Reincarnate Yourself Today!

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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:24 am

Yama gives Yuki a sad smile and a small nod, sipping his tea.

"You gave in to despair and threw everything away... I understand. What would you like me to do?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:30 am

Smiles, setting down his tea. "This is going to sound so stupid, but... just surprise me."

He settles back into his seat and and crosses his legs, staring off into space. "Whatever bright ideas you have are fine with me. All I know is that I don't want to be anything like I am now when we're done. And I wouldn't mind having a place to live and a job that doesn't really require me to leave home, either..."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:44 am

Yama gives a smile and a nod.

"Understood. When you are ready, stand in that magic circle."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:49 am

Yuki nods and stands up. He does a quick stretch to mask his apprehension, and before long, he steps into the circle. He gives a somewhat nervous chuckle.

"Heh... alright. Here we go, I guess."
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:12 am

Yama stands and walks over to the circle, tapping it with his keystaff. It instantly flares to life, shining brightly, filling Yuki's body with powerful tingles... when suddenly, his whole body is reduced to it's component elements, his soul now floating free!

"Holding up okay?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:36 am

Blinks, an awestruck expression on his face. "O-oh my God! What in the world just happened?" He looked at himself and down at his disintegrating body. "What on Earth...? First the weirdest things I've ever felt all over, and then I watch my body break up?"

Hears Yama's question and gives a laugh. "Ha... I'd say that I'm not since my body just... went poof and all."
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:37 am

"Do not worry, all part of the process." Yama says with a smile.

"Now comes the tricky part." he says as the component elements starts to swirl around his soul once more!
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:53 am

He watches the elements closely, a worried look on his face. "A-all part of the process, huh?" He laughs nervously again. "I'll admit, it's kind of scary..."

He glances at Yama. "Tricky...? What about it is tricky?"
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:13 am

"Taking things apart is easy. Putting them back together properly is harder." Yama says.

The elements begin to rebuild into a new body to house Yuki's soul, starting from the head and building down. This one is wildly different from his old one though... smaller and waifish with long teal hair with matching eyes, wide and innocent. Cheeks with a rosy glow, a button nose and cute pouty lips. Skin that was pale, like fresh fallen snow, smooth and hairless, free of blemishes.

The shoulders are more rounded, with smooth arms and dainty hands with nails that extend slightly beyond the fingertips. The chest has a pair of budding breasts on it, the waist slightly slimmer than the hips. Long smooth legs with padded thighs and dainty feet.

As the body finishes forming, Yuki takes an instinctive breath, like a newborn would, filling her new lungs with air, her voice gasping, high and soft.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:39 am

"世界で何? (What in the world?)" She gasped at the sound of her voice, and the foreign words that seemed to come out. "What did I just say...? Was that... Japanese? And why it so..." Even when she wasn't speaking in Japanese, she spoke in a thick Japanese accent. She stopped and took a few moments to examine herself, looking over her smooth arms and small hands. She lifted her feet to get a glimpse of them as well, blushing at the roundness of her thighs. She continued with her thorough investigation of herself until her eyes met Yama's again. "Why am I a girl? And why... I'm not speaking good?"

She walked closer to Yama, blushing at the sensations that she felt as she did. She scowled at Yama and shouted rather indignantly: "私は女の子であることが要求されませんでした!(I didn't ask to be a girl!)." She blushed, covering her mouth again. "... this... not what I meant..."
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:01 am

"You did say, 'surprise you'. I think I did that. And things are not over yet, you are still nude." Yama says, politely fixing his gaze on the roof.

The remains of Yuki's clothes begin to swirl around her body, forming into a new set of clothes! First, a training bra forms, a lime green one, lifting and supporting her budding chest. A pair of matching frilly panties form along with them, tickling her waist and thighs. On top of them, a shirt forms, designed to resemble a kimono. Lime green with yellow hems and a dark blue sash around the waist and a yellow string to cinch it up, the hem going down to the top of her thighs. A dark blue poofy skirt forms around her legs, going down to mid thighs.

