Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:28 pm

"Hey, you're the one that signed the contract not me. Anyway, once this battle is over more will be revealed. Now go and help Clover and Heart. Heart is the leader and the Princess you two are supposed to protect with your lives. Once the contract is fulfilled you can choose to change back if you wish to. Anyway, I am out of here now." Lizzi said as the contract rolled itself up. Lizzi also stored it somewhere. She then winked at the new Magical girl and vanished in a ball of purple light.
(Miki I will let you choose what attacks Diamond has as well as the weapon since you did the magical girl transformation.)

"Um is there anyone around to help us?" Clover said as she once again executed her first attack. "Clover Leaf Hurricane!"

Clover then ran up next to heart and started to help her out.
Last edited by AshK on Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:40 pm

Diamond saw Lizzi had disappeared with the contract, and then sighed. She would have a talk with that girl and possibly this "Princess" she was to protect once she made her move. Heading out of the line of sight of Madam Black, she smiled and then the blonde haired magical girl extended her hands towards Madam Black. "Diamond Shard Storm!" She called out, sending a flurry of diamond-shaped daggers at Madam Black's hair and body.

OOC: Diamond Reborn learned Diamond Shard Storm, an area of effect (AOE) based attack and her signature default ranged attack. More will come as the time progresses.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:19 pm

Clover saw the attack come toward Madam Black and wondered who was doing that. She then decided to combine her weakest Attack with the one that was occurring right now as she stored her spear and pointed one of her hands toward the oncoming attack to combine hers with it. "Clover Leaf Hurricane!" The storm of seriously deadly leaves combined with the storm of shiny shards coming from the direction of the Alley.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:17 am

"This is all you got?" said Black as she snicker at Heart and Clover who were bray holding on to their forms. Heart could feel her energy draining as she battled against Black. This villain was much different from any of the monsters that Clover and herself had battle in the past.

"How about you shut it?" said Heart as she raised her head up. She was on the ground but was slowly raising back up.

Black looked at Clover and Heart and shook her head. She then said, "Well, it looks as if I am going to have to finish this soon."

The villain's hair then began to glow black and it formed into two needles that were aimed at Heart and Clover. They were going to go straight down at the two but at the last minute had split off.

Heart was feeling new energy within her. It was nothing to help her feel as if she was new but it was replenishing her a bit. Heart held her bow in her hand and that was when she saw shards of light flying in the sky towards Black. The black dressed villain's hair began to strike each one and continue on when Clover did her attack. Heart saw this as her opening as she pulled back her bow and declare her attack.

"Passionate Heart Stamp Surprise!" said Heart as she fired her attack. It was different compare to before where she used her hammer. A pink beam of light with the tip of it being a heart was fired at Black. It had used an opening created by Diamond and Clover's attack to strike Black on the shoulder. This had made Black jumped back and hissed.

"I can see this is my time to leave. Still, this isn't over," said Black as she place her right hand over the spot where Heart had hit her. Soon she was gone as if her body was breaking apart into many strands of black thread. Heart huffed a bit as she fell to the ground and had detransformed.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:30 am

Luckily the shield that Lizzi had put up earlier to keep civilians from seeing what was going on was still in tact so no one saw that Heart had become Mina except for Clover and Diamond. Energy had been drained as well from Clover as she was fighting like heck to keep her transformation going as she rushed as fast as she could over to Mina.

"Mina! No!" Clover exclaimed as he ran over to what she had just recently discovered was her Princess and dare she say it, best friend with tears in her eyes. She then looked toward the alley where the attack that had helped drive Madam Black away earlier came from "Hey you get over here! She needs help and so do I!"
With that Clover fell unconscious next to her Princess and Best Friend and her transformation had finally faded leaving Jade in Clover's Place.

The shield that Lizzi had created earlier stll remained in tact as the two unconscious De-Transformed Magical Girls continue to lay unconscious.
(Kris you are going to have wait before you have Diamond De-Transform because I am still trying to figure out what to make Girl Trent's Civilain form look. How does the name Trinity sound? We can call you Trini for short if you wish sound or we can make Trini your new name and have it not short for anything. It's up to you my friend. We do however have to keep the posts so Miki doesn't fall behind when he/she is not here.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:48 am

OOC: Trini is fine...Trini Akimura is her full name.

