Magical Encounters


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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:44 am

Trini heard Jade sneeze, and turned to her. "Bless you, Jade." She wondered what changes she would go througfh, besides the obvious gender differences and becoming friends with Mina and Jade, as well as fighting monsters alongside Mina and Jade as magical girls. "So, any idea what to call our team?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:31 pm

"No. It is not that," said Mina as she shook her head. She then let out a sneeze as well. She then looked at Jade's progress report and her eyes were a bit surprised. She then sighed and said "Well of course. You have been having me tutoring you this whole time. If it was not for me then you will be failing all your classes and be watching anime all day. Not that I am happy to see that you are passing or anything."

Mina then pulled out a tube of lip gloss and put it on. She then looked at Trini and said, "A team name? I never thought of that. Do we even need one?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:56 pm

Maiden Miki wrote:"No. It is not that," said Mina as she shook her head. She then let out a sneeze as well. She then looked at Jade's progress report and her eyes were a bit surprised. She then sighed and said "Well of course. You have been having me tutoring you this whole time. If it was not for me then you will be failing all your classes and be watching anime all day. Not that I am happy to see that you are passing or anything."

Mina then pulled out a tube of lip gloss and put it on. She then looked at Trini and said, "A team name? I never thought of that. Do we even need one?"

Jade put her hand behind her head in embarrassment. "I like guess you are right. You tutoring me did help me get smarter, though I will definitely still like need your help later." Jade said then hugged Mina. "Thank you for like helping me so much. I like really didn't think you had it in you to help other people. You are a true friend Mina. I mean like come on you have to be happy that I am at least doing quite a bit better than I used to do."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:08 pm

Trini smiles as she listens to Mina and Jade talk. Seems these two were best friends longer than her when she showed up. She was glad Mina and Jade accepted her as a friend. "Yeah, Thanks for helping me with my science and math. I can help with history, if that's okay with you. Math isn't my strongest subject, but I am glad to have a friend who is." She looks over to Mina when she says this. "So, I suggested we should have a team name. Something that unites the three of us, other than being magical girls and fighting evil monsters with special powers."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:36 pm

"I have help you sometimes. It not like I don't," said Mina as she turned away. Still, she knew that was not true because as Micheal she would have never done that. Mina still thought that was strange. She then pouted her face a little bit and said even though she was a bit, "No. I am not."

Jade would remember that Mina has always been helpful towards her even if it looked like Mina didn't want to. Mina may not look like she wanted to help but she was always willing to help. If Jade was listening to Mina and Trini's conversation then she may realize that their Magical Girl Names were similar to playing cards and understand why Trini was wondering about a name.

"I guess so but I don't see why we need one. It sounds pretty useless if nobody was there to know who we are," said Mina who was seeing it was pointless to have one. "Also, you are welcome. I have always helped this girl with her homework."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:11 pm

"Hey like Mina, do you like think that we are done with our appearance changes for a while?" Jade asked curiously as she put her Math book away. "Mina, do you think that we could get more team members?"
Last edited by AshK on Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:08 am

Rick Burton continued his walk down the street happily, having just picked up a new video game that was 'all the rage'. It was already fairly dark out, and Rick should have been more worried, considering his unimpressive weak build, along with the fact that he was an easy target to jump, but he didn't care as he strolled along happily in his baggy hoodie. He had average looks for a guy, but never got much interest from women due to his nerdy and lazy behavior. Suddenly, he heard a sound from the alleyway! Thugs, maybe? He put his right hand in his pocket, holding his fancy butterfly knife just in case. He had bought it recently due to some crazy monster attacks lately, like out of Power Rangers or something. Plus he got jumped last week, so that also influenced his purchase.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Dragoon465 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:34 am

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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:25 am

Something was beeping in Jade's purse as she felt a chill go down her spine. "Um like guys, I hate to break up our own party, but I felt a chill." Jade said. "Like also what is that beeping coming from my purse?"

Jade then opened up her purse and found a mini-computer similar to Mercury's from Sailor Moon only it had a Clover symbol on it.

"Where did this like come from?" Jade asked as she somehow knew what to do with it as she punched a few buttons. "Um guys, I think this little computer is telling us that something is wrong. We have to go now."

Jade then started to reach into subspace for her ribbon after stowing her mini-computer somewhere after checking for any unwanted presence and sensing none. "I like wonder if my computer can point us in the direction. Let's find out." Jade said as she swung her ribbon around like a gymnast in a rhythmic Gymnastics competion. "Clover Ribbon Power Make Up!"
Transformation Sequence ends.

Clover pushes one of her earrings as a Green Visor appears over her eyes she then activates her palmtop. "Mina you need to contact Lizzi and tell her to meet us at these coordinates. It's an alley close to here." Clover says as she shows the coordinates to Mina. "I also sense another presence there. I think this palm-top is going to come in quite handy. You might want to like transform first."
Last edited by AshK on Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:47 am

Trini nods, "Okay, someone contact Lizzi. She can help track whatever is attacking...unless that computer of yours can text." She pulls her ribbon from subspace. "Ready?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:27 pm

"Right. I can do that." said Mina who wasn't even sure how to do that. She pulled out her cell and see if she had Lizzi's number. She then felt a bit of a ping and knew that a monster was attacking. She shook her head and said, "Forget about her. We do not need her for this."

Mina then got up and was heading towards the door.


"Hmm...." said Lizzi as she got up from a pillow in Mina's room. The cat-rabbit then slowly began to walk towards the door.
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:46 pm

Trini nodded and summoned her ribbon, "Diamond, Ribbon Power, Make Up!" Trini goes throught he same transformation sequence Clover did, only activating her Diamond-encrusted armored form, complete with a Diamond Sword. "Clover and I will check out the disturbance. Clover can contact you if we run into trouble." She heads out, "You two coming?"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby AshK » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:12 pm

Kris_Roth wrote:Trini nodded and summoned her ribbon, "Diamond, Ribbon Power, Make Up!" Trini goes throught he same transformation sequence Clover did, only activating her Diamond-encrusted armored form, complete with a Diamond Sword. "Clover and I will check out the disturbance. Clover can contact you if we run into trouble." She heads out, "You two coming?"

"Like don't leave without me Diamond!" Clover said as she quickly ran after Diamond. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

Clover than quickly caught up with Diamond and was using her visor to find the location. She found it quite quickly. She then passed Diamond up and got to the alley and did her weakest attack to get the thing and the Civlians attention. "Clover Leaf Hurricane!"
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:49 pm

Diamond arrives in time to see Clover attack the monster. "Diamond Shard Storm!" She shoots some diamond shards at the Monster, hoping to distract the monster from attacking the civilian. "Heart, this is Diamond. Clover and I are engaging the enemy. Civilian needs an escort and tell Lizzi to hurry."
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Re: Magical Encounters

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:37 am

Mina tried to call Lizzi but she never picked up. She frown and shook her head. She knew it was pointless to call her. Eventually Mina ran out of the house and decided to catch up with the other two.

"Heart, Ribbon Power, Make Up!" yelled Mina as she took out her ribbon. Eventually she became her magical girl form and was there to help Clover and Diamond. She saw that they were attacking the Worm Monster.

" Passionate Heart Stamp Surprise" yelled Mina after she summoned her hammer and had slammed it down on the monster.

The Worm Monster yelled out in pain and soon began to shake. Slowly it then became three parts. Heart looked with wide eyes and said, "Really?"

The three smaller Worm Monster then yelled and attack each one of the girls.
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