My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread)


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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Sasha » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:39 am

Actuly Tala and my self do a pony rp for ourselfs and the idea we used for it is that in the future during a weapons testing of a new weapon it spreads out an aliment to horses making them unicorns, pegasi, and celestia and luna being close to one of the blast become aliorns but they cant fly yet or use magic yet. they also gain the ability to talk. they now ponys want to live in piece with humans but humans after a year grow to fear the ponies and try to kill them with a mega bomb hurting humans who wanetd to live in piece with them. that mega bomb is what gave the use of magic and flight and super strength to the ponies. seeing the humans who helped them hurt luna and celestia want to save the, and end up making them ponies like well and in order to protect their race and stop the war from engulfing the planet fight back and in the end all humans end up ponies and over time forget who they once were.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kether » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:03 pm

Sasha wrote:Actuly Tala and my self do a pony rp for ourselfs and the idea we used for it is that in the future during a weapons testing of a new weapon it spreads out an aliment to horses making them unicorns, pegasi, and celestia and luna being close to one of the blast become aliorns but they cant fly yet or use magic yet. they also gain the ability to talk. they now ponys want to live in piece with humans but humans after a year grow to fear the ponies and try to kill them with a mega bomb hurting humans who wanetd to live in piece with them. that mega bomb is what gave the use of magic and flight and super strength to the ponies. seeing the humans who helped them hurt luna and celestia want to save the, and end up making them ponies like well and in order to protect their race and stop the war from engulfing the planet fight back and in the end all humans end up ponies and over time forget who they once were.

I've never quite been a fan of the "Rise of the Planet of the Ponies" backstory..
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:04 pm

I like Garath's idea, but Rise of the Ponies is an interesting theme.

Activities for the residents:

There is a special annual race the Pegasi Ponies can enter, called the Equestrian 500. There are checkpoints where race participants can get water and food, and rest between the race (like a pit stop in auto racing) and the participants must wear a lightning-proof suit that covers their heads, backs, and legs while in flight. That can be an interesting way to incorporate those who wants to become Pegasi. Other ponies can join in as the pit crew or spectators or the announcing crew. The winner gets a gold medal and a tryout with the Wonderbolts, Equestria's aerial squad.

For the Earth Ponies, they can help clean up Ponyville or do other chores, bake cakes at Sugar Cube Corners, etc.

The Unicorns can attend magic school and learn magic spells under Princess Celeistia's guidance. Celestia will require her students to write reports about their experiences in Ponyville (like Twilight Sparkle does when she learns a lesson in friendship, etc. There are 5 elements, Honesty, Generousity, Friendship, Laughter, and Kindness. Each member of the Mane 6 (Twilight Sparkle and her friends) has one of these elements, with twilight having the element of magic. Any idead to add in new elements?
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:14 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:I like Garath's idea, but Rise of the Ponies is an interesting theme.

Activities for the residents:

There is a special annual race the Pegasi Ponies can enter, called the Equestrian 500. There are checkpoints where race participants can get water and food, and rest between the race (like a pit stop in auto racing) and the participants must wear a lightning-proof suit that covers their heads, backs, and legs while in flight. That can be an interesting way to incorporate those who wants to become Pegasi. Other ponies can join in as the pit crew or spectators or the announcing crew. The winner gets a gold medal and a tryout with the Wonderbolts, Equestria's aerial squad.

For the Earth Ponies, they can help clean up Ponyville or do other chores, bake cakes at Sugar Cube Corners, etc.

The Unicorns can attend magic school and learn magic spells under Princess Celeistia's guidance. Celestia will require her students to write reports about their experiences in Ponyville (like Twilight Sparkle does when she learns a lesson in friendship, etc. There are 5 elements, Honesty, Generousity, Friendship, Laughter, and Kindness. Each member of the Mane 6 (Twilight Sparkle and her friends) has one of these elements, with twilight having the element of magic. Any idead to add in new elements?

I think you are getting a head of yourself. Small steps here. As it stands I'm not sure I want to even have interaction with the 'Mane 6' simply because I don't care to get myself, or others, to RP them.

This probably means no immediate contact with Princess Celestia either. Her first action after all, would probably to send the ponies BACK to earth. I really doubt she'd send these creatures that became ponies SOMEHOW to go hang out with her subjects when they could cause any number of problems.

Little side note Kris? Remember a couple of posts back when you began to ramble about seeing Cosplay skits of ponies? How did that relate to the RP at all? Or the fact that you saw a Phoenix Wright/ MLP crossover video? You are getting overly excited and are sprouting off information that isn't needed right now. Try to focus on what is needed. All I'm trying to do right now is decide the means to begin the game. What goes on in Canterlot for example, is something for after the game is going.

