turned on. There was a single blind corner in the room, that could not be observed from outside, and it was that corner that the weavile woman was watching.

"So...how are you feeling today, my defective specimen?" Her voice was calm, collected, methodical. Despite the derogatory way of referring to her audience, there was no sense of mocking or superiority. Her words were entirely neutral, unnervingly so.

"My name is Zoe." there was a reply, a female voice, but wrong somehow and laced with bitterness. "And you already know how I'm feeling."

"Very well. Has your condition improved any since my last visit, Zoe?"

"A bit..." Zoe replied honestly. She had no love for the woman before her, nor for those she worked for, but she understood that it was quicker, easier and less painful for her to co-operate. "I think my focus is getting better, but it still hurts before long."

"Have you discovered anything new? Any further abilities?"

"..no." There was a pause before Zoe replied. A minute pause, but a pause none the less. However, she could not tell if it had been noticed.

"Very well." said the weavile, standing up. "Come forwards and I shall give you the standard examination."

At first there was nothing, but after a few seconds a young girl with long black hair wearing a plain white gown stepped out of the shadows. Upon seeing her, the weavile woman hesitated for an instant before regaining her composition and starting on her examination.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Sasha » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:20 pm

Lucia groans a bit as she passes out
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:16 pm

"I have no clue, then again I was attacked outside the hotel, I was burned into exhaustion." Andrew said waking up trying to respond to Jayma's statement.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Ookalf » Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:16 pm

AshK wrote:Jayma awakens and looks around confused. "What, how the heck did we end up in these cells again? Did our attacks fail?" Jayma asked to no one inparticular.

They must've... *Billy groans as she sits up.* Things aren't looking good, are they?
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:32 pm

Everyone in the cells- You can hear a door open to the rear of the room, but due to the poor lighting, you can't see who's come in. "So...you're the group the boss has been so crazy about getting back, eh?" the voice asks. "You don't look like anything special. Though, he does tend to get fixated on his projects sometimes." Occasionally, you can all see something blue glowing from the darkness, almost like a light reflecting off two gems. "Still some unconscious, but I think we can get the boss in here."
Zoe- The examination was quick and precise. Both you and the doctor had been through this many, many times before. "There, all done. It's not so bad when you just cooperate, is it?" she asks, though she doesn't really want an answer. "And I doubt I need to remind you, but if you discover anything new concerning your transformation, you're expected to bring it to our attention immediately, understood?" she asks, giving you a look that that shows that there's a threat hidden behind her words.
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Re: [SRP] Hybrid Adventures 1.5: The RP

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:23 pm

"Yes, I understand" Zoe replied bitterly

"Good. Now, I believe we are done here."

With that, the hybrid woman rose to leave, locking the doors behind her. Before the door shut, Zoe managed to overhear a few seconds of conversation from the guards outside.

"....about to head over to check on the new lot. Sounds like they brought in some troublemakers and need some extra people on watch."

'There are others?' Zoe thought to herself, 'Perhaps they can get me out of here'

It was reckless optimism, that she knew, but it was the only chance she had. However, she was not going to be able to do anything while she was still in this cell.
Closing her eyes, she focused on herself, feeling her very being with her mind as she drew on all the memories she had of her captor.
"Ok, Zoe. Focus"

30 seconds later, a familiar weavile hybrid woman banged on the door of the cell.
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