[SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta


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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:41 pm

Sam blinks as he watches the hovercraft pull up to the dock and park itself. He raises an eyebrow as he looks at it's riders, thinking to himself... ~So a Maid, a dog priestess of some sort and a preteen are inter-dimensional heroes or something? This is a bit much even for me to believe...But that ship and that hovercraft don't lie. Maybe I'm just missing something...~ He shrugs to himself and made the effort to make first contact with the heroes from the other earth, stepping forward. He fixes his black coat with a red vertical line across it, flipping up it's hood as well his goggles to make he looks presentable to the young ladies.

"Hello and welcome to Mannahatta traveling heroes." He said, giving him his Orientation Man impression for back in the Academy, then drops it for the next bit. "Name's Vambrace." He comments before picking up a nearby ship anchor from the dock, spinning it once and setting it back down to lean against it. "Superhuman strength, stamina and durability at your service. Pleased to meet you." Next he motions behind him two the two higher-ranked heroes. "Those are higher up Heroes. The one in the red, white and Blue is Major Gloria and the guy with the overly flowing cape is Voodoo Guru."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:28 pm

Major Gloria saluted, 'Major Gloria, at your service. I possess super strength and endurance,but not as much as Vambrance here. Would you like to introduce yourselves?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:25 am

As the hovercraft doors opened, Catalina jumped out, her red cape rippling around her. She looked around fourteen years old, stick thin, with long, straight pale blonde hair and blue eyes, and wore a short, skin-tight pink spandex dress with a red heart symbol across the chest, despite not having even close to the curves to do it justice, with red boots up to her knees and a strange pink watch-like device on her wrist that currently just said '14' in digital numbers.

She approached Major Gloria and Vambrace hesitantly, nodding her head in greeting. "My name is Catalina Essex, but you can just call me Cat", she said, and then flicked her head back. "These are my fr... my team mates, Horo and Mimi". Her cheeks went a little red, as it was hard not to feel inferior to this woman in the red, white and blue. She chewed her bottom lip, and then her shoulders slumped.

"We've all just gone through a sort of identity crisis, not quite figured out our new hero names yet", she said sheepishly as her blue eyes looked around the three heroes from this world, and then her voice lowered to an ashamed mumble, "Some of us haven't even figured out her powers", she said with a shrug. "But we're here to try and make sure you don't have to go through the same kind of reality alteration we just did".
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:25 pm

Major Gloria extends a blue gloved hand to Cat and her companions. "Pleased to meet you, Cat. Vambrance and Voodoo Guru can debrief you on what we know so far. We have a problem with some missing heroes and heroines here. "
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:35 pm

Vambrace himself with in his early 20's, possibly 22 if anyone had to guess with tanned skin, but not really from spending time in the sun. It was natural. He had short brownish-black hair with dull emerald eyes, not that one could see behind the goggles though. He wore a black hooded jack with rolled up sleeves, the large red stripe on the upper chest of the jacket, also flowing onto the sleeves. Under the jacket one could see dark gray short sleeve shirt. He is also sporting a pair of dark khaki pants and pair of black combat boots. On his face are a pair of reflective goggles. The bands of which are black while the lens are bronzen-gold. The last item on him was his cestus.

The superhero pugilist crossed his arms as the supposed leader introduced themselves. He was starting to take back his thoughts on hero/villain costumes seeing the one named Catalina. At least her friends were somewhat tamer...aside from the whole priestess thing. ~Geez~ Thought Vambrace. ~Any villain could see her coming from a mile away, whatever her abilities are, I doubt they match that outfit.~ ...Then he picked up on the major bits of what the 14 year old was saying. ~Identity crisis...Reality alteration...Let that explains what I was missing. These heroes weren't like this before...The next question is what did they USED to be?~ He thought to himself as Major Gloria introduced herself then ordered him to explain the situation.

