Stage Select Bar and Grill

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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:51 pm

Blaze wrote:"BURNING JUSTICE~!"

Alex gives Rock a resolute nod and turns to Roll.

"I'm ready~!"

"Then go ahead and show the way to the teleporter. You can't do much else of good here. Thank the heavens." Roll sighs.
Rock holds up his arm cannon in a pose. "Speaking of which, it's time I served up some justice... with a side of freedom fries!" With that, Rock runs out the door and starts shooting up the scenery.

Ookalf wrote:Keep an eye out for the good robots, make sure they stay safe. Got it. *Ookalf nods.* So... You gonna show me to the teleporter, or do I make my own way there?

Roll points towards the back of the grill. "Just head back there, you can't really miss it. Alex has already used it, so she should help you find your way."

Harri-chan wrote:"I don't get it. If you think this Doctor is behind the robot army that's blasting everyone.... and he's also behind you and your sister down there... how come you two aren't trying to kill me?", he asked, accidentally flicking a switch on the counter top as he was wiping away the dust.

The robot looks down at her feet. "Because I don't like hurting people... Dr. Wily may have made armies, and made robots to hurt other robots... but we never hurt people. It's against the three laws of robotics." She looks up and gasps at the accidental switch flipping... as a large screen comes to staticy life! There is some garbled radio chatter coming through, and Alex can just barely make it out.
"Success... gas... color immune... invasion..."

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:(( EEEEK! I've been falling really behind on my posting... sorry... ^_^;; ))

Amaranthine listens attentively to the explanation, although Vera looks somewhat bored with the whole affair. Still, once they seem ready to head to the teleporter, she perks up, apparently eager to bash some robots!

They find the teleporter in the back, since it's the really obvious, humming piece of equipment. The freezer hums, and is right next to it, but it's nowhere near as glowy.

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:Some tech soon arrive to give Maxwell proper treatment and her debriefing! Perhaps she'll return later!

In the meantime, the CTC forces remain on the lookout for any signs of robot activity. As people begin to report in sightings of the little green soldiers, contingents of CTC troops deploy to try and stop the robots before they do any more damage. At least they're fielding tougher forces than last time -- instead of just a couple of HMMWVs and troops with small arms, they field mecha and powered armor carrying heavier weapons to try and stop the green soldier robots.

The ground forces seem to be able to contain things for now, but they still have yet to confirm where the enemy forces are originating. The green soldiers appear to be using hit and run tactics, and they encounter more of the changed civilians than they do the soldiers. Due to the show of force, however, they manage to fare decently well against the green soldiers. Rather than confront the heavy machinery and ordnance, they instead run and regroup elsewhere.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Blaze » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:07 pm

Alex nodnods and hops out of her stool and runs back to the teleporter, stepping inside and pushing the button.

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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:44 pm

muffinstud wrote:They find the teleporter in the back, since it's the really obvious, humming piece of equipment. The freezer hums, and is right next to it, but it's nowhere near as glowy.

Amaranthine and Vera head to the back! Seeing Alex use the teleporter, they nod to each other, and follow suit!

muffinstud wrote:The ground forces seem to be able to contain things for now, but they still have yet to confirm where the enemy forces are originating. The green soldiers appear to be using hit and run tactics, and they encounter more of the changed civilians than they do the soldiers. Due to the show of force, however, they manage to fare decently well against the green soldiers. Rather than confront the heavy machinery and ordnance, they instead run and regroup elsewhere.

The CTC troops do their best to try and defend the citizens of Muffinville from the raids, although they can't do much to stop the hit-and-run attacks for now. The changed civilizans are taken to medical centers for examination and any treatment that can be provided, while the military units do their best to reorganize themselves more into rapid strike forces that can respond quickly to the robot raids from their own deployment areas.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:44 pm

muffinstud wrote:Roll points towards the back of the grill. "Just head back there, you can't really miss it. Alex has already used it, so she should help you find your way."

Thanks. Be back as soon as I can! *Ookalf heads into the back and, once everyone's gone through the teleporter, uses it himself.*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:09 pm

Elliot leaned closer to the screen as the voice came through it... and then he looked over at the robot girl in confusion.

"Does that... mean anything to you? Invasion? That must be what's going on outside... but what's a success? The invasion or the defence?".
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:14 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot leaned closer to the screen as the voice came through it... and then he looked over at the robot girl in confusion.

"Does that... mean anything to you? Invasion? That must be what's going on outside... but what's a success? The invasion or the defence?".

Shadow-Tan shrugs. "It sounded like the gas was a success. But what was that about color-immune? I thought everything had color, right?"

