Reincarnate Yourself Today!

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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:22 pm

"Well of course. Most bodies have the same elements in different amounts, no?" Yama says with a smile as the magic begins to erase Mizuki's appearance, turning her into a formless white ball, the components swirling around the ball, beginning to form!

Starting from the head, the process begins, a cute girlish face framed by red hair cut in a bob, becoming paler towards the tips, eventually becoming white. Te ears are pointed, jutting outwards and the eyes are violet, a black tattoo under her left eye, the cheeks rosy and pink. A small mouth with canines longer than normal forms last, as the neck and body begins to form next.

The neck develops, slim and swanlight, any words made with it coming out in a light airy soft tone, the words them self being rather old-fashioned and archaic, all tinged with a French accent. The arms form, slim and dainty, ending with slim fingers, the arms looking like they've never been used to do anything more strenuous than lift teacups. The torso is slim, with small budding breasts, the waist a bit slimmer than the hips and rear. A single leathery batlike wing, black tinged with crimson emerges from her bacl Mizuki is still female it seems, her legs long and slim... she seems to be a bit younger than she was before.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:13 pm

As soon as her eyes are formed, they begin to glance around her forming body curiously. Rather than any degree of worry, she simply responds with an imperishable smile and a happy glimmer in her violet eyes. As soon as she can, she runs her hand across her red bangs and grows ever happier at the softness of it.

"I've never had red hair before, you know~?" She giggles at the sound of her voice as a rosiness comes to her cheeks. "Ah~! Quite zee beautiful voice your chose for me. I do love it so. I'm almost tempted to sing for you." Her gaze wanders to Yama for a moment and she shoots him a toothy smile.

As her wings appear, she only grows more exuberant and displays this with a flutter. Something about Mizuki's expression and demeanor makes the form, especially the face and the tiny arms, fit her scarily well. She continues to thoroughly examine herself as the changes progress further.
Last edited by Restless Lucidity on Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:44 pm

Yama gives a small chuckle, politely looking away from Mizuki's naked form.

"Thank me when you're fully clothed." he says, new clothes begining to form. First, a black pair of frilly panties with matching bra, only an A-cup though. On top of them, a sleeveless, collarless, buttoned shirt with a tail, black with pink stripes and white around the buttons, two lilac bows hanging from the hips. Around her legs, three layers of ruffled, pleated skirts, the bottom layer lilac, the second black and the topmost white. On her legs, white thighhigh stockings with purple stripes at the hem and black mary janes with a 1-inch heel,

On her arms, black opera gloves that come up to her upper arm, pink stripes at the hems. A crucifix-shaped pendant loops around her neck as two metal rings attach to her left ear. A black hairband with a bow attacked ties her hair back as bandages cover her right eye, leaving Mizuki looking like so.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:58 pm

When the change completes, Mizuki gives a smile that well displays her new, elongated teeth. She curiously toys with some of the bandages affixed to her right eye and soon abandons them to adjust the ribbon atop her head. She gives yet another happy giggle and follows it up with a twirl. Every motion, however stereo typically cute it might have been, always found a way to convey also an ominous vibe that, again, so well fit her new form. She plays with a few more strands of hair before letting them fall and fixing her gaze on Yama again.

"Ah~! Zis is so vonderful~!" With another small, well-controlled twirl, she moves over to Yama and gives the boy a gentle hug. She looks him in the eyes after easing out of the hug enough to do so and makes another inquiry, "But vatever gave ju zee idea?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:57 pm

Yama smile and takes a seat at his rich mahogany table, pushing out a chair for Mizuki. His own chair has been discretely heightened.

"Well, I felt you had kind of a 'dark aristocrat' feel about you, if you do not mind me saying. So I felt a vampire would be a good form for you."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:13 pm

She continues to grin at him and happily takes a seat herself, never taking her eyes off of her host. She quirks her eyebrow at the apparent difference in the height of his chair... or is that just her imagination? She gives an equally discreet shrug and crosses her legs.

"Dark aristocrat, hmm?" She gives a small giggle. "Zat does sound quite lovely~"

She quietly rests her elbow on the mahogany table and her head on her dainty left hand. She sits in silence for a moment, glancing around the establishment, giving her environment another thorough examination. Eventually, she speaks again. "Aahhh... I suppose you aren't as busy as I had thought at first." She smiles and turns to face him, looking him in the eyes. In her own are small twinkles. "Zat isn't an issue, though, of course. It gives us more time to speak together~"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:29 pm

Yama smiles as Mizuki takes her seat, pouring her some tea from a teapot... was that always there? There is also milk, cream and sugar to be used.