So far this is the small idea I'm working on. Since we want to do the 'Just transported to Equestria' bit. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

"It's been a long day. The events of said day better off forgotten for the moment. You don't want to recall all the hoops you had to leap through. All you want to do is relax and watch some Television. So, plopping down in front of your set, you press the button on the remote and settle down for some vegging out.

Lo and behold, the show that comes on is that new My Little Pony show! Perfect to unwind to. (This part will probably be different for those who wish to know the show already, and those who decided to RP someone who isn't familiar) However, before the episode can start the villain, who had just been taunting the ponies on screen, has turned to look at you. Not at the 'audience' but somehow you know he is looking AT -Y-O-U-

"Well now I think you'll do just nicely!" He says to you with a laugh, "To what you might be asking? Oh that's a surprise. Can't go spoiling the game just yet!"

With a snap of his fingers the world around you blacks out. You are unaware of what has happened, or for how long you've been out, but what you do know is you feel very odd upon waking.

It might have something to do with the fact you are a pony now..."

The idea is that you wake up possibly near some town (Not Ponyville) as a pony. Colors/gender/type all up to you of course. As for if you have a cutie mark already, or need to discover your talent. That's also up to you. Eventually it'd be found that many of you were changed and brought to Equestria. But why Discord would do this, and for what purpose remains to be seen...
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:13 am

Discord doesn't really need a reason. He IS the personification of chaos. It's in his very name.

If there is a reason, it's most likely, "Because it's fun!" or, "I felt like it!" Probably the former.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:19 am

So people here watch Friendship is Magic too? Exxxxxxxxcellent. I'm a huge fan of the show myself. An RP about ponies would be AWESOME. I already have an idea brewing in my mind...

How about this? What if Discord actually WON against the Mane Six? He brainwashes them into becoming his loyal servants and transforms Ponyville into his own chaotic playground. The victory is enough to satisfy Discord, however, so he leaves the rest of Equestria alone... For now. Celestia and Luna, realizing that the Elements of Harmony have been defeated and that Discord would soon grow bored with his new kingdom, combine their divine powers together to attempt the impossible: Summon the Elements of Harmony from another dimension. Against all odds, the two sisters succeed in their task, bringing a group of six (or more) close-knit friends into their world... And that's where the RP begins. I know it sounds a little too dark, but it does give us something like an adventure to go on while we walk across Equestria. Heck, we might even get to fight the Mane Six if we go with this scenario!


What? That's a plus to me. >_>

As for the transformation aspect, I'm fine with being changed into a mare. I know there are some people here who don't like being turned into animals, though. Maybe it could be something like "The more you stay/like being in Equestria, the more you change!" type of deal. For example, you start off as a girl, then you start growing wings/horn/a tail, your skin starts turning some bright pastel color, stuff like that.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:33 am

I've never watched the show at all, but the enthusiasm you guys are showing makes me want to be part of it. That would be okay, right? If I just make sure my character begins as clueless as I am, it shouldn't matter that I have no clue what's going on :)
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:36 am

Nephilim wrote:So people here watch Friendship is Magic too? Exxxxxxxxcellent. I'm a huge fan of the show myself. An RP about ponies would be AWESOME. I already have an idea brewing in my mind...

How about this? What if Discord actually WON against the Mane Six? He brainwashes them into becoming his loyal servants and transforms Ponyville into his own chaotic playground. The victory is enough to satisfy Discord, however, so he leaves the rest of Equestria alone... For now. Celestia and Luna, realizing that the Elements of Harmony have been defeated and that Discord would soon grow bored with his new kingdom, combine their divine powers together to attempt the impossible: Summon the Elements of Harmony from another dimension. Against all odds, the two sisters succeed in their task, bringing a group of six (or more) close-knit friends into their world... And that's where the RP begins. I know it sounds a little too dark, but it does give us something like an adventure to go on while we walk across Equestria. Heck, we might even get to fight the Mane Six if we go with this scenario!


What? That's a plus to me. >_>

As for the transformation aspect, I'm fine with being changed into a mare. I know there are some people here who don't like being turned into animals, though. Maybe it could be something like "The more you stay/like being in Equestria, the more you change!" type of deal. For example, you start off as a girl, then you start growing wings/horn/a tail, your skin starts turning some bright pastel color, stuff like that.

Well, the problem with that idea is it limits us to really only six people. Why there would be more wouldn't make much sense. I'm not about to start 'making up' new elements. Even if we did decide to do that, here is the MAJOR problem:

We have all six Elements of Harmony. Well people fighting over which element they want aside, let's say we've settled on who has what. Then the player who is the element of laughter either looses their net, or just up and decides they can't play anymore. Now we are down an element. Either someone starts RPing that character as well, or we have to come up with some NEW pony to be the element.

