[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:33 pm

Cat seemed to have got lost in her thoughts after hearing Dr. Deus tell Horo that their outfits came from their souls. Thinking back to the little girl style dress that had been her own uniform, she blushed as she wondered what that said about her soul. Watching Horo head for the docking bay, she stayed, although she didn't really seem to be listening to any of the things Mimi was enquiring about, but rather was waiting for her chance to speak with the Doctor again, the more mature, adult side of her personality seeming to hold out over the spoiled brat that would just butt in.

When there was finally a pause, she cleared her throat and spoke. "Excuse me, Doctor... but... that battle with the White Skull... that was my chance to be an actual hero, and I fell to pieces. I was so frightened, and... and I let everyone down. I'm not sure I can actually do this... ", she murmured, her cheeks still quite red as one hand played nervously with the edge of her school skirt.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:27 am

(Anyone know if Kaizer or CalypsoNymph are still around, either way I’m putting them on afk until response)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Dr. Deus Turned to Mimi as she walked out of the room “Well there is a communication hub on the vessel, you can attempt to contact him there but well good luck with getting any more information out of that one, he’s definitely one of the weirder watchers I’ve ever met. Either way I would suggest getting in contact with the local powers and seeing what they have on it, you have my seal of representation so your clearance should put you on high command.”
Mimi heading out to the dock would find the ship every bit as impressive as Horo did, though many of the technologies she could remember having worked with, worked on, or at least read about in her previous lives. She could find the communication room that the Doctor talked about was more like a center command station one would find on a carrier, it was fairly close to the control cabin so she would over hear Horo seemingly talking to someone.

As Horo poked the robot both physically and verbally it turned to her responding “I’m self aware AI Jenny, as requested by Dr. Dues I’m charged with navigation and maintenance of this facility. As for your other companions Avatar Mimi is in the adjoining commutations hub and I believe Avatar Catalina has just boarded so we shall be departing momentarily.

Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Dr. Deus smiled disarmingly at Cat’s wavering confidence, “You have the power inside you, not everything will always go your way but still you stood strong and fought till the end. That is the making of not just a hero but a good person”.
Cat’s fiddling triggered her powers or more correctly her uniform as her clothes seemingly went through a transformation much like Horo did a few minutes ago, mostly though it was just a visual change as unlike previously where she has the magical girl sailor fuku type design it was definitely more… how do you put it… American spandex design wise with an overly pronounced cleavage hugging design of brightly fabricated colors that no one could miss and a cape… yes a bright red cape… Dr. Dues could only chuckle remembering the incredible line and wondering if it would bite her in the ass later… still Cat’s soul apparently wanted a spandexed caped hero uniformed so who was she to say otherwise.

Dr. Deus then scooted Cat along to the ship waving the cute girl good luck, as to progress the story. With everyone boarded Jenny started the ignition as the ship took off.
“Please be seated dimensional rift jump eta 1 minute” Jenny said
The dimensional jump was gut retching, much like any other teleportation effect those not ready for it would find themselves motion sick for lack of better word. The ship appearing a few miles off the coast of the Manhatta bay, the communications room would find itself bombarded by formal requests of identification from what were most likely the legal authorities.

Earth 46792
Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
As you’re talking about what to do suddenly an agent voice interrupted “Sir we have a large vessel that has just appeared approximately 30 miles off the coast. We are hailing as we speak”

“On screen” The Seer said as suddenly what was likely a satellite view of the vessel came into sight. “A cruise ship… yeah not suspicious at all…”
“Should we scramble fighter’s sir?” the agent asked clearly unsure what the higher ups wanted to do.

Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
Pizza King moved to hand Vambrace something but Sam would have a hard time figuring out what the guy was doing as he didn’t see or feel anything being handed to him from Pizza Kings outstretched hand. “Take it” he said before making rounds and collecting cash, and then as if the universe bent, Pizza King was gone. A piece of paper on the floor where he stood was all that was left as all the other heroes went silent and the room was full of tension as weapons and powers were all at the ready.
“Did anyone else see what happened” one of the other heroes hesitantly asked.

Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
Margrave would find himself notified of the dimensional intrusion as he examined his gear and armor well “Sir there’s a dimensional anomaly near Manhatta again.” He was informed by one of his attendants. Meanwhile in his bedroom a strange piece of paper suddenly appeared in his counter top, though his machines would have a hard time analyzing it… magic after all was always a bitch to real world physics.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:11 pm

Cat's blue eyes looked up at the woman as she spoke of having powers inside her. Feeling a tickle around her thighs, she looked down to see the skirt inching up her legs. A look of panic swept over the teen's face as she saw the material started to get tighter too, and when she pulled on it, found it stretched! Soon the skirt and blouse had merged into one rather short, extremely snug fitting spandex dress. Seeing the material pulled tight across her breasts, she lifted her hands and clasped them over the small mounds, a blush flooding through her cheeks at the same moment the dress turned pink!

She squirmed about as the outfit hugged her skinny frame, while her school shoes morphed up over her ankles, forming into bright red boots that finished just below the knees, to go with the new cape that now hung down behind her. For a moment, all she could do was stare down at herself in suprise. The costume reminded her of the Heavenly Hottie, but any comparisons to THAT busty figure and her own skinny fourteen year old one were not going to do her any favours.

A shiny pink band appeared across the top of her head, holding her loose blonde hair back from her face, and a pink strap formed around her wrist, looking almost like a watch, yet the digital display just read '14'. As she was examining the watch-like thing, a red heart-shaped symbol formed across the chest of the dress, perhaps drawing even more unwanted attention to her breasts.

Before she could discuss things further, she found herself being ushered away to the waiting ship by the Doctor, and with a confused expression, she returned the woman's wave and boarded the impressive vehicle.

Inside the ship, every corner she turned caused her heart to skip a beat with fangirl-like excitement. The red cape billowed behind her as she darted around, peering through windows, and watching video screens. She'd just entered the room Horo was at, when she heard the female robot explaining who she was. Making eye contact with Horo, she gave a little nod, seeming a little embarrassed by her new uniform, and headed for a seat, strapping herself in for good measure.

Before there was even a chance to make conversation, she felt the ship lurch, and was sure for a moment that someone had just punched her in the stomach. "Oh god... ", she moaned as bright sunlight streamed in through the windows, and unlatching the buckles, she almost fell out of her seat. One hand clutched her stomach, and she staggered toward a window and peered out at the city they had seen in the Doctor's videos.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:04 pm

Major Gloria adjusted her shield and gloves, "Sir, should I lead a team out to investigate whether this cruise ship is carrying civilians or hostiles? I want to help find out where our missing heroes went to? Perhaps the dissapearances have something to do with the mysterious notes?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:08 pm

Mimi nodded guessing that would be a good start. She knew that there were ways to get information out of people. Some of those ways have multiplied even more knowing what kind of body Mimi had now so that was always another option. It was an option that a part of, and maybe even all, Mimi didn't want to use but it was always there.

Once inside the ship, Mimi was amazed at all the technology that was inside it. Her mind was racing with what was happening and trying to take in. All of it was stuff she has seen or used before and was all familiar with it. Mimi at once began to take in the controls and was thinking of ways to try to make it work. Already her mind was thinking of making a portable communication device to stay in touch with the ship incase she needed to. Mimi didn't even notice that they were traveling as she was looking for spare parts of any sort to see if she could make something using her Technomance powers. It wasn't until she heard the dings of a request that had pulled her out.

"Give me a minute," said Mimi to her fellows as she began to get to work on replying to the requests of identification. One half of Mimi wasn't sure what was going on but the Micheal half was feeling as if this was second nature. She was looking at each request seeing if they would provide her with anything and taking in each name. "Yes...?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:45 am

Horo listened a moment to the sudden response from the machine doll that occupied the cabin with her before nodding once and relaxing and returning the sword to the sheath on her back, the sword glimmering in the artifical light of the cabin before it was secured away. Horo would look around a few more times before properly relaxing. She still did not particualrly trust robots, since they seemed to have spent a good chunk of time recently trying to hurt or kill her. On the other hand, this one seemed to be friendly, locked into this cabin and most importantly, seemed completely unarmed. That was certainly a benefit in Horo's mind. After brushing down her robe for a moment, dust seemed to gather on it a little too readily.

