Stage Select Bar and Grill

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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:10 am

muffinstud wrote:The robot with the leg hesitates for a moment. It appears the disruption is working. Well, until...
The other robot on approach calls back to it, and they chime together in a duet of synthesized "Razy" noises. The one incoming does in fact collide with the other... but rather than damage each other as she hoped, it grabs on to the leg, and the first uses the second as an even bigger club!

Maxwell actually pauses at the interaction between the robots. "Mmm... a low-bandwidth form of network synchronicity? Curious."

Of course, only a fool brings a robot-club to a gunfight, and Maxwell fires another blast from her plasma rifle -- this time straight at the torso of the first robot. They can apparently function without their limbs, but those turbines must require significant power source, and the best location for that is in the torso...
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:35 pm

Blaze wrote:After crumping all that extra energy out, Alex returns to the bar, sweating slightly.

"Phew! Can I have another one of those doubly wonderful canned drinks now~?"

"No. Have a milkshake." The girl hands Alex another thick chocolate shake from under the counter.

Harri-chan wrote:"Thanks... ", said Elliot as the girl handed him the shake. He glanced to Alex again, grinning to himself as he sipped his shake, and then back to the girl, "So... what exactly are you investigating? You know I've done my fair share of detective work in the past", he boasted.

"Actually, I don't know. This is the first time I've met you. And as for the offer, we could use you as a consultant. The actual footwork though is easy. Just follow the sound of the mad laughter and explosions." She sighs. "Our target isn't exactly subtle."

Ookalf wrote:Ah! *Ookalf gives smacked down to the ground, leaving his sword embedded in the rndobot's arm. Crawling to his feet once he hits the ground, he looks to see where the legs of the robot have gone off to...*

It's a good thing he's armored up. The hit Ookalf takes is quite a doozy, and even with all his protection just barely manages not to have the wind knocked out of him. The legs he's looking for are just behind him, still trying to kick him as they walk forward. Lucky for him, the robot itself is trying to dislodge the sword from its arm. It's getting close to doing so, at the cost of severing its forearm off.

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:
Maxwell actually pauses at the interaction between the robots. "Mmm... a low-bandwidth form of network synchronicity? Curious."

Of course, only a fool brings a robot-club to a gunfight, and Maxwell fires another blast from her plasma rifle -- this time straight at the torso of the first robot. They can apparently function without their limbs, but those turbines must require significant power source, and the best location for that is in the torso...

At such a close range, Maxwell's aim is true. The plasma blast scorches its way through the robot's torso, and the turbines do indeed go out. It goes down in billowing black smoke at her feet, concealing it and the other robot as well.

Kumi-chan wrote:*she keeps running forward, the minor damage to her doesn't stop her, it doesn't even seem to phase her. And neither does that shields. As she approaches the bots her arm transform, a beam of energy coming from the arm, thin, sharp looking energies. Which she plunges into the first shield in front her. The energies of her blade seem be designed for cutting through reality itself, which should well. effectively cut through the one she is attacking, of course she is waiting to see if this works.*

Just before Kumi's blade reaches the soldier's shield, a small sound comes out from just behind it. "Is that a duck?" It's clear speach, obviously pre-recorded, and it's coming from the center of the shield rather than from the top where the soldier's head would be. Kumi's reality destroying blade swings through thin air. Once the arc is complete, the shield seems to still be in the same place as before.

Obviously, these soldiers are equipped with ignorance shielding. Lucky for her though, they have to expose themselves to fire. They do just that, pelting her general area with shots.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:46 pm

muffinstud wrote:It's a good thing he's armored up. The hit Ookalf takes is quite a doozy, and even with all his protection just barely manages not to have the wind knocked out of him. The legs he's looking for are just behind him, still trying to kick him as they walk forward. Lucky for him, the robot itself is trying to dislodge the sword from its arm. It's getting close to doing so, at the cost of severing its forearm off.

OK, that one should be good for a while... *Spotting the legs behind him, Ookalf turns around and throws a punch at its... waist? Hips? ...Whatever the optimum point for hitting a pair of disembodied legs would be.*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:55 pm

muffinstud wrote:At such a close range, Maxwell's aim is true. The plasma blast scorches its way through the robot's torso, and the turbines do indeed go out. It goes down in billowing black smoke at her feet, concealing it and the other robot as well.

Maxwell backs off a few feet, keeping her gun trained on the billowing cloud of smoke. There was two robots, after all, and she knows better than to turn her back before seeing the bodies of both of them. Her blade begins to crackle and hum in her other hand.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:41 am

"And who is your target?", he asked, looking over the girl quizzically while sipping from the edge of the milkshake glass. "Lord Bones? He's been quiet for a while... probably working on something big".
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:42 pm

Harri-chan wrote:"And who is your target?", he asked, looking over the girl quizzically while sipping from the edge of the milkshake glass. "Lord Bones? He's been quiet for a while... probably working on something big".

"My father's old business partner, Dr. Wily. We don't have any evidence pointing to him directly, but whenever robots start causing explosions in an effort to take over the world... He's a sure bet."