IC: Diamond smiled when her special attack drove Madam Black back away from the group. "Knowing anime villains, they'll always come back." She breaks her reverlie when she hears Clover/Jade call for help. "On My way!" Diamond heads over to check on Mina and Jade, de-transforming back into a blonde girl wearing a school girl's uniform similar to Jade and Mina, denoting she is a classmate of Mina and Jade. "Hey, are you two okay?" She asked as she attempted to pick up Jade and Mina, and somehow bring them to her house. "What are my parents going to think when they see me like this?" She thought as she neared her house.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:34 pm

"Tch," said Mina as she was letting herself being picked up. She didn't sound as if she was in a good mood but allowed herself to be dragged along. "They will think nothing. If you signed that contract then I am sure your life will be the same as ours."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:09 pm

Trinity, or Trini, also known as the Magical Girl known as Diamond Reborn, sets Jade and Mina on the couch and takes a seat on her recliner chair. "So, mind telling me what all this was about? I mean with that scary black haired Queen Beryl-wannabe?" She looks over at Mina and Jade. "I ran into a girl named Lizzi, and she told me you two were in trouble." She looks over at her school girl uniform she was wearing..."I guess I attend your school with you then?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:28 pm

Jade woke up and looked up as she was being dragged by the new girl. "What the heck just happened?" Jade asked curiously. "Well I guess this is what you look like when you are not fighting." Jade then hands the new girl a mirror. Jade pulled out her Anime Club list while she was being dragged and noticed that there was a Trini Akimura on the list. "Um, is this your name?" Jade asked as she handed the list of names for the Anime club to the new girl. "Is this the name you go by?" The new girl would see indeed that her name was Trini Akimura. "Any way you could let us walk on our own?"

(The pic is the only one I found that I like is that okay Kris?)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:37 pm

The name 'Trini' would ring familiar to her as she saw her name on the roster. She would be somewhat familiar with Jade and Mina but not much. She would recognize Jade as being the Vice President of the club while Mina was the girl that was always being dragged into cosplay by Jade.

"I do not know nothing about her," said Mina who was speaking much quietly now realizing that another girl that wasn't Jade was in the room. "She must be the one sending the monsters after us....As for what happen, that contract has changed your whole life."

Trini may notice that if there were any photos of Trent in the room that they have all been replaced with images of a girl with blond hair.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:55 pm

Trini, formerly Trent, blushes as she is offered a mirror to see her new self. "Wow, I look like someone stepping out of some anime series..." She then hears Mina ask if they can walk on their own..."Oh, sorry, here you go, and yes, I am Trini Akimura. Pleased to meet you too, Mina and Jade. I remember you from school and that anime club."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:16 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:Trini, formerly Trent, blushes as she is offered a mirror to see her new self. "Wow, I look like someone stepping out of some anime series..." She then hears Mina ask if they can walk on their own..."Oh, sorry, here you go, and yes, I am Trini Akimura. Pleased to meet you too, Mina and Jade. I remember you from school and that anime club."

(My character is Jade not Mina. I could find another picture if you want me to. I know that one doesn't seem to be very cute at all.)

"Well Trini, my name is Jade, Jade Green." Jade says as she curtsies.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:20 pm

"Yeah...That," said Mina as she turned away a bit and then said, "My name is...Mina Rose."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:27 pm

Trini nods and reaches out to shake Jade and Mina's hands, "Pleased to meet you both. Glad I can now put a face to your names." She looks over at the family photos around the living room, and sees her in different stages of life, from little girl to the most recent school photo that is in the school yearbook. "Anyway, you two are at my house. My parents are at work, so I am sure they will not mind me having company. Want something to eat or drink? Do you need to call your parents and let them know you are at a friend's house?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:36 pm

"I will just text Mom and Jake to say I am at a friends house." Jade says as she does what she said she would do. "Got any ice water?" She asked Trini.

Text to Mom and Jake: "I am at a friends house with Mina." Jade texted.
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