"Pleasure to meet you then, Jenny. You started off on a good point there by not trying to shoot at me so hopefully we can keep ours a working relationship" Horo grinned a moment, amused at her own humour for a moment before finding the closest chair in the cabin she would settle herself into it, removing the sheathed sword from her back and placing it across her lap before securing herself into the seat with the safety harness that would keep her secure during the flight. Looking at Cat as the the youngest of Horo's allies appeared in the cabin as well, she quirked her eyebrow slightly at the new outfit Cat was wearing, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she attempted to suppress a chuckle at the sight of all that spandex. Horo swore to herself silently that she would never wear anything like that.

"Hey there, Cat" she smiled now, as the girl seemed to strap herself into one of the other chairs that were around the cabin. She noticed the girl seemed to be a bit nervous or confused. She couldn't blame her, this was stil something of a surreal situation for her, the only reason Horo didn't seem particularly bothered by it all is that she was more excited by the idea of a new adventure. The changes of late certainly had awoken her adventorus spirit. Smiling once again at the nervous looking Cat "Chin up, kiddo, we'll all be fine. Just think of this all as an adventure and you'll be fine" she winked once before settling into the chair comfortably.

Listening the the annoucements from Jenny, she tried as well as she could to prepare herself for the 'Rift Jump' that Jenny was talking about, but all the preparation she could manage turned out to be insufficent. As the ship lurched through dimensions to the destination that the Doctor wanted them to go, Horo felt like her stomach had been left behind in the strange home of the Doctor. As the ship settled and the light streamed in from the sun, Horo was quick to release the security harness and stagger to her feet. "Ugh....that was not a pleasent feeling....I think I am going to go get some air" she took hold of her sword and staggered out of the cabin, making her way and searching for an open air deck. As she reached it, looking around all she could smell was ocean, but she could see a city a distance away. Relaxing a moment, trying to settle her nervous, lurching stomach and trying to centre herself before trying to get a better look at the city.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kether » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:00 am

ZeroForever wrote:
Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
Margrave would find himself notified of the dimensional intrusion as he examined his gear and armor well “Sir there’s a dimensional anomaly near Manhatta again.” He was informed by one of his attendants. Meanwhile in his bedroom a strange piece of paper suddenly appeared in his counter top, though his machines would have a hard time analyzing it… magic after all was always a bitch to real world physics.

(Counter top near where he is?)

He smirks to himself, "Well that would explain it all. Do I have any outstanding warrents pending there or is everything cleared up?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:15 am

Vambrace raises an eyebrow as he went to grab at the non-existent piece of paper, having already handed in his share of money and taken his pizza. When it seems like Pizza King wasn't holding anything at all he paused in thought. 'Wait, if I can't can see it...that means rest can't...And that mean-' the fisticuffs hero cut off his train of thought and went to shout, pushing himself up. "KING! Drop that paper NOW!" He shouted out. But it was all for naught as the message didn't escape his lips in time...well they probably did given that space and time literally BENT right in front of the table of second-rate heroes. The 'greek' hero stood there dumbfounded as the paper just gently drifted to the floor. In no time at all Vambrace was like the others at the meeting, his cestus on and quickly in a boxing stance.

Being the other other one at the other end of the table, Sam slowly inched his way from out the booth, his gaze locked on the note-pad of paper as if it was a ranking S-class villain. He works his way over toward it softly, looking over at the rest of his group. "Well, this explains why we never heard a word from the others...They never even had the chance to react before the paper activated. And only they could see it...."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby ZeroForever » Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:45 am

(Anyone know if Kaizer or CalypsoNymph are still around, either way I’m putting them on afk until response)

Maiden Miki - Michael Anderson AKA The Hub – Mimi Eoria
Ickle Harri-chan - Katherine 'Kitty' Harrison AKA The Flying Fox – Catalina Essex
Danarth - Daniel Horatio Blaidd AKA 'Lykos' – Horo Gleason
Kris_Roth - Major Gloria aka Gloria Rodgers
For the pair looking at the city, it was magnificent to say the least if it wasn’t already there it was well on its way to becoming a shining example of a clean futuristic city. The sprawling metropolis architecture while still running on cars and such was but was far larger then could have anticipated dwarfing their own city by at least 3 times the size with various towers of elaborate designs and skyscrapers lining the coast.

At Mimi’s ‘yes’ prompt the ship communication system responded with the standardized identification protocol, even if it was a alternate dimension version a Dr. Deus Ex communication standard was establish in cases of major crossover events.
After a short moment the AI system responded to Mimi with a “Communication lines are opening”
Suddenly on the middle of the room a holographic visual panel opened up from what she could see it was several heroes (if the colors of their outfits were anything to go on) and black suit in a conference room as well as a few other panels of other heroes.

