My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chaos


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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Haylie » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:31 pm

"That was Discord?!" the black unicorn exclaimed, standing up again. "I thought it sounded kinda familiar, but... what does he want with us? ... Nevermind. If I know him, then he probably wants us to do something for his own amusement. Ugh, why can't I remember what he said?" Jackie brought a hoof to her temple and began rubbing it vigorously.

"I... I remember being up really late last night for some reason... but nothing much after that. Think, stupid! Think!" The poor mare looks on the verge of kicking herself.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:32 am

Sonata looks over at the black mare and sees her acting strangely, "Hey, are you okay? We are all in the same boat, and if we work together, we can figure out what Discord was talking about" Sonata continues, "Discord is a creature of chaos; a draquueus, to be exact..and ...I remember something called the Elements of Chaos. There are six artifacts Discord wants us to find. He's hidden them in the various cities...and if they are called the Elements of Chaos, they are the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. You know, Honesty, Loyality, Kindness, Laughter, Generousity, and Magic. Think about the opposite of those Elements. Oh, I am Sonata, by the way, that's Sugarcube, the white maned pony with the black mane, and that's Mei Xing. She's a Quilin."
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:43 am

OOC: Here is what Sonata looks like for the rest of the group assembled in MoonSpell's castle meeting: ... 4w5aah.png
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:45 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:Sonata looks over at the black mare and sees her acting strangely, "Hey, are you okay? We are all in the same boat, and if we work together, we can figure out what Discord was talking about" Sonata continues, "Discord is a creature of chaos; a draquueus, to be exact..and ...I remember something called the Elements of Chaos. There are six artifacts Discord wants us to find. He's hidden them in the various cities...and if they are called the Elements of Chaos, they are the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. You know, Honesty, Loyality, Kindness, Laughter, Generousity, and Magic. Think about the opposite of those Elements. Oh, I am Sonata, by the way, that's Sugarcube, the white maned pony with the black mane, and that's Mei Xing. She's a Quilin."

OOC: Yeah I don't recall any of you entering the room. Also Chole is at home with her mom, and earlier you tried to have her in the room as well.

Look, not EVERYONE needs to be in the same place. You are all over the world having your own little adventures, we don't NEED every player together.

Last I recall you were outside trying to see the Princess. I may have missed when you entered the room, but I don't think I did.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:57 pm

[[Meanwhile, back at the RP...]]
Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:"Wait your daughter... Doesn't remember being human?" It was something MoonSpell hadn't considered, though now that she thought about it, it was rather silly of her NOT to. Where did everyone go if they weren't ponies now? This entire town... It was full of former people who were ponies.

"So that means every person in this town could have been a human before becoming a pony. Yet only we-" A sudden memory leapt into her mind. It was something Discord said.

"Discord... That creature. Didn't he mention we resisted his spell somehow? Given our current forms It's clear that wasn't a dream. Something about us is different... But what?"

"And why am I a Princess?" She mumbled quietly.

Haylie wrote:"That was Discord?!" the black unicorn exclaimed, standing up again. "I thought it sounded kinda familiar, but... what does he want with us? ... Nevermind. If I know him, then he probably wants us to do something for his own amusement. Ugh, why can't I remember what he said?" Jackie brought a hoof to her temple and began rubbing it vigorously.

"I... I remember being up really late last night for some reason... but nothing much after that. Think, stupid! Think!" The poor mare looks on the verge of kicking herself.

"Come to think of it, I was up late as well. Maybe it affected us differently because we weren't asleep?" Tiburon stomps his hoof loudly in front of Jackie. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. I hate being a ridiculous looking cartoon horse too. The trick is to complain about it in a constructive manner." He nods sagely.
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Haylie » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:38 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:Sonata looks over at the black mare and sees her acting strangely, "Hey, are you okay? We are all in the same boat, and if we work together, we can figure out what Discord was talking about."

Jackie sighs, sitting back down. "I'm fine. I just... I just don't like not remembering stuff. Y'know?" Among other things I do... she thought to herself.

muffinstud wrote:"Come to think of it, I was up late as well. Maybe it affected us differently because we weren't asleep?" Tiburon stomps his hoof loudly in front of Jackie. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. I hate being a ridiculous looking cartoon horse too. The trick is to complain about it in a constructive manner." He nods sagely.

Jackie jumps at being stomped at. "You sound like my reh--therapist. But sure." She cleared her throat a bit too loudly. "So does anyone remember anything else? What should we do about it?"
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Ookalf » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:52 pm

Haylie wrote:Jackie jumps at being stomped at. "You sound like my reh--therapist. But sure." She cleared her throat a bit too loudly. "So does anyone remember anything else? What should we do about it?"