It's more complicated then it needs to be.

On the topic of people not liking to be turned into animals, well... This is a My Little Pony RP where you go to Equestria and become a pony. If you are joining the RP I'm PRETTY sure you were prepared to become a pony. XD

Here is one major thing I'm thinking of doing: When you arrive in Equestria as a pony. You can remember you were human, and your human life except... You can't remember what you LOOKED like as a human. You remember friends and family, but they too are blurred in your mind. The longer you stay in Equestria, the more your memories of earth begin to fade. Giving you an uneasy feeling about being stuck here. Even better, what if you start finding ponies that claim to 'know' you? Making you wonder if you were a human, or mayhaps were a pony all along?

I love the idea, but that might not be what some want to go for, so let me know.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kether » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:58 am

Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:
Nephilim wrote:So people here watch Friendship is Magic too? Exxxxxxxxcellent. I'm a huge fan of the show myself. An RP about ponies would be AWESOME. I already have an idea brewing in my mind...

How about this? What if Discord actually WON against the Mane Six? He brainwashes them into becoming his loyal servants and transforms Ponyville into his own chaotic playground. The victory is enough to satisfy Discord, however, so he leaves the rest of Equestria alone... For now. Celestia and Luna, realizing that the Elements of Harmony have been defeated and that Discord would soon grow bored with his new kingdom, combine their divine powers together to attempt the impossible: Summon the Elements of Harmony from another dimension. Against all odds, the two sisters succeed in their task, bringing a group of six (or more) close-knit friends into their world... And that's where the RP begins. I know it sounds a little too dark, but it does give us something like an adventure to go on while we walk across Equestria. Heck, we might even get to fight the Mane Six if we go with this scenario!


What? That's a plus to me. >_>

As for the transformation aspect, I'm fine with being changed into a mare. I know there are some people here who don't like being turned into animals, though. Maybe it could be something like "The more you stay/like being in Equestria, the more you change!" type of deal. For example, you start off as a girl, then you start growing wings/horn/a tail, your skin starts turning some bright pastel color, stuff like that.

Well, the problem with that idea is it limits us to really only six people. Why there would be more wouldn't make much sense. I'm not about to start 'making up' new elements. Even if we did decide to do that, here is the MAJOR problem:

We have all six Elements of Harmony. Well people fighting over which element they want aside, let's say we've settled on who has what. Then the player who is the element of laughter either looses their net, or just up and decides they can't play anymore. Now we are down an element. Either someone starts RPing that character as well, or we have to come up with some NEW pony to be the element.

It's more complicated then it needs to be.

On the topic of people not liking to be turned into animals, well... This is a My Little Pony RP where you go to Equestria and become a pony. If you are joining the RP I'm PRETTY sure you were prepared to become a pony. XD

Here is one major thing I'm thinking of doing: When you arrive in Equestria as a pony. You can remember you were human, and your human life except... You can't remember what you LOOKED like as a human. You remember friends and family, but they too are blurred in your mind. The longer you stay in Equestria, the more your memories of earth begin to fade. Giving you an uneasy feeling about being stuck here. Even better, what if you start finding ponies that claim to 'know' you? Making you wonder if you were a human, or mayhaps were a pony all along?

I love the idea, but that might not be what some want to go for, so let me know.

The memory fading stuff seems abit off.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:12 am

Harri-chan wrote:I've never watched the show at all, but the enthusiasm you guys are showing makes me want to be part of it. That would be okay, right? If I just make sure my character begins as clueless as I am, it shouldn't matter that I have no clue what's going on :)

I'd be willing to fill you in on stuff. I'm a big fan of the show. :)
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kether » Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:13 am

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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:14 pm

Garath's idea with Discord as the transformation catalyst sounds plausible. I also like the "What If?" stoyline,as it has been done many times in Popular Comic books, like Marvel Comics. Discord will probably be the major villain, since he is the personification of chaos. He was created by Lauren Faust for John de Lancie, the actor known for playing Q from Star Trek: TNG.

I apologize for my eagerness, as I have Asperger's Syndrome, IRL. I tend to get a bit into a tangent about stuff.

I have a pony character I will be playing, so I will post up a bio shortly.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kether » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:25 pm

We do have a nice list of secondary races now:






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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:29 pm

Character Bio:

Human Form: Self explanitory

Pony Form:

Pony Name:

Species: (Unicorn, Earth Pony, Pegasi)

Cutie Mark:
Mane Color:
Eye Color:
Magical Powers: Unicorns have special powers they can learn while at Magic school.
Occupation: Your Job in Equestria
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The RP (OOC Thread

Postby Haylie » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:36 pm

For those that prefer pictures to words, or just needs some inspiration, here's a pony-maker: ... /#/d47efz4
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