Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Harri-chan wrote:The appearance of the limousine cheered Cat's spirits after she'd been left out from all the investigative work. So used to traveling in such a vehicle, she immediately assumed it was linked to her. Her cape swished about as she hurried over towards it, and as the door began to open she moved as if to climb into the back, when she saw there was already someone inside. The teenager's brow creased in confusion as she studied him.
"And who are you?", she asked, one thin blonde eyebrow arching above her blue eyes as her hands settled on her hips, and she stood beside the open door of the limousine, while the group of heroes stood behind her, discussing their next plan of action.
Danarth wrote:Horo had approached the odd slip of paper, the detention notice. She leant forward then stopped a moment, the purely human portion of her mind once again felt a strong pang of embarrasment of what she was about do. It was not exactly what one might regard as normal behaviour. Shaking it off after a moment, she quashed that feeling of embarrasemet for the moment, though for a short time it had shown on her face that it was embarrasing, as her pale cheeks had trned slightly red. Shaking her head again as she stepped once more closer to the detention notice...
"The things I do for the sake of being a champion of justice" she murmered outloud, then clamped her mouth shut quickly, realizing quite how corny that sentence must have sounded.
Inhaling sharply with her nose close to piece of paper, then staggered backwards a little, shaking her head again, the sudden sensory input she recieved was powerful and rather unusual. The note clearly smelt of something beyond the usual state of reality she was aware of. Something in the back of her mind showed a brief flash of something most unpleasent and slimy, although she had no idea it was. Coughing a moment, waving her hand in front of her nose as if trying to dispel the odd, musty smell that she had gotten from the note.
"Well, I have a good impression of what this thing smells like...other worldly certainly." she straightened up and turned away from the note, trying to suppress the memory of the extremely ususual smell for the moment, there was certainly disconcerting about it "So, if we find anyone who has been handling these notes, I should be able to recognize them immediately"
She stopped a moment to watch the other hero that had joined them, recalling them that they had referred to him as Voodoo Guru, watching the mystic seem to go through some type of dance. The strands of magic that seemed to flow off the man seemed to possess its own particular scent, which seemed rather unusual. Continuing to observe magical ritual for a moment, trying to identify the scent of the different strands of magic.
So engrossed was she in the exercise of trying to seperate and understand the scent of the colours of the magic flowing around the room as the Voodoo Guru continued his ritual. Her attention only broke off when the Guru stopped and there was the sudden presence of the exact same other worldly, musty smell that she had gotten from the note they possessed but this one seemed new, almost fresh.Turning quickly to face the newcomer, her teeth bared and fangs on display as her left hand moved quickly towards the door, standing level with Cat, her grip on the blade lax at the moment though she was clearly more than ready to jump to action.
"Announce yourself...Friend or Foe?" she growled slightly, not realizing that she was reverting to the overly formal and rather embarrasing way of speak, as she kept her eyes locked on Margrave.
Danarth wrote:
"You are? Is this before or after you have pilfered the content of every roman history exhibit between here and Italy?" She giggled little, Horo wasn't terribly interested by history, but she had picked up enough to know the styling the man was wearing. Even then, the purple cape seemed a litle much. "If it is before, then I don't imagine anyone of us would be turning down the help, since this situation is unusual to say the least" she thought for a moment "I don't suppose you have had any renegade teachers with super powers escape from your country of late...Since if the note we have here is anything to go by...We seem to be dealing with some sort of crazed disciplinarian or educator" The tapped her cheek for a moment "Also, why do you smell like one of those notes, that other worldly, musty old smell is coming from you too...
"Oh....My name is Horo..." she added afterwards, an unusual compulsion made her bow slightly in what would be a respectful manner.
ZeroForever wrote:“The terrific trio is currently in the Q-Dimension dealing with some alter ego called Discord or such.”
The Seer mentioned seeming stepping out of nowhere or more correctly dropping in out of nowhere to answer Vambraces somewhat Rhetorical question. After all if they weren’t here they were likely saving the universe in some other fashion given which they were. His motion of ‘hold’ however was clear to the other heroes or at least he hoped, thankfully the hot shots like Magnum wasn’t around as he would always shot first create intentional incident think later sort.
The Seer looked over the interdimensional guest, not really impressed so far but then again he knew better than anyone that looks could be deceiving.
“What she said” the seer nodding towards Horo’s question “So Margrave do you know what’s going on?”
Stepping forward in front of the others the cloaked seer spoke in his deep knowing tone of voice
“Or dimensional intrusion known to even you? I’m assuming that’s why you came here the copy you have is making even you nervous isn’t it.”
“Dislike as much as I do your currently our best lead at the moment. Guru or Mecha Maid girl have you figured out anyway to restrict its effects?” she said off handled to the Guru and Mimi, admittedly those he was surprised Lykos gave her name willingly though I guess lack of ID in this universe probably made her not care. Or maybe she was the willy nilly types, the kid hero also struck him the wrong way. While he did know that she used to be older from the brief biopsy that mimi had sent earlier she seemed way to much like the teen preeny heroes he had to bail out every so often and made his mood even more foul. In general there were too many unknowns and the seer hated unknowns.
As Margrave allowed them to revel in his presence the groups seeming staring each other down the energies from the old detention slip like notice faded faster and faster as they gathered in Margraves copy faster and faster. It was getting strong enough that his passive armor sensors were even registering it.
The guru’s face lit up after his barely speaking role since appearance mention “Ya Mon, quick put the paper in the voodoo so I can do my juju” in a fake Jamaican accent that was obviously intentional while dancing around the magic circle modifying the ruins. The seer internally cringed, there was a reason the seer made sure he didn’t let the Voodoo Guru speak more than needed. After all even if he was the most powerful magic user in the world he was still way to into his hero persona.
Harri-chan wrote:
"Hold on a minute... who decided you're the best person to look at it?", she said with a frown in the direction of The Guru. Of course, she knew that SHE was far from the best person to try and figure this all out, yet her immature emotions were far stronger than any logic. She didn't like not being the center of attention, and so stepped back in front of Margrave, holding out her hand.
"I'll take a look at that if you don't mind. I've dealt with these sort of villains before... ", she said in a tone that just reeked of spoiled little brat!
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