Dimensional Labyrinth

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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Ookalf » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:04 pm

Blaze wrote:Whoever left these tracks did not want to be found. They double back, leave false trails and are all in all a pain to follow after. Though eventually he strikes lucky, stumbling across multiple tracks, all heading in the same direction.

Man... This guy really doesn't want people following, huh? *Ookalf is briefly thrown by one or two of these diversions, but presses on and begins to follow this promising looking set of multiple tracks.*
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Maiden Miki » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:08 am

Blaze wrote:As Mike steps out of the locker, it seems to fizzle behind her. reality distorting as it becomes more 'complete.' Some normal clothes are now inside, as well as cosmetics, a couple of books and some spare bunny outfits. No longer does it look like she could have ever fit inside. Walking in those heels should have been a chore but somehow... Mike just knows how to place her feet, walking with an alluring confidence, hips, rear and tail swaying in a distracting way!

As Mike shakes the deck, the cards inside rattle around... the curved corner of one suddenly puncturing the cardboard container neatly and cleanly! These... don't seem to be ordinary cards.

"Okay...This is strange," said Mike as she walked out of the locker and saw how small it was. She took a better look at it and made sure of what just happen. All she saw was a extra clothes and normal things that a normal bunny girl would have. "Either that was some weird stuff or I am just much smaller then I was before...."

As Mike walked, she would notice the sway in her hips and overall movement. She could already tell that this was something that had taken years to develop and would turn on any guy. It was at least distracting due to how over exaggerating her movements were.

It was then that Mike notice one of the cards sticking out of the box and how it had cut though. She lean her head over a bit to take a better look.

"Now, I have never had these kind of cards. Either I am magic or this is a bit much," said Mike as she try to see if the edges were sharpen.


"Now where am i going?" asked Miki as she tried to open the door to the building.
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Kumi-chan » Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:36 am

Interesting. Seems whoever put this here didn't want it to be so easily closed. Little did they know I *grabs onto the tendril itself as it pops out of the portal* Was here. *She having the knowledge that she had gained was going to head in anyways. She opens her own portal across the tendril, itself to cut it. If this works or not She heads through the rift that it came from.*
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:13 pm

Blaze wrote:Spinning around, Dact sees... a vending machine? One with a clown on it! The voice seems to be coming from a speaker, one that says "Fill your cravings at the Circus of Value!" There are a couple of other machines next to it, one that has a stereotypical bandito on it... and another that is bathed in an eerie pink light, with two statues of little girls in pink dresses. On a sign at the top of it, reads 'Gatherer's Garden.'

Dact... sweatdrops. "Well this is... odd." He mutters, looking over the machines. What in the world was this place?
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Blaze » Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:56 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Jenah's brown eyes looked down over her bare arms, watching as they became shorter and more pudgy, and then she sat back on her butt, unfolding her legs out in front of herself to see exactly the same had happened to them. She made a surprised gasping sound as her clothes started to shift and meld, shaking her head from side to side as she soft the whites and soft blues, before squirming as her shorts began to tighten around butt and between her thighs.

"Wonderland!", she gasped, squeezing a handful of blue material. Her eyes widened, looking back to the little door, and then at the splattered fruit on the floor. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt what curves she had disappearing, her tummy rounding out a little with more childish fat, which combined with the growing amount of material around her thighs was quickly making her feel quite clumsy and awkward.

"I remember! It's from the childrens book! Elliot even has a movie of it...".

*POOF* With a sudden explosion of frills and fabric, Jenah's shorts cascade down her legs, multiple layers of petticoats pushing up the new dress! It has frills at the hem and multiple bows on it, some with frills of their own! Her top and jacket have become equally soft and frilly, a bodice on top tied on to make the fabric hug her skin.Her sleeves don't even go to her elbows now, having become poofy alice sleeves, secured with frilled elastic.

Her socks have crawled up her legs now, becoming blue tights that cling to her slightly chubbier legs, her shoes now elevated blue mary janes. A large blue ribbon appears on her chest as a matching frilly bonnet appeats on her head! A book appears in her hands as Jenah finishes shrinking, now looking like so and being small enough to pass through the door!

Kether wrote:"Right so.. that was easy enough' he says to him self then turns to one of the newly appearing towns folk, "I'm alittle lost where exactly is this place?"

An old man wearing light, breathable clothes stained with dust and a wide-brimmed hat approaches the robot.