A pair of stockings, white with red ribbons to cinch them up form on her legs, coming up to her mid thigh, the seam going up the front and back, a gap between where her big toe and the rest of her toes go. A pair of sandals with green soles and red straps form on her feet, the straps going into the gap in her stockings. A pair of detached sleeves form on her arms, green frills at the wrist, the rest matching her stockings, hugging tight to her smooth skin. Her teal hair is held back with a yellow headdress with a decoration looking like a sliced lime on it.

Yama opens his notebook and some orbs of light emerge from it. The first sinks into her forehead, shifting her behaviour and mannerisms... she finds that all the emotions she feels are more muted, she is now calm and composed at all times externally. And yet, she may find herself acting a bit more.. girlish. Her tastes shifting to more girly things, her behaviour being more girlish. An emotionally subdued girlish perhaps but still. She also find herself wanting to... protect others, to fight evil, to bring justice! Even if she wants to hide, to save herself, she may be compelled to run out and be a hero.

The second orb sinks into her chest... as Yuki gains magical powers! She can feel the magic buzzing through her veins, like icy electricity, under her command. THe last orb floats before her, suddenly expanding into a staff! A red one, with a black leather grip, and two long banners dangling from the golden ring at the tip, one dark blue, the other pure white. Reflexively, her body reaches out and grasps it!

The circle stops glowing and Yama steps back, as Yuki is left as a magical girl!

"So? How do you feel?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:19 am

She glances at herself... letting all of the changes sink in. She's blushing... fiercely, but it doesn't take her very long to seem more... demure. Relaxed. Her gaping expression dissipates leaving a look of very quiet surprise on her face instead. "I'm... okay. But... it feel certainry different..." She unconsciously raises her hand to her mouth as she examines herself further and blushes... which proves to be quite the cute and feminine pose. Once she realizes how... well, girly, she must look, especially with the way she was holding her staff, she turned to Yama again. This time, however, she wasn't scowling. She simply had a look of quiet discomfort on her face, but that couldn't interfere with the serene grace she now seemed to posses.

"私はこれを信じることができない... (I can not believe this...)" She spoke quietly and softly, her words so gentle... her voice seeming to usher in a sort of peacefulness. She holds her hand to her chest and the same countenance of subtle surprise appears on her visage once more. "I... so quiet. And I not able to yerr..." She struggled with her words. "I mean... yeellll." She had to pronounce it slowly and carefully. It obviously took some degree of effort...
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:24 am

Yama gives a slight nod.

"I felt that muting your emotions would help. The reason you fell so far is that you let your despair overwhelm you. Being in a form with subdued emotions may help you. You mentioned wanting a job, now you have one, as a defender of the peace. As for a home... I believe I can arrange something."

He tilts his head a bit and gives a slight grin.

"But, for future reference, you should not tell beings like me to surprise you. Because we will always think of something that will surprise you in a bad way."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:35 am

"白痴。 (Idiot.)" Her voice is still so quiet, and the energy of her words so gentle. Her expression still seems... uncomfortable. If not angry now then... flustered? My, she was blushing up a storm... and even squirming there where she stood, though her face refused to show any other signs of embarrassment save for the flush. She frowned ever so slightly, but it was almost impossible to discern; her face almost never seemed to show signs of anything but placidity now.

"What Yama mean with... defender of peace?" She tilted her head slightly to the left; that seemed to be the extent of what she could do to indicate that she was asking a question, what with her limited vocabulary and stifled emotions. "How... that... job?" She seemed to be taking a long time trying to recall words now. Her English vocabulary must have taken a hit when she changed as well.
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"A [person] may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on." ~ John F. Kennedy
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:42 am

Yama gives a slight grin.

"Oh, perhaps... duty is a better phrase. But you will have an after school job of course. Perhaps selling shaved ice? I will deal with your school fees myself though... consider it a gift. But to pay it off, you must destroy evil wherever you go. Understood? That is my fee for you."

He chuckles and walks up to Yuki-my that name fits better now, doesn't it?-and hugs her. While she might have towered over him when he came in, now he is level with her mouth!
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