Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:54 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"That is like why I want to finish this mission as fast as we can. I do not like want to be stuff like this," said Mina as she opened up her book and was on the chapter about the different types of energy. Diagrams of all sorts were on the page with definitions. Mina flipped though it and looked at her workbook. She simply wrote the answers where they needed to be without even double checking in the book.

"The hard part is like getting into like the habit of this new life. Everybody else thinks we have like always been like this but then it gets like worse," said Mina as she paused for a moment. "You may have just started but me and Jade have been doing this for like much longer and there are times where we have like lost ourselves almost."
Kris_Roth wrote:Trini nods to Mina and Jade, "Like when did you feel you were being lost in your new lives?" She begins to write the answers to the questions based on the diagrams. "So, potential energy is what is stored, much like the powers within us. Kinetic energy is what happens when potential energy is converted over, like our attacks on the monsters. Does that sound right?"

Jade opens the workbook and the textbook and looks through the same chapter as the other two. She can't believe she made Science out to be so hard that she got distracted from it. Unknown to Mina, Jade had hit the record button while Mina talked and turned it off after Mina stopped. Since her look had changed, she seemed a lot smarter than she ever did, maybe it was the glasses or maybe she was just distracted all the other times with Anime and other activities and she wasn't now. She looked through the book and put the answers where she thought they would go in her workbook. She went back and double-checked all the answers she had found. They seemed to be right. She double-checked the book once, twice three times, and even a fourth time. "OMG girls! I so totally got my answers correct. Why did I like make this Science stuff out to be so hard?" Jade said and asked after she checked the book four times to make sure they were correct. She then looked over toward Mina. She noticed the way she talked. "Um like Mina, do you like even listen to yourself talk half the time, or do you just move your lips to see what comes out? You are talking funny again. I promised not to slap you, but I also like promised to let you know if I noticed anything funny about your demeanor or speech." Jade said then spoke again. "For some odd reason, Science seems a lot easier for me now than it ever did before. Any idea why this is happening to me?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:00 pm

Trini nods, and gives Jade a side hug. "I know you could get those answers right....we'll pass this science class yet. You know, these school lessons can apply to the monster hunting and fighting we do. Especially today's lesson on Potential and Kinetic energy."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:50 am

Mina looked over Jade's answers and simply pointed to the second to last one. She then said, "That one is a tricky one but you got it wrong."

The girl then turned the page but took a look at Jade. She then slowly opened her mouth and then looked at Jade's face.

"Still, you have improved I admit. You almost got them all right. Just look think about that answer and I am sure you will get it," said Mina as she softly spoke and then listen to what Jade said afterwards.

"What? Of course I think about what I am saying. Like, what kind of person do you take me for? I am not like some who just say the first thing that comes out of like their mouth. I put thought into what I say. Like, what makes you think that?" said Mina as she turned around and puffed her face up a bit. She then looked at Trini and asked, "As in how?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:36 am

Kris_Roth wrote:Trini nods, and gives Jade a side hug. "I know you could get those answers right....we'll pass this science class yet. You know, these school lessons can apply to the monster hunting and fighting we do. Especially today's lesson on Potential and Kinetic energy."

Jade gives Trini a side hug back. "Thanks for the vote of confidence Trini. I appreciate it." Jade said after she released the side hug.

Maiden Miki wrote:Mina looked over Jade's answers and simply pointed to the second to last one. She then said, "That one is a tricky one but you got it wrong."

The girl then turned the page but took a look at Jade. She then slowly opened her mouth and then looked at Jade's face.

"Still, you have improved I admit. You almost got them all right. Just look think about that answer and I am sure you will get it," said Mina as she softly spoke and then listen to what Jade said afterwards. "What? Of course I think about what I am saying. Like, what kind of person do you take me for? I am not like some who just say the first thing that comes out of like their mouth. I put thought into what I say. Like, what makes you think that?" said Mina as she turned around and puffed her face up a bit. She then looked at Trini and asked, "As in how?"

"Thanks Mina that means a lot coming from you." Jade says with a smile and a side hug to Mina as she noticed where Mina was pointing and then thought about the answer she put down. She then looked back through the textbook and corrected the answer she put down in the workbook she knew with all her heart and soul that the new answer she put down was the correct answer. "You told me to keep you in check when you start to use the word like too much so I did. Here is proof." Jade said as she took her mini tape recorder, rewound it to the beginning of their Science Homework when Mina started talking. She then pressed play and these words came out of the tape recorder:

Tape Recorder of Mina wrote:"That is like why I want to finish this mission as fast as we can. I do not like want to be stuff like this," said Mina as she opened up her book and was on the chapter about the different types of energy. Diagrams of all sorts were on the page with definitions. Mina flipped though it and looked at her workbook. She simply wrote the answers where they needed to be without even double checking in the book.