"Oh, business has been a bit slow here, but I have places all over the universe."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Nosnits » Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:50 pm

It had been long, far too long, since he had done anything. Since he had gone further than a block away, been outside longer than an hour. He hadn't really had any reason to leave, really. He had a house right next to a food store, one that luckily served food that was mostly normal. He learned to cook food from old cookbooks, to various success. He'd read books from the bookstore down the street. Life was quiet, save for the occasional robot attacks and zombies in the street. But that was normal, for Muffinville. Life was normal. Calm. Predictable.

But that might soon change.

He had gotten one of these fliers. They were on the shelf at the bookstore, in a neat stack beside a flier for Tomapple Times (With a free introductory Tomapple with the first order), and an advertisement for "Green Rocks Muffinville" bimbo concert at Muffinville Stadium. It was for a 'Reincarnationery', which promised a new life. It was something that flat out stated that you might change into something else, unlike the sneakier attempts of the other two. On the other hand, it's bluntness also meant that it wouldn't be a trap, and it wouldn't be something that would turn him into something else for sure. Unless, of course, if whoever ran it was twice as clever than the norm, and double-bluffing. Though he doubted that would be the case. He was, however, intrigued. Moreso than the concert, and moreso than the magazine subscription (Once you read Tomapple Times, you'll never be the same!). His intrest was piqued, which it hadn't been for a long time.

And he wanted to find out why.

So that's why, one cool, winter's day, with the snow lightly falling on the ground, that Nos, wearing a nice overcoat, walked up to the door of the Reincarnationery. Rubbing the fog off of his glasses, and dusting some of the sticking snow from his coat, he turned the handle to the door, and walked inside, shutting it behind him.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:56 am

Mizuki continues to smile as Yama pours the tea for her. "How kind of ju~" She takes a bit of cream and sugar and adds them to her glass. She takes a sip when she is done stirring the contents, deciding after that taste test it needs just a little more sugar. She adds it in, stirs, and takes another sip, this time looking quite satisfied. She opens her mouth and looks ready to make another comment before she notices the door being opened. She keeps her eyes trained on the new arrival in a not quite discreet way as she takes another sip. Once done, she sets the glass down and folds her arms neatly in her lap. She shoots the man a toothy grin and pauses just a moment before she finally acknowledges his presence with words.

"Vell vell... I might have spoken too soon about ju not having many visitors~" She turns her head to look him straight in the eyes. "And vat might you be looking for here? Or maybe you had vetter talk to the owner about that." She glances and motions to the boy on the opposite side of the table from herself.
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:05 am

*As Nos enters, he finds himself standing in a hall made entirely of wood. The first thing that would catch his eye is the large mural on the far wall, depicting a monstrous red being riding atop a water buffalo, holding a golden lasso. Said lasso has grabbed one of the many humans milling around it, pulling what looks like a blue flame from his body. Next would be the grand magic circle carved into the floor, surrounded by four pillars. with torches attached to them. To the side is Yama himself and Mizuki, sitting at a table and drinking tea.*

"Indeed you are Miss Mizuki. Excuse me a moment as I welcome him." Yama says, getting out of his chair and walking over to Nos, leaving his key by the table, balanced on it's tip. He gives Nos a bow and smiles warmly.

"Welcome to the Reincarnatory sir, my name is Yama, the proprietor. Are you here to solicit my services, or just to escape the cold? I can accommodate you either way."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Nosnits » Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:25 pm

There was something odd about the store, right from the start. Not that it had hardwood panels, no. That was actually quite nice. Not even the mural on the far wall, though it was a little odd. Whatever they were doing with that giant beast, Nos didn't want to really know. He wasn't one to lasso monsters on the side. But no, he wasn't one to judge on art, everyone had their own tastes. The problem was his feet. He glanced down. It was all made of wood. Which meant there was no rug. Normally, when he walked into a store, especially when it was raining, he'd drag his feet on the rug a few times as he walked in. It was something he did automatically, without thinking. It was a little odd without it. Luckily, it was only snowing outside, but he was worried that his feet would squeak as he walked across the floor.

He drew his eyes back up, noticing the..rather large pentagram-esc thing in the middle. Which, suffice to say, was probably what gave the Reincarnationry it's reincarnations. Beside it were two people. One, a bandaged woman. The other, a young looking boy with wings. They were having tea together as well. The woman spoke first, in an accent that one would expect coming from an old vampire movie. That being the case, knowing how Muffinville was, it meant that she was probably a vampire as well. He nodded at her as she mentioned the owner, eyes following her nod to the owner. Which happened to be the younger boy.

