[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu May 10, 2012 12:43 am

(I am always up for a surprise but I been liking the maid theme or robot theme you got for my character)

Mimi nodded and was already beginning to take as much information as she can from the site and storing it on her phone. She was eager to gather as much information as she can hoping that it will help decode what their role in this possible home universe could be. She just hope that this device will be with her when they make the jump.

Eventually they were int he cosmic room with Dr Dues. Mimi watched the screen as closely as she could wondering what was going on. She tried to look for patterns and leads making sure that she didn't miss anything. If anything, it made her feel like her male self. Doing things like this was what Micheal lived for after all. Still, she wonder if that was the correct way to refer to herself. Still, Mimi even focused when the video showed young girls undressing. It caught her by surprise but she didn't looked phased. If anything, Mimi thought it was a waste of that watcher's time to do that.

"Yes," said Mimi when Dues asked if they had any question. "What is to stop this person from altering our reality in this panel? We may arrive in that panel and find ourselves in the same situation that we were after the first shift in reality where Cat was a high class elite and us superpowered heroes were maids?"
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Harri-chan » Fri May 11, 2012 3:27 pm

Cat watched as the video began playing on the large screens, her eyes widening a little. That comic book geek that had been present in her original form as Katherine Harris was instantly drawn to the world they were being shown. She shifted slightly, folding her arms across her chest, her skirt swishing with the movement, and stared up with a mixture of appreciation and jealousy as they were shown all kinds of different heroes and villains.

"I don't get it... ", she said after the video turned to just showing girls getting undressed, although her gaze did keep drifting back to these scenes, despite her attempts to focus on the Doctor. "We already dealt with the White Skull... ", she said, blushing a little, as perhaps 'we' wasn't entirely appropriate.

"He's gone... so how he can be there... ", she said, pointing at the screens. "Unless... he wasn't the one behind it all?", she asked, looking genuinely confused. Her blue eyes glanced around the rest of the group for a moment to see if she was the only one that had misunderstood, but her focus came back to the Doctor.

"Okay, never mind that... I'm in. There's still the small matter of me not having any powers though... ", she said, unable to keep the whiny teenager tone out of her voice completely. Both her combined personalities, Katherine and Catalina, had lacked the super powers they craved so much. "You can change that with the cube, right? The cube can change anything... ".
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Danarth » Mon May 14, 2012 3:07 am

Horo winced a moment as the group was engulfed by the same light that had brought them to this new version of their earth. As she opened her eyes a moment later and after the flaring of light across her eyes passed, she would look around a moment so she could centre herself. They seemed to be back in the Doctor's control room, back in the strange place the Doctor seemed to reside in. Shaking her head a moment as she centered herself again. She had noticed this time that there was something about this place that made her feel disorientated and slightly off-balance though she could not yet understand why. Turning her attention towards the Doctor and the lit up screens.

Looking over the various screens and images that the Doctor had left up for them to view, looking through those windows into the new world that the Doctor was talking about then she focused on the video that suddenly started to play, listening and watching as it described the conditions of this new and different world. The first thing that she found so very striking about the world was how commercialized it was, even more surprising to find it was not only the heros but also the villians who had become a thing and a product. That caused a feeling of disquiet in the shared minds and memories of Horo and Daniel. Something about the situation of that world felt utterly wrong to them.

"What a mecenary world they must live in....buying and selling identity in that way...strange world" she shook her head for just a moment before returning her attention towards the video and listened as the video began to explain the situation on the world. Something stuck in her mind as she listened to the video. It was the so-called calling card that had been left at the sites of these disapperances struck her as very peculiar indeed. She gawped a moment at the very ending of the video. Clearly the person who had given the Doctor the footage had been something of a voyuer.

"When it says 'detention note'...Does it really mean the sort that would be given to misbehaving students in school?" she looked at the Doctor after the video had finished, tapping her cheek for a moment as she considered the bizzare implications of such a calling card "I mean....could we be facing a Super-powered head-teacher or principal and are we sure there aren't some links between the people who have gone missing, you know, like they had all done something wrong that upset the culprit? You know...cheated on a test, been tardy once to often?" Horo shook her head for a moment, having added the last part semi-jokingly, but the bizzare nature of the situation she had gotten herself into made her think there might be some truth to it.