"Ah, well, there were those Element things he said to find, right? We could probably, y'know, do something with that..."
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:13 am

Sonata shakes her head and checks her notes, tapping her quill on the pad, "What if those Chaos Elements are what Discord is after? Would we be so blind as to allow him to have them?" The grey unicorn with a brown mane and tail, as well as black glasses asks. She turns to the other assembled ponies in the room. "I believe we should introduce ourselves...if we are to work together to solve this."
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Haylie » Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:07 pm

"Well, I guess my name here is Licorice Swirl. I don't really know anypony around here, I'm new to town."
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:12 pm

Sonata nods to Licorice Swirl, "My name is Sonata. Pleased to meet a fellow unicorn." She extends a hoof to Licorice Swirl..."I am new here as well...there are some other ponies out in the waiting area who have questions about what happened, including a unique unicorn creature called a Quilin. Her name is Mei Xing."
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:17 pm

Ookalf wrote:
Haylie wrote:Jackie jumps at being stomped at. "You sound like my reh--therapist. But sure." She cleared her throat a bit too loudly. "So does anyone remember anything else? What should we do about it?"

"Ah, well, there were those Element things he said to find, right? We could probably, y'know, do something with that..."

"Wait, so you want to go looking for things called Elements of Chaos? Things that the same jerk who did this to us told you to get?" Tiburon groans. "Am I the only one that thinks this could be a trap?"

[[Kris: Garath is the closest thing we have to a GM for this game. If he says you haven't entered the room yet, then you haven't entered the room yet. As I offered before, I would be more than happy to get your character(s) in. However, this needs to be acted out in the RP.]]
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:37 pm

OOC: okay, so, in the waiting room are Sonata, Sugarcube, Sonata's parents, Steel Gaze (Sonata's brother, the guard), and Mei Xing the Quilin. Sonata still has the letter she needs to give to Skyfall in her saddlebag. I hope that helps in case you need to summon the group in to talk. Sugarcube was fixing her mane to make sure she would be ready to meet the Princess.

Inside the meeting room are Skyfall, Licorice Swirl, and princess Moonspell, as well as Tiburon. Where is Cayenne?
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:17 am

Cayenne... is right behind the group waiting outside, being escorted by a unicorn guard. As soon as he makes eye contact with Steel Gaze, he turns around. "Well, looks like you have custody of this filly now, make sure she gets in to see her father as soon as possible. Kay, thanks, bye." He gallops off, laughing. "Free. Free!"

The red filly grins. It's the kind of grin usually reserved for mad scientists and the criminally insane, for it's just too big to be healthy. She leaps up in joy and invades Mei Xing's personal space. "Oh, wow! I've never seen a pony like you before! You're so pretty! Did you see the ferris wheel? It's so much fun! You should come ride it with me! We could brush each other's manes and stuff!"

She seems to teleport directly in front of Sugarcube. "You're pretty too! What's your cutiemark mean? Are circles your favorite shape? Triangles are mine, but circles are great too!"

She leaps in front of Sonata and gapes at her notebook and quill. "That's a neat trick! I bet you're super smart! I wish I had glasses like yours! Do you write poems? If I had a magic notebook like that, I'd write pretty poems about the princess. She's gonna be my mommy someday!"

She stands back a bit, looking at all the interesing ponies. She takes a breath, the first one since she started talking. "I'm Cayenne! My daddy's inside talking to the princess! You wanna come meet them?"
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:31 am

Sonata looks over at Cayenne and back to Sugarcube and Mei Xing. "Oh, hello there! I'm Sonata, and this is Sugarcube," She says, pointng a hoof towards the white earth pony with the black mane..."and that is Mei Xing...she's a Quilin. I'm an unicorn, so magic comes easy for me." She then gives one of her notebooks and quills to Cayenne. "Here you go, you can write your poems to the Princess anytime you want. I have my own notes about the strange stuff I need to speak to the Princess about." She then hears that Cayenne can get them an audience to see Princess MoonSpell. "You can let us see the Princess? Well, my big brother, Steel Gaze is one of the guards, so let me talk to him." She then pulls out Skyfall's letter Derpy Hooves delivered by mistake. "The mail mare gave me this letter earlier and its addressed to some pony named "Skyfall"....Cayenne, right? Do you know a pony named Skyfall?"
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Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic RP: Elements of Chao

Postby Elizabeth Akane » Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:27 pm

((so sorry for my lateness! I will try to catch up with the action in few lines and then take on the flow of events, hai?))

Sugarcube was so amazed at Sonata's knowledge! Lets face it, people with glasses have always....wait.... people? what people? she could not really recall anybody human, or equine, or anything for that matter!
But still, she thought Sonata really knew it all, or at least so much more than she did at this moment. Her admiration was not hidden in her eyes.

Then another new friend appeared, speaking so fast she tried three times to answer any of her comments, waiting for a moment to speak.
She smiled at her own lousy intents at speaking in time, then she rubbed one of her legs with another, and moved her ears a bit.
"Thanks! you are not bad looking at all!"
"The cutie mark? No clue! so far is just a red dot that could be anything, or nothing! Triangles are cute! Makes me remember of the Triforce at Zelda!" She remembered something !! YAY!!!

She stayed close to Sonata, finding some sense of security around her.

"A creature formed of others?" She shook her head, did she have that dream.
"I heard like screams, then... I remember running, and then... I was under a cotton candy stall. So strange!"
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