"Well stranger, this here be Stanton's Gulch! Used to be a fine ol' place before the local sheriff up and died of the gout. No one's had the gumpton to replace hi, until you came along!"

Ryan5011 wrote:Naiya ignores the cheek pinching, figuring this is all just a dream...And if it wasn't, she didn't want to know what the red stuff in the bottle was. In case it was real, she decides to play dumb to figure out where she was, and what her situation was. "I...slept okay. It could have been better...I feel a bit...hazy? I can't even remember where we are..."

"Aw, poor dear! You even forgot your parents~?" the older woman says with a giggle, ruffling Naiya's hair affectionately.

"Honestly Flandre, our daughter is confused, take this seriously. We're in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, remember dear?" the other woman with the third eyeball says, looking a bit more concerned.

Ookalf wrote:Man... This guy really doesn't want people following, huh? *Ookalf is briefly thrown by one or two of these diversions, but presses on and begins to follow this promising looking set of multiple tracks.*

Following the tracks, Ookalf suddenly hears the ominous creak of a bowstring being drawn from the trees above him.

"Turn back human. I won't ask again." a voice commands.

Maiden Miki wrote:"Okay...This is strange," said Mike as she walked out of the locker and saw how small it was. She took a better look at it and made sure of what just happen. All she saw was a extra clothes and normal things that a normal bunny girl would have. "Either that was some weird stuff or I am just much smaller then I was before...."

As Mike walked, she would notice the sway in her hips and overall movement. She could already tell that this was something that had taken years to develop and would turn on any guy. It was at least distracting due to how over exaggerating her movements were.

It was then that Mike notice one of the cards sticking out of the box and how it had cut though. She lean her head over a bit to take a better look.

"Now, I have never had these kind of cards. Either I am magic or this is a bit much," said Mike as she try to see if the edges were sharpen.


"Now where am i going?" asked Miki as she tried to open the door to the building.

As she examines the cards, she finds that yes, they do seem to be much sharper than normal cards! And yet, it's like her body already knows this, running her fingers very gently over their edges, handling the deck with great care and precision. Suddenly, she hears a voice, so quiet and right in her ear.

"Heart, this is Club. You in position?"


As Miki enters the building, she sees that she seems to be in a cloakroom in a typical primary school, various kinds of bags hanging from their allocated hooks. It seems to be the girl's room, considering the abundance of hearts and cats on the hooks. But... one seems to have her name above the hook.

Kumi-chan wrote:Interesting. Seems whoever put this here didn't want it to be so easily closed. Little did they know I *grabs onto the tendril itself as it pops out of the portal* Was here. *She having the knowledge that she had gained was going to head in anyways. She opens her own portal across the tendril, itself to cut it. If this works or not She heads through the rift that it came from.*

The tendril seems to shriek as Kumi cuts it, a rift being opened! As she falls through, likely experiencing the typical effects if dimensional travel, she soon emerges on a snowy mountain. The remains of some kind of structure are strewn about the area, blue glowing lines etched into them... as are many kinds of bullet cartridges, indicating some kind of battle took place here once.

Knight Errant wrote:Dact... sweatdrops. "Well this is... odd." He mutters, looking over the machines. What in the world was this place?

As Dact examines the vending machines, the one with the purple glow and little girls bursts into song!

"My daddy's SMARTER than Einstein, STRONGER than Hercules and lights a fire with a SNAP of his fingers. Are you as good as my daddy, Mister? Not if you don't visit the Gatherer's Garden, you aren't! Smart daddies get spliced, at the Gardens!"
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Kether » Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:44 am

"I'm more passing through than that, But could you tell me what start or territory we're in?"
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Harri-chan » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:59 am

If Jenah had looked pleased at figuring out where she recognised her surroundings from, it was short-lived. A horrified expression swept over her face as the shorts burst into a mass of frill petticoats that pushed the dress up and out! She made a gagging sound as her hand tried to smooth down the mass of fabric that was swishing about her legs, and quickly pulled her fingers away.

"I HATE dresses... ", she whined as the bonnet appeared on her head and the book in her hands. Pulling herself back up onto her knees, now with a constant and not quiet rustling sound, she peered down at the book with a frown, and setting it on her lap, she went to open it up.