(The uniform my character has at the moment is good, although if you have any ideas for changing it, I am up for that too)
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby ZeroForever » Thu May 17, 2012 5:39 pm

(I blame Diablo 3…. That is all…. No I’ll actually post if nothing else it’s because D3 keeps crashing so I have some free time)
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason

Turning towards Mimi the Doctor spoke “He was just a local side effect, a powerful one mind you but trust me the current cosmic implications are confounding even for me and if I had a root source I would blast it with prejudice.”
“As for safety that is a good point but as I’ll be sending you as representatives of me you’ll not be left unguarded, you’ll find I’ve provided decent safeguards in your uniforms and equipment.”
With that she gestured towards Horo before she could be surprised her bracelet shined as her clothing seemingly disintegrated into light before reforming across her body into ones similar to yesterdays battle if nothing else it looked like a magical shrine girl/boy dress, it was also accompanied by the oversized sword once again.
“They’re not going to be the same for each of you as it pulls from your soul in Horo’s case it’s prefers a wolf priestess design apparently… and while not impervious to changes they’ll be resist to basic attacks. If the situation boils over to where the reality collapsing and being rewritten then there is likely nothing I can do to save you, but the point of me sending you is to prevent that.”
Turning towards Horo “As for the detention note, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a sick joke of the sort. Which is why I’m sending you to investigate and stop this person as I can’t investigate remotely… and the damn Watcher won’t help outside of the basic information.“
“As I don’t know how long you’ll need to remain in that dimension I’ve prepared a transport for temporary living and other amenities as well.”
Dr. Dues paused looking at Cat noticing her behavior and question “The cube is just one facet of the realities and is not a toy to be used like that, if you’re having trouble adjusting I guess I could tailor your body but be warned that would likely alter your soul on some level as well. Speak to me in private about your concerns.”
“If there’s nothing else head down to the docking bays where you’ll find the vessel docked”

Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
CalypsoNymph - Cain Bale
Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
(each of you should read the last post of mine for a universe background)
Meanwhile on Earth 46792 the situation had become fairly seriously Major Gloria would find herself called into the Heroes Association central office apparently on high importance call.
As she arrived she would see several other high importance heroes in attendance either physically of via a monitor of some sort.
On the central screen was a weirdly worded letter of sort
“It’s written in an ancient editrich language and if I’m not mistaken it’s well… a detention notice….” The hero known as Voodoo Guru said, one of the stronger magic users registered in the organization he was the go to guy for magic issues.
“I don’t care what it is!!! MaximStud is missing and even if he’s a goof off he’s a A ranker and could level a small city” a well dressed elder man said, Gloria would identify him as one of the major financial backers of MaximStud, apparently he sold condoms…

Meanwhile at a private bar the Cain, Sam and a few other local street level heroes were conversing about the same thing though about a different person of interest. One of the local super heroines Miss Chipmonk had gone missing on a routine city sweep, hours of searching for her had only turned up a note that none of them could read. “Maybe we should turn it upstairs” one of the D rankers said as he chugged his beer, “Never! they won’t tell us jack we need to take matters into our own hands” another shouted as the group of locals quarreled over what to do.

Elsewhere Vladimir would be perturbed, one of his rivals was missing… given his information networks that should be impossible. Not only was he missing no one really knew how he was missing. His scanners detected nothing, his spys knew nothing, and his surveillance saw nothing. It was a perfect disappearance and it vexed him as that mean there was something going on outside his knowledge.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu May 17, 2012 8:11 pm

Earth 46792:

Major Gloria arrived at the Heroes Association Headquarters to find out what kind of missions she would complete. From the super hero rumor mill, several heroes and heroines came up missing. She went into the locker room to pick up her super hero attire, which consisted of a blue lycra/spandex outfit, adorned with red and white highlights. She placed her blue cowl over her head, allowing for her blonde hair to stick out in the back in a ponytail. She found her shield and placed it on her back as she headed out to talk with the assembled group. "So, what is the situation?" She asks Voodoo Guru.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Thu May 17, 2012 11:49 pm

Vambrace sighed out as he listened to the many heroes argue at the table, tapping his finger annoyed as he stared down at his own half-drank beer. He knew Miss Chipmonk somewhat, the two of them were often paired up in 4 person group. The girl was sweet, but her "battle-acorns" and her pet attack chipmunk was a bit much to deal with. Not to mention her teeth...Sam shudder just thinking about them. "Guys please, any louder and Defy-Demon would hear you from 2 miles away..." He said, trying to quiet the shouting in vain.

This was dodging the issue however. Miss Chipmunk was gone, maybe kidnapped and no one could decode the note they had found. And she wasn't the only one, missing many of his other friends had gone missing. Lucas Stockade, Lunar Paladin, hell even Misha Apostle was gone....And the bigwigs and higher heroes either can't or won't do a thing about it. Something need to be done, the question was what? "Whatever we decide, it needs to be a all-or-nothing. Because I don't want anyone else to go missing...Except for maybe Weapon Master." The young man said, grinning slightly...maybe in the direction of Cain.
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Re: [SRP]No More Heroes–Issue8: New Beginnings

Postby Kether » Fri May 18, 2012 7:51 pm

ZeroForever wrote:
Elsewhere Vladimir would be perturbed, one of his rivals was missing… given his information networks that should be impossible. Not only was he missing no one really knew how he was missing. His scanners detected nothing, his spys knew nothing, and his surveillance saw nothing. It was a perfect disappearance and it vexed him as that mean there was something going on outside his knowledge.