On the other side the identification was received as a sharp intake of air from the communication agent was received.
“Sir it’s a variation of a Dr. Deus communication” the agent said
“Shit” was the Seers response “Don’t scramble any weapons, Open up a line… things just got much more serious.”
While not actively having been in the previous Dr. Deus crossovers Gloria would have heard stories from other heroes and her grandma… His direct interference even an alternate dimension one meant that a cosmic horror such level event was looming and those were never good…
“Gloria were going to need a field team, this is now upgraded to a S class event call on a team of field members and get ready to depart soon”
“Sir communications are open”
As the screen pulled up on the other side was a maid?
The first one to speak up was the seer.
“Greeting agent of Dr. Deus, they call me ‘The Seer’ I was hoping never to see one of your communication lines but if you’re here I’m going to guess that shit is going to hit the fan so they say.”

Another agent interrupted on the side “Sir were getting communication on the lower east side from a C ranker apparently Miss Chipmonk and Pizza king have disappeared as well, the latter occurring right inside the bar just now.”

Josie - Sam Gardner a.k.a Vambrace
“How could they! He’s wasn’t a real hero anyone would know that!” one of the other heroes shouted in anger.
“Makes sense but it doesn’t make me feel any better” one of the other cooler headed older heroes said looking at the note cautiously as well.
“Yeah… I’m calling the head office now…” one of the other heroes said before doing just that as the other heroes were still in various states of angry or confusion.
“F$%% this I’m out of here” said some of the other lower rankers and they left immediate in fear that they might be next.

Kether - Vladimir Velenko, the Margrave
(more like a bedroom area, so unless you want his armor center in his bed room I would assume not directly nearby)
The attendant spoke up “Most of those were resolved; the proper bribes were already given. I do believe there is still a lingering parking ticket but that shouldn’t be of legal concern my Lord.”
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:37 pm

Gloria nodded and prepared to depart to meet with the other heroes of her dimension to meet and greet with the new arrivals. "If Dr. Dues is involved in this, we are going to need all available heroes in this mission." She hoped that these new heroes would be welcomed at the Heroes Headquarters and be briefed on the situation with the disappearing heroes. "One field team, coming up! As team field commander here, who is availble on the active duty roster i can call in for this mission?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:57 am

Still struggling to hold onto the contents of her stomach, Cat followed Horo to the outer deck. It was rather ironic, that after all those years of wanting to be a real super hero... she now felt rather ridiculous with the bright red cape swirling behind her as she walked. To make thing worse, she was pretty sure she didn't not have a pair of legs worthy of such a short dress either, and kept tugging downwards on the stretchy pink spandex to try and make it cover more of her skinny thighs, but each time it shrunk back up as soon as she let go.

The fresh, ocean air seemed to help with her sickness, and she sucked in a deep breath as she staggered to the rail around the edge of the deck, and stared once more at the sprawling city along the coast. "It's huge... ", she muttered shakily to Horo, her blue eyes glancing up at the older girl after a moment or two. "Any bright ideas on how we're going to get over there?", she asked, but even as the question left her lips, she realised she already knew.

Slowly lowering her gaze, she looked down at herself, feeling something that wasn't there before. Lifting a hand before her eyes, she turned it around slightly, studying it intently, before an excited grin curled at the corner of her mouth. "She really did it... she gave me powers!", she exclaimed in a voice that seemed just short of breaking into song.

Lifting one foot onto the railing, she grasped the top of it firmly and lifted herself up, the red cape seeming rather awkward, twisting around her skinny frame as she climbed the barrier, although it was the only thing stopping her giving the other girl a clear glimpse of her underwear from beneath the very short, tight dress. Carefully, she set the soles of her boots on the very top of the railing, and slowly rose, lifting her arms out for balance as she uncurled herself to her full standing height, the wind catching the cape to set it rippling behind her.