Ookalf wrote:OK, that one should be good for a while... *Spotting the legs behind him, Ookalf turns around and throws a punch at its... waist? Hips? ...Whatever the optimum point for hitting a pair of disembodied legs would be.*

The legs topple over easily enough. They continue to try walking and kicking on the ground. It's kind of macabre, really. It's like some kind of robotic zombie.
Behind him, Ookalf can hear the sound of metal ringing in the air. The upper half of the green robot has severed its arm off, and now aims to use his own sword against him!

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:Maxwell backs off a few feet, keeping her gun trained on the billowing cloud of smoke. There was two robots, after all, and she knows better than to turn her back before seeing the bodies of both of them. Her blade begins to crackle and hum in her other hand.

A metal, green arm pokes out of the smoke, clawing at the ground. Out of the column of soot comes the second robot, turbines sputtering out due to the lack of oxygen. It stands on its arms for a second, then topples over with a thud.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:28 pm

muffinstud wrote:The legs topple over easily enough. They continue to try walking and kicking on the ground. It's kind of macabre, really. It's like some kind of robotic zombie.
Behind him, Ookalf can hear the sound of metal ringing in the air. The upper half of the green robot has severed its arm off, and now aims to use his own sword against him!

Heh... *Leaving the legs to struggle for now, Ookalf turns to confront the torso again.* OK, so you have my sword... No big deal. *Ookalf takes a quick step back as the robot swings at him.*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Blaze » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:07 pm

Alex pouts, but takes the milkshake and sips at it.

"Huuuuuuuh? You need something investigated? I'm a super excellent detective, I can help!" =D
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:28 pm

Elliot considered what the girl was saying, nodding now and then. "Robots... ?", he asked, his blue eyes widening a little, and he seemed to deflate ever so slightly. Slumping on the stool, her glanced to the enthusiastic Alex, "Well, looks like you have your consultant... I guess I'll just hang out here with you, girl with the pretty dress!".
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:54 pm

muffinstud wrote:A metal, green arm pokes out of the smoke, clawing at the ground. Out of the column of soot comes the second robot, turbines sputtering out due to the lack of oxygen. It stands on its arms for a second, then topples over with a thud.

Maxwell studies the struggling figure for a moment, before putting another couple of shots from her plasma cannon into the robot's form, to ensure that it stays down. Satisfied that it's at least disabled, if not destroyed, she glances over the area, trying to assess the current situation.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:56 pm

Blaze wrote:Alex pouts, but takes the milkshake and sips at it.

"Huuuuuuuh? You need something investigated? I'm a super excellent detective, I can help!" =D

The milkshake is really tasty! The girl sighs. "Maybe later."

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot considered what the girl was saying, nodding now and then. "Robots... ?", he asked, his blue eyes widening a little, and he seemed to deflate ever so slightly. Slumping on the stool, her glanced to the enthusiastic Alex, "Well, looks like you have your consultant... I guess I'll just hang out here with you, girl with the pretty dress!".

She giggles. "My name is Roll, and thank you." She starts cleaning glasses behind the bar. "We could use your help too, when the time comes. My brother... isn't the fastest transistor in the array."

Ookalf wrote:Heh... *Leaving the legs to struggle for now, Ookalf turns to confront the torso again.* OK, so you have my sword... No big deal. *Ookalf takes a quick step back as the robot swings at him.*

The swing misses, and the robot cuts a good swath out of the ground. It's a divot that would make any golfer cringe. It swings again, this time throwing the sword and attempting to rush Ookalf with what's left of its body.

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:Maxwell studies the struggling figure for a moment, before putting another couple of shots from her plasma cannon into the robot's form, to ensure that it stays down. Satisfied that it's at least disabled, if not destroyed, she glances over the area, trying to assess the current situation.

The robot seems down... then leaps up in one last attempt to maul her. At the apex of it's leap, a searing bolt of plasma hits the thing square in the eyes, and it drops. There's a rustling in the nearby trees, and a woman with a stylish scarf lands next to her. "Aim for the eyes, they go down a lot faster."
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:32 pm

muffinstud wrote:The swing misses, and the robot cuts a good swath out of the ground. It's a divot that would make any golfer cringe. It swings again, this time throwing the sword and attempting to rush Ookalf with what's left of its body.

Ha... Ack! *Ookalf manages to duck under the thrown sword, but doesn't react in time to do anything about the charging robot and gets knocked backed!*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Blaze » Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:05 pm

Alex grins and takes out what looks like a business card, slapping it on the counter.

"My card~" ^^
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:14 am

Baffled by Alex possessing business cards, Elliot shook his head, loose blonde hair flopping about. "Nice to meet you, Roll. I'm Elliot", he said, finishing off the shake while watching her work. "What kind of help? I have no idea what a transistor is... I won't have to be around the robots, will I?", he asked, sounding nervous again.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:11 am

muffinstud wrote:The robot seems down... then leaps up in one last attempt to maul her. At the apex of it's leap, a searing bolt of plasma hits the thing square in the eyes, and it drops. There's a rustling in the nearby trees, and a woman with a stylish scarf lands next to her. "Aim for the eyes, they go down a lot faster."

Maxwell nods. "Revising targeting parameters," she murmurs, taking a moment to examine the newcomer. "You seem familiar with these robots. Can you provide any additional information regarding their origins and capabilities?" she finally asks.
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