He shook his head and smirked to Gloria. "Isn't that usually your job?" He asked with a sarcastic tone to his voice. "Fine fine..." He cleared his voice and took a more serious tone. "Multiple heroes and villains of our world have been disappearing, and only leaving behind slips of paper with some strange writing that none of us can decode. The abductions are random. From the highest of villain to the lowest of heroes, there is no pattern that we can see. The most recent one was a man by the name of Pizza King. Delivery guy..." He stated like it was simply nothing. "I was there to witness the abduction. Time and space literally swirled around him...and swallowed him up."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:06 am

Major Gloria nodded, "Also missing is Miss Chipmunk, a half-human half-chipmunk themed mutant heroine. She has the ability to communicate with chipmunks and her trademark weapons are her acorn bombs. Anyway, that's the situation we are facing. Can you help us?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:50 am

Horo followed the other two into the small depature shuttle that they had been directed to. Settling into the departure shuttle and settling in for a moment, she found a comfortable place to sit as the small vessel transitted between the large cruise vessel and the city below them. Horo kept to herself for the few minutes it took the shuttle to reach the ground. In the time it took the shuttle reached the ground, Horo took a few moments to prepare herself for what was coming next. She spent a few moments reviewing the scant facts that had been revealed to them by the Doctor. Heros and villains had been vanishing and the only real clue that had so far been revealed was that the kidnapper who had left a note that looked like a school detention slip. Shaking her head once at how crazy that sounded, before reminding herself of her own mad situation.

Her attention snapped too as the vessel landed, a slight rumble as it touched down. She secured the belt loop that held her sword sheath. She slide the sword out for a moment, examining the shining metal blade of the katana for several moments before letting the sword sliding back into the sheath. She adjusted the sleeves of the robe again as she looked towards the opening door of the shuttel, reaching behind her and pulling up the fur line hood of the robe, her wolf ears wriggling through the slits. Anyone who had ever taken a brief look at Horo might think the ears were just decorative, perhaps a bit of fancy dress, but if one had ever looked at her closer they would quickly notice that she had no ears where a human would normally have them. The only other oddity that could be noted about her appearance was that instead of a more discrete pair of sandals that one might traditionally wear with a priestess robe. Instead she wore a pair steel toe capped boots, although the were not always noticeable under the long pale robes.

Stepping out of the vessel into the light of the new city, she looked about for a moment before her attention was drawn by the voice of one of the natives of this dimension, so she turned her attention to the small group that had greeted them. She stood quietly for a few moments as she listened to the introductions, though she did not understand why these native heros introduced themselves and their super powers in that way. She suspected it might have been a superhero custom native to this dimension. She looked over the group who had greeted them, nodding to each in turn as they introduced themselves and seemed to exchange some friendly banter. She kept quiet as she listened to Cat provide some explaination for their presence and their situation. Her attention was focused on the one who introduced himself as 'Vambrace' noting that something in his attitude seem fairly dismissive of them.

Horo would finally take a short step forward after Vambrace spoke his piece, then brushing out the sleeves for a moment as she did a polite half-bow before straightening up again “A pleasure to meet you all...Normally I am called Horo, but when I am about this superhero business I go by a different name.” She recalled a vague memory, the headline on a local newspaper, one that she was not sure she had ever actually read “Then, I am called Lykos....from the greek word for wolf” she grinned after that, revealing the elongated, wolf-like canine teeth. “As for My powers? I am a shape shifter, I can change into a wolf, but I also have some access to what appears to be mystically power Superhuman strength...guided by this blade” she tapped her finger again the pommel of her sword “But, alas I am also colour blind, so I cannot compliment you on the look of your uniforms” she chuckled a moment

“We, too, have been sent to investiage the odd occurences in your dimension, Doctor. Dues recruited us investigate and fix these problems when they have occurred.” she relaxed a moment, looking around, towards Gloria as she revealed there was a hero missing..a strange sounding hero indeed. She then refocused her attention to the group as a whole “So, I imagine we can be of assistance to one another...Unfortunately right now we have about the same amount of information as you have, although it had been mentioned by the Doctor that the papers left look rather like a detention slip...So I would imagine we might start by looking up Villians or renegade heros in your dimension who style themselves after a teacher or a head teacher...”
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:19 pm

Cat listened, and then turned to look back at Horo as she offered her opinion, and the teenager nodded silently, before returning her gaze to the natives.

"Maybe someone is trying to send them all back to school...", she murmured, her cheeks going a little red as she saw the way Vambrace was looking at her, and subconsciously she shifted, so her arms were folded across her chest, attempting to hide the way the dress was so tight around her breasts. "Kind of weird how the villains are getting caught up in it though. That's not regular villain behaviour, right? So maybe it is someone that's messing with reality like we experienced, and they don't care who they target. These missing people could be stuck in detention somewhere right now, maybe not even aware they have powers".