"This better have instruction to reverse all this once I'm on the other side of the door... ".
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Kumi-chan » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:22 pm

*Of course with Kumi being used to traveling as such she isn't really effected by the trip through the rift. Landing in the snow and jumping up to land on a portal* Ahh.. cold. Skirt bad. *the blue skirt of her seifuku blows in the wind. She moves a portal down from her waist down switching out the skirt for some blue pants and loafers for some snow boots.* Better. Now.
*She looks around and notices the ruins or whatnot. She Being her already noticed the signs of a fight, the bullet holes and everything.* Guns are the typical weapon of this dimension here. *reaches up and pulls out her electromagnetic sniper rifle, pulling it onto her back.* Runes... glowing faintly I do believe they hold some kind of energies. *her eyes go green, looking gem like. She studying the blue glowing of the etchings.*
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Ryan5011 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:23 pm

"Forgot...my parents?" Naiya questioned aloud, and then thought to herself that was nearly impossible. "O-Of course I wouldn't forget my parents. That's silly!" Naiya said nervously at Flandre before looking back up at the other women, primarily the third eye, wondering why she looks so...strange.
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Maiden Miki » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:10 am

Blaze wrote:As she examines the cards, she finds that yes, they do seem to be much sharper than normal cards! And yet, it's like her body already knows this, running her fingers very gently over their edges, handling the deck with great care and precision. Suddenly, she hears a voice, so quiet and right in her ear.

"Heart, this is Club. You in position?"


As Miki enters the building, she sees that she seems to be in a cloakroom in a typical primary school, various kinds of bags hanging from their allocated hooks. It seems to be the girl's room, considering the abundance of hearts and cats on the hooks. But... one seems to have her name above the hook.

"Muscle memory," said Mike as she felt the cards and notice that her body knew not to press too hard against the edges. She did almost press too hard at the sudden voice in her head. Mike looked around to see if she could find the source of the voice before realizing it was in her ear.

Judging by the message, it sounds as if her name was "Heart". It could be a code name but she must got with it.

"This is Heart," whisper Mike as she responded back. "I am in the locker room."


"I do not like where this is going..." said Miki as she saw the bags hanging and the hook with her name on it. She walked over it and see if there was a bag and what was inside it.
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Ookalf » Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:13 pm

Blaze wrote:Following the tracks, Ookalf suddenly hears the ominous creak of a bowstring being drawn from the trees above him.

"Turn back human. I won't ask again." a voice commands.

Hm? *Ookalf stands up straight and holds his hands over his head.* Hey, hang on. I'm not here to hurt anyone... I'm just looking around, trying to figure out where I am.
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Blaze » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:41 am

Kether wrote:"I'm more passing through than that, But could you tell me what start or territory we're in?"

The crowd seems disheartened when the machine man says that he doesn't plan on sticking around.

"B-But... the rest of their gang will want retribution! Can you at least stay to drive them off?" the elder pleads.

Harri-chan wrote:If Jenah had looked pleased at figuring out where she recognised her surroundings from, it was short-lived. A horrified expression swept over her face as the shorts burst into a mass of frill petticoats that pushed the dress up and out! She made a gagging sound as her hand tried to smooth down the mass of fabric that was swishing about her legs, and quickly pulled her fingers away.

"I HATE dresses... ", she whined as the bonnet appeared on her head and the book in her hands. Pulling herself back up onto her knees, now with a constant and not quiet rustling sound, she peered down at the book with a frown, and setting it on her lap, she went to open it up.

"This better have instruction to reverse all this once I'm on the other side of the door... ".

The book... seems to be a copy of Alice in Wonderland! All the characters and scenes are there... but it's only about 'Alice' after a certain point. In every point before entering the tiny talking door, it's about Jenah! It details her finding the tear, falling in, arriving in this place, becoming smaller and frillier...

"Are you still coming in? I would like to resume my nap..." the door grumbles sleepily.

Kumi-chan wrote:*Of course with Kumi being used to traveling as such she isn't really effected by the trip through the rift. Landing in the snow and jumping up to land on a portal* Ahh.. cold. Skirt bad. *the blue skirt of her seifuku blows in the wind. She moves a portal down from her waist down switching out the skirt for some blue pants and loafers for some snow boots.* Better. Now.
*She looks around and notices the ruins or whatnot. She Being her already noticed the signs of a fight, the bullet holes and everything.* Guns are the typical weapon of this dimension here. *reaches up and pulls out her electromagnetic sniper rifle, pulling it onto her back.* Runes... glowing faintly I do believe they hold some kind of energies. *her eyes go green, looking gem like. She studying the blue glowing of the etchings.*

Indeed the runes do hold some kind of energy, but it seems to be more scientific than magic. However, the tech is so advanced that the two are barely distinguishable. It's purpose seems to be maintaining a seal on some kind of pocket dimension. The seal appears to be unbreakable without some kind of unlocking device.

