Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Kris_Roth wrote:Sonata looks over at the black mare and sees her acting strangely, "Hey, are you okay? We are all in the same boat, and if we work together, we can figure out what Discord was talking about" Sonata continues, "Discord is a creature of chaos; a draquueus, to be exact..and ...I remember something called the Elements of Chaos. There are six artifacts Discord wants us to find. He's hidden them in the various cities...and if they are called the Elements of Chaos, they are the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. You know, Honesty, Loyality, Kindness, Laughter, Generousity, and Magic. Think about the opposite of those Elements. Oh, I am Sonata, by the way, that's Sugarcube, the white maned pony with the black mane, and that's Mei Xing. She's a Quilin."
Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:"Wait your daughter... Doesn't remember being human?" It was something MoonSpell hadn't considered, though now that she thought about it, it was rather silly of her NOT to. Where did everyone go if they weren't ponies now? This entire town... It was full of former people who were ponies.
"So that means every person in this town could have been a human before becoming a pony. Yet only we-" A sudden memory leapt into her mind. It was something Discord said.
"Discord... That creature. Didn't he mention we resisted his spell somehow? Given our current forms It's clear that wasn't a dream. Something about us is different... But what?"
"And why am I a Princess?" She mumbled quietly.
Haylie wrote:"That was Discord?!" the black unicorn exclaimed, standing up again. "I thought it sounded kinda familiar, but... what does he want with us? ... Nevermind. If I know him, then he probably wants us to do something for his own amusement. Ugh, why can't I remember what he said?" Jackie brought a hoof to her temple and began rubbing it vigorously.
"I... I remember being up really late last night for some reason... but nothing much after that. Think, stupid! Think!" The poor mare looks on the verge of kicking herself.
Kris_Roth wrote:Sonata looks over at the black mare and sees her acting strangely, "Hey, are you okay? We are all in the same boat, and if we work together, we can figure out what Discord was talking about."
muffinstud wrote:"Come to think of it, I was up late as well. Maybe it affected us differently because we weren't asleep?" Tiburon stomps his hoof loudly in front of Jackie. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. I hate being a ridiculous looking cartoon horse too. The trick is to complain about it in a constructive manner." He nods sagely.
Haylie wrote:Jackie jumps at being stomped at. "You sound like my reh--therapist. But sure." She cleared her throat a bit too loudly. "So does anyone remember anything else? What should we do about it?"
Ookalf wrote:Haylie wrote:Jackie jumps at being stomped at. "You sound like my reh--therapist. But sure." She cleared her throat a bit too loudly. "So does anyone remember anything else? What should we do about it?"
"Ah, well, there were those Element things he said to find, right? We could probably, y'know, do something with that..."
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