The National, CTC wrote:The CTC troops do their best to try and defend the citizens of Muffinville from the raids, although they can't do much to stop the hit-and-run attacks for now. The changed civilizans are taken to medical centers for examination and any treatment that can be provided, while the military units do their best to reorganize themselves more into rapid strike forces that can respond quickly to the robot raids from their own deployment areas.

The ground forces seem to be okay with rounding up civilians and general containment, but the mobilization efforts still have yet to pinpoint where the green army's bases of operations are. As for the people taken into the medical centers, they all seem healthy. They just... are B characters from video games, anime, and other pop culture media. There is no trace of color tampering on them. In fact, they seem to have... the antithesis of color radiating off of them.

Everyone that jumped into the teleporter wrote:You jumped into a teleporter.

As everyone jumps in, the jukebox in the bar activates again, this time picking some peppy techno.
Once activated, the teleporter gives a few options for the destinations of those inside!
The choices are:

Flying Aircraft Carrier
Metal Smelting Facility
Rock Candy Mines
Water Purification Facility
Mountaintop Observatory
Cold Storage Facility
Power Plant
Munitions Depot
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Blaze » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:28 pm

Alex staaaaaaares at the list... and boops the 'Rock Candy Mine' option!
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:10 pm

muffinstud wrote:As everyone jumps in, the jukebox in the bar activates again, this time picking some peppy techno.
Once activated, the teleporter gives a few options for the destinations of those inside!
The choices are:

Flying Aircraft Carrier
Metal Smelting Facility
Rock Candy Mines
Water Purification Facility
Mountaintop Observatory
Cold Storage Facility
Power Plant
Munitions Depot

Hm... I'll go here, then! *Ookalf presses the button for the Power Plant.*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:11 am

muffinstud wrote:The ground forces seem to be okay with rounding up civilians and general containment, but the mobilization efforts still have yet to pinpoint where the green army's bases of operations are. As for the people taken into the medical centers, they all seem healthy. They just... are B characters from video games, anime, and other pop culture media. There is no trace of color tampering on them. In fact, they seem to have... the antithesis of color radiating off of them.

Kept informed by Amaranthine, the CTC are aware that the green army's bases are currently unknown and thus untargetable, so their strategies currently revolve around reacting to their assaults.

The unusual effect on color energies is noted in the examination of the victims, however, and generates a lot of interest amongst the CTC scientists. They've invested a lot of research into the color energy fields that permeate this world, and an effect that could counteract some of those fields has a lot of potential. The CTC techs begin doing more intensive scans of the affected, trying to determine more details about the nature of their anti-color effect.

Meanwhile, Amaranthine and Vera peer at the options for a moment. "There seem to be several strategically vital locations..." Amaranthine comments, before Vera just goes and hits the button for the Munitions Depot.

"... Why did you pick that option?" the robot asks.

"I figure the odds of falling out of a bottomless pit in the Flying Carrier or drowning in the Water Purification Plant was pretty high... the Munitions Depot should be safe for the two of us, though." The silver-haired woman shrugs.

"I see..."
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:08 pm

Elliot shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know about that... I leave all that Muffin science stuff to the smart people", he said with a slightly disappointed expression, flicking the switch off again.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby muffinstud » Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:28 pm

Harri-chan wrote:Elliot shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know about that... I leave all that Muffin science stuff to the smart people", he said with a slightly disappointed expression, flicking the switch off again.

The robot girl looks concerned. "Well, should we tell someone about this? It could be important." She looks to the musty lab. "More important than dusting, at least."

Jello Shot Mischa wrote:Kept informed by Amaranthine, the CTC are aware that the green army's bases are currently unknown and thus untargetable, so their strategies currently revolve around reacting to their assaults.

The unusual effect on color energies is noted in the examination of the victims, however, and generates a lot of interest amongst the CTC scientists. They've invested a lot of research into the color energy fields that permeate this world, and an effect that could counteract some of those fields has a lot of potential. The CTC techs begin doing more intensive scans of the affected, trying to determine more details about the nature of their anti-color effect.

Scanning proves fruitless, since the energy simply reads as something that should be color energy, but isn't. Passively studying the victims seems to be a dead end.

Munitions Depot
Rockin' metal pumps through the PA system of the Munitions Depot.

Amaranthine and Vera find themselves in an underground facility stocked with neat and orderly piles of heavy ordnance, small arms, and other weaponry. They are currently in what seems to be a large warehouse, with obvious exits to the North and West. Dennis is out to lunch. Multiple conveyor belts and machinery move the heavier shells off the racks, back on, and through the two doorways. There appear to be a few of the little green soldiers working the machinery, but they haven't noticed the two yet.