He sighs and goes over the situation again, where was the target last seen? Who else does he have connections to? Did his powers have any innately self destructive setups?
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Wed May 23, 2012 3:34 am

Horo blinked a moment as her outfit changed again without any action on her part. She looked down at the outfit she was now wearing, which had become similiar to the one she had worn in the fight in the battle with the White Skull and the large robot although it was now asome of the colours had changed. The shrine priestess robe was still white but the detail was now a grey colour, more similiar to a the shade of grey that her fur possessed when she was shape shifted. Apart from the colour much of it was still the same, the length, the oddly long sleeves and the strange thick sandal like shoes. The only other aspect of the outfit that was new was that this version of it had a a shallow hood, grey fur along the hem of the hood and it had two loosely cut slits in the top so that her ears could fit through.

Looking at herself a moment then reaching behind her head and pulling the hood up , making sure her ears went through the slits properly. The sword then reappeared, and this caught her slightly off guard as it was in it's larger form when it reappeared so suddenly there was almost what could be considered a comical scene where Horo stumbled and almost tripped over. Recovering quickly she brushed her hand over the sword so that it would change into the smaller, lighter form which appeared much closer to that of a katana than the zweihander it appeared as.

"Hrm...even when I have all that strength, this sword is still rather heavy" she laughed a little before looking back to the Doctor "Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be...and if this mysterious kidnapper really 'is' a mad school teacher or principal, then this is going to be fun. Every child's dream..to be more powerful than the teacher" she flashed a wild grin for a moment before turning on her heels and strolling away making towards the docking area, wondering what this vessel the Doctor mentioned would be liked, and more to the point who was going to drive it. Horo nor Daniel had ever had a driver's liscense..
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat May 26, 2012 7:51 pm

"I see," said Mimi wondering if what happen before would happen again. At least she knew the chance of that happening was lessen then before. Still, she just simply stood next to Cat. Micheal didn't feel anything but Mimi still felt ties to the girl even if they were not in the same situation as before. She then asked one more question, "Is it possible to get in contact with The Watcher that you mention before?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby ZeroForever » Mon May 28, 2012 12:01 pm

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Kaizer - Mark Habel AKA Grav – Ming Zhu
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
(pretty much giving a character change option, respond if you want it otherwise I’m going to just continue)
Dr. Deus turned toward Mimi “It should be possible to contact him again though given their policy I doubt you’d be able to get any more information. Was there anything in particular you needed to know?”
Meanwhile heading towards the dock Horo would find the vessel, it was very hard to miss after all. I mean a hovering mid class cruise ship would be hard not to notice. The ship itself looked brand new, with several state of the art or even futuristic technologies built into it. As well as room enough for several dozen people to live along with kitchen and launch pads. The central cabin would house its own AI… the robot girl looking very similar to the apply bots that they had fought only 1 lifetime ago.
Still the ship was definitely ready to launch anytime and was just waiting on the others.

Earth 46792:
Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
Voodoo Guru simply responded Gloria’s approach with a prompt nod before waving his hand at the outspoken executive “You can leave everything to us, your very tired after all” the condom executive getting a dazed look in his eyes mumbling about sleep and walking out the door.
He then turned to speak to her “You know the usual, someone using very ancient and powerful magic’s to perform weird actions that make no sense to anyone until there master scheme likely comes to fruition. Whoever is responsible however seems to be leaving normal’s alone at the least.”
One of the other intelligence heroes ‘The Seer’ remotely present via a screen brought up a list of the missing… it wasn’t a small list with dozens of marked names as the seer began to speak “There’s been over a hundred missing heroes or villain in the past week alone, while not a outrageous number the fact that there are villains in Maximum security prisons that have went missing as well is worrisome. As despite all the surveillance we don’t even see it happen, one second there sitting there the next their gone.”
The guru spoke up “That should be of no surprise given the magic’s involved the targets are likely being taken to another dimension, the main issue is which one. There are thousands of ethereal realms if we catch it in the act then maybe I could track them down.”

Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
The target that disappeared was nicknamed “The Lord”, he had been incarcerated at the maximum security prison ‘The Gate’ not that it would really hold him if he really wanted to escape though. The Lord despite his gaudiness had connections to everyone and a tactical and charismatic skill set while physically not powerful himself, he could always manage to employee heavy hitters. The guards under his pay didn’t know much, the surveillance didn’t show anything and the sole evidence a piece of paper had been confiscated by the authorities. Still such a sudden disappearance meant something was in action and he wasn’t a part of it.

Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
CalypsoNymph - Cain Bale

As Vambrace jested at Cain, though the door came in Pizza King… an F lister or commercial ‘hero’ no one really paid him any mind at least on crime fighting, his food however was top notch. As the pizza’s were distributed across the bar and each person paid there share he paused asking “Oh can any one of you guys read this?” He said waving his hand towards them as if he was holding a piece of paper, none of them would see anything at least on the corporal level.
“What are you talking about?” one of the other heroes asked confused.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Mon May 28, 2012 1:30 pm

Vambrace quickly looked up as Pizza King entered the bar. The fisticuffs hero preach back pulling his wallet out from his back pocket of his black jeans and pulls a 5, handing it toward the low grade hero. "Thanks King." He responses as he puts his wallet away then pops open the box containing the pizza he shared with 3 of the others.

He raises an eyebrow at the f-lister as he fished a slice out of the box, swiftly taking a bite. He was complain about some kind of note found on one of his runs or something. "Here King, lemme give it a look." He says with a mouth full of pizza, holding out his free hand.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue May 29, 2012 2:06 pm

Major Gloria checks out the monitor with the super hero known as "The Seer". "So, any idea on how these heroes are coming up missing? I would need more information as to where I should start looking, or should we focus on forming task forces to seek out clues from the last known whereabouts of Miss Chipmunk or the other heroes? Perhaps if I can find some contacts from the teammates of these heroes and heroines who have gone missing, we can keep in communication with each other. Just point me in the right direction."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kether » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:23 am

ZeroForever wrote:
Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
The target that disappeared was nicknamed “The Lord”, he had been incarcerated at the maximum security prison ‘The Gate’ not that it would really hold him if he really wanted to escape though. The Lord despite his gaudiness had connections to everyone and a tactical and charismatic skill set while physically not powerful himself, he could always manage to employee heavy hitters. The guards under his pay didn’t know much, the surveillance didn’t show anything and the sole evidence a piece of paper had been confiscated by the authorities. Still such a sudden disappearance meant something was in action and he wasn’t a part of it.

"We haven't had a proper "cosmic alien has us fight for inexplicable reasons" tournament in a good 3 years, I guess it was about due.." he says to himself as he goes through his contingency plans, making sure his country isn't overthrown while he's gone, setting up a proper Vladbot to make it look like he's not gone, checking its programming to make sure it doesn't rise up and take over the nation, or murder everyone in the name of a Machine God.. the little things.

He then gets to work refitting his armor, preparing for extended periods without maintenence facilities.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:20 pm

Horo could not help but supress an impressed whistle as she entered the docking area of the Doctor's home citadel, noticing the modestly sized cruise ship that occupied the docking bay. It looked rather new and much to Horo's surprise and amusement it did seem to be hovering slightly off the ground. All this futuristic technology still rather mystified Horo for the most part. She was far better with the natural world and simple weapons. Walking around the ship as she examined the ship for a few moments before locating an entrance ramp up onto the deck of the cruiser then found her way inside. She took a small tour around the rather large living area of the ship for a while, noticing that it was sizeable enough for a great many people. She began to wonder if the Doctor was recruiting a small army since the place could easily have been used as a barracks and mobile command centre, which seemed what the Doctor might have in mind for it. She passed through the kitchen area a moment and stopped a moment at one of the larger fridges that occupied the kitchen, scourging through it for a moment before find something to eat. Closing the fridge and wandering away with the snack she had found, she looked at some of the signs and found one directing them to the central control cabin, presumably where the ship was operated from.

One of the long sleeves of her priestess styled robe brushed against the corner of a wall as she rounded it, she was still not quite spacially aware of how loose and flowing those sleeves were. As the doors to the central control cabin slide open, Horo began to look around, buttons and blinking lights of all different varities, though she was unable to tell if they were different colours as well. Once again the presence of this high technology mystified the wolf girl, and she hoped she was not called upon to drive this ship, as it would most likely result in a messy crash. As she looked around more of the cabin, she leapt back with a sudden start and slight yelp. Across the cabin from her was a machine, a humanoid machine that look rather like the ones that had been attacking her before. She wasn't particularly fond of robots at the moment. Without realizing it, she had her sword in hand, but then noticed the robot was making no aggressive movements towards her. Stopping forward slowly, edging towards the robot in the cabin and extending the her sword arm, prodding the robot girl lightly with the blade, jumping back suddenly, but there seemed to be no aggressive action.

Breathing a sigh of relief and returning her blade to it's place in the loop on the back of her robe, she looked at the robot girl again before stepping closer to the familiar looking robot girl and examine it again "Well, at least you are not trying to attack me. so that's a plus" she waved her hand in front of the robot's face a moment "Anyone in there?" she inquired, peering in a little closer "and come to think of it, where are the others"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:38 pm

"I just wanted to know if it was possible to gain more information as we are there. There is nothing in particular that I am interested in knowing right now," said Mimi as she just nodded. She then said, "Still if it is not possible then I will board the ship."
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