"The hard part is like getting into like the habit of this new life. Everybody else thinks we have like always been like this but then it gets like worse," said Mina as she paused for a moment. "You may have just started but me and Jade have been doing this for like much longer and there are times where we have like lost ourselves almost."

the recording of the tape played back.
"Now do you understand what I was talking about Mina?" Jade asked as she stopped the tape recorder.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:39 pm

Trini listened to the tape recording of Mina's valley girl accent. "Why are you speaking like a valley girl, Mina? I may be new to all this girl stuff and all, but could it be some of the changes in personality that were underwritten when you signed that contract? Maybe a hidden clause or stipulation giving whoever turned us into girls the right to change our fates as they see fit?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:52 pm

"Yeah. That is the correct answer now," said Mina as she watched Jade change her answer. She then looked confused for a minute and heard the recording. Her face was getting redder with each passing second and then looked furious. "That like isn't me!

"This is exactly what I was talking about!" said Mina who sounded upset and looked as if she would burst. She then buried her head into her text book and then spoke. "I don't know why but it i that contract! I-I-I think you got it right."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:47 am

Kris_Roth wrote:Trini listened to the tape recording of Mina's valley girl accent. "Why are you speaking like a valley girl, Mina? I may be new to all this girl stuff and all, but could it be some of the changes in personality that were underwritten when you signed that contract? Maybe a hidden clause or stipulation giving whoever turned us into girls the right to change our fates as they see fit?"

Maiden Miki wrote:"Yeah. That is the correct answer now," said Mina as she watched Jade change her answer. She then looked confused for a minute and heard the recording. Her face was getting redder with each passing second and then looked furious. "That like isn't me!

"This is exactly what I was talking about!" said Mina who sounded upset and looked as if she would burst. She then buried her head into her text book and then spoke. "I don't know why but it i that contract! I-I-I think you got it right."

"She is like not the only one that has a tendency to talk like a valley girl." Jade said as she pointed to herself. "Luckily, I have been resisting it, but I do not know how much longer I can resist. There were times where I have had to put up a front as if I like this form to keep my baby sisters from getting too suspicious. My brothers became older than me when I became a girl. I like used to be the oldest. My sisters were still younger than me though. Anna was between Frank and Me, while Leigh was between Tony and Frank. So it used to go like this: James, which was my name as a male; Anna, Frank, Leigh, and Tony. I was 17, Anna was 16, Frank was 15, Leigh was 14, and Tony was 13. I just remembered that right now." Jade then sweatdrops nervously. "Um I like think Math is next." It seemed that Jade was dreading having to do Math next. "Are there anymore Science assignments we need to do Mina?" (OOC: We really should get this thing going again. I like this RP, since the rest of the RP's I am a part of are on hiatus it seems because of RL issues for everyone, well I guess us three have RL issues as well)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:00 am

"Yes...Math is next," said Mina as she heard what Jade was saying. She was playing with her hair and knew that Math was going to be another hard one for Jade. She was strong in math as well but that was as male. She feels confident in math and she should be seeing that Math and Science tie in with each other. Mina then pulled out her workbook.

"Still, I suspect that like the longer we are like this that like the stronger these urges become," said Mina as she was beginning to work on the first problem. "If anything, she may find that they are happening at a faster rate compare to us."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:59 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"Yes...Math is next," said Mina as she heard what Jade was saying. She was playing with her hair and knew that Math was going to be another hard one for Jade. She was strong in math as well but that was as male. She feels confident in math and she should be seeing that Math and Science tie in with each other. Mina then pulled out her workbook.

"Still, I suspect that like the longer we are like this that like the stronger these urges become," said Mina as she was beginning to work on the first problem. "If anything, she may find that they are happening at a faster rate compare to us."

It was plain to see that Jade was nervous about Math. She was visibly shaking as she stared blankly at her fingernails before she took out her workbook. She just had to suck it up and do the best she could at Math. Before she started working on Math, she quietly closed her Science Text Book and her Science Work Book. Once she started working on her problems after blankly glancing at her fingernails she then noticed that they were even longer than they were when she first became Jade.

"Um Mina, why are you playing with your hair like a teenage girl? It like seems you are like becoming more girly by the minute." Jade said as she studied her nails intently before focusing on Math and only Math. "Um is it like just me, or are my fingernails like a lot longer than they were when I first became Jade? Like what do you think Mina?" Jade then showed Mina her fingernails.

Jade didn't even notice that she threw some likes into her quote that she usually resisted doing when the urge came to her.

