Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
Sure, I'm fine with Walter. I always thought it rather humorous of Acey to use that one.
I think she's planning on attacking me
Raleigh wrote:Ah, but until she actually does you can't do anything about it.
Raleigh wrote:*Takes the money while rolling his eyes about Lalka and Callista. At that action Lalka's appearance changes to that of a human/snake hybrid wearing ski gear.* There, that fix the issue for you both?
Raleigh wrote:Wow, that is all you wanted? Alright later Callista.
*Lalka now finds herself occupying the form of a human sized dung beetle wearing what amounts to a ball gown for its body type.* Nagas ski fairly well or so I've observed. Who do you think originally snow boarded? Admittedly I was aiming for a bipedal half-snake race so I guess it flubbed up somewhere. I wonder, should I turn you into a changeling for the next one?
Raleigh wrote:*Would point out that its likely another shapeshifter would know.*
Wow, that is all you wanted? Alright later Callista.
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