However, her eyes may be drawn to some kind of powerful material hidden under a snow drift.

Ryan5011 wrote:"Forgot...my parents?" Naiya questioned aloud, and then thought to herself that was nearly impossible. "O-Of course I wouldn't forget my parents. That's silly!" Naiya said nervously at Flandre before looking back up at the other women, primarily the third eye, wondering why she looks so...strange.

Naiya isn't one to talk when it comes to 'strange' though is she? She has more yes than this woman! Speaking of, she may suddenly realize that she's been receiving visual information from said eyes, her range of vision being much wider and greater than before.

"Well good! Because if you forgot me, I would have to burn my name into your mind sweetie~" Flandre says with a cheerful grin that doesn't seem to reach her eerie glowing eyes. The other woman sighs dramatically and pours Naiya a glass of the red stuff.

"Eat up dear."

Maiden Miki wrote:"Muscle memory," said Mike as she felt the cards and notice that her body knew not to press too hard against the edges. She did almost press too hard at the sudden voice in her head. Mike looked around to see if she could find the source of the voice before realizing it was in her ear.

Judging by the message, it sounds as if her name was "Heart". It could be a code name but she must got with it.

"This is Heart," whisper Mike as she responded back. "I am in the locker room."


"I do not like where this is going..." said Miki as she saw the bags hanging and the hook with her name on it. She walked over it and see if there was a bag and what was inside it.

"All right. Remember, the casino doesn't like their waitresses spending too much time around one person, so you only got one shot at lifting those keys." Club says. Now that she's paying attention, she can tell that the voice belongs to a man.

"Diamond has reported that he's currently at roulette table E6. Get on it."


There is indeed a bag hanging from the hook, a rather girlish one with some kind of white mascot rabbit. Opening the bag, it contains the typical things expected of a school bag. Lunchbox, thermos, gym clothes... but it seems to have some static building up as Miki gets shocked!

Ookalf wrote:Hm? *Ookalf stands up straight and holds his hands over his head.* Hey, hang on. I'm not here to hurt anyone... I'm just looking around, trying to figure out where I am.

"You're in Renard territory. Go back now. Keep going past that pond and you'll find a dirt road." the voice says sternly, that creaking noise coming to an ominous halt.
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Kumi-chan » Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:02 am

Interesting... *Kumi says, studying the runes.* Technology. It appears that it is highly advance. Must have been apart of a greater structure. Simpler creatures would mistake this for magic. *She speaks to no one really but is more of making mental notes for herself.* Perhaps this leads to the other dimension I seek. hmmm... *her eyes scan downward sensing the power beneath the snow.* Guess I'll have to examine that more closely.
*She steps towards the center of the runes, her whole body taking on the green gem like state of her eyes. She motions out, forming a quick dimensional bubble, outward from her to remove the snow and anything blocking her sight of the material beneath her.*
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Kether » Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:04 am

Blaze wrote:
Kether wrote:"I'm more passing through than that, But could you tell me what start or territory we're in?"

The crowd seems disheartened when the machine man says that he doesn't plan on sticking around.

"B-But... the rest of their gang will want retribution! Can you at least stay to drive them off?" the elder pleads.


"Meh"he walks over and picks up one of the gang members and starts shaking the hell out of him "Wake up"
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Re: Dimensional Labyrinth

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:11 am

Jenah shook her head as her eyes skimmed over the words on the page. She couldn't recall reading the original book herself, but she had a vague idea of the story, and she knew that the girl in it was not supposed to be called Jenah. Slamming the book shut in frustration, she glared at the door.

"Well I don't have much choice, do I? There's no other way out... ugh... ", she complained, tucking the book under one arm before reaching out with her other hand to twist the door knob, and pushed the little door open. Cautiously, she stepped through it, the way the dress swished with her movements completely unfamiliar to her, and more than a little unsettling.
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