"The question is, how do we find out where they're being held. Witnessing a kidnapping is no help", she muttered, waving towards Vambrace, "As they just disappear in front of you. If they really are random, then there's no way we could try and get teleported off there ourselves. Are you sure there's no link at all between these people?".
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:00 pm

Major Gloria nodded, "You have a point there, Cat. Vambrance was able to witness Pizza King's dissapearance, while I heard about the dissapeances back at our headquarters. The Seer suggested Vambrance and I work with you three to help investigate and report back our findings to the Seer directly. So far, the only clue we have are the strange papers left where any hero or villain would find them. Would there be a way to examine the papers without activating their special trap?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:09 pm

"Do you have any of these papers on you?", asked Cat, frowning slightly. She wasn't entirely sure she still possessed those frightening levels of intelligence, but it was worth a shot. "I'd like to see one, if you do", she added, looking back and forth between Major Gloria and Vambrace.
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:08 pm

Mimi had joined her teammates but was quiet for a long moment. She simply waited until a time to present herself came by and listen to what was being said.

"The school idea does sound similar to the last dimension we came from. Based on observations, it looked as if lower level heroes were made into students for the school while the higher class heroes were made into maids and butlers for those students," said Mimi adding more to Horo's theory. She then looked at the other heroes and said, "Please forgive me. I am Mimi. Lastly known as Mecha Musume. My power is Technology Manipulation and I am under the servitude of Miss Catalina."

Mimi then realize what she said and simply try to suppress her blush the best that she could. She then walked over to Major Gloria and said, "I can possibly create something that can examine the papers for any clues. See if there is any DNA traces on it or fingerprints. Maybe even the origin of each paper. Still, are they like a calling card? How were they left there?
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:19 pm

Major Gloria nodded at Mecha Musume, "Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. If you can create a safe way to examine these papers without activating whatever is making the heroes and villains dissapear, you are welcome to do so. What do you have in mind?"
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Danarth » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:43 pm

Horo listened to the exchange between Cat, Gloria and Mimi revolving around how best to start the search for the missing heros and villians and how they might be able to use the strange detention notes that had appeared at various different sites of the kidnappings, it was after all their only true lead at the moment so they had to wringe as much information out of it as possible. She put some thought into what she could do with her own abilities.

“If you have one of those papers to hand, I may be able to give use another lead. When I am a wolf, My sense of smell is far more sensitive than the human sense of smell. If one of those notes is to hand, I can see if I can find any scents on it” It was actually more than a little embarrasing to say those things out loud, but pride would have to take a back seat. “I won't need to touch the note, but for comparison, I am going to need to go to one of the kidnapping sites” nodding a moment “Finally, if it is a hero or villian themed after some school faculty personality, We'd have to round a few up so I can start comparing scents
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Josie » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:05 pm

Vambrace nodded in a form of greeting to both Horo and Mimi, but cataloging them in his mind of Lykos and Mecha Musume. ~Hmm, a technomancer and a shape changer with a little extra. not bad. If I had to guess they are about A-tier or at the very least B-tiers. Though I'll help to see them in battle. Cat is...~ He shook his head, and looked back to the group. He glances to Horo as the others talk. ~Hmm...that sword sounds at least somewhat similar to my cestus, I wonder if they are related in some inter-dimension thingy....~

As the conversation turned to the slips of paper and teacher villains/heroes, the boxing superhero finally decided to speak up. "As a matter of fact we do have a slip! Though it's got no power in it." He walked over, taking the parchment from the magic user while his soul was transversing the cosmos or whatever. He held it out to Mimi, giving a shrug. "Here's the paper. Guru had said that the magic in the paper seems to transfer itself to another paper or whatever after the spell is cast. It would also seem that only the victim can only see the paper 'cause Pizza King tried to hand it to me, but I didn't see anything. After the reality hiccup only the note was left."

"As far as School-themed heroes and villains." Sam continued. "I wouldn't know where to start myself. I mean we have a super hero called Orientation Man when we heroes get to College. And it only gets more complicated from there. And then we have heroes and villains unaligned with school faulty motifs that aren't involved with Hero training in the least."
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Re: [SRP]NoMoreHeroes–Issue10: Mannahatta

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:36 pm

"it is only a suggestion." said Mimi as she looked at Josie. "I am suspecting that the person who was behind the mayhem in our universe is attempting to do some sort of revival here. It is only a theory."

"I was thinking I could make a scanner. One that can gather information from the piece of paper. I guess you have those in this dimension but with my abilities I can enhance it to do much more," said Mimi who was glad that she had her technomance abilities. It what set her appart from the rest of the team. "Still, we can always trust in Lykos's plan as well. That though would involve preparations for a raid which would need more superheroes due to the danger."
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