(Now to wait a bit for Kris.)
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:31 pm

Trini put away her science textbook and workbook, and pulled out her math book and notebook, as well as her pencil and eraser. "I usually use pencils when doing my science and math homework, so I can erase any wrong answers." She then looked at the problems, "Algebra seems to be the worst subject for me. I know we are supposed to show our work so the teacher knows we are understanding how to get to the answer."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:53 pm

"What? I do not know like what you are talking about?" said Mina as she gave Jade a frown and continue to play with her hair a bit as she went over the math problem. Unlike the other two, Mina was working though the problem with ease. She simply looked up at Jade and sighed.

"First off, of course they have gotten longer. Nails tend to do that. Second," said Mina as as she twirl with her hair around her finger. "I think somebody is trying to avoid doing their Math homework."

Mina then looked at Trini and then back at Jade, "I guess I can help you both. It not like I want to or anything. It just that we have to pass is all."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:00 am

"Like what are you talking about Mina?" Jade asked. "I am so not trying to avoid my Math Homework. I am so not like Usagi is on Sailor Moon, I actually do my homework, though it's not always right, at least I try doing my homework. I also do not give up on my homework either."

Jade then closed her eyes and focused on the task at hand through meditation. She finally opened her eyes and was now fully focused. She seemed to be having a much easier time with Math now that she was fully focused. She seemed to be working through the problems with ease. The problems that pertained to Algebra and Geometry didn't seem to phase her at all as she showed all the work she was supposed to do and checked the answers that she put down with the ones in the back of the book. Unlike most text books this one showed the answers to all the Algebraic and Geometric problems in the back of the book. The ones she found out she got wrong, she reworked over and over again until she got the answer to match the answer in the back of the textbook. However she came to a story problem that she couldn't for her life figure out. It involved jet planes leaving and airport from opposite sides of the country at the same time and landing in the same general time span within a few minutes of each other. This was the type of problem she dreaded.

However she didn't give up at all. She worked through it. She put down the answer after doing all the work and checked the back of the book to see if she got the correct answer. As it turned out she did get the answer right. All she needed was to have the determination to do so. She did. Her perseverance helped her get the answer right.

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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:47 am

Trini got out her math homework and looked at some of the problems, "I have trouble with the integers and I am n0t sure about the word problems involving the planes or trains. Are we to use the distance formula for the problem with the train or planes to determine which one gets there first?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:34 am

Mina got though the problems with little trouble. She worked each one out and made sure to do them twice. Mina didn't even bother looking at the answers due to how confident she was in her work.

"Let me see," said Mina as she heard Trini's question and read the question. It was the same as hers and Mina at once began to explain the problem and tried to make to where she understood. "Got that?"

Mina then sighed and lay on the floor for a bit. She soon began to play with her hair and said, "What is like going on?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:05 pm

Somehow someway, Jade was able to do the rest of her Math Homework with little to no trouble at all. She even checked her answers against the answers in the back of the book. The ones that she had gotten wrong, she went back over them and corrected them and corrected the work in the areas where she made the mistakes. Some of them were obvious, others she had to search really hard to find, but did so. It seems she had finished her Math homework as she sighed in relief and smiled.

"Like why did I make Math out to be so hard?" Jade asked. "It is not that hard once you put your mind to it and stay focused."

Jade then noticed Mina playing with her hair again but didn't say anything.

Maiden Miki wrote:Mina got though the problems with little trouble. She worked each one out and made sure to do them twice. Mina didn't even bother looking at the answers due to how confident she was in her work.

"Let me see," said Mina as she heard Trini's question and read the question. It was the same as hers and Mina at once began to explain the problem and tried to make to where she understood. "Got that?"

Mina then sighed and lay on the floor for a bit. She soon began to play with her hair and said, "What is like going on?"

Jade hears the question that Mina asked. "Like what are you talking about?" Jade asked. "Isn't this the way we have always done these sleepovers. Homework first than Anime later?"

Jade didn't even realize that she seemed to be a lot smarter all of a sudden. She just brushed it off as more of Lizzi's work and paid no mind to it. After putting her Math textbook and workbook away she sighed in relief glad to have gotten the homework done. Something seemed a bit off. She checked her most recent progress report.

She looked it over and it said she has gotten mostly A's and B's on her assignments and in her classes so far.

"Um Mina, I like think you better take a look at my most recent progress report." Jade remarked. "Do you like think that this is Lizzi's doing?"

Jade then slid the progress report over toward Mina so she could see it. "So when did I like become so smart?"

Back at Mina's house...

"Won't be long now." Lizzi said still in her human form. "The final changes of Jade and Mina will come to pass. I still can't believe that Jade was meant to actually be a lot smarter in this life than she was in her life as James.

Back at Trini's house...

Jade sneezed for no apparent reason and dabbed her nose with a kleenex.

"Do you think someone is like talking about us?" Jade asked her friends as Mina and Trini felt the urge to sneeze all of a sudden.
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