Which was not one of the most unusual things Nos had ever seen, but it was still odd seeing someone that was younger running a store. Though, of course, looks could always be deceiving. Especially in a place that dealt with reincarnations. He listened as the boy talked, revealing his name as Yama. "I'm Nos," He said, wearing a small smile, glancing behind Yama to see the key balancing on its tip..before looking back. "Not exactly the former, but most probably the latter." He said to his second part. "I saw and advertisement for your.." He paused a bit, "Business, and I thought I would check it out." With that, he glanced around a bit. "..You wouldn't happen to have somewhere I could hang up my coat, by the way, would you?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Restless Lucidity » Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:13 pm

She continues to watch the man with interest, a mischievous grin on her visage and similar glint in her purple eyes. She looks like a vampire, that's for certain, a detail which may add to the ominous air the girl gives off. If he gives her a glance, even a quick one, he'll be sure to notice the larger canines in her smile. All of this taken into consideration, she must either be a vampire or have one of the finest Halloween costumes ever conceived and made into clothing. It's abundantly clear based on that glint in her eyes that she's taken some form of interest in Yama's guest... but just where that may lead is unclear to everyone - Yama included, of course. It all might make the curious shopkeeper wonder if he had made the right choice in giving such an enigmatic young woman such a dangerous form... but, of course, it's all the more likely that he would entertained by her antics.

As the man draws near, all of these things - the danger in her eyes, her long canines, and her aura of foreboding - seem to bear down heavily on him. They combined, of course, with any other apprehension he could have had prior to entering the building. Whether or not all of this would have a profound effect on him was too be seen, but he would surely have the thought that it would be best to avoid her cross his mind... lest he was looking for the sort of trouble she would bring~

As the man converses with Yama, she sets down her teacup and straightens out her posture. She waits for his eyes to wander to her and grimaces in a way that displays her elongated teeth well. Too well. Seconds after, she raises her hands to strike a menacing pose... and gives an equally menacing hiss! If he wasn't convinced that she was a vampire before, he must be now.

"Ah ha~!" She gives a cackle in that cute yet creepy voice of hers, her attentions focused completely on the man before her. "Ju 'ave fallen right into my trap! Ready my plates, Yama! Dinner 'as arrived~"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:32 pm

Yama smiles at Nos, seeming to radiate a feeling of calm, one that must contrast with Mizuki's own ominous aura immensely. He gestures to a coat hanger that stands by the door that apparently wasn't there before, a wooden one with four hooks.

"Very well then, stay as long as you wish. Ask me anything you would like to know."

At Mizuki's little outburst, he chuckles and his wings flutter, his own calming aura intensifying, filling the room. "Now Miss Mizuki, I know you wis to test that form out, but please do not scare any potential customers away."
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Nosnits » Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:12 pm

Nos was never all that good at reading people. Sure, he could make observations on their appearances, but not, for example, as well as Sherlock Holmes would of been able to. But things like what clothes they were wearing, body parts, accents, ect. But these two people seemed to be quite different than normal. One, the woman, seemed to be doing her best to trying to try to get on his nerves. She wasa, it seemed, trying to confirm that she was a vampire in his mind. Not just her eyes and teeth, but she seemed to be giving off an unsettling vibe, which was quite strange considering the earlier facts.

The other one, Yama, was even odder. He seemed to be giving off a vibe himself, one that felt calming. Something Nos was immensely suspicious of. Normally, when something wanted you to feel calm, it had something to hide. But he put both these facts into the back of his mind for the time being. Nos turned to the empty coat hanger, the one that he hadn't noticed as he had walked in. Something else he was suspicious of, but not highly so. The fact that Yama could, seemingly, generate a coat hanger out of nowhere meant he was far more powerful than he appeared.

Taking off his overcoat, the others may notice that it was of quite decent quality. Long and thin, Nos sought out the little chain on the neck, hanging it on the hanger. Luckily, it hadn't gotten too wet, and would be dry for the time he was ready to leave. He turned back, in time to catch the odd woman's outburst. "I'm sorry to disappoint," He called out, a small grin on his face, "I didn't bring any food with me!" He could play the game too. It was best to be polite and joking in these situations.

Turning back to Yama, he blinks a bit at his wings, before glancing back down at the younger boy. He noted that he had called him a potential customer, but that was yet to be seen. "Well, I do have a few questions. I think I'll start with the most obvious one first, I think. What exactly is it that you do around here?"
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Re: Reincarnate Yourself Today!

Postby Blaze » Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:02 pm

Yama sits at the table once more, another chair suddenly just being... there, one for Nos to sit at. A teacup sits before it, empty. As for Nos's coat, even if he were to turn and leave, he would find that it has been warmed and dried.

"Well, to answer your question, I am the proprietor. I offer people a chance to start their lives anew in new bodies, to forget, to atone, or break away from their fate. usually for a fee. Now, I have a question for you: how do you take your tea?"
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