A strange new hospital...

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:33 pm

KonokoHasano wrote:"The more you know, huh?" She asked, tapping her chin.

"There is no such thing as useless knowledge." Steinman says

"Now please lean forward."

Knight Errant wrote:Dact's eyes go a little wide at that. "Really? How do I remind you of them?"

"He too received power from the Great Spirit, attaining great power but becoming a woman." Serenity explains

Whatevr89532 wrote:I wonder if what that man said is true...

Allen Chontos--a clearly homeless man, looking particularly underfed and, though clothed, badly so--walks up to the hospital doors and cracks one open for a second, peeking in. Eventually he works up the courage and enters the front doors, looking around very hesitantly.

THe receptionist at the front desk looks up from her work and smiles kindly at Allen.

"Greetings sir, how may I help you?"

Feng wrote:Talon massages her head as she attempts to calm herself after the merger. While well versed in these strange Chibi arts he had never attempted such a ritual before.

"Ugh.... I think I'm going to need an aspirin...."

She tries to search her mind for any new memories that might have emerged as a result...

She has memories of a long life of a trickster spirit! Misinterpreting requests, luring people to a cliff so she could push them off and the like!

Zoey wrote:Noah nods. "Ok then..." she says adjusting her glances. "I'll see you... tomorrow them" she adds before turning the knob to the door and entering her room!

Suddenly, an alarm rings through the building! Amanda's face turns all business as a voice blares over the intercom.

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:17 pm

Blaze wrote:THe receptionist at the front desk looks up from her work and smiles kindly at Allen.

"Greetings sir, how may I help you?"

"Er..I-I know this probably sounds crazy, but uh..I heard you m-might be able t-t-to treat something that..i-isn't exactly a normal disease here." The poor guy looks like he expects to be physically thrown out at any moment. "I c-can't really, pay you anything, right now but..i-if you can help me I assure you y-you'd be saving a l-lot of lives..."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:03 am

"There is no such thing as useless knowledge." Steinman says

"Now please lean forward."

"My cousin Ritsu would probably say the same thing." She giggled before leaning forward.
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:48 pm

Dact sighs a bit. "And let me guess... that started a trend for your order?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Feng » Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:17 pm

"Well Miss Talon," mutters Bones as he attempts to get used to his body's physique. "You certainly have an odd taste of hobbies. Were there no mice or insects to impale where you came from?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:27 am

Whatevr89532 wrote:"Er..I-I know this probably sounds crazy, but uh..I heard you m-might be able t-t-to treat something that..i-isn't exactly a normal disease here." The poor guy looks like he expects to be physically thrown out at any moment. "I c-can't really, pay you anything, right now but..i-if you can help me I assure you y-you'd be saving a l-lot of lives..."

The receptionist's face becomes all business as she listens close, a pen and paper ready.

"Please detail this conditions sir."

KonokoHasano wrote:"My cousin Ritsu would probably say the same thing." She giggled before leaning forward.

Steinman reaches into the bottom of her neck and feels around!

"Hmm... everything seems to be in order... it's a bit loose, but other than that, you should be fine."

She withdraws her hand.

Knight Errant wrote:Dact sighs a bit. "And let me guess... that started a trend for your order?"

"Well, we have about 45% male, 55% female in our organization. The spirits can't really articulate why they prefer being in female bodies, so..." Serenity says with a shrug.

Feng wrote:"Well Miss Talon," mutters Bones as he attempts to get used to his body's physique. "You certainly have an odd taste of hobbies. Were there no mice or insects to impale where you came from?"

As Bones says this, she too hears the alarm!

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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:11 am

Steinman reaches into the bottom of her neck and feels around!

"Hmm... everything seems to be in order... it's a bit loose, but other than that, you should be fine."

She withdraws her hand.

Giggles a bit, obviously ticklish.

"That's good, thanks." ^^
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:45 pm

Blaze wrote:"Please detail this conditions sir."

"W-well.." Allen takes a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts. "Uh, s-several months ago I was, b-bitten by this huge dog..th-there's still a scar on my shoulder, even though it should have healed normally..and, uh, n-now every night there's a f-full moon I turn into a giant monster and black out..and it really hurts..and then wh-when I wake up the n-next morning I.." he seems more than a little worried about the last bit. "I'm covered in blood."
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:34 pm

"Huh... well thats still pretty balanced..." She thinks a bit. "Just what are they spirits OF exactly?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Zoey » Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:48 pm

Noah's eyes widen and she looks around in a panic! "W-What the?! What's going on?!" she says holding on the door frame as the voice blares. "Are we under attack?!"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Wed May 30, 2012 5:50 pm

KonokoHasano wrote:Giggles a bit, obviously ticklish.

"That's good, thanks." ^^

As Steinman pulls back, a strand of her hair tickles Amae under her nose! She may feel a sneeze coming on!

Whatevr89532 wrote:"W-well.." Allen takes a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts. "Uh, s-several months ago I was, b-bitten by this huge dog..th-there's still a scar on my shoulder, even though it should have healed normally..and, uh, n-now every night there's a f-full moon I turn into a giant monster and black out..and it really hurts..and then wh-when I wake up the n-next morning I.." he seems more than a little worried about the last bit. "I'm covered in blood."

The receptionist... looks surprisingly unperturbed.

"You have contracted lycanthropy it seems. But given how long ago it happens, treating it will be difficult."

Knight Errant wrote:"Huh... well thats still pretty balanced..." She thinks a bit. "Just what are they spirits OF exactly?"

"Mostly the seven cardinal virtues, with some other ones mixed in. Mine is a spirit of Temperance." Serenity explains.

Zoey wrote:Noah's eyes widen and she looks around in a panic! "W-What the?! What's going on?!" she says holding on the door frame as the voice blares. "Are we under attack?!"

"No, it seems there are several wounded in a combat zone." Amanda says as she leads Noah form the room and down the stairs!
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Knight Errant » Thu May 31, 2012 2:21 pm

"I see..." Says Dact, thinking a bit. "I don't suppose your at war with a mirroring faction possessed by spirits of the seven deadly sins, are you?"
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:23 pm

As Steinman pulls back, a strand of her hair tickles Amae under her nose! She may feel a sneeze coming on!

Amae's nose twitches a little at this. She tries to keep it in, but it was for naught as she let off a sneeze!
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby Blaze » Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:51 am

Knight Errant wrote:"I see..." Says Dact, thinking a bit. "I don't suppose your at war with a mirroring faction possessed by spirits of the seven deadly sins, are you?"

"We did experiment with a black ops unit with such spirits but it did not go so well. As far as I know, we are not." Serenity says

KonokoHasano wrote:Amae's nose twitches a little at this. She tries to keep it in, but it was for naught as she let off a sneeze!

As she sneezes... her soul shoots out her nose, her body slumping as it does! They remain connected by the spirit, which extends from the back of her soul's neck to her nose!
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Re: A strange new hospital...

Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:27 am

As she sneezes... her soul shoots out her nose, her body slumping as it does! They remain connected by the spirit, which extends from the back of her soul's neck to her nose!

"... AH! WHAT HAPPENED?!" The soul of Amae let out as she looked around, then down to herself. "Why did I suddenly, how did that... who did wha..." She was clearly confused and freaked out.
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