Power Plant
The Power Plant thumps and bumps to the funky beat of its own machinery.

Ookalf finds himself in a janitor's closet, humming and buzzing with the energy from the plant surrounding it. There is one obvious exit, but there seem to be a lot of noises on the other side of the door... some of it sounds like mechanical speech. "...The boss wants more juice? Is he nuts? We're running at full capacity already!" "Well, are you going to tell him no?" "...No. Crap. Come on, let's try to find a little more we can squeeze out of this thing."

Rock Candy Mines
Surrounded by darkness and bedrock, it's easy to feel adventurous, yet paranoid.

Alex finds herself standing next to a minecart with a flourescent lamp on the front... the only source of light she can see. Everything else is darkness, rock, and the soft dirt beneath her feet. She hears soft echoes from dripping water in the distance, but who knows how far away that is.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Blaze » Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:42 pm

Alex ooohhhhs as she looks around the caverns, clapping her hands with delight when she spots the mine cart! Hopping down on the track, she gives it a push to get going before vaulting into it!

"Let's goo~!"
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Ookalf » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:23 pm

Power Plant
The Power Plant thumps and bumps to the funky beat of its own machinery.

Ookalf finds himself in a janitor's closet, humming and buzzing with the energy from the plant surrounding it. There is one obvious exit, but there seem to be a lot of noises on the other side of the door... some of it sounds like mechanical speech. "...The boss wants more juice? Is he nuts? We're running at full capacity already!" "Well, are you going to tell him no?" "...No. Crap. Come on, let's try to find a little more we can squeeze out of this thing."

A closet...? *Ookalf mutters to himself as he cracks open the door to look around.*
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Jello Shot Mischa » Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:39 am

muffinstud wrote:Scanning proves fruitless, since the energy simply reads as something that should be color energy, but isn't. Passively studying the victims seems to be a dead end.

Science isn't so easily deterred! The fact that the new form of energy appears similar to color energy but isn't piques the curiosity of several CTC scientists, and they begin tackling the issue from a more theoretical direction. One study group begins examining what metaphysical constants would need to be adapted to produce individuals consistent with a video game setting, while others begin searching for possible vectors. Certainly this latter direction seems the bear greater fruit, and the CTC begins assembling special assault teams with the intention of trying to capture some of the robot army's equipment in their next attack.

muffinstud wrote:Munitions Depot
Rockin' metal pumps through the PA system of the Munitions Depot.

Amaranthine and Vera find themselves in an underground facility stocked with neat and orderly piles of heavy ordnance, small arms, and other weaponry. They are currently in what seems to be a large warehouse, with obvious exits to the North and West. Dennis is out to lunch. Multiple conveyor belts and machinery move the heavier shells off the racks, back on, and through the two doorways. There appear to be a few of the little green soldiers working the machinery, but they haven't noticed the two yet.

Amaranthine and Vera pause a moment to take in their surroundings as they arrive, and quickly move behind a stack of nearby crates in order to reduce the chances of being seen by the little green soldiers.

"Hmmm... they've got an interesting taste in music, although I'm not sure why they'd play it over their PA system," Vera comments.

"Morale, perhaps? In any case, it should offer a certain degree of cover for us."

Vera hmms, and cracks her knuckles. "It does make me want to bash a few heads, though."

"We have no idea as to the total troop complement in this area. It may prove troublesome to raise the alarm too early."

"Yeah, yeah, I know... I bet you're wishing that you had a T-series here instead. They're better at this whole Solid Snake business." Vera pauses to glances at the robot. "Have you tried getting a signal out yet? If Command knew our position they could clear this place out a lot more easily."

"Given that this location has been concealed from scans, I'm hypothesizing that there is some significant jamming field over this area. It will be our primary target to remove."

Vera nods. "All right, then. Which way?"

Amaranthine pauses a moment, assembling a three-dimensional map of the room in his memory from his preliminary scans. "I project moving westward will give us the greatest cover and minimize detection. We will move towards that exit."

"All right... I guess I'm on point." Moving as quietly as she can, Vera cautiously moves between the shelves and crates as they head westward, with Amaranthine following a short distance behind.
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Re: Stage Select Bar and Grill

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:13 am

Elliot thought about her suggestion for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea...", he said, giving his shoulders a slight shrug. Setting down the cleaning cloth, he made his way back down the stairs into the bar area.

"Hey... Roll? There's some weird transmission coming through a radio up here... ".
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