by Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:00 am
Basic Idea: (Reworked idea of earlier post)
It had been a long day in your small little town, but that's not important now. Especially not at 11:53 at night. The problem was that you couldn't sleep. Despite the next days events mere hours away, your body refused to rest. At this rate you wouldn't have the energy to tackle tomorrow at all.
Course, how were you to know that 'tomorrow' in the normal sense of the word. Would never come?
You had just been trying to get comfortable. Staring at your TV as you lay awake. The clock counting down the minutes. 11:58... 11:59...
That's when it all changed. It was as if the world suddenly just... Stopped. The clock wasn't moving. The items in the room lay still. No sounds, No shifting shadows. Everything was... Motionless.
Except for you. You could move and breath just fine. But then why-
Course you never had a chance to finish that thought as the TV blazed into static life. The sudden sound and appearance of tv snow, nearly giving you a heart attack.
That's when you heard the other sound... A sort of... Gleeful laughter.
"Oh what wonderful CHAOS this will bring!" The voice of the laughter gloats. You are sure the sound is coming from the television. But who is it? What is it?
(And for those who have seen the show. It sounds familiar as all heck)
"An entire town transported to Equestria! Oh the fun that can be had just from that, but oh no. That'd be too simple a game! We have so many of these 'humans' here, to simply unleash them as they are would be too simple. It's not seasoned enough of a plan. Oh, but to change them into ponies, now we are getting somewhere. Course we'll have to do a few more alterations. Why change them into ponies if we don't SPICE things up a bit? Let them believe they had always been ponies. Ponies now placed in a town not of their own. Oh this is going to be so entertaining! Ponies that believe they are in the wrong place, and yet can't help but feel some strange sense of familiarity!" The being began to laugh again. Meanwhile a strange white blast of... Something swept across your little town just then. With a start you find yourself Outside. You barely have time to recognize the area, before your vision is drawn to a rather intimidating creature, seemingly made up of a ton of different monsters.
"Hello there little one" It speaks to you. "Oh yes, I didn't forget you. Seems you had the unfortunate fate of being awake when I caused my little switcharoo. You'll find most of the people of this town are ponies now. Completely unaware of what they once were. Surely someone you admire or love is upon them. A father? A Brother? Your best friend perhaps? Might want to find them. I'd imagined they are quite confused right now. Finding yourself in a strange yet familiar town. No memories of your past. Could cause quite the... Chaos wouldn't you say?"
He grins down at you menacingly. You want to speak, but find you can not form the words.
"But that still leaves what to do with the ones like you? It'd be a shame to just turn you like all the others. You after all, resisted the sleep spell I tried to place upon the town. Quite remarkable I'd say. Must have a touch of magic in your little husks." He thinks for a few moments before his mouth cracks into a huge grin. With a snap of his fingers, a giant game show wheel is next to him. Showing pictures of many different kinds of ponies, as well as a few other creatures...
"Congratulations! You can be wild cards! Not only will I allow you to remember just what is going on, but I'll give you a fair chance at something interesting. On this wheel I have a list of available creatures for you to become. Now here are the rules. I'll spin it, and whatever it lands on is what you become! How wonderful! I'm a fair sport though, so here's what I'll do. Scattered in six of the 'pony' cities is an element. Six to be precise. Six elements of harmony, so I've hidden six elements of chaos. Gather them, and the chaos of this place is yours to control. With that power you can not only restore all your family and friends back to normal, but perhaps return yourself to your proper world. No time limit, I just want to see you play the game! Now... What will be become?"
With that he spins the wheel. You have just enough time to see what it landed on, before you black out.
(When you wake up, you'd be whatever the wheel landed on. You location would be some place 'close' to you in the small town the game will take place in. So yeah, basically you are all from some small town, but it's large enough that it's possible you've never met each other. By 'close to you' of course I mean something along the lines of a place you enjoy being. One person that might be the park. One it might be school. It's up to you.
The wheel has every sentient type of pony and creature upon it. You want to be a changling? Have the wheel land on that. A dragon? Well, let's try to keep those to the teenager size at least.
From there you'd choose what kind of pony/creature you are going to be, where you'll 'wake up' in the town, and just go from there. All NPC ponies are free to control unless stated otherwise.
Last of all, I'd like to know if since I'm running the game, if it'd be okay for my character to be the one 'alicorn' made. I'd love to have a guy wake up as a 'Pony Princess' and have to deal with that. XD )
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