Very briefly, the idea did fly through her head that perhaps she'd just imagined it, and she really was the deluded soul that everyone had always said she was, in dire need of being locked up in a mental health institution for her own safety. Sucking in a deep breath, which caused her small breasts to rise slightly, she glanced down at the water lapping around the craft, and then leapt out into the air, trying with all her might to take flight...
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:11 pm

While Mimi waited for the communication line to be opened, she was busy at taking what small parts she had gather to create some sort of device for herself. She already knew what she wanted which was a communication device of sorts that would allow her to record everything around her. She nodded an place a hand on top of the parts to create her vision.

The young girl then stopped when the communication line was open and reveal the figures of the superheroes. She took note of each one and was already trying to commit them to memory. One hand was already preparing to record the conversation she was going to have with them while the other one was busy trying to pull the profile of each and everybody at the table that she could see. She even was pulling up the profiles for Miss Chipmonk and Pizza King. Both Mimi and Micheal found the names rather strange but knew that this world was different so of course the heroes would be as well.

"Greetings..." said Mimi in a monotone voice that had a small hint of chipper in it. Micheal knew that his place in this process was only as a communicator and he always had a monotone sound while communicating with heroes well above him. Still, for some reason a somewhat chipper sound had slipped out. That did trouble the person (Mimi/Micheal) but right now it was business. "Yes. We were sent via Dr. Deus to investigate the situation that is happening on this universe. It has gotten to a dire status that intervention is needed. I am going have to ask for your cooperation in our investigation."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:22 pm

Major Gloria hears Mimi talk and then responds, with a visual on-screen, "Greetings, I am Major Gloria. I am here to help you. My superiors need to meet with your team for a briefing." She gives a miliary salute as she introduces herself, then stands at ease and waits for any further communiques from Mimi and her team.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:09 am

After taking a moment to let her stomach settle after the violent and lurching transition from one dimension to another then Breathing slowly Horo straighted up as she finally recovered, she looked out over the bay towards the city off across from the vessel they were on. For a moment, Horo gawped for a moment at the size of the city, it was far larger than any city she had ever visited before. It reminded her of some of the sprawling metropolis from some of the science fiction movie she had watched in the past, although she was not sure who had actually watched them now. The memories of Horo and Daniel were becoming more and more mixed together as the time passed, which was starting to become rather confusing, though it was not yet posing a particular problem. Shaking her head a moment then strolling towards the edge, the edges of her priestess styled robe twisting and moving from the slight breeze present this far out.

Leaning on the side of the interdimensional cruise ship, she took another look at the sprawling city and shook her head once again as she started to think on the information they had recieved from Doctor Dues about the 'villian' they had come to this dimension to apphrend. The oddities of this particular villian were already quite glaring. "What sort of person leaves a detention note at the site of a kidnapping" shaking her head a moment as she continued to stare out over the ocean. Her attention was broken from the sheer scale of the city as she heard the sound of light footsteps from nearby. Looking over her shoulder towards Cat as she appeared on deck. Looking over Cat's spandex outfit for a moment, she resisted the urge to giggle at it, although a slight twitch at the corner of her lips would show that she still found the outfit quite amusing.

"It certainly is massive isn't it. I almost feel like some sort of country bumpkin when I look at that place compared to the places I have lived before. Even that high-tech city in our own dimension seems small time, doesn't it?" she looked over the edge of the vessel at the motions of the water then looked out across, measuring the distance between the vessel and the nearest shore line. It was quite a distance and the vessel did not seem to be moving. "That's a fair question, Cat, I think it's too far to swim in this form...Even in my larger wolf shape it would be too far...plus that amout of wet fur would take an age to dry out and would smell awful...so hopefully that robot navigator can take us closer to shore".

She turned to look at Cat as the younger girl made an excited exclaimation about having power, hearing the cheerful tone of her voice at this revelation. Watching with a slightly raised eyebrow as she watched Cat clamber up onto the railing that would prevent anyone falling over the side of the vessel, wondering what the younger girl was trying to do. "Careful up there, Cat" she said as she watched the girl balance on the railing and stretching her arms out. She wondered what Cat was trying to do before her jaw dropped as Cat jumped from the side of the vessel "Whoa, Hey now, this is no time for a swim!" she started in Cat's direction as she watched the girl leapt outwards into the air.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby ZeroForever » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:03 pm

(hmm currently on vacation which is why i haven't gotten around to posting (technically i don't get back home for another 4 days or so), either way anyone know what's going on with Josie or Kether? while i don't mind just going on ahead with the story it does require me to change my plans a bit if